Releases: apache/netbeans
Releases · apache/netbeans
Apache NetBeans 9.0 (Incubating)
What's Changed
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review db.sql.editor by @matthiasblaesing in #23
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review uihandler by @ebarboni in #15
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review editor.lib by @vieiro in #37
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review editor.lib2 by @vieiro in #38
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review db.drivers by @matthiasblaesing in #20
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review defaults by @matthiasblaesing in #30
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review db.mysql by @matthiasblaesing in #22
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review openide.filesystems.* by @emilianbold in #10
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review openide.modules by @emilianbold in #13
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review c.jcraft.jsch by @junichi11 in #47
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review c.jcraft.jzlib by @junichi11 in #48
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review by @junichi11 in #41
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review c.googlecode.javaewah.JavaEWAH by @junichi11 in #40
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review bugzilla by @junichi11 in #39
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review bugtracking by @junichi11 in #28
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review api.xml.ui by @junichi11 in #27
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review api.debugger by @junichi11 in #26
- [NETBEANS-54] Module review docker.editor by @matthiasblaesing in #51
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review db.sql.visualeditor by @matthiasblaesing in #24
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review db.dataview by @matthiasblaesing in #16
- [NETBEANS-54] Add license header to binaries-list by @matthiasblaesing in #49
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review spellchecker by @emilianbold in #60
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review parsing.api by @emilianbold in #57
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review parsing.indexing by @emilianbold in #59
- Updating the rat exclusion list by @vieiro in #46
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review api.xml by @junichi11 in #36
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review api.templates by @geertjanw in #75
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review api.visual by @geertjanw in #76
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review by @geertjanw in #77
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review by @geertjanw in #78
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review derby by @matthiasblaesing in #29
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review lexer.nbbridge by @vieiro in #79
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review libs.antlr3.runtime by @vieiro in #80
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review editor.settings.lib - Added Apache License by @subhash-koganti in #66
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review j2ee.core.utilities by @juneau001 in #64
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review editor.errorstripe by @vieiro in #56
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review editor.completion by @vieiro in #55
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review csl.api by @junichi11 in #63
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review team.commons by @junichi11 in #67
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review project.libraries by @junichi11 in #68
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review terminal by @junichi11 in #74
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review libs.antlr4.runtime by @vieiro in #81
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review libs.bytelist by @vieiro in #83
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review libs.ini4j by @vieiro in #94
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review db.core by @matthiasblaesing in #5
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review core.kit by @geertjanw in #84
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review core.multiview by @geertjanw in #86
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review core.output2 by @geertjanw in #88
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review core.startup by @geertjanw in #89
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review core.ui by @geertjanw in #90
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review by @geertjanw in #92
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review by @geertjanw in #93
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review hibernate by @ikysil in #82
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review j2ee.metadata by @juneau001 in #98
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review libs.jsch.agentproxy by @vieiro in #101
- Enable travis by @JaroslavTulach in #108
- Not all tests can be compiled right now. Compile them as part of travis run. by @JaroslavTulach in #109
- Add support for specifying classifier and extension for maven binaries by @matthiasblaesing in #97
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review libs.junit4 by @geertjanw in #103
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review libs.asm by @geertjanw in #102
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review by @juneau001 in #110
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review libs.lucene by @vieiro in #112
- [NETBEANS-54] Module review xml modules by @matthiasblaesing in #52
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review by @vieiro in #143
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review spi.debugger.ui by @vieiro in #142
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review nbjunit by @geertjanw in #141
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review java.editor create shell script by @geertjanw in #140
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review libs.cglib by @vieiro in #133
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review javafx2.sample by @mcdonnell-john in #128
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review o.eclipse.jgit by @mcdonnell-john in #118
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review org.eclipse.jgit.java7 by @mcdonnell-john in #119
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review refactoring.api by @junichi11 in #137
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review junitlib by @geertjanw in #120
- [NETBEANS-54] Fix central problems by @matthiasblaesing in #148
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review o.apache.xmlrpc by @vieiro in #149
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review libs.jvyamlb by @vieiro in #115
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review extexecution.process by @vieiro in #138
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review dlight.nativeexecution by @vieiro in #135
- Testcases related fixes by @rtaneja1 in #44
- Removed failing test UpdateFromNbmTest by @rtaneja1 in #106
- Renamed VerifyFileTest class to exclude it from TestSuite run as it depends on deleted resource by @arusinha-zz in #155
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review maven.model by @rosslamont in #160
- Renamed AutoupdateInfoParserTest class to exclude it from Test Suite run as it depends on deleted resource by @arusinha-zz in #167
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review lib.terminalemulator by @vieiro in #131
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review maven.embedder by @rosslamont in #162
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review hibernate by @junichi11 in #136
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review java.j2semodule by @junichi11 in #165
- Fix unittests for Netbeans Build system by @matthiasblaesing in #170
- Removed failing tests dependent on nbm by @rtaneja1 in #107
- NETBEANS-87 - incorrect warning displayed by @lbruun in #154
- [NETBEANS-94] Cannot build NB Javadocs on Windows by @lbruun in #157
- [NETBEANS-54] Module Review debugger.jpda.ui by @junichi11 in #164
- [NETBEANS-5...