Releases: apache/netbeans
Releases Β· apache/netbeans
Apache NetBeans 23-rc3
What's Changed
- #7606: process daemon's stdout to avoid lockup by @sdedic in #7721
- Upgrade Gradle Tooling API to 8.10 by @mbien in #7690
- Fix extraction of annotation processor classpath for maven by @matthiasblaesing in #7662
- Update bundled maven to 3.9.9. by @mbien in #7683
- Fix open maven subproject context menu by @mbien in #7723
- .c/.h/.hpp files: Register WhereUsedAction and RenameAction in correct mime paths by @matthiasblaesing in #7689
UI Changes
- Use nbfs url for custom flatlaf properties as fallback by @neilcsmith-net in #7681
Language Server Protocol
- Revert PR #7579 ("Using LSP's ErrorProvider & another attempt at CompletionCollector") by @matthiasblaesing in #7650
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 23-rc2...23-rc3
Apache NetBeans 23-rc2
What's Changed
- Fix Command Prefixing Issue in Source Action by @Achal1607 in #7621
- CodeGenerator should be able to generate basic code for records by @mbien in #7581
- Fix java completion sort for not-imported items. by @mbien in #7631
- Fix possible InaccessibleObjectExceptions during debugging session by @mbien in #7633
- Update nb-javac to jdk-23+35. by @mbien in #7637
- truffle.RemoteServices should parse the java version correctly by @mbien in #7635
UI Changes
Full Changelog: 23-rc1...23-rc2
Apache NetBeans 23-rc1
What's Changed
- Implement repeatExecution for GradleItem by @alex268 in #7400
- Move Gradle module to Java 17 and NbProjectInfoAction to Java 8 by @lkishalmi in #7543
- Upgrade Gradle Tooling API to 8.9 by @lkishalmi in #7583
- Gradle Groovy Application/Library Project Creation Wizards by @lkishalmi in #7258
- Support for project JDK settings. by @sdedic in #7497
- Stack trace parser fixes by @mbien in #7391
- Update bundled maven to 3.9.7. by @mbien in #7395
- Update bundled maven to 3.9.8. by @mbien in #7468
- Do not provide compile classpath for repository artifacts with POM files generated by Gradle. by @dbalek in #7499
- Update maven-indexer to 7.1.3 and lucene to 9.11.0 by @mbien in #7460
- Make maven UseReleaseOptionHint aware of plugin management. by @mbien in #7513
- Maven compiler properties panel updates by @mbien in #7512
- Update NbEventSpy for maven 4. by @mbien in #7529
- Maven pom template should use the javac release flag. by @mbien in #7515
- CI: start testing on 23-ea and minor other updates by @mbien in #7525
- Use relative wrapper paths to prevent space-in-path bugs by @sdedic in #7558
- MavenVersionSettings: Stick to maven 3 plugins for now by @mbien in #7574
- Clean old temporary local maven index cache dir before scan by @mbien in #7586
- Warmup Maven Embedder to improve first-project-creation UX by @mbien in #7590
- Lazy init SMO backend and increase timeout by @mbien in #7587
- Add global maven goal presets by @mbien in #7537
- Fixing 'nbls.project.resolveProjectProblems' command name. by @lahodaj in #7370
- Support for requires.nb.javac modules with javac.source/target > 8. by @lahodaj in #7201
- JDK Configuration action for VS Code by @jisedlac in #7414
- Fix Exception template to extend from Exception by @neilcsmith-net in #7390
- Support for relative paths in the source file launcher's paths; automatic expanding of modular paths. by @lahodaj in #7382
- Fix profiler.oql und GraalJS, support for running unittests of profiler.oql and api.knockout on JDK 17+ by @matthiasblaesing in #7489
- Guard MultiSourceRootProvider to supply classpath only for java source on file system by @matthiasblaesing in #7509
- Add class-file format to the file properties sheet by @mbien in #7527
- Upgrade to nb-javac from JDK 23, build 30 by @lahodaj in #7484
- VSNetBeans: Check for source level java compatibility by @petrovic-d in #7555
- Fix use-instanceof-pattern hint messages by @mbien in #7573
- Java Hints SPI module renovation by @mbien in #7563
- fix javadoc task source properties + javadoc typo by @ebarboni in #7593
- Introduce-method refactoring should suggest a method name by @mbien in #7551
- Basic JDK picker support for multi-file-java-programs. by @mbien in #7605
- Implement suppress warnings on for Unused hint and codeAction for suppress warnings annotations by @Achal1607 in #7548
- Don't fold empty arrays #7187 by @junichi11 in #7398
- Prevent deleting the nullable type prefix when the "fix imports" is run #7123 by @junichi11 in #7421
- Fix the Code Completion for
return type #7192 by @junichi11 in #7431 - Prevent NPE #7170 by @junichi11 in #7425
- Fix formatting for typed field and const alignment #7190 by @junichi11 in #7423
- Fix the brace context #7124 by @junichi11 in #7438
- Fix the mark ocurrences and the go to declaration for nested lambda functions #7348 by @junichi11 in #7444
- Fix the formatter for no curly "if" statement with a line comment [GH-7185] by @junichi11 in #7447
- Fix formatting issues [GH-7140] [GH-7454] by @junichi11 in #7452
- Fix incorrect warnings for the PSR1 hint [GH-7458] by @junichi11 in #7461
- Fix formatting for method chaining [GH-7172] by @junichi11 in #7487
- Add a formatting option for an empty function/method body [GH-6716] by @junichi11 in #7498
- Fix incorrect formatting for a static method invocation [GH-7524] by @junichi11 in #7526
- PHP: removed built-in type real by @troizet in #7387
- Fix "Fix Imports" [GH-7546] by @junichi11 in #7549
- Fix testFunctionGuessingFloatReturnType() of PHPCCDocumentationTest by @junichi11 in #7553
- Add the
class and theThrowable
interface as completion items for exceptions [GH-7594] by @junichi11 in #7599
- Micronaut: Method parameters should be resolvable in expression language by @dbalek in #7316
- Micronaut: Source action to generate tests for endpoints added. by @dbalek in #7369
- Filtering TextDocumentService.codeAction results based on the provided kinds. by @lahodaj in #7368
- Micronaut: Endpoint method generator for non-db based controllers added. by @dbalek in #7394
- Micronaut: Command creating request body for given endpoint added. by @dbalek in #7422
- Micronaut: Code completion support for values of 'Mapping' annotation. by @dbalek in #7439
- Restore maven archetypes for JavaEE 5 and J2EE 1.4 projects by @matthiasblaesing in #7407
- Update dependencies for OCI Vault integration and clean up multistep dialogs by @jhorvath in #7453
- Do not show Connect dialog when DB connection fails because of missing JDBC driver by @thurka in #7338
- Run maven embedder with the "normal" NetBeans environment not special context class loader by @matthiasblaesing in #7464
- Micronaut: Provide Endpoint and Bean symbols originating from libraries. by @dbalek in #7494
- Micronaut: minor bugs fixed. by @dbalek in #7518
- Micronaut: Use correct classpath when scanning for Micronaut symbols. by @dbalek in #7523
- Turn remaining few EE tests off which can't run on JDK 17 yet by @mbien in #7534
- Micronaut: Clear symbol cache on ClasspathInfo changes. by @dbalek in #7554
- Improving multistep infrastructure, command for uploading cloud assets to config map by @jhorvath in #7540
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.15 and GlassFish 8.0.0-M6 by @pepness in #7561
- Further JavaEE -> JakartaEE fixes for Jakarta Faces by @matthiasblaesing in #7539
- Fix and simplify handling of JSPParser classloader by @matthiasblaesing in #7567
- Add missing schemas for Jakarta Server Pages Tag Library (JSTL) by @pepness in #7340
- Add support for Java SE 24 for Tomcat/TomEE and GlassFish by @pepness in #7592
- Added support for container repostory and run in compute instance by @jhorvath in #7595
- Fix error when registering TomEE 10 by @pepness in #7598
- Enterprise: Fix multiple places where null values could be encountered and are not protected by @matthiasblaesing in #7603
- JS Parser: Support top-level await for modules by @matthiasblaesing in #7417
- Allow focus events to propagate before running glyph gutter actions - GH4155 by @neilcs...
Apache NetBeans 22
What's Changed
- Skip unreadable multiproperties. by @sdedic in #7037
- Fixed concurrency issues in GradleDaemonExecutor by @mbien in #7030
- Gradle Project shall use the Java from the tooling not runtime. by @lkishalmi in #7024
- Upgrade Gradle Tooling API to 8.7 by @lkishalmi in #7215
- Better Gradle Project Creation Wizard by @lkishalmi in #7257
- Prevent NPE on Missing/Invalid Java Platform by @lkishalmi in #7341
- Temporarily downgrade gradle module language level by @mbien in #7367
- Override conflicting dependencies with the finally used ones. by @sdedic in #7028
- Replace usage of package
with Java native methods. by @pepness in #7076 - Fix empty Test Results with maven surefire plugin. by @robfitz273k in #7113
- Refactoring pom.xml as well when renaming class inside editor by @Achal1607 in #7104
- maven indexing: update lucene from 9.9.1 to 9.10.0. by @mbien in #7087
- Fixed false error thrown if parent pom version uses variable by @Achal1607 in #7158
- Remove experimental maven download feature. by @mbien in #7182
- Very simple support for native-image build for Helidon projects. by @sdedic in #7178
- Improve priming from LSP client by @sdedic in #7063
- Configure commons-logging to log using java.util.logging by @matthiasblaesing in #7356
- Renaming classes in Maven projects without project properties fails by @matthiasblaesing in #7361
- Bump MavenVersionSettings fallback versions. by @mbien in #7357
- Fix how to define fallback values for a jdk installation in some xml files by @pepness in #7031
- Add null check on originalEncoding parameter of EncodingModel by @pedro-w in #7060
- NB Build: Basic support for javac.release property. by @mbien in #7188
- Computing hints based on custom preferences by @Achal1607 in #6760
- Minor bug fixes. by @dbalek in #7014
- Retire EOL Spring 3, 4 and update Spring 5 lib wrapper to 5.3.31. by @mbien in #6994
- Upgrade to JDK 22 javac (build 33). by @lahodaj in #6968
- Micronaut PUT/POST Data Endpoint Method generation added. by @dbalek in #7068
- Allow invocation of annotation Processor's getCompletions even if process fails. by @lahodaj in #6956
- Java Code Templates for List.of(), Map.of(), and Set.of() by @lkishalmi in #7102
- Fix: Settings persistence does not work for inner-class hints by @mbien in #7077
- LSP: Code completion for Java static members. by @dbalek in #7149
- Java Code Templates for records and sealed types by @lkishalmi in #7088
- Escape java hint fix String for html and fill in multi variables. by @mbien in #7075
- gracefully handle case, when encSimpleName is equal to simpleName by @thurka in #7176
- Entities from databases: Bugfix entity generation in plain java (non webapp) projects by @matthiasblaesing in #7163
- Deconflict some layer registration positions by @mbien in #7235
- [NETBEANS-3725] Preventing a crash in Flow due to unattributed ASTs (cleared nerrors prevents post attr to run in some cases). by @lahodaj in #7153
- Include api.dashboard in Javadoc. by @neilcsmith-net in #7272
- Added go to test ability for test/tested class in lsp server by @Achal1607 in #6834
- LSP: Generate Tests converted to Source Action. by @dbalek in #7276
- Re-add org.netbeans.libs.nbjavac as recommends for java.source.base. by @neilcsmith-net in #7334
- Declarative hint editor support fixes and improvements by @mbien in #7333
- Code generator record and enum updates. by @mbien in #7339
- Update nb-javac to jdk-22.0.1 by @mbien in #7366
- ComputeImports: fix package computation. by @mbien in #7363
- Fix TreeUtilities.pathFor for synthetic 'value=' in annotations also for start position by @matthiasblaesing in #7378
- Fix incorrect formatting after use statements #6980 by @junichi11 in #6981
- PHP: Implemented display of exception message when exception breakpoints are hit by @troizet in #6992
- Add the Auto Import feature for Code Completion by @junichi11 in #7027
- Fix incorrect code completion for use function #7041 by @junichi11 in #7054
- PHP features for NB22 by @junichi11 in #7056
- Regenerate PHP signature files by @junichi11 in #7094
- PHP: Fixing a few bugs with phpDoc by @troizet in #7264
- PHP: Improved validation of rename refactoring by @troizet in #7273
- Allow for removing Micronaut symbols from index. by @dbalek in #6996
- Remove struts 1 support. by @mbien in #6987
- Micronaut: separate templates for creating plain controllers and controllers from repositories by @dbalek in #7071
- Micronaut: Detect and report duplicated endpoint URI paths. by @dbalek in #7090
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.12 by @pepness in #7032
- Enable Servlet/Filter/Listener generation for Jakarta based projects by @matthiasblaesing in #6984
- Adding support for Wildfly 31 by @febilus in #7055
- Enable code completion in JSF and JSP pages in Jakarta based projects by @matthiasblaesing in #6985
- Final changes for JakartaEE adjustments by @matthiasblaesing in #7020
- Fix detection of support for generation session beans from entity classes and support jakarta package names by @matthiasblaesing in #7080
- Add support for Jakarta EE 11 by @pepness in #6988
- Micronaut: Code completion for repository finder methods enhanced. by @dbalek in #7115
- JDK 21 support to Payara Platform tools v6.x in Apache NetBeans IDE by @jGauravGupta in #6999
- Micronaut: Code completion for repository finder methods improved. by @dbalek in #7121
- Jakarta 11 license fixes by @ebarboni in #7138
- Remove JSF 1.2 from Libraries by @lkishalmi in #7184
- Set up locator services to fix NPE during Maven priming by @sdedic in #7227
- Micronaut: Making code completion tests more stable. by @dbalek in #7234
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.13 and GlassFish 8.0.0-M3 by @pepness in #7204
- JsfVersion might not be known, so null case must be handled by @matthiasblaesing in #7216
- Import Payara Server configurations after a NetBeans upgrade by @brunogptavares in #7242
- Fix DB selection in JPA entity generation and improve derby integration by @matthiasblaesing in #7246
- XML Catalog GF/Payara: Ensure only existing schemas are resolved by @matthiasblaesing in #7218
- JSF: Support composite components in resource folder defined by jakarta.faces.WEBAPP_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY by @matthiasblaesing in #7236
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.14 and GlassFish 8.0.0-M4 by @pepness in #7252
- JSF Facelets template wizard: Support JSF 4+ namespace by @matthiasblaesing in #7222
- Micronaut: code completion for update methods fixed. by @dbalek in #7262
- Import local schema to avoid DNS lookup in build by @jgneff in
Apache NetBeans 22-rc4
What's Changed
- Update nb-javac to jdk-22.0.1 by @mbien in #7366
- ComputeImports: fix package computation. by @mbien in #7363
- Fix TreeUtilities.pathFor for synthetic 'value=' in annotations also for start position by @matthiasblaesing in #7378
UI Changes
- Remove keyboard shortcut from terminal close action by @neilcsmith-net in #7372
Full Changelog: 22-rc3...22-rc4
Apache NetBeans 22-rc3
What's Changed
- Configure commons-logging to log using java.util.logging by @matthiasblaesing in #7356
- Renaming classes in Maven projects without project properties fails by @matthiasblaesing in #7361
- Bump MavenVersionSettings fallback versions. by @mbien in #7357
Full Changelog: 22-rc2...22-rc3
What's Changed
- Prevent NPE on Missing/Invalid Java Platform by @lkishalmi in #7341
- Re-add org.netbeans.libs.nbjavac as recommends for java.source.base. by @neilcsmith-net in #7334
- Declarative hint editor support fixes and improvements by @mbien in #7333
UI Changes
Other Changes
- HCL: fix possible NPE-s, in List.of() and asString() by @lkishalmi in #7286
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 22-rc1...22-rc2
What's Changed
- Skip unreadable multiproperties. by @sdedic in #7037
- Fixed concurrency issues in GradleDaemonExecutor by @mbien in #7030
- Gradle Project shall use the Java from the tooling not runtime. by @lkishalmi in #7024
- Upgrade Gradle Tooling API to 8.7 by @lkishalmi in #7215
- Better Gradle Project Creation Wizard by @lkishalmi in #7257
- Override conflicting dependencies with the finally used ones. by @sdedic in #7028
- Replace usage of package
with Java native methods. by @pepness in #7076 - Fix empty Test Results with maven surefire plugin. by @robfitz273k in #7113
- Refactoring pom.xml as well when renaming class inside editor by @Achal1607 in #7104
- maven indexing: update lucene from 9.9.1 to 9.10.0. by @mbien in #7087
- Fixed false error thrown if parent pom version uses variable by @Achal1607 in #7158
- Remove experimental maven download feature. by @mbien in #7182
- Very simple support for native-image build for Helidon projects. by @sdedic in #7178
- Improve priming from LSP client by @sdedic in #7063
- Fix how to define fallback values for a jdk installation in some xml files by @pepness in #7031
- Add null check on originalEncoding parameter of EncodingModel by @pedro-w in #7060
- NB Build: Basic support for javac.release property. by @mbien in #7188
- Computing hints based on custom preferences by @Achal1607 in #6760
- Minor bug fixes. by @dbalek in #7014
- Retire EOL Spring 3, 4 and update Spring 5 lib wrapper to 5.3.31. by @mbien in #6994
- Upgrade to JDK 22 javac (build 33). by @lahodaj in #6968
- Micronaut PUT/POST Data Endpoint Method generation added. by @dbalek in #7068
- Allow invocation of annotation Processor's getCompletions even if process fails. by @lahodaj in #6956
- Java Code Templates for List.of(), Map.of(), and Set.of() by @lkishalmi in #7102
- Fix: Settings persistence does not work for inner-class hints by @mbien in #7077
- LSP: Code completion for Java static members. by @dbalek in #7149
- Java Code Templates for records and sealed types by @lkishalmi in #7088
- Escape java hint fix String for html and fill in multi variables. by @mbien in #7075
- gracefully handle case, when encSimpleName is equal to simpleName by @thurka in #7176
- Entities from databases: Bugfix entity generation in plain java (non webapp) projects by @matthiasblaesing in #7163
- Deconflict some layer registration positions by @mbien in #7235
- [NETBEANS-3725] Preventing a crash in Flow due to unattributed ASTs (cleared nerrors prevents post attr to run in some cases). by @lahodaj in #7153
- Include api.dashboard in Javadoc. by @neilcsmith-net in #7272
- Added go to test ability for test/tested class in lsp server by @Achal1607 in #6834
- LSP: Generate Tests converted to Source Action. by @dbalek in #7276
- Fix incorrect formatting after use statements #6980 by @junichi11 in #6981
- PHP: Implemented display of exception message when exception breakpoints are hit by @troizet in #6992
- Add the Auto Import feature for Code Completion by @junichi11 in #7027
- Fix incorrect code completion for use function #7041 by @junichi11 in #7054
- PHP features for NB22 by @junichi11 in #7056
- Regenerate PHP signature files by @junichi11 in #7094
- PHP: Fixing a few bugs with phpDoc by @troizet in #7264
- PHP: Improved validation of rename refactoring by @troizet in #7273
- Allow for removing Micronaut symbols from index. by @dbalek in #6996
- Remove struts 1 support. by @mbien in #6987
- Micronaut: separate templates for creating plain controllers and controllers from repositories by @dbalek in #7071
- Micronaut: Detect and report duplicated endpoint URI paths. by @dbalek in #7090
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.12 by @pepness in #7032
- Enable Servlet/Filter/Listener generation for Jakarta based projects by @matthiasblaesing in #6984
- Adding support for Wildfly 31 by @febilus in #7055
- Enable code completion in JSF and JSP pages in Jakarta based projects by @matthiasblaesing in #6985
- Final changes for JakartaEE adjustments by @matthiasblaesing in #7020
- Fix detection of support for generation session beans from entity classes and support jakarta package names by @matthiasblaesing in #7080
- Add support for Jakarta EE 11 by @pepness in #6988
- Micronaut: Code completion for repository finder methods enhanced. by @dbalek in #7115
- JDK 21 support to Payara Platform tools v6.x in Apache NetBeans IDE by @jGauravGupta in #6999
- Micronaut: Code completion for repository finder methods improved. by @dbalek in #7121
- Jakarta 11 license fixes by @ebarboni in #7138
- Remove JSF 1.2 from Libraries by @lkishalmi in #7184
- Set up locator services to fix NPE during Maven priming by @sdedic in #7227
- Micronaut: Making code completion tests more stable. by @dbalek in #7234
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.13 and GlassFish 8.0.0-M3 by @pepness in #7204
- JsfVersion might not be known, so null case must be handled by @matthiasblaesing in #7216
- Import Payara Server configurations after a NetBeans upgrade by @brunogptavares in #7242
- Fix DB selection in JPA entity generation and improve derby integration by @matthiasblaesing in #7246
- XML Catalog GF/Payara: Ensure only existing schemas are resolved by @matthiasblaesing in #7218
- JSF: Support composite components in resource folder defined by jakarta.faces.WEBAPP_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY by @matthiasblaesing in #7236
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.14 and GlassFish 8.0.0-M4 by @pepness in #7252
- JSF Facelets template wizard: Support JSF 4+ namespace by @matthiasblaesing in #7222
- Micronaut: code completion for update methods fixed. by @dbalek in #7262
- Handle JAR-URL as codesource for javascript editor module by @matthiasblaesing in #7160
- JS: Handle meta-properties and import.meta and improve code completion with newlines and comments by @matthiasblaesing in #7211
- Add support for Chrome DevTools Protocol for NodeJS Debugging by @matthiasblaesing in #4220
- #7245: better recovery from script engine failures by @sdedic in #7250
- Update libs.graaljs, libs.graalsdk and libs.truffleapi to 24.0.0 by @sdedic in #7268
- New file created by copy/paste in git repo ignores commit exclusion flag by @matthiasblaesing in #7070
- move all git and versioning tests to the versioning CI job by @mbien in #7092
- Fixes all deprecated API usage in libs.jgit and update gitignore IO code by @mbien in #7093
- Add default Git Hyperlink Provider. by @mbien in #7147
- Git history and diff view improvements by @mbien in #7128
- Remove kenai code from versioning and bugtracking modules by @mbien in
Apache NetBeans 21
What's Changed
- Move platform jobs to 11 by @mbien in #6617
- OCI ADM vulnerability audit fixes by @sdedic in #6669
- Prevent endless recursion, limit traversal depth. by @sdedic in #6691
- Fix Swaped proxy and exec combo in Gradle Options by @lkishalmi in #6806
- Allow to configure just JVM params or app params by @sdedic in #6812
- Avoid null type, derive from provider type params or fallback to Object. by @sdedic in #6820
- Verify tool proxy setting before adjusting or asking. by @sdedic in #6764
- Project Dependency modification (private) API by @sdedic in #6868
- Let NetBeans know that Gradle 8.5 is good with Java 21 by @lkishalmi in #6807
- Ignore scope inheritance for configs not present in the project. by @sdedic in #6936
- Ensure Gradle new project wizard picks up latest Gradle version by @neilcsmith-net in #7029
- Update Gradle Tooling API to 8.6 by @lkishalmi in #6926
- Debugging fixes by @sdedic in #7038
- Update maven central repo URL by @mbien in #6754
- Update bundled maven to 3.9.6. by @mbien in #6773
- Update maven mirror generator action. by @mbien in #6766
- Better transient repo deduplication. by @mbien in #6757
- Centralize internal maven artifact version queries. by @mbien in #6751
- Maven dependency update hint and version completion for pom profiles. by @mbien in #6765
- Work better with custom exec-style goals by @sdedic in #6805
- Update to maven-indexer 7.1.1 and lucene 9.9.1. by @mbien in #6791
- Disable ANSI decorations for default (embedded) maven logger. by @mbien in #6843
- Return root node even though everything is filtered. by @sdedic in #6846
- Priming build and reload improvements revisited by @sdedic in #6789
- Upgrade maven-indexer from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2 by @mbien in #6935
- #7018: Avoid NPE on null properties (compatibility) by @sdedic in #7033
- Enable previously disabled tests for the java.hints module. by @mbien in #6554
- Fix for outline tab not loading in case file is present in the workspace in vscode by @Achal1607 in #6642
- Code completion support for Micronaut Expression Language added. by @dbalek in #6648
- Fixing the UnitTestForSourceQueryImpl for openjdk projects. by @lahodaj in #6481
- The list of tests should include TestNG tests. by @lahodaj in #6615
- Avoiding crash during indexing when a record has a component with a wrong name. by @lahodaj in #6649
- Improving String templates support in the code gen. by @lahodaj in #6637
- Attempt to fix navigator popup menu race. by @mbien in #6727
- Adding CommandProvider API, to allow removal of commands out of java.lsp.server. by @lahodaj in #6133
- LSP: Java code completion speedup. by @dbalek in #6755
- Fix multiline String brace matching. by @mbien in #6726
- Support for multi-file source launcher. by @lahodaj in #6329
- Micronaut Data Endpoint Method generation added. by @dbalek in #6799
- Detect JPA provider on classpath, removing requirement to have it as legacy library by @matthiasblaesing in #6748
- Fix errors from java multi-file source launcher by @matthiasblaesing in #6832
- Added warning for case where var and diamond operator are used together by @Achal1607 in #6780
- Stacktrace analyzer window fixes by @mbien in #6841
- LSP: Using labelDetails in CompletionItems by @dbalek in #6904
- Not registering the LSP's SingleFileOptionsQueryImpl in java.lsp.server, but only in nbcode by @lahodaj in #6854
- Make NetBeans aware of the StringTemplate.STR default field import. by @mbien in #6908
- nb-javac: Check for Abort/CancelAbort in exception cause chain by @matthiasblaesing in #6865
- Adds null check before calling nullable repository variable method to avoid NPE #6682 by @snreinert in #6694
- JShell: Running "Execute Java Shell" from Maven project fails by @matthiasblaesing in #6905
- ConvertToLambda hint should ignore default methods. by @mbien in #6658
- Updated test results window by @mbien in #6695
- [NETBEANS-6881][NETBEANS-6880][NETBEANS-6921] Additional fixes for the multi-file launcher: by @lahodaj in #6912
- Adding ability to safely enable/disable module fragments (requires restart, obviously), and tweaking nbjavac so that it can be enable/disabled. by @lahodaj in #6743
- [GITHUB-6970] MultiSourceRootProvider: reduce logging verbosity by @matthiasblaesing in #6975
- Update the mx suite parsing to work with sources of GraalVM version 23.1.0 by @entlicher in #7013
- Fix php tag fold test (attempt 2) by @mbien in #6665
- PHP 8.2 Support: Constants in Traits #4725 by @junichi11 in #6700
- PHP: Implemented correct return type guessing for a function that returns an array by @troizet in #6697
- Handle brackets other than string correctly when "]" is typed #6706 by @junichi11 in #6720
- Fix the formatting for a method invocation with a ternary or null-coalescing operator #5380 by @junichi11 in #6724
- Fix incorrect indentation behavior #6731 by @junichi11 in #6738
- PHP: Improve the performance for Go to Declaration by @junichi11 in #6712
- PHP 8.3 Support: Dynamic class constant fetch #6701 by @junichi11 in #6752
- PHP 8.3 Support: Typed class constants #6701 by @junichi11 in #6793
- PHP features for NB21 by @junichi11 in #6819
- PHP: Improve enum cases by @junichi11 in #6825
- PHP: Fixing cancelability bugs by reverting from a for each loop to a normal loop by @troizet in #6853
- PHP 8.3 Support: Marking overridden methods (#[\Override]) #6701 by @junichi11 in #6873
- Fix the formatting for the method call arguments alignment option #6714 by @junichi11 in #6877
- PHP: mark a breakpoint as broken when an error is received when breakpoint_set is executed to set a breakpoint by @troizet in #6876
- Formatting for the group multiline alignment for match arm arrows #6074 by @junichi11 in #6884
- PHP: New way to set the current breakpoint by @troizet in #6891
- Improve magic methods generation by @junichi11 in #6896
- Add the
as a new hint #6703 by @junichi11 in #6899 - Fix the named argument code completion for constructors by @junichi11 in #6911
- Fix incorrect code completion with the same member names as semi-type prefixes #6909 by @junichi11 in #6915
- PHP 8.0 Support: Attribute Syntax (Part 4) by @junichi11 in #6929
- Fix the problem that inccorect indentation is added after an attribute(e.g.
#[Attr(1, 2)]
) by @junichi11 in #6940 - PHP 8.0 Support: Attribute Syntax (Part 5) by @junichi11 in #6939
- Regenerate PHP signature files by @junichi11 in #6950
- Fix the code completion for predefined attributes by @junichi11 in #6951
- Prevent
when CC is run on the EOF by @junichi11 in #7042
Apache NetBeans 21-rc3
What's Changed
- Ensure Gradle new project wizard picks up latest Gradle version by @neilcsmith-net in #7029
- Update Gradle Tooling API to 8.6 by @lkishalmi in #6926
- Debugging fixes by @sdedic in #7038
- Update the mx suite parsing to work with sources of GraalVM version 23.1.0 by @entlicher in #7013
- Prevent
when CC is run on the EOF by @junichi11 in #7042
UI Changes
- DiffView: delegate mouse scroll events from lines bar to editor. by @mbien in #7009
- Unable to open Preview Design window on Mac OS X and Windows by @brunogptavares in #7026
New Contributors
- @brunogptavares made their first contribution in #7026
Full Changelog: 21-rc2...21-rc3