Releases: apache/netbeans
Releases · apache/netbeans
Apache NetBeans 21-rc2
What's Changed
- [GH-6970] MultiSourceRootProvider: reduce logging verbosity by @matthiasblaesing in #6975
Other Changes
Full Changelog: 21-rc1...21-rc2
Apache NetBeans 21-rc1
What's Changed
- Move platform jobs to 11 by @mbien in #6617
- OCI ADM vulnerability audit fixes by @sdedic in #6669
- Prevent endless recursion, limit traversal depth. by @sdedic in #6691
- Fix Swaped proxy and exec combo in Gradle Options by @lkishalmi in #6806
- Allow to configure just JVM params or app params by @sdedic in #6812
- Avoid null type, derive from provider type params or fallback to Object. by @sdedic in #6820
- Verify tool proxy setting before adjusting or asking. by @sdedic in #6764
- Project Dependency modification (private) API by @sdedic in #6868
- Let NetBeans know that Gradle 8.5 is good with Java 21 by @lkishalmi in #6807
- Ignore scope inheritance for configs not present in the project. by @sdedic in #6936
- Update maven central repo URL by @mbien in #6754
- Update bundled maven to 3.9.6. by @mbien in #6773
- Update maven mirror generator action. by @mbien in #6766
- Better transient repo deduplication. by @mbien in #6757
- Centralize internal maven artifact version queries. by @mbien in #6751
- Maven dependency update hint and version completion for pom profiles. by @mbien in #6765
- Work better with custom exec-style goals by @sdedic in #6805
- Update to maven-indexer 7.1.1 and lucene 9.9.1. by @mbien in #6791
- Disable ANSI decorations for default (embedded) maven logger. by @mbien in #6843
- Return root node even though everything is filtered. by @sdedic in #6846
- Priming build and reload improvements revisited by @sdedic in #6789
- Upgrade maven-indexer from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2 by @mbien in #6935
- Enable previously disabled tests for the java.hints module. by @mbien in #6554
- Fix for outline tab not loading in case file is present in the workspace in vscode by @Achal1607 in #6642
- Code completion support for Micronaut Expression Language added. by @dbalek in #6648
- Fixing the UnitTestForSourceQueryImpl for openjdk projects. by @lahodaj in #6481
- The list of tests should include TestNG tests. by @lahodaj in #6615
- Avoiding crash during indexing when a record has a component with a wrong name. by @lahodaj in #6649
- Improving String templates support in the code gen. by @lahodaj in #6637
- Attempt to fix navigator popup menu race. by @mbien in #6727
- Adding CommandProvider API, to allow removal of commands out of java.lsp.server. by @lahodaj in #6133
- LSP: Java code completion speedup. by @dbalek in #6755
- Fix multiline String brace matching. by @mbien in #6726
- Support for multi-file source launcher. by @lahodaj in #6329
- Micronaut Data Endpoint Method generation added. by @dbalek in #6799
- Detect JPA provider on classpath, removing requirement to have it as legacy library by @matthiasblaesing in #6748
- Fix errors from java multi-file source launcher by @matthiasblaesing in #6832
- Added warning for case where var and diamond operator are used together by @Achal1607 in #6780
- Stacktrace analyzer window fixes by @mbien in #6841
- LSP: Using labelDetails in CompletionItems by @dbalek in #6904
- Not registering the LSP's SingleFileOptionsQueryImpl in java.lsp.server, but only in nbcode by @lahodaj in #6854
- Make NetBeans aware of the StringTemplate.STR default field import. by @mbien in #6908
- nb-javac: Check for Abort/CancelAbort in exception cause chain by @matthiasblaesing in #6865
- Adds null check before calling nullable repository variable method to avoid NPE #6682 by @snreinert in #6694
- JShell: Running "Execute Java Shell" from Maven project fails by @matthiasblaesing in #6905
- ConvertToLambda hint should ignore default methods. by @mbien in #6658
- Updated test results window by @mbien in #6695
- [NETBEANS-6881][NETBEANS-6880][NETBEANS-6921] Additional fixes for the multi-file launcher: by @lahodaj in #6912
- Adding ability to safely enable/disable module fragments (requires restart, obviously), and tweaking nbjavac so that it can be enable/disabled. by @lahodaj in #6743
- Fix php tag fold test (attempt 2) by @mbien in #6665
- PHP 8.2 Support: Constants in Traits #4725 by @junichi11 in #6700
- PHP: Implemented correct return type guessing for a function that returns an array by @troizet in #6697
- Handle brackets other than string correctly when "]" is typed #6706 by @junichi11 in #6720
- Fix the formatting for a method invocation with a ternary or null-coalescing operator #5380 by @junichi11 in #6724
- Fix incorrect indentation behavior #6731 by @junichi11 in #6738
- PHP: Improve the performance for Go to Declaration by @junichi11 in #6712
- PHP 8.3 Support: Dynamic class constant fetch #6701 by @junichi11 in #6752
- PHP 8.3 Support: Typed class constants #6701 by @junichi11 in #6793
- PHP features for NB21 by @junichi11 in #6819
- PHP: Improve enum cases by @junichi11 in #6825
- PHP: Fixing cancelability bugs by reverting from a for each loop to a normal loop by @troizet in #6853
- PHP 8.3 Support: Marking overridden methods (#[\Override]) #6701 by @junichi11 in #6873
- Fix the formatting for the method call arguments alignment option #6714 by @junichi11 in #6877
- PHP: mark a breakpoint as broken when an error is received when breakpoint_set is executed to set a breakpoint by @troizet in #6876
- Formatting for the group multiline alignment for match arm arrows #6074 by @junichi11 in #6884
- PHP: New way to set the current breakpoint by @troizet in #6891
- Improve magic methods generation by @junichi11 in #6896
- Add the
as a new hint #6703 by @junichi11 in #6899 - Fix the named argument code completion for constructors by @junichi11 in #6911
- Fix incorrect code completion with the same member names as semi-type prefixes #6909 by @junichi11 in #6915
- PHP 8.0 Support: Attribute Syntax (Part 4) by @junichi11 in #6929
- Fix the problem that inccorect indentation is added after an attribute(e.g.
#[Attr(1, 2)]
) by @junichi11 in #6940 - PHP 8.0 Support: Attribute Syntax (Part 5) by @junichi11 in #6939
- Regenerate PHP signature files by @junichi11 in #6950
- Fix the code completion for predefined attributes by @junichi11 in #6951
- WildFly - ConcurrentHashMap over synchronized collections and some improvements by @pepness in #6602
- Micronaut Template for Data repository - add support for Pageable by @thurka in #6591
- Database dialect not detected by @thurka in #6609
- Allow for creating Micronaut Controllers based on Data Repository interfaces by @dbalek in #6702
- Micronaut Expression Language: Goto Declaration and Hover implementation by @dbalek in #6732
- Download DB Wallet action should also create a DB Connection from IDE by @thurka in #6763
- "Copy OCID" action added by @t...
Apache NetBeans 20
What's Changed
- Return the highest quality from all the loaders. by @sdedic in #6371
- Workaround: Avoid reporting BOMs among dependencies to prevent dependency graphs explosion by @sdedic in #6435
- Update Gradle Tooling API to 8.4 by @lkishalmi in #6553
- Do not ask for proxies on each project. by @sdedic in #6558
- #6536, #6537: avoid stack overflow, catch missing artifacts to be downloaded. by @sdedic in #6548
- Removed a few defunct Gradle Settings by @lkishalmi in #6516
- Fix Gradle version change in by @lkishalmi in #6589
- Try to close Gradle Daemons on exit. by @lkishalmi in #6598
- Be more friendly on 'runSingle' when 'run' task is missing. by @lkishalmi in #6618
- Fix LSP/Micronaut tests + don't ignore exception in gradle spi by @mbien in #6673
- Maven Embedder resolve() fix by @sdedic in #6344
- Micronaut's lifecycle participant changed FQN in Micronaut 4.x by @sdedic in #6386
- Prevent NPE inside enable preview for Maven when pom.xml contains the… by @lahodaj in #6446
- NB module project wizard should not use snapshot versions. by @mbien in #6483
- UpdateDependencyHint should work on plugins with default maven group id by @mbien in #6493
- Update to maven-indexer 7.0.4 and lucene 9.8.0. by @mbien in #6506
- Upgrading the JDOM library in maven.embedder from version 1.0 to by @lahodaj in #6478
- Build with dependencies before main action by @sdedic in #6520
- Update bundled maven to 3.9.5. by @mbien in #6533
- #6525: maven execution should setup LegacySupport before running Maven by @sdedic in #6552
- Priming build and reload improvements. by @sdedic in #6514
- Enable JUnit output processing for failsafe:integration-test by @neilcsmith-net in #6654
- Revert "Priming build and reload improvements." by @mbien in #6623
- Bump hardcoded maven compiler and resource plugin version defaults. by @mbien in #6681
- Upgrading to JDK 21 nb-javac by @lahodaj in #6206
- Code completion modified to support JDK 21 features. by @dbalek in #6253
- Supporting source file launcher in VS Code extension by @lahodaj in #6262
- Do not mark test methods as unused. by @dbalek in #6277
- Add nb-javac libwrapper tests. by @mbien in #6308
- Fix: Java completion parameter tooltip is not shown if previous parameter is TypeVariable by @matthiasblaesing in #6268
- Handle errors in annotation processor initialization by @dbalek in #6422
- Update nb-javac to jdk-21u. by @dbalek in #6425
- The ClassLoader used to load annotation processors does not return directories from getResource/getResources methods, while normal ClassLoaders do - fixing. by @lahodaj in #6466
- LPS: SignatureHelp implemented. by @dbalek in #6476
- Disaplay parameter tooltips for annotations. by @dbalek in #6487
- Micronaut: Add missing path variable parameter fix. by @dbalek in #6498
- Bump gson from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9 in /nbbuild/misc/prepare-bundles by @dependabot in #4137
- Bump gson from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9 in /webcommon/typescript.editor/bundles/prepare by @dependabot in #4138
- Add support for String Templates. by @lahodaj in #6415
- CI: Enable java.editor.base tests. by @mbien in #6543
- Update JavaFX wizard names and move DukeScript wizard to a better position. by @mbien in #6551
- Remove TreeShims mechanism. by @mbien in #6495
- upgrade codesnippet-doclet by @ebarboni in #6565
- Improve inline-hints settings, add keybinding, disable by default. by @mbien in #6561
- Compute JavaDoc URLs lazily by @mbien in #6213
- JDK Downloader: fix current GA/EA values by @mbien in #6590
- Fix unnamed main method detection by @mbien in #6593
- Formatting options UI: fix naming panel layout by @mbien in #6619
- [NETBEANS-6599] Do not throw a CompletionFailure for empty java.lang package outside of java.base. by @lahodaj in #6629
- Assignments to parameters to record compact constructors should not be marked as unused. by @lahodaj in #6635
- [NETBEANS-6638]: Avoid adding a space after opening curly brace. by @lahodaj in #6641
- [NETBEANS-5659] Collection.forEach is always a read from the collection. by @lahodaj in #6646
- Limit msg length in test window by default. by @mbien in #6688
- Fix ConcurrentModificationException in TestMethodController by @lkishalmi in #6689
- Fix formatting of try/catch as first statement in switch case (GH5323). by @neilcsmith-net in #6678
- PHP: Improved validation when creating a line breakpoint by @troizet in #6241
- Fixed gap between checkboxes in php project testing settings by @troizet in #6381
- Prevent getting an incorrect type if a return type is
with PHPDoc tag(@return
) #6247 by @junichi11 in #6251 - Prevent NPE when IntroduceSuggestionHint generates code by @junichi11 in #6269
- Fix the problem that typed fields marked as deprecated are not displayed as deprecated #6310 by @junichi11 in #6321
- Keep existing order of use type kinds(types, functions, constants) if possible #6274 by @junichi11 in #6322
- Fix code completion for fields with single line var doc #6359 by @junichi11 in #6364
- PHP: Added support for exception breakpoints. by @troizet in #6366
- PHP: In the navigator, inherited members are displayed in a different color, similar to how it is done in java by @troizet in #6393
- Fix wrong
#6432 by @junichi11 in #6437 - Add "After Use Trait" to the formatting options #4685 by @junichi11 in #6467
- PHP: Fixed element positioning in code completion settings for php by @troizet in #6512
- PHP: Fix autocomplete for exception class when adding exception breakpoint. by @troizet in #6643
- Stabilize CPPLite: Discard STDERR by @matthiasblaesing in #6305
- Feature: Added all enterprise modules with non failing unit tests by @asbachb in #6244
- Start running enterprise tests on JDK 11 by @mbien in #6296
- use 'parameters' to find out if createProcedureInfo() was already invoked by @thurka in #6298
- LSP: Micronaut symbols position fixed. by @dbalek in #6352
- LSP: Micronaut endpoints finder fixes. by @dbalek in #6380
- Micronaut: Avoid using jakarta.persistence when generating entity classes by @dbalek in #6409
- Micronaut 4 build plugin recognized. by @sdedic in #6424
- Open the Payara Server's home and domain directory in Explorer by @jGauravGupta in #6347
- Fixed increasing number of steps by @thurka in #6420
- Quickpick title for database fixed by @thurka in #6413
- JakartaEE: Fix more cases where jakarta namespace has to be supported by @matthiasblaesing in #6473
- Display
instead ofJSF VERSION
by @asbachb in
Apache NetBeans 20-rc4
What's Changed
- Limit msg length in test window by default. by @mbien in #6688
- Fix ConcurrentModificationException in TestMethodController by @lkishalmi in #6689
- Fix formatting of try/catch as first statement in switch case (GH5323). by @neilcsmith-net in #6678
- Fix CherryPickCommand ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (GH6668) by @neilcsmith-net in #6672
- Add missing git create-branch and switch-branch toolbar icons. by @mbien in #6696
Full Changelog: 20-rc3...20-rc4
Apache NetBeans 20-rc3
What's Changed
- Enable JUnit output processing for failsafe:integration-test by @neilcsmith-net in #6654
- Revert "Priming build and reload improvements." by @mbien in #6623
- [NETBEANS-6599] Do not throw a CompletionFailure for empty java.lang package outside of java.base. by @lahodaj in #6629
- Assignments to parameters to record compact constructors should not be marked as unused. by @lahodaj in #6635
- [NETBEANS-6638]: Avoid adding a space after opening curly brace. by @lahodaj in #6641
- [NETBEANS-5659] Collection.forEach is always a read from the collection. by @lahodaj in #6646
- Drop horizontal scroll mouse button events on Linux by @neilcsmith-net in #6644
Full Changelog: 20-rc2...20-rc3
Apache NetBeans 20-rc2
What's Changed
- Fix Gradle version change in by @lkishalmi in #6589
- Try to close Gradle Daemons on exit. by @lkishalmi in #6598
- Be more friendly on 'runSingle' when 'run' task is missing. by @lkishalmi in #6618
- JDK Downloader: fix current GA/EA values by @mbien in #6590
- Fix unnamed main method detection by @mbien in #6593
- Formatting options UI: fix naming panel layout by @mbien in #6619
UI Changes
- Update FlatLaf from 3.2.1 to 3.2.5 by @DevCharly in #6605
Language Server Protocol
- use clusters.config.release.list instead of clusters.config.full.list by @thurka in #6583
- Prefixing all code names of commands with 'nbls'. by @lahodaj in #6218
Full Changelog: 20-rc1...20-rc2
Apache NetBeans 20-rc1
What's Changed
- Return the highest quality from all the loaders. by @sdedic in #6371
- Workaround: Avoid reporting BOMs among dependencies to prevent dependency graphs explosion by @sdedic in #6435
- Update Gradle Tooling API to 8.4 by @lkishalmi in #6553
- Do not ask for proxies on each project. by @sdedic in #6558
- #6536, #6537: avoid stack overflow, catch missing artifacts to be downloaded. by @sdedic in #6548
- Removed a few defunct Gradle Settings by @lkishalmi in #6516
- Maven Embedder resolve() fix by @sdedic in #6344
- Micronaut's lifecycle participant changed FQN in Micronaut 4.x by @sdedic in #6386
- Prevent NPE inside enable preview for Maven when pom.xml contains the… by @lahodaj in #6446
- NB module project wizard should not use snapshot versions. by @mbien in #6483
- UpdateDependencyHint should work on plugins with default maven group id by @mbien in #6493
- Update to maven-indexer 7.0.4 and lucene 9.8.0. by @mbien in #6506
- Upgrading the JDOM library in maven.embedder from version 1.0 to by @lahodaj in #6478
- Build with dependencies before main action by @sdedic in #6520
- Update bundled maven to 3.9.5. by @mbien in #6533
- #6525: maven execution should setup LegacySupport before running Maven by @sdedic in #6552
- Upgrading to JDK 21 nb-javac by @lahodaj in #6206
- Code completion modified to support JDK 21 features. by @dbalek in #6253
- Supporting source file launcher in VS Code extension by @lahodaj in #6262
- Do not mark test methods as unused. by @dbalek in #6277
- Add nb-javac libwrapper tests. by @mbien in #6308
- Fix: Java completion parameter tooltip is not shown if previous parameter is TypeVariable by @matthiasblaesing in #6268
- Handle errors in annotation processor initialization by @dbalek in #6422
- Update nb-javac to jdk-21u. by @dbalek in #6425
- The ClassLoader used to load annotation processors does not return directories from getResource/getResources methods, while normal ClassLoaders do - fixing. by @lahodaj in #6466
- LPS: SignatureHelp implemented. by @dbalek in #6476
- Disaplay parameter tooltips for annotations. by @dbalek in #6487
- Micronaut: Add missing path variable parameter fix. by @dbalek in #6498
- Bump gson from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9 in /nbbuild/misc/prepare-bundles by @dependabot in #4137
- Bump gson from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9 in /webcommon/typescript.editor/bundles/prepare by @dependabot in #4138
- Add support for String Templates. by @lahodaj in #6415
- CI: Enable java.editor.base tests. by @mbien in #6543
- Update JavaFX wizard names and move DukeScript wizard to a better position. by @mbien in #6551
- Remove TreeShims mechanism. by @mbien in #6495
- upgrade codesnippet-doclet by @ebarboni in #6565
- Improve inline-hints settings, add keybinding, disable by default. by @mbien in #6561
- Compute JavaDoc URLs lazily by @mbien in #6213
- PHP: Improved validation when creating a line breakpoint by @troizet in #6241
- Fixed gap between checkboxes in php project testing settings by @troizet in #6381
- Prevent getting an incorrect type if a return type is
with PHPDoc tag(@return
) #6247 by @junichi11 in #6251 - Prevent NPE when IntroduceSuggestionHint generates code by @junichi11 in #6269
- Fix the problem that typed fields marked as deprecated are not displayed as deprecated #6310 by @junichi11 in #6321
- Keep existing order of use type kinds(types, functions, constants) if possible #6274 by @junichi11 in #6322
- Fix code completion for fields with single line var doc #6359 by @junichi11 in #6364
- PHP: Added support for exception breakpoints. by @troizet in #6366
- PHP: In the navigator, inherited members are displayed in a different color, similar to how it is done in java by @troizet in #6393
- Fix wrong
#6432 by @junichi11 in #6437 - Add "After Use Trait" to the formatting options #4685 by @junichi11 in #6467
- PHP: Fixed element positioning in code completion settings for php by @troizet in #6512
- Stabilize CPPLite: Discard STDERR by @matthiasblaesing in #6305
- Feature: Added all enterprise modules with non failing unit tests by @asbachb in #6244
- Start running enterprise tests on JDK 11 by @mbien in #6296
- use 'parameters' to find out if createProcedureInfo() was already invoked by @thurka in #6298
- LSP: Micronaut symbols position fixed. by @dbalek in #6352
- LSP: Micronaut endpoints finder fixes. by @dbalek in #6380
- Micronaut: Avoid using jakarta.persistence when generating entity classes by @dbalek in #6409
- Micronaut 4 build plugin recognized. by @sdedic in #6424
- Open the Payara Server's home and domain directory in Explorer by @jGauravGupta in #6347
- Fixed increasing number of steps by @thurka in #6420
- Quickpick title for database fixed by @thurka in #6413
- JakartaEE: Fix more cases where jakarta namespace has to be supported by @matthiasblaesing in #6473
- Display
instead ofJSF VERSION
by @asbachb in #6564 - Add support for GlassFish 7.0.6, 7.0.7, and 7.0.9 by @pepness in #6542
- Do not create repository and entity classes from template by @thurka in #6529
- JS: Fix handling of classes declared in anonymous functions by @matthiasblaesing in #6249
- Improvement of CSS support in NetBeans (@layer, @supports, containment module, text module, math functions, less optional imports) by @matthiasblaesing in #6451
- Update jgit from 5.7.0 to 6.7.0. by @matthiasblaesing in #6544
- Read initial git branch name from user config. by @mbien in #6528
- Git: enable "replace invalid branch characters" by default by @mbien in #6555
- Fix: Enable to add docker instance via socket on mac with apple silicon by @lazydan in #6328
- Checkbox support on Markdown preview by @moacirrf in #6401
UI Changes
- Enable validation and code completion for XML documents without schemaLocation by @matthiasblaesing in #6245
- Update FlatLaf from 3.1 to 3.2 by @eirikbakke in #6362
- Copy FlatLAF label positioning improvements into the Windows LAF by @eirikbakke in #5338
- Remove little black line from new-project wizard. by @mbien in #6349
- Remove obsolete UseQuartz JVM flag. by @mbien in #6474
- Update FlatLaf from 3.2 to 3.2.1 by @DevCharly in #6411
- Retry fetching clipboard contents when it initially fails by @matthiasblaesing in #6443
- Use extended mouse buttons for back / forward actions (GH5728) by @neilcsmith-net in #6434
- FlatLaf: Enable Window decoration option for Linux by @demitriusbelai in #6391
- Improve cluster activation UX by @mbie...
Apache NetBeans 19
What's Changed
- Configure regular "run" / JavaExec-style tasks for single-class execution. Retain runSingle for compatibility. by @sdedic in #6003
- Gradle Tooling API 8.3-rc-1 by @lkishalmi in #6254
- Keep using Groovy DSL for Gradle by @lkishalmi in #6307
- Configure latest released wrapper in new Gradle project by @neilcsmith-net in #6333
- upgrade to maven-indexer 7.0.1 and improve index downloads by @mbien in #4999
- Improving enable-preview Java fix by @jlahoda in #5802
- upgrade to apache lucene 9.6.0 and maven-indexer 7.0.2 + more by @mbien in #5931
- upgrade bundled maven to 3.9.2. by @mbien in #5936
- use SMO service for class name and SHA1 queries. by @mbien in #5984
- maven remote index filters by @mbien in #5922
- #5978: Maven/priming optimization by @sdedic in #5998
- Integrate upstream incremental index update optimizations and other improvements by @mbien in #6089
- Defensive guards against invalid code points in preferences. by @mbien in #6094
- Upgrade bundled maven to 3.9.3. by @mbien in #6117
- Fix wrong javac tree access for module information in modular maven project by @matthiasblaesing in #6154
- Fix unstable unittest org.netbeans.modules.maven.ModuleInfoSupportTest by @matthiasblaesing in #6168
- Fix NumberFormatException in maven dependency update hint. by @mbien in #6184
- Update Jakarta EE 10 archetype for a new project by @OndroMih in #6201
- Fix cycle in problem reporter with unreachable artifacts. by @sdedic in #6197
- Revert "Use resolve() method that actually throws exception." by @mbien in #6228
- Enable 'Rerun failed tests' button for JUnit5 by @Atrament666 in #6217
- #4447 - Fix missing code folding blocks in java editor for conditions, loops and try/catch by @Chris2011 in #4448
- VSCode: Various code completion enhancements. by @dbalek in #5963
- VSCode: Completion for annonymous inner classes improved. by @dbalek in #5981
- Enable Micronaut HyperlinkProviders - deadlocks fixed. by @dbalek in #5991
- Make sure the test roots are associated with the correct project(s) before attempting to run tests. by @jlahoda in #5722
- Adding a way to directly specify JTreg when no is known by @jlahoda in #5721
- JPDA Evaluator: Value, Description and Children should not be fetched on the EDT by @matthiasblaesing in #5877
- Adding an option to disable unused hint for package private elements, ignoring elements that possibly are looked up using MethodHandles.Lookup. by @jlahoda in #5173
- Attempting to avoid a crash when running a project/file when there's no DB connection. by @lahodaj in #6085
- Enable modules to depend on CPU architecture, Update OpenJFX and support Aarch64 for Linux and mac OS by @matthiasblaesing in #6028
- Reverting "Prefixing all code names of commands with 'nbls'.", as more time will be needed to discuss, validate the patch and adjust to it. by @lahodaj in #6114
- Update collection return encapsulation hint. by @mbien in #6090
- Provide Lambda expression option in Listener generation style by @kamilkrzywanski in #6150
- VisualDevelopmentUtil should close streams by @Alfusainey in #6172
- [NETBEANS-5719] Add option to disable tooltips for parameter completion. by @notzed in #5897
- Repair openjdk.project tests and add them to CI by @mbien in #6194
- Adding ability to run a single sub-test for tests under jtreg. by @jlahoda in #6067
- Make NP Dereference hint aware of Objects.requireNonNull(). by @mbien in #6195
- Support for transformation from jakartaee8 to jakartaee10 applications by @breakponchito in #5847
- Fix for BigStringCustomEditor not being able to save Strings backed by byte arrays by @SirIntellegence in #6157
- Add javadoc support for the 2nd jdk early release by @pepness in #6078
- Investigate ComputeImportsTest test failures by @mbien in #6235
- Fix Javadoc formatting error when using add/remove param hint. by @neilcsmith-net in #6282
- Clarify Java Platform Manager UI. by @mbien in #6325
- PHP: Changed the way null is parsed similar to true and false. by @troizet in #6065
- Revert "Fix Imports" changes by @junichi11 in #6152
- Stabilize some unreliable tests for smoother CI operation by @mbien in #6151
- Fix
expression with casting #5933 by @junichi11 in #6092 - Add "Fix Imports" changes again by @junichi11 in #6161
- Update the PHP sample project for PHPUnit by @junichi11 in #6169
- Fix "Fix Imports" when the vardoc has nullable types by @junichi11 in #6170
- Fix incorrect AbstractClassInstantiationHintError #6119 by @junichi11 in #6171
- Fix "Fix Imports" issues again #5578 by @junichi11 in #6177
- Don't remove existing uses if they are the same as the created string for use statements by @junichi11 in #6179
- Fix the vendor name regex for Composer #6192 by @junichi11 in #6196
- Avoid getting all types with an empty type name #6039 by @junichi11 in #6237
- Add blank lines for formatting options(Between Use Types) when use statements are inserted by "Fix Imports" #6238 by @junichi11 in #6242
- Improve WildFly support for jakarta ee and java ee javadocs by @pepness in #5871
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.4 by @pepness in #5925
- Adding support for port offset when running WildFly by @ehsavoie in #5597
- NETBEANS-4035: CDI Bean as Named is not listed in xhtml for selection by @juneau001 in #5866
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.5 by @pepness in #6002
- Fix specification version going backwards in web.beans and jakarta.web.beans by @matthiasblaesing in #6001
- Refactoring: Simplify
by @asbachb in #5970 - Tomcat 11 increased min supported Java version to 21 by @pepness in #6064
- [NETBEANS-4927] Maven EAR project fails to deploy on an app server by @OndroMih in #4929
- Fix some compiler warnings and did some cleanups for module
by @asbachb in #6118 - Dbalek/micronaut class generator fixes by @dbalek in #6107
- Ability to navigate around Micronaut project by URI and beans. by @dbalek in #6123
- Filtering symbols by query prefix. by @dbalek in #6136
- Bugfix: Added ability to find
related jars for wildfly server instances by @asbachb in #6140 - Add support for Wildfly 28 by @asbachb in #6138
- Added support for JSF 4.0 namespaces by @asbachb in #6160
- Jakarta EE Entitiy and EJB support by @asbachb in #6129
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.6 by @pepness in #6221
- Bugfix: Bring back singleton option when creating a new Session Bean and interfaceless EJBs by @matthiasblaesing in #6257
- [JS] Fix ConcurrentModificationException scanning export class {} with multiple members by @matthiasblaesing in #5983
- [JS] Improve resolving this in ClassElements and in arrow functions by @matthiasblaesing in #5995
- [JS] Fix handling of class constructor in classes in an...
What's Changed
- Keep using Groovy DSL for Gradle by @lkishalmi in #6307
- Configure latest released wrapper in new Gradle project by @neilcsmith-net in #6333
Full Changelog: 19-rc4...19-rc5
Apache NetBeans 19-rc4
What's Changed
- Fix Javadoc formatting error when using add/remove param hint. by @neilcsmith-net in #6282
- Bugfix: Bring back singleton option when creating a new Session Bean and interfaceless EJBs by @matthiasblaesing in #6257
- Fix issue (GH6290) in new DialogDisplayerImpl behaviour by @neilcsmith-net in #6294
Language Server Protocol
Other Changes
- Terminal input ignores detected encoding by @matthiasblaesing in #6271
- Fix: Committing SQL files does not change blue color on the file tab in editor by @matthiasblaesing in #6265
Full Changelog: 19-rc3...19-rc4