Releases: apache/netbeans
Releases · apache/netbeans
Apache NetBeans 19-rc3
What's Changed
- Gradle Tooling API 8.3-rc-1 by @lkishalmi in #6254
- Revert "Use resolve() method that actually throws exception." by @mbien in #6228
- Enable 'Rerun failed tests' button for JUnit5 by @Atrament666 in #6217
- Avoid getting all types with an empty type name #6039 by @junichi11 in #6237
- Add blank lines for formatting options(Between Use Types) when use statements are inserted by "Fix Imports" #6238 by @junichi11 in #6242
Language Server Protocol
Full Changelog: 19-rc1...19-rc3
Apache NetBeans 19-rc1
What's Changed
- Configure regular "run" / JavaExec-style tasks for single-class execution. Retain runSingle for compatibility. by @sdedic in #6003
- upgrade to maven-indexer 7.0.1 and improve index downloads by @mbien in #4999
- Improving enable-preview Java fix by @jlahoda in #5802
- upgrade to apache lucene 9.6.0 and maven-indexer 7.0.2 + more by @mbien in #5931
- upgrade bundled maven to 3.9.2. by @mbien in #5936
- use SMO service for class name and SHA1 queries. by @mbien in #5984
- maven remote index filters by @mbien in #5922
- #5978: Maven/priming optimization by @sdedic in #5998
- Integrate upstream incremental index update optimizations and other improvements by @mbien in #6089
- Defensive guards against invalid code points in preferences. by @mbien in #6094
- Upgrade bundled maven to 3.9.3. by @mbien in #6117
- Fix wrong javac tree access for module information in modular maven project by @matthiasblaesing in #6154
- Fix unstable unittest org.netbeans.modules.maven.ModuleInfoSupportTest by @matthiasblaesing in #6168
- Fix NumberFormatException in maven dependency update hint. by @mbien in #6184
- Update Jakarta EE 10 archetype for a new project by @OndroMih in #6201
- Fix cycle in problem reporter with unreachable artifacts. by @sdedic in #6197
- #4447 - Fix missing code folding blocks in java editor for conditions, loops and try/catch by @Chris2011 in #4448
- VSCode: Various code completion enhancements. by @dbalek in #5963
- VSCode: Completion for annonymous inner classes improved. by @dbalek in #5981
- Enable Micronaut HyperlinkProviders - deadlocks fixed. by @dbalek in #5991
- Make sure the test roots are associated with the correct project(s) before attempting to run tests. by @jlahoda in #5722
- Adding a way to directly specify JTreg when no is known by @jlahoda in #5721
- JPDA Evaluator: Value, Description and Children should not be fetched on the EDT by @matthiasblaesing in #5877
- Adding an option to disable unused hint for package private elements, ignoring elements that possibly are looked up using MethodHandles.Lookup. by @jlahoda in #5173
- Attempting to avoid a crash when running a project/file when there's no DB connection. by @lahodaj in #6085
- Enable modules to depend on CPU architecture, Update OpenJFX and support Aarch64 for Linux and mac OS by @matthiasblaesing in #6028
- Reverting "Prefixing all code names of commands with 'nbls'.", as more time will be needed to discuss, validate the patch and adjust to it. by @lahodaj in #6114
- Update collection return encapsulation hint. by @mbien in #6090
- Provide Lambda expression option in Listener generation style by @kamilkrzywanski in #6150
- VisualDevelopmentUtil should close streams by @Alfusainey in #6172
- [NETBEANS-5719] Add option to disable tooltips for parameter completion. by @notzed in #5897
- Repair openjdk.project tests and add them to CI by @mbien in #6194
- Adding ability to run a single sub-test for tests under jtreg. by @jlahoda in #6067
- Make NP Dereference hint aware of Objects.requireNonNull(). by @mbien in #6195
- Support for transformation from jakartaee8 to jakartaee10 applications by @breakponchito in #5847
- Fix for BigStringCustomEditor not being able to save Strings backed by byte arrays by @SirIntellegence in #6157
- Add javadoc support for the 2nd jdk early release by @pepness in #6078
- PHP: Changed the way null is parsed similar to true and false. by @troizet in #6065
- Revert "Fix Imports" changes by @junichi11 in #6152
- Stabilize some unreliable tests for smoother CI operation by @mbien in #6151
- Fix
expression with casting #5933 by @junichi11 in #6092 - Add "Fix Imports" changes again by @junichi11 in #6161
- Update the PHP sample project for PHPUnit by @junichi11 in #6169
- Fix "Fix Imports" when the vardoc has nullable types by @junichi11 in #6170
- Fix incorrect AbstractClassInstantiationHintError #6119 by @junichi11 in #6171
- Fix "Fix Imports" issues again #5578 by @junichi11 in #6177
- Don't remove existing uses if they are the same as the created string for use statements by @junichi11 in #6179
- Fix the vendor name regex for Composer #6192 by @junichi11 in #6196
- Improve WildFly support for jakarta ee and java ee javadocs by @pepness in #5871
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.4 by @pepness in #5925
- Adding support for port offset when running WildFly by @ehsavoie in #5597
- NETBEANS-4035: CDI Bean as Named is not listed in xhtml for selection by @juneau001 in #5866
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.5 by @pepness in #6002
- Fix specification version going backwards in web.beans and jakarta.web.beans by @matthiasblaesing in #6001
- Refactoring: Simplify
by @asbachb in #5970 - Tomcat 11 increased min supported Java version to 21 by @pepness in #6064
- [NETBEANS-4927] Maven EAR project fails to deploy on an app server by @OndroMih in #4929
- Fix some compiler warnings and did some cleanups for module
by @asbachb in #6118 - Dbalek/micronaut class generator fixes by @dbalek in #6107
- Ability to navigate around Micronaut project by URI and beans. by @dbalek in #6123
- Filtering symbols by query prefix. by @dbalek in #6136
- Bugfix: Added ability to find
related jars for wildfly server instances by @asbachb in #6140 - Add support for Wildfly 28 by @asbachb in #6138
- Added support for JSF 4.0 namespaces by @asbachb in #6160
- Jakarta EE Entitiy and EJB support by @asbachb in #6129
- [JS] Fix ConcurrentModificationException scanning export class {} with multiple members by @matthiasblaesing in #5983
- [JS] Improve resolving this in ClassElements and in arrow functions by @matthiasblaesing in #5995
- [JS] Fix handling of class constructor in classes in anonymous functions by @matthiasblaesing in #5951
- add user-select css property by @pquiring in #5830
- A very minimal, but functional viewer for Markdown files. by @lkishalmi in #5891
- Markdown viewer links by @lkishalmi in #5898
- Fix multitabs underline at top tab rendering. by @mbien in #6073
UI Changes
- Enable sub-pixel anti-aliasing in splash screen progress text by @eirikbakke in #6016
- Switch FlatLaf JTabbedPane tab type to card. by @neilcsmith-net in #6070
- FlatLaf: fix location of drag-and-drop insert indicator lines by @DevCharly in #6142
- improve/fix painting of drag-and-drop insert indicator lines on HiDPI screens by @DevCharly in #6144
- Update rounding in terminal font metrics to address GH5980. by @neilcsmith-net in #6163
- Fix tab closing when trying to select partly clipped tab. by @neilcsmith-net in #6164
Apache NetBeans 18
What's Changed
- Fix spurious messages printed to the console. by @sdedic in #5538
- Avoid ConcurrentMod exception, tolerate broken project dependencies by @sdedic in #5660
- Fixed key escaping; fixed list/map property extraction. by @sdedic in #5535
- Upgraded Gradle Tooling to 8.1-rc-2 with JDK 20 Support by @lkishalmi in #5750
- Report empty set if project does not use buildscript; prevent NPE. by @sdedic in #5768
- Better handling for dependencies w/o versions by @sdedic in #5773
- Upgrade Gradle Tooling API to 8.1 GA by @lkishalmi in #5828
- Avoid NPE on null value in list/map/property. by @sdedic in #5868
- Fix kotlin source/target version. by @sdedic in #5899
- Fixed copypaste leftovers. by @sdedic in #5406
- UnsupportedOperationException in maven dependency graph "Exclude dependency" and "Fix Version Conflict" actions by @matthiasblaesing in #5431
- Maven EventSpy not compatible < JDK 1.8 by @graben in #5548
- fixes a NPE in TestOutputListenerProvider (maven output handler). by @mbien in #5645
- Improved maven indexer failure modes in low space situations by @mbien in #5655
- add maven indexer remote index download settings. by @mbien in #5646
- upgrade bundled maven to 3.9.1 by @mbien in #5679
- Remove dependencies on Autoupdate UI by @sdedic in #5711
- Maven indexing: Retain download index setting even if index setting is disabled by @matthiasblaesing in #5673
- [maven hints] try to infer compiler plugin version from active maven version. by @mbien in #5693
- make maven project properties window aware of the javac release option by @mbien in #5744
- Improve maven multithreaded execution detection. by @asbachb in #5482
- Force refresh of live subprojects when parent recovers from broken. by @sdedic in #5781
- basic auto completion for maven version properties. by @mbien in #5823
- disable compile-on-save by default in maven projects. by @mbien in #5826
- don't block in NBM wizard + skip snapshots + more. by @mbien in #5753
- support running tests from non default test folders by @Honza-cz in #4924
- add missing error code to enable-preview hint by @mbien in #5837
- Load bundled GraalJS, give priority to GraalVM if present. by @sdedic in #5842
- Fix running and debugging single integration test (GH4513) by @neilcsmith-net in #5911
- Fix unit test on single file being reported as integration test GH4587 by @neilcsmith-net in #5912
- fix wrong maven dependency versions in binariesembedded-list. by @mbien in #5939
- Fixed javadoc tags by @tbw777 in #5419
- Cleanup j2ee.persistence module by @pepness in #5444
- [NETBEANS-4123] Initial implementation of handling large strings by @SirIntellegence in #5299
- Adding system path into the classpath info when parsing custom conditions in a hint file. Avoid failures while constructing custom scopes. by @jlahoda in #5296
- platform dir: fixed some javadoc discrepancies by @tbw777 in #5222
- New rt and rf abbrevations for return true; and return false; by @japplis in #5512
- apidoc error/warning fix (#2) by @ebarboni in #5561
- Bulk added some missing ElementKind.RECORD enums. by @mbien in #5365
- Adding support for JDK 20 javac. by @jlahoda in #5550
- apidoc error/warning fix (#3) by @ebarboni in #5623
- Show missing system properties in Javadoc popup (GH5403) by @neilcsmith-net in #5669
- Fixes for Java module graph (GH4227) by @neilcsmith-net in #5668
- apidoc error/warning fix (#4) by @ebarboni in #5672
- Calculate JDK javadoc links dynamically. by @mbien in #4837
- [NETBEANS-5260] Binding patterns are valid even in absence of MatchException. by @jlahoda in #5682
- apidoc error/warning fix (#5) by @ebarboni in #5712
- apidoc error/warning fix (#6) by @ebarboni in #5734
- apidoc fixes by @ebarboni in #5741
- Make JDK URL calculation JDK 8 compatible by @matthiasblaesing in #5748
- apidoc master branch links fix by @ebarboni in #5755
should never return a folder by @jglick in #5739- Remove dependency of decl. hints on hints UI; UI plugs into hints SPI. by @sdedic in #5671
- Sort overload methods in the Navigator by @junichi11 in #5797
- Adding support for evaluating watches containing binding variables. by @jlahoda in #5763
- debugger.jpda: exclude AsynchStepTest to stabilize job by @mbien in #5832
- improved JDK detection startup tasks by @mbien in #5637
- Retain SOURCE annotations inside the internal model. by @jlahoda in #4882
- Do not attempt to remove unused binding variables for now. by @jlahoda in #5902
- [GH-5427] PHP: Fix for displaying property type in documentation if @… by @troizet in #5443
- PHP: Corrected a typo in the php parser tests by @troizet in #5476
- PHP: Changed the way to parse an array type by analogy with other types. by @troizet in #5475
- PHP Debugger - show NULL values by default by @KacerCZ in #5531
- Fixed detection of duplicate types by @KacerCZ in #5534
- Regenerate PHP signature files by @junichi11 in #5565
- Fix #5578 namespaces/use placement by @rossluk in #5579
- Fixed display of hints descriptions for php in the hints settings by @troizet in #5649
- Test PHP cluster on JDK 11 and fix tests where needed by @mbien in #5658
- PHP: Adding a new error hint, as suggested in #5078. by @troizet in #5648
- Fix incorrect unused coloring #5551 by @junichi11 in #5670
- Show intersection types in the PHP doc window #5426 by @junichi11 in #5678
- Add the formatting options for the null coalescing oprator (
) #5011 by @junichi11 in #5689 - Fix GotoDeclaration feature for
interface #5371 by @junichi11 in #5684 - Fix an array formatting in a match arm #5186 by @junichi11 in #5685
- Fix the code completion for instance context of Enum #5100 by @junichi11 in #5686
- [PHP] Multiple default namespace navigator fix, FixImports for the whole file by @rossluk in #5681
- PHP 8.1: Explicit octal integer literal notation #5026 by @junichi11 in #5695
- PHP: Fixed issue #5375 for intersection type by @troizet in #5700
- PHP: Fix the IntroduceSuggestion hint for Enum by @junichi11 in #5704
- Fix GotoDeclaration in Enum implementing interface by @junichi11 in #5706
- Fix an issue that whitespace cannot be added #5707 by @junichi11 in #5710
- Move each golden file to each test file directory by @junichi11 in #5713
- Fix find usages for Enums by @junichi11 in #5718
- Fix being shown incorrect documentation #4494 by @junichi11 in #5701
- Fix the highlighting for private constants of Enum by @junichi11 in #5720
- Prioritize "Before Class End" ...
Apache NetBeans 18-rc4
Apache NetBeans 18-rc3
What's Changed
- Load bundled GraalJS, give priority to GraalVM if present. by @sdedic in #5842
- Fix running and debugging single integration test (GH4513) by @neilcsmith-net in #5911
- Fix unit test on single file being reported as integration test GH4587 by @neilcsmith-net in #5912
Language Server Protocol
Full Changelog: 18-rc2...18-rc3
Apache NetBeans 18-rc2
What's Changed
- Fix for PHPUnit 10 #5790 by @junichi11 in #5853
- Fix the error when a single quote is escaped in the Latte template #5862 by @junichi11 in #5886
- Fix the problem that documentation for methods and properties is not shown #5881 by @junichi11 in #5885
UI Changes
- Make Options category buttons accent colour aware in FlatLaf. by @neilcsmith-net in #5867
Other Changes
- Fix HCL Lexer heredoc error on trailing space. by @lkishalmi in #5846
- Update metabuild GitBranchHash task to handle packed refs. by @neilcsmith-net in #5841
- Make SystemOpenAction dynamic in main menu by @neilcsmith-net in #5870
- HCL fix compound expression grammar by @lkishalmi in #5854
- Fix the Maven Compile on Save UI. by @neilcsmith-net in #5876
- HCL Lexer shall recognize * and / as operator by @lkishalmi in #5888
Full Changelog: 18-rc1...18-rc2
Apache NetBeans 18-rc1
What's Changed
- Fix spurious messages printed to the console. by @sdedic in #5538
- Avoid ConcurrentMod exception, tolerate broken project dependencies by @sdedic in #5660
- Fixed key escaping; fixed list/map property extraction. by @sdedic in #5535
- Upgraded Gradle Tooling to 8.1-rc-2 with JDK 20 Support by @lkishalmi in #5750
- Report empty set if project does not use buildscript; prevent NPE. by @sdedic in #5768
- Better handling for dependencies w/o versions by @sdedic in #5773
- Upgrade Gradle Tooling API to 8.1 GA by @lkishalmi in #5828
- Fixed copypaste leftovers. by @sdedic in #5406
- UnsupportedOperationException in maven dependency graph "Exclude dependency" and "Fix Version Conflict" actions by @matthiasblaesing in #5431
- Maven EventSpy not compatible < JDK 1.8 by @graben in #5548
- fixes a NPE in TestOutputListenerProvider (maven output handler). by @mbien in #5645
- Improved maven indexer failure modes in low space situations by @mbien in #5655
- add maven indexer remote index download settings. by @mbien in #5646
- upgrade bundled maven to 3.9.1 by @mbien in #5679
- Remove dependencies on Autoupdate UI by @sdedic in #5711
- Maven indexing: Retain download index setting even if index setting is disabled by @matthiasblaesing in #5673
- [maven hints] try to infer compiler plugin version from active maven version. by @mbien in #5693
- make maven project properties window aware of the javac release option by @mbien in #5744
- Improve maven multithreaded execution detection. by @asbachb in #5482
- Force refresh of live subprojects when parent recovers from broken. by @sdedic in #5781
- basic auto completion for maven version properties. by @mbien in #5823
- disable compile-on-save by default in maven projects. by @mbien in #5826
- don't block in NBM wizard + skip snapshots + more. by @mbien in #5753
- support running tests from non default test folders by @Honza-cz in #4924
- add missing error code to enable-preview hint by @mbien in #5837
- Fixed javadoc tags by @tbw777 in #5419
- Cleanup j2ee.persistence module by @pepness in #5444
- [NETBEANS-4123] Initial implementation of handling large strings by @SirIntellegence in #5299
- Adding system path into the classpath info when parsing custom conditions in a hint file. Avoid failures while constructing custom scopes. by @jlahoda in #5296
- platform dir: fixed some javadoc discrepancies by @tbw777 in #5222
- New rt and rf abbrevations for return true; and return false; by @japplis in #5512
- apidoc error/warning fix (#2) by @ebarboni in #5561
- Bulk added some missing ElementKind.RECORD enums. by @mbien in #5365
- Adding support for JDK 20 javac. by @jlahoda in #5550
- apidoc error/warning fix (#3) by @ebarboni in #5623
- Show missing system properties in Javadoc popup (GH5403) by @neilcsmith-net in #5669
- Fixes for Java module graph (GH4227) by @neilcsmith-net in #5668
- apidoc error/warning fix (#4) by @ebarboni in #5672
- Calculate JDK javadoc links dynamically. by @mbien in #4837
- [NETBEANS-5260] Binding patterns are valid even in absence of MatchException. by @jlahoda in #5682
- apidoc error/warning fix (#5) by @ebarboni in #5712
- apidoc error/warning fix (#6) by @ebarboni in #5734
- apidoc fixes by @ebarboni in #5741
- Make JDK URL calculation JDK 8 compatible by @matthiasblaesing in #5748
- apidoc master branch links fix by @ebarboni in #5755
should never return a folder by @jglick in #5739- Remove dependency of decl. hints on hints UI; UI plugs into hints SPI. by @sdedic in #5671
- Sort overload methods in the Navigator by @junichi11 in #5797
- Adding support for evaluating watches containing binding variables. by @jlahoda in #5763
- debugger.jpda: exclude AsynchStepTest to stabilize job by @mbien in #5832
- improved JDK detection startup tasks by @mbien in #5637
- Retain SOURCE annotations inside the internal model. by @jlahoda in #4882
- [GH-5427] PHP: Fix for displaying property type in documentation if @… by @troizet in #5443
- PHP: Corrected a typo in the php parser tests by @troizet in #5476
- PHP: Changed the way to parse an array type by analogy with other types. by @troizet in #5475
- PHP Debugger - show NULL values by default by @KacerCZ in #5531
- Fixed detection of duplicate types by @KacerCZ in #5534
- Regenerate PHP signature files by @junichi11 in #5565
- Fix #5578 namespaces/use placement by @rossluk in #5579
- Fixed display of hints descriptions for php in the hints settings by @troizet in #5649
- Test PHP cluster on JDK 11 and fix tests where needed by @mbien in #5658
- PHP: Adding a new error hint, as suggested in #5078. by @troizet in #5648
- Fix incorrect unused coloring #5551 by @junichi11 in #5670
- Show intersection types in the PHP doc window #5426 by @junichi11 in #5678
- Add the formatting options for the null coalescing oprator (
) #5011 by @junichi11 in #5689 - Fix GotoDeclaration feature for
interface #5371 by @junichi11 in #5684 - Fix an array formatting in a match arm #5186 by @junichi11 in #5685
- Fix the code completion for instance context of Enum #5100 by @junichi11 in #5686
- [PHP] Multiple default namespace navigator fix, FixImports for the whole file by @rossluk in #5681
- PHP 8.1: Explicit octal integer literal notation #5026 by @junichi11 in #5695
- PHP: Fixed issue #5375 for intersection type by @troizet in #5700
- PHP: Fix the IntroduceSuggestion hint for Enum by @junichi11 in #5704
- Fix GotoDeclaration in Enum implementing interface by @junichi11 in #5706
- Fix an issue that whitespace cannot be added #5707 by @junichi11 in #5710
- Move each golden file to each test file directory by @junichi11 in #5713
- Fix find usages for Enums by @junichi11 in #5718
- Fix being shown incorrect documentation #4494 by @junichi11 in #5701
- Fix the highlighting for private constants of Enum by @junichi11 in #5720
- Prioritize "Before Class End" of Blank Lines Option #4611 by @junichi11 in #5731
- Don't show documentation for an empty line #5347 by @junichi11 in #5725
- Fix code completion for
#4683 by @junichi11 in #5745 - Separate between class-based, function-based, and const-based use statements by a single blank line #4609 by @junichi11 in #5758
- Avoid being scrolled to the end of the editor in the preview panel for formatting options by @junichi11 in #5759
- Avoid showing invalid types in the Fix Imports panel by @junichi11 in #5767
- Fix Find Usages for __construct method #4382 by @junichi11 in
Apache NetBeans 17
What's Changed
- Fix mapping of dependencies described as key/value maps to the source by @sdedic in #4918
- #4965: Fix issues with gradle pre-6.4 by @sdedic in #4995
- [#4865] Register JDPA and Java Compiler Output on Project level by @lkishalmi in #4984
- Fixed some Gradle introspection problems wit pre-6.1 Gradle Versions by @lkishalmi in #5014
- Fix #5015: Fix Gradle/broken task dependency and serialization by @sdedic in #5022
- Made Gradle JavaCompilerProcessorFactory work in absence of a ClasspathProvider by @lkishalmi in #5042
- Use Project Dictated JVM for Gradle Discovery by @lkishalmi in #4985
- Make Java Platform available on non-java Gradle Projects by @lkishalmi in #5053
- Gradle: Support for proxy detection / autoconfiguration. by @sdedic in #5006
- Fixing project loading issues with micronaut complex project. by @sdedic in #5124
- Upgraded Gradle Tooling API to 8.0-rc-1 by @lkishalmi in #5240
- Made runSingle Gradle task work on Gradle 8.0 by @lkishalmi in #5269
- Fix Java version detection in GradleJavaCompatProblemProvider by @lkishalmi in #5271
- Catch IAE when Gradle error getLocation cannot be called. by @lkishalmi in #5270
- Gradle options UI cleanup (Execution and Appearance panel). by @mbien in #5274
- Gradle Execution Customizer with Runtime by @lkishalmi in #5158
- UI: fixed conditional gradle version info label. by @mbien in #5343
- [NETBEANS-6519] Maven dependency produces full tree with duplicates, avoids cycles. by @sdedic in #4947
- hide maven transfer progress via flag instead of regexp filter. by @mbien in #4954
- Fix
by @jglick in #4994 - Proxy autodetection + autoconfiguration for Maven. by @sdedic in #5038
- [NETBEANS-4928] EAR deployment considers outputFileNameMapping Maven EAR plugin property by @OndroMih in #4930
- Avoid an
with Maven folds by @jglick in #4957 - enable some important sounding java tests by @mbien in #5107
- fix output window stacktrace parsing when mvnd is used. by @mbien in #5099
- globally enable maven stacktrace processing. by @mbien in #5116
- Add displayname for maven POM language and order languages in options dialog by @matthiasblaesing in #5164
- adds a basic maven dependency updater hint. by @mbien in #5009
- upgrade exec-maven-plugin to 3.1.0. by @mbien in #5111
- upgrade bundled maven to 3.8.7 by @mbien in #5170
- update OutputUtils to support stacktrace links leading to JDK files. by @mbien in #5091
- Fix for Windows Maven parent.relativePath from Mark Herkrath by @mdeggers in #5282
- allow concurrent local indexing while downloading remote indexes. by @mbien in #5290
- Springboot artifacts fix by @sdedic in #5352
- Fix POM Graph colors for dark themes by @johntor in #5391
- Fix java.editor tests by @jlahoda in #4931
- NBABasedBulkSearch::encode doesn't return on cancel by @mbien in #4793
- LSP: Create test class code action added. by @dbalek in #4939
- apidoc check and improvement by @ebarboni in #4969
- Test bugfixes: preparation for GH action migration by @sdedic in #4975
- #5023: Formatting preferences for Java contains bad sample code by @swpalmer in #5028
- remove unused byte buddy dependency. by @mbien in #5029
- Fix organize imports to not add record from same package by @jirkabs in #5046
- Fixing pattern matching for binding patterns by @matthiasblaesing in #5121
- Prevent AOBE on empty, bad class files. by @lkishalmi in #5137
- Make more hints for java available by @matthiasblaesing in #5013
- Locate sources JAR if it is next to binary JAR by @jtulach in #5156
- Recognize nbjrt: protocol and locate JDK9+ by @jtulach in #5157
- [NETBEANS-4763] Handling switch expressions, case rules and exhaustive switches more correctly. by @jlahoda in #4788
- Update to nb-javac-19.0.1. by @dbalek in #5133
- Fix Javadoc 17 parsing by @neilcsmith-net in #5127
- Allow to run missing ref hint in batch mode, but mark it as not having a fix. by @jlahoda in #5171
- [NETBEANS-1309] add support for @summary javadoc tag by @jherkel in #5180
- fix NPE in RemoveUnnecessary class when case statement list is null. by @mbien in #5179
- Extract source name from .class and use it to locate proper source by @jtulach in #5152
- apidoc error/warning fix by @ebarboni in #5216
- [NETBEANS-1615] fixed @throws hint for type variable by @wal-jan in #2974
- Fix possible NPE in by @lkishalmi in #5249
- move java modules job to JDK 11 and fix tests where needed by @mbien in #5138
- For projects, use the correct nbjavac prepend for the internal (boot)classpath. by @jlahoda in #5174
- Add javadoc for JDK 21 early access by @pepness in #5259
- Improving the Java AST debugging view. by @jlahoda in #4879
- Prevent NullPointerException when matching filenames in SourceUtils by @matthiasblaesing in #5279
- Improving indexing for erroneous sources. by @jlahoda in #5172
- added missing record enums to editor module. by @mbien in #5339
- PreconditionsChecker: fixed NPE when path is null. by @mbien in #5346
- Annotated record reformatting fix by @mbien in #5374
- [NETBEANS-4054] Ensuring progress when javac crashes while batch evaluating hints. by @jlahoda in #5384
- Improve
behavior #4686 by @junichi11 in #4846 - PHP 8.2 Support: Allow
, andtrue
as stand-alone types by @junichi11 in #4888 - PHP 8.2 Support: Readonly classes by @junichi11 in #4955
- PHP 8.2 Support: Fetch properties of enums in const expressions by @junichi11 in #4966
- PHP 8.2 Support: Constants in Traits and Disjunctive Normal Form Types by @junichi11 in #5302
- PHP 8.2 Support by @junichi11 in #5300
- Fixed detection of magic methods by @KacerCZ in #5344
- Improved method checks in enum declaration by @KacerCZ in #5341
- PHP: removed built-in type boolean by @troizet in #5294
- Jakarta EE 10 - Platform/API/RI support by @jGauravGupta in #4692
- Use warning rather than error for vulnerability reports. by @sdedic in #5005
- Support directly native build plugin by @sdedic in #5021
- tomcat5: Enable usage of javac release and remove internal class use (fix JDK8 and JDK17+) by @matthiasblaesing in #5160
- Support for OCI profiles. by @sdedic in #5118
- Do not inherit "throws Exception" from Callable to compile on JDK8 by @sdedic in #5191
- Autoload default config profiles into ServerInstances. by @sdedic in #5226
- Add Jakarta EE/Java EE support for Tomcat and TomEE by @pepness in #4822
- Adding new...
Apache NetBeans 17-rc3
What's Changed
- Springboot artifacts fix by @sdedic in #5352
- Fix POM Graph colors for dark themes by @johntor in #5391
- Annotated record reformatting fix by @mbien in #5374
- [NETBEANS-4054] Ensuring progress when javac crashes while batch evaluating hints. by @jlahoda in #5384
- Tomcat 11 min supported Java is 17 by @pepness in #5340
- Proper escaping of TNS_ADMIN path. Select JDBC driver with defined implementation. by @sdedic in #5363
- Import local schema to avoid DNS lookup in build by @jgneff in #5372
- Fix AddADBAction and DownloadWalletAction in delivery by @sdedic in #5389
- React on both build and compile goals. by @sdedic in #5396
- LSP client: Prevent NullPointerException when caret is not present on text component by @matthiasblaesing in #5393
Other Changes
- VSNetBeans changelog update for 16.0.301 and 17.0 by @MartinBalin in #5386
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 17-rc2...17-rc3
Apache NetBeans 17-rc2
What's Changed
- Improving indexing for erroneous sources. by @jlahoda in #5172
- added missing record enums to editor module. by @mbien in #5339
- PreconditionsChecker: fixed NPE when path is null. by @mbien in #5346
- Fixed detection of magic methods by @KacerCZ in #5344
- Improved method checks in enum declaration by @KacerCZ in #5341
UI Changes
- Update FlatLaf from 2.6 to 3.0 and add macOS light and dark themes by @DevCharly in #5298
Full Changelog: 17-rc1...17-rc2