What's Changed
- Skip unreadable multiproperties. by @sdedic in #7037
- Fixed concurrency issues in GradleDaemonExecutor by @mbien in #7030
- Gradle Project shall use the Java from the tooling not runtime. by @lkishalmi in #7024
- Upgrade Gradle Tooling API to 8.7 by @lkishalmi in #7215
- Better Gradle Project Creation Wizard by @lkishalmi in #7257
- Override conflicting dependencies with the finally used ones. by @sdedic in #7028
- Replace usage of package
with Java native methods. by @pepness in #7076 - Fix empty Test Results with maven surefire plugin. by @robfitz273k in #7113
- Refactoring pom.xml as well when renaming class inside editor by @Achal1607 in #7104
- maven indexing: update lucene from 9.9.1 to 9.10.0. by @mbien in #7087
- Fixed false error thrown if parent pom version uses variable by @Achal1607 in #7158
- Remove experimental maven download feature. by @mbien in #7182
- Very simple support for native-image build for Helidon projects. by @sdedic in #7178
- Improve priming from LSP client by @sdedic in #7063
- Fix how to define fallback values for a jdk installation in some xml files by @pepness in #7031
- Add null check on originalEncoding parameter of EncodingModel by @pedro-w in #7060
- NB Build: Basic support for javac.release property. by @mbien in #7188
- Computing hints based on custom preferences by @Achal1607 in #6760
- Minor bug fixes. by @dbalek in #7014
- Retire EOL Spring 3, 4 and update Spring 5 lib wrapper to 5.3.31. by @mbien in #6994
- Upgrade to JDK 22 javac (build 33). by @lahodaj in #6968
- Micronaut PUT/POST Data Endpoint Method generation added. by @dbalek in #7068
- Allow invocation of annotation Processor's getCompletions even if process fails. by @lahodaj in #6956
- Java Code Templates for List.of(), Map.of(), and Set.of() by @lkishalmi in #7102
- Fix: Settings persistence does not work for inner-class hints by @mbien in #7077
- LSP: Code completion for Java static members. by @dbalek in #7149
- Java Code Templates for records and sealed types by @lkishalmi in #7088
- Escape java hint fix String for html and fill in multi variables. by @mbien in #7075
- gracefully handle case, when encSimpleName is equal to simpleName by @thurka in #7176
- Entities from databases: Bugfix entity generation in plain java (non webapp) projects by @matthiasblaesing in #7163
- Deconflict some layer registration positions by @mbien in #7235
- [NETBEANS-3725] Preventing a crash in Flow due to unattributed ASTs (cleared nerrors prevents post attr to run in some cases). by @lahodaj in #7153
- Include api.dashboard in Javadoc. by @neilcsmith-net in #7272
- Added go to test ability for test/tested class in lsp server by @Achal1607 in #6834
- LSP: Generate Tests converted to Source Action. by @dbalek in #7276
- Fix incorrect formatting after use statements #6980 by @junichi11 in #6981
- PHP: Implemented display of exception message when exception breakpoints are hit by @troizet in #6992
- Add the Auto Import feature for Code Completion by @junichi11 in #7027
- Fix incorrect code completion for use function #7041 by @junichi11 in #7054
- PHP features for NB22 by @junichi11 in #7056
- Regenerate PHP signature files by @junichi11 in #7094
- PHP: Fixing a few bugs with phpDoc by @troizet in #7264
- PHP: Improved validation of rename refactoring by @troizet in #7273
- Allow for removing Micronaut symbols from index. by @dbalek in #6996
- Remove struts 1 support. by @mbien in #6987
- Micronaut: separate templates for creating plain controllers and controllers from repositories by @dbalek in #7071
- Micronaut: Detect and report duplicated endpoint URI paths. by @dbalek in #7090
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.12 by @pepness in #7032
- Enable Servlet/Filter/Listener generation for Jakarta based projects by @matthiasblaesing in #6984
- Adding support for Wildfly 31 by @febilus in #7055
- Enable code completion in JSF and JSP pages in Jakarta based projects by @matthiasblaesing in #6985
- Final changes for JakartaEE adjustments by @matthiasblaesing in #7020
- Fix detection of support for generation session beans from entity classes and support jakarta package names by @matthiasblaesing in #7080
- Add support for Jakarta EE 11 by @pepness in #6988
- Micronaut: Code completion for repository finder methods enhanced. by @dbalek in #7115
- JDK 21 support to Payara Platform tools v6.x in Apache NetBeans IDE by @jGauravGupta in #6999
- Micronaut: Code completion for repository finder methods improved. by @dbalek in #7121
- Jakarta 11 license fixes by @ebarboni in #7138
- Remove JSF 1.2 from Libraries by @lkishalmi in #7184
- Set up locator services to fix NPE during Maven priming by @sdedic in #7227
- Micronaut: Making code completion tests more stable. by @dbalek in #7234
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.13 and GlassFish 8.0.0-M3 by @pepness in #7204
- JsfVersion might not be known, so null case must be handled by @matthiasblaesing in #7216
- Import Payara Server configurations after a NetBeans upgrade by @brunogptavares in #7242
- Fix DB selection in JPA entity generation and improve derby integration by @matthiasblaesing in #7246
- XML Catalog GF/Payara: Ensure only existing schemas are resolved by @matthiasblaesing in #7218
- JSF: Support composite components in resource folder defined by jakarta.faces.WEBAPP_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY by @matthiasblaesing in #7236
- Add support for GlassFish 7.0.14 and GlassFish 8.0.0-M4 by @pepness in #7252
- JSF Facelets template wizard: Support JSF 4+ namespace by @matthiasblaesing in #7222
- Micronaut: code completion for update methods fixed. by @dbalek in #7262
- Handle JAR-URL as codesource for javascript editor module by @matthiasblaesing in #7160
- JS: Handle meta-properties new.target and import.meta and improve code completion with newlines and comments by @matthiasblaesing in #7211
- Add support for Chrome DevTools Protocol for NodeJS Debugging by @matthiasblaesing in #4220
- #7245: better recovery from script engine failures by @sdedic in #7250
- Update libs.graaljs, libs.graalsdk and libs.truffleapi to 24.0.0 by @sdedic in #7268
- New file created by copy/paste in git repo ignores commit exclusion flag by @matthiasblaesing in #7070
- move all git and versioning tests to the versioning CI job by @mbien in #7092
- Fixes all deprecated API usage in libs.jgit and update gitignore IO code by @mbien in #7093
- Add default Git Hyperlink Provider. by @mbien in #7147
- Git history and diff view improvements by @mbien in #7128
- Remove kenai code from versioning and bugtracking modules by @mbien in #7198
- Update versions after incompatible changes in versioning.util and mercurial by @matthiasblaesing in #7230
- Made Parsing API a bit more Functional by @lkishalmi in #7112
- Made HCL AST on records by @lkishalmi in #7097
- Generate Java Sources from ANTLR grammars pre-compile by @lkishalmi in #7186
- Upgrade Antlr3 and 4. New toml parsing library. by @vieiro in #7180
- Register comment/uncomment action in editor toolbar for properties and XML files by @matthiasblaesing in #7223
UI Changes
- Fix welcome page after config import. by @mbien in #7141
- Fix filtering of delete action on Favorites root nodes. by @neilcsmith-net in #7183
- Add common actions with shortcuts to editor background by @neilcsmith-net in #7171
- Update NetBeans icns icon to match macOS style guidlines by @oyarzun in #7132
- Tweak JOptionPane minimum size. by @mbien in #6577
- Integrate NB Favorites with the FileChooser shortcuts panel by @mbien in #7164
- Add Dashboard API and use to provide replacement for Welcome page by @neilcsmith-net in #7239
- Fix editor background shortcut colour for some non-default LAFs by @mhalachev in #7255
Language Server Protocol
- Including org.netbeans.modules.editor.tools.storage, as it is a required dependency as of recently. by @lahodaj in #6966
- LSP: Do not compute text edits in source actions on
call. by @dbalek in #6990 NbLaunchDelegate
fix and test multi line texts in suite.py by @jtulach in #7011- ActionProvider & its Lookup consolidation in VSCode extension by @jtulach in #7105
- Update guava from 32.1.2-jre to 33.0.0-jre by @mbien in #7004
- LSP: Simplified server startup. by @dbalek in #7154
- LSP: TestClassGenerator should create the target folder if it is missing by @dbalek in #7177
- Fix LSP test using the New Gradle Wizard by @lkishalmi in #7267
- Integrate hints preferences option in the vscode extension by @Achal1607 in #7082
VSCode Extension
- README and CHANGELOG update by @MartinBalin in #7089
- Prepare CI for NB 22 and bump minimum JDK requirement to 17 by @mbien in #7019
- Remove pre-apache NetBeans 8.2 plugin portal from settings. by @mbien in #6991
- Code Cleanup/Deprecation fixes: Class#newInstance, underscore identifier, better temp files, avoid toUpper/LowerCase and more by @mbien in #7053
- Java 17 Support with Sigtest 2.2 from JakartaEE TCK Tools by @lkishalmi in #7117
- Update delete-artifact action and JDK 22 version to ga. by @mbien in #7181
- Upgrade commons libs, asm, jgit, jna, jackson, felix, jacoco and junit by @mbien in #7237
- Complete update to asm 9.7 by @pepness in #7251
- CI pipeline improvements (more label control) by @mbien in #7206
Other Changes
- Revert "
fix and test multi line texts in suite.py" by @neilcsmith-net in #7061 - Adjusting some license texts. by @lahodaj in #7034
- Exclude JDK 17+ HCL module from graalvm tests by @mbien in #7169
- link visual api to effective site by @ebarboni in #7162
- Generate Java Sources from GoLang grammars pre-compile by @lkishalmi in #7189
- Changelog updates for upcoming VSNetBeans 21.9.9 release. by @MartinBalin in #7238
- Allow user to manipulate Truffle breakpoints by @jtulach in #6866
- Revert "Allow user to manipulate Truffle breakpoints" by @mbien in #7261
- HCL added Scoped Function name support (Terraform 1.8) by @lkishalmi in #7270
New Contributors
- @febilus made their first contribution in #7055
- @robfitz273k made their first contribution in #7113
Full Changelog: 21...22-rc1