Releases: Breeding-Insight/bi-web
Releases · Breeding-Insight/bi-web
- [BI-2304] - Support Duplicate Germplasm in Lists Referencing Existing Germplasm @mlm483 (#399) (#406)
- [BI-2295] - Allow Experimental Collaborators To View Collaborators @HMS17 (#397)
- [BI-2259] - Disable Sub-entity Dataset option in Manage experiments menu @davedrp (#390)
- [BI-2255] - Experimental Collaborator Micronaut Changes @davedrp (#402)
- [BI-2226] - Experiment and Observations Template: Remove 2 sub-obs columns @dmeidlin (#395)
- [BI-2154] - Adjust Read Only permissions @davedrp (#392)
- [BI-2152] - Experimental Collaborator Front-end Permissions @davedrp (#396)
- [BI-2121] - Workflows UI Select Box @nickpalladino (#378)
- [BI-2106] - Accessibility: Web Version @davedrp (#385)
- [BI-2105] - Accessibility: Header and Navigation @davedrp (#380)
- [BI-2103] - Accessibility: Links on Index and Not Authorized Pages @davedrp (#381)
- [BI-2102] - Accessibility: Make Color Contrast Meet AA Standard @davedrp (#384)
- [BI-2044] - Can't archive an observation variable that is in use @nickpalladino (#391)
- [BI-2005] - Expand Exp Template @nickpalladino (#355)
- [BI-1693] - Add Collaborator To And Remove From Experiment (UI) @dmeidlin (#393)
- [BI-1692] - Change role names @HMS17 (#388)
- [BI-2355] - Non-informative error message: regression @HMS17 (#412)
- [BI-2334] - Wonky Colors - Exp preview @dmeidlin (#407)
- [BI-2328] - Experimental observation file import removes periods from column headers @davedrp (#411)
- [BI-2302] - Fix wonky colors @HMS17 (#398)
- [BI-2167] - Lat and long values are getting swapped in the exp download file @nickpalladino (#386)
- [BI-2126] - Env year missing from dataset view @davedrp (#389)
- [BI-2123] - Jobs table sizing is wonky & hiding the "details" option @dmeidlin (#405)
- [BI-1975] - "Unknown" Breeding Method not recognized @nickpalladino (#387)
- [BI-1933] - Erroneous message: No germplasm are currently defined for this program @mlm483 (#404) (#408)
- [BI-2108] - Accessibility: Import Data - Empty Heading @davedrp (#377)
- [BI-2008] - Preview summary stats refinement @dmeidlin (#359)
- [BI-1969] - Geologic sort: Germplasm, Experiments, and Sample Submission @davedrp (#374)
- [BI-1868] - Ontology: Display full name in table and details pane @HMS17 (#358)
- [BI-1963] - Hide Data Mapping Tab @nickpalladino (#344)
- [BI-1958] - Hide images and attributes from germplasm details @nickpalladino (#345)
- [BI-1922] - Add ability to download all germplasm in a program @davedrp (#350)
- [BI-1921] - Support Field Book Study Import from DeltaBreed @timparsons (#346)
- [BI-1915] - Export Ontology File @davedrp (#349)
- [BI-1914] - Improve exp dataset sort @davedrp (#339)
- [BI-1910] - Allow Breeder to Upload a Genotype Sample File @timparsons (#343)
- [BI-1867] - Ontology: Increase name length to 16 characters @HMS17 (#354)
- [BI-1847] - Experiment import template formatting improvements @mlm483 (#333)
- [BI-1265] - 4 Overwrite entity dataset @nickpalladino (#351)
- [BI-2017] - Change Germplasm Upload to unify with sample submission @davedrp (#372)
- [BI-1680] - Somaclone Breeding Method @mlm483 (#373)
- [BI-2060] - Conditionally render the genotypic data import tab when running in production @dmeidlin (#362)
- [BI-2059] - Field Book not displaying nominal categories from DeltaBreed (BrAPI pull) @nickpalladino (#371)
- [BI-2054] - Show proceed dialog on overwrite regardless of reason text presence @nickpalladino (#363)
- [BI-2042] - Jobs loading banner and loading wheel on button not displayed when overwriting experiment data @nickpalladino (#363)
- [BI-2029] - Experiment Preview and Visual Progress Indicators Broken in v0.9 @davedrp (#357)
- [BI-1935] - Error remains displayed @nickpalladino (#347)
- [BI-1926] - Environment count incorrect @davedrp (#337)
- [BI-1912] - Wonky spacing on exp dataset summary @nickpalladino (#353)
- [BI-1852] - Duplicate breeding method can be created @davedrp (#334)
- [BI-1761] - Error message with the backend code. @dmeidlin (#352)
Detailed Release Information
- [BI-1900] - Exp error message improvement: unrecognized column header @davedrp (#328)
- [BI-1872] - Generate Access Token for using BrAPI with DeltaBreed @timparsons (#327)
- [BI-1845] - Update any calls to fetch gemplasm lists via GET /lists to explicitly pass the list type as germplasm @mlm483 (#324)
- [BI-1817] - [bi-web] - BI-1645 - View exp: Obs dataset tab, details, and summary stats @davedrp (#321)
- [BI-1805] - Confusing message in breeding methods @mlm483 (#317, #336)
- [BI-1720] - Export Multiple Environment Datasets as Zip @mlm483 (#320)
- [BI-1647] - View Experiments: Observation Dataset Table @davedrp (#322)
- [BI-1618] - Import File Selection Behavior @davedrp (#319)
- [BI-1927] - entry numbers are not rendering 0.8.1 @mlm483 (#338, #342)
- [BI-1923] - Treatment factor missing from experimental ui @davedrp (#332)
- [BI-1918] - Experiment: No datasets exist @davedrp (#330)
- [BI-1911] - Environment Year Missing from Exp table @dmeidlin (#331) @davedrp (#341)
- [BI-1876] - Generic Error on Successful Upload of Large Germplasm File @nickpalladino (#329)
- [BI-1821] - Experiment import/download buttons wrong color @nickpalladino (#325)
- [BI-1799] - Show all button is not working when extensive amount of data needs to populate the table. @mlm483 (#323, #335)
Detailed Release Information
- [BI-1764] - DeltaBreed logo @timparsons (#312)
- [BI-1717] - [bi-web] - BI-1644 - View experiment: Details, Summary Stats, Actions @davedrp (#316)
- [BI-1707] - Update "Ontology Sharing" tab to "Configuration" @mlm483 (#308)
- [BI-1690] - Collapse Left Hand Menu @timparsons (#312)
- [BI-1653] - Update Experiment Preview to show observations @nickpalladino (#279)
- [BI-1651] - Allow programs to choose/create breeding methods @timparsons (#292)
- [BI-1650] - Store and fetch genotype data @timparsons (#282)
- [BI-1644] - View experiment: Details, Summary Stats, Actions @davedrp (#316)
- [BI-1629] - Add filtering to OntologyTable @dmeidlin (#304)
- [BI-1617] - Refactor Ontology table to use Buefy @dmeidlin (#304, #314)
- [BI-1616] - Add Filtering to Germplasm Lists Table @nickpalladino (#293)
- [BI-1615] - Add termType to Trait DB Table @HMS17 (#285)
- [BI-1614] - Add Term Type to Ontology Term display and form creation/modification @HMS17 (#284)
- [BI-1613] - Add Term Type to Ontology Term Import @HMS17 (#287)
- [BI-1606] - Allow germplasm records to be in multiple lists @dmeidlin (#298)
- [BI-1583] - Error Message 1: Missing Data Worksheet @davedrp (#307)
- [BI-1570] - Improve error reporting - Text to Table @HMS17 (#275)
- [BI-1569] - Update within program left hand menu @nickpalladino (#295)
- [BI-1548] - Experiments: User and Creation Date Refinement @nickpalladino (#296)
- [BI-1498] - Add Subscribed Program name to subscribe ontology success message @nickpalladino (#297)
- [BI-1477] - Improve All Experiments Table @HMS17 (#283, #299)
- [BI-1473] - Allow user to append existing germplasm with optional details @HMS17 (#265)
- [BI-1465] - 6.1 Observation Dataset Export File @dmeidlin (#318)
- [BI-1238] - 6.0 Download Experimental Data UI @mlm483 (#309, #315)
- [BI-1198] - 5.0 All Experiments Table @HMS17 (#254)
- [BI-1195] - 4.3 Exp Preview: Append Experiment with Observations @timparsons (#302)
- [BI-1194] - 4.2 Upload with timestamps @HMS17 (#281)
- [BI-1183] - 3.1 Import Validations: Ontology-specific observation criteria @nickpalladino (#272)
- [BI-1147] - 2.0 Experimental Data Preview Universal Elements @dmeidlin (#273)
- [BI-1129] - View Germplasm List @dmeidlin (#276, #294)
- [BI-1779] - Import germplasm with unspecified breeding method @timparsons (#313)
- [BI-1741] - Genotype Import @timparsons (#305)
- [BI-1721] - Show All - Breeding Methods table @timparsons (#303)
- [BI-1620] - Program Selection page doesn't show all programs if more than 50 exist @davedrp (#301)
Detailed Release Information
- [BI-1528] - New Breeding Method - Creation of tetraploids by applied pressure shock @HMS17 (#250)
- [BI-1527] - New Breeding Method - Creation of triploids by applied pressure or temperature shock @HMS17 (#250)
- [BI-1499] - Improve Presentation of Buttons @HMS17 (#245)
- [BI-1494] - Improve pedigree view display @HMS17 (#256)
- [BI-1494] - Improve pedigree view display @ctucker3 (#248)
- [BI-1494] - Improve pedigree view display @timparsons (#238)
- [BI-1491] - New Breeding Method - Polyembryonic seed selection @HMS17 (#250)
- [BI-1478] - Add Pedigree to All Germplasm Table @HMS17 (#271)
- [BI-1414] - Improve table loading message @HMS17 (#205)
- [BI-1283] - Improve Left Hand Menu @HMS17 (#207)
- [BI-1230] - Truly unknown germplasm @HMS17 (#260)
- [BI-1224] - 4.1.1 Show list creator in Germplasm lists table @HMS17 (#244)
- [BI-1202] - 5.2 Sort Germplasm in All Germplasm table @ctucker3 (#197)
- [BI-1199] - 4.2 Choose file format for germplasm export @HMS17 (#243)
- [BI-1191] - 5.3 Filter Germplasm on All Germplasm Table @ctucker3 (#242)
- [BI-1189] - 4.0 Exp Preview & Commit: Create Exp Independent Variables @davedrp (#255)
- [BI-1189] - 4.0 Exp Preview & Commit: Create Exp Independent Variables @davedrp (#252)
- [BI-1146] - 3.0 Upload & Validate Independent Variables for New Experiment @davedrp (#249)
- [BI-1146] - 3.0 Upload & Validate Independent Variables for New Experiment @davedrp (#224)
- [BI-1145] - 1.0 Experimental File Template @ctucker3 (#172)
- [BI-1634] - Germplasm filtering and sorting fails for pages beyond the first @davedrp (#277)
- [BI-1589] - All Germplasm table pagination doesn't work with page-1 or show-all @HMS17 (#270)
- [BI-1585] - TAF - Set proper id for "Choose ontology to subscribe to:" drop-down @timparsons (#263)
- [BI-1579] - Breedbase progeny endpoint not BrAPI-compliant @HMS17 (#260)
- [BI-1557] - Sorting Failures in Germplasm Table @dmeidlin (#264)
- [BI-1553] - Pedigree View on Firefox @timparsons (#262)
- [BI-1506] - "Created Date" field in the All Germplasm table has the wrong date format. @HMS17 (#261)
- [BI-1506] - "Created Date" field in the All Germplasm table has the wrong date format. @HMS17 (#257)
- [BI-1402] - Ontology show more: categories section is indented @HMS17 (#231)
- [BI-1401] - “Show All” for programs pagination doesn’t work if user is on the last page of pagination @HMS17 (#234)
- [BI-1398] - Ontology preview: Checking trait editability status @HMS17 (#229)
About the release
v0.6 is the latest release in preparation for the Breeding Insight v1.0 public release. This release continues the development of genealogy management and ontologies, and introduces the new jobs module. This release reflects a smaller work effort than the previous release. Moving forward Breeding Insight plans to continue smaller more frequent software releases.
New features
Germplasm Details
- Hyperlinks to germplasm details from across user interface
- Summary of germplasm details
- Pedigree view: explore pedigree relationships with an interactive interface.
- Ability to share an ontology across programs
- Monitor data upload status asynchronously via the new jobs module.
Detailed Release Information
- [BI-1459] - Create job status page to view running and completed background jobs @timparsons (#232)
- [BI-1427] - Remove unused Traits Vue Components @HMS17 (#226)
- [BI-1420] - Allow Germplasm to Have Synonyms @ctucker3 (#220)
- [BI-1375] - Make GIDs clickable links @HMS17 (#218)
- [BI-1366] - Subscribe a program to a shared ontology @ctucker3 (#216)
- [BI-1364] - View a shared ontology that a program is subscribed to @dmeidlin (#219)
- [BI-1363] - Share a program's ontology with other programs @ctucker3 (#214)
- [BI-1347] - Germplasm pedigree view @timparsons (#238)
- [BI-1339] - Germplasm Details Page @HMS17 (#217)
- [BI-1445] - Trait Column value not the same as entered in the the Term creation @HMS17 (#240)
- [BI-1442] - Previous Import Error Banner Does Not Vanish on New Germplasm Import @HMS17 (#228)
- [BI-1441] - Loading Icon Remains on Save Button For Edit Forms @HMS17 (#233)
- [BI-1438] - User redirect after login with redirect user to non-existent page @ctucker3 (#236)
- [BI-1433] - Ontology Import Template Ordinal Example Incorrect Delimeter @ctucker3 (#223)
- [BI-1404] - No loading wheel ontology page @nickpalladino (#206)
- [BI-982] - Backend: Ontology BrAPI Mapping for Trait @dmeidlin (#106)
- [BI-994] - Ontology UI - Review Existing Terms @HMS17 (#124)
- [BI-995] - Ontology UI - Add New Term @dmeidlin, @nickpalladino (#122, #149)
- [BI-1044] - 1.0 Germplasm Import Template @HMS17 (#135)
- [BI-1055] - 3.0 Save Uploaded Germplasm @ctucker3 (#158)
- [BI-1056] - 5.0 All Germplasm Table @ctucker3 (#165)
- [BI-1074] - 1.4 Germplasm Import - Validate Breeding Methods @davedrp (#167)
- [BI-1157] - 1.1 Allow for mapping templates to not be associated to a program @ctucker3 (#138)
- [BI-1219] - Change DBID to GID in the UI @ctucker3 (#166)
- [BI-1031] - Create Tabbed Interface for Reviewing Ontology Terms @dmeidlin (#127)
- [BI-1059] - Name vs Full Name @HMS17 (#130)
- [BI-1060] - Ontology batch import - error message database duplicate @davedrp (#140)
- [BI-1061] - Ontology batch import - preview @HMS17 (#125)
- [BI-1085] - 4.0 Save germplasm list @ctucker3 (#164)
- [BI-1086] - 4.1 Germplasm lists table @HMS17 (#169)
- [BI-1088] - 4.3 Germplasm List Export File @HMS17 (#178)
- [BI-1089] - Import: Left Hand Menu @nickpalladino (#118)
- [BI-1127] - Ontology UI Form: ordinal & nominal @dmeidlin (#137)
- [BI-1148] - 2.1 Preview Table @ctucker3 (#148)
- [BI-1156] - Beta label - BrAPI Importer @nickpalladino (#143)
- [BI-1167] - 1.2 Germplasm Import - Validate Required Fields @nickpalladino (#175)
- [BI-1201] - Add 'Program Key' field to Program Create @HMS17 (#147)
- [BI-369] - INF-167 - Handle state for "Page does not exist" @HMS17 (#145)
- [BI-760] - Notification handling improvements @davedrp (#134)
- [BI-1149] - 2.3 Germplasm Import Preview Dups @ctucker3 (#173)
- [BI-503] - ONT-85 - Add a loading indicator for Confirm Traits @HMS17 (#144)
- [BI-1158] - Reconcile Ontology Import Template @davedrp (#152)
- [BI-1253] - ISSUE - Ordinal scale class label and value are swapped on UI - details view @HMS17 (#171)
- [BI-1258] - ISSUE - Ordinal and Nominal scale classes labels and values are not displayed post import on edit form @davedrp (#174)
- [BI-1036] - Sorting on table using Buefy table only sorts on current page @ctucker3 (#114)
- [BI-1288] - ISSUE: Trait column on Ontology List page should be concatenation of trait entity + attribute @dmeidlin (#181)
- [BI-1289] - Improve ontology term snapshot @dmeidlin (#179)
- [BI-1291] - Import Germplasm Preview Columns Incorrect @nickpalladino (#204)
- [BI-1356] - ISSUE: New/Edit Term - Switching between scale classes, specifically ordinal and nominal, not working properly @HMS17 (#194)
- [BI-1397] - Unrecognized Breeding Methods @ctucker3 (#202)
- [BI-1416] - Clicking "Ontology" under "Import File" navigates you to the Ontology List page @ctucker3 (#199)
- [BI-1425] - Bad Scaling: Welcome BI Admin @timparsons (#198)
- [BI-1106] - ISSUE - on observation page, program name changes to "Program Name" @ctucker3 (#186)
- [BI-1115] - ISSUE: Program User table - Error while trying to load program users @nickpalladino (#128)
- [BI-1132] - Keep the Left Nav Menu from overlapping with the header while in public sanbox mode @dmeidlin (#129)
- [BI-1143] - ISSUE - Method Class column in Ontology Import file allows any value on import @nickpalladino (#131)
- [BI-1171] - ISSUE - Observation Pagination not working for programs using BB @nickpalladino (#156)
- [BI-1172] - ISSUE - Season column on Observation page (Program using BB) displayed wrong @HMS17 (#159)
- [BI-1173] - ISSUE - Selecting Trials to see Studies fails (program using BB) @nickpalladino (#163)
- [BI-1256] - ISSUE - After confirming Ontology Import, brought to traits/list page @ctucker3 (#180)
- [BI-1282] - Ontology Import Success Banner Not Displaying @HMS17 (#168)
- [BI-1290] - All Germplasm Table Parental GIDs @nickpalladino (#177)
- [BI-1336] - ISSUE: Program Table - Species column not sortable @ctucker3 (#185)
- [BI-1338] - ISSUE: Germplasm Import Template README still references DBID instead of GID @HMS17 (#190)
- [BI-1369] - ISSUE: Program Users Table - Role column not sortable @dmeidlin (#196)
- [BI-1370] - ISSUE: Ontology List Table - Trait column not sortable @ctucker3 (#189)
- [BI-1372] - ISSUE: Confirm Ontology Term Table - Trait column not sortable @ctucker3 (#193)
- [BI-1373] - ISSUE: Banners missing when importing Ontology from import/ontology page @ctucker3 (#188)
- [BI-1386] - BrAPI Phenotypic Importer fails silently @ctucker3 (#191)
- [BI-640] - ISSUE - A system administrator receives a fail to change role msg along w/a success when no other fields changed @HMS17 (#108)
- [BI-711] - ISSUE A11Y: (Narrator) No skip navigation option @HMS17 (#121)
- [BI-1399] - Germplasm Lists table limited to 10 entries when connected to breedbase @ctucker3 (#201)
- [BI-1411] - Ontology: Switching to Numerical class during edit populates units with “Numerical” @nickpalladino (#209)
- [BI-768] - Prototype for brapi importer @ctucker3 (#85)
- BI-690 - Edit existing trait which has observation data @nickpalladino (#79)
- [BI-741] - Adding BrAPI Info Page @timparsons (#87)
- [BI-748] - Make import process asynchronous @ctucker3 (#89)
- [BI-846] - Hiding create/edit buttons for traits for member role @timparsons (#92)
- [BI-972] - Testing Automation Framework (TAF) Button ID selectors @HMS17 (#97)
- BI-750 Create an interface to list all studies that exist for a program @dmeidlin (#94)
- BI-751 Create an interface to view an individual study and any observation data that’s been collected @dmeidlin (#96)
- [BI-1025] - Id added for imported file name @HMS17 (#102)
- [BI-895] - Convert the program user's table to use Buefy data tables @timparsons (#100)
- [BI-1014] - Banner Class Modifications @HMS17 (#101)
- [BI-998] - Add tags to traits @ctucker3 (#99)
- [BI-1030] - Added classes for modal text and headers @HMS17 (#103)
- [BI-1073] - Add better nominal examples @ctucker3 (#115)
- [BI-1047] - Convert expandable datatables to Buefy @HMS17 (#112)
- [BI-380] Update sidebar layout to stay in place and be independently scrollable from page scroll @nickpalladino (#111)
- [BI-986] - Change scale valid value min/max text @ctucker3 (#98)
- [BI-1039] Switch label and value in scale categories @ctucker3 (#104)
- [BI-1087] "Show All" link on tables not focusable via tabbing @HMS17 (#105)
- [BI-1079] Parse 400 errors for trait import errors @ctucker3 (#107)
- [BI-640] - Disable modification of user role for self @HMS17 (#108)
- [BI-975] - Prevent creating programs with same name @HMS17 (#109)
- [BI-1092] Refresh trait tags after an update @ctucker3 (#113)
- [BI-1036] Add backend sorting to program users table @ctucker3 (#114)
- [BI-1249] Tags - Saving after @davedrp (#155)
- [BI-1254] git trait tags and synonyms default values @davedrp (#160)
- Fix/BI-794 ISSUE: New/Edit Trait - ordinal scale name for new traits persists in db after changing scale name to nominal @dmeidlin (#86)
- [BI-769] assign nominal and ordinal data types when setting new trait scale @dmeidlin (#84)
- [BI-774] fix placeholder text for new trait form method description @dmeidlin (#82)
- Bump axios from 0.18.1 to 0.21.1 @dependabot (#65)
- BI-658 Remodel index/front page @eawoods (#57)
- Adding release workflow to generate a new docker image for the latest tag
- [BI-563, BI-567] Archive Individual Trait @dmeidlin (#70)
- BI-674 - Program Definable BrAPI Service URL @nickpalladino (#75)
- [BI-677] - Connect PUT traits to back end @ctucker3 (#72)
- [BI-86] - Edit trait form @ctucker3 (#66)
- [BI-685] - Map backend trait validation errors to front end @ctucker3 (#63)
- [BI-684, BI-682] - Calendar scale and Computation method class @ctucker3 (#62)
- [BI-683, BI-678, BI-670] - Numerical, Text, Duration scale forms @ctucker3 (#61)
- [BI-671,BI-679] - Create new trait - Scale class 'ordinal scale' and Scale class 'nominal class' @ctucker3 (#60)
- [BI-85,BI-646] - Create new trait UI @ctucker3 (#58)
- [BI-686] update file template @ctucker3 (#59)
- [BI-935, BI-796, BI-797] New/Edit Trait - selecting Nominal scale class, cannot switch to ordinal @dmeidlin (#90)
- [BI-863] fix uneditable program @ctucker3 (#88)
- [BI-770, BI-771, BI-727, BI-726] - Fix deactivate link program and user mgmt. Fix Trait numeric validations and min max validation. @ctucker3 (#83)
- [BI-698, BI-776] Import Traits not available until refreshing page after adding self to program @dmeidlin (#76)
- [BI-699] Messages background fix @ctucker3 (#68)
- [BI-701] match even/odd striped row backgrounds when selected for edit @dmeidlin (#73)
- [BI-697] Orcid Icon missing @dmeidlin (#71)
- [BI-695] ISSUE: Multiple clicks on Save results in equally multiple entities created for Programs and Locations @timparsons (#69)
- [BI-680] Fixing invalid versionInfo URL for bi-web @timparsons (#67)
- [BI-626] Handle login error and logout user before starting login process @ctucker3 (#50)