💥 - Breaking change.
✨ - New feature.
🐛 - Bug fix.
⚡️ - Performance improvement.
📝 - Documentation.
⚗ - Experimental.
See Gitmoji for a guide on the emojis used.
Public Changes:
- ✨ [RUM-8622] introduce session-consistent trace sample rate (#3381) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🐛 [RUM-8744] CLS tracking: provide cls
to adjust cls rect scale (#3389) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Internal Changes:
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3386) [RUM-REACT]
- 👷 fix tags to match the test optimisation configuration attributes (#3337) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ✅ Clean logs in unit tests (#3390) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- Bump serialize-javascript from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /test/app (#3383)
- ♻️ [RUM-8716] Use assembly hook for page states (#3362) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Public Changes:
- ✨ [RUM-5500] React-router v7 support (#3299) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ✨ [RUM-7459] Collect error context from a custom Error field (#3320) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ✨ [RUM-7958] Deprecate setUser without required Id (#3262) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ✨ [RUM-7019] Add setAccount API and account in RUM events (#3242) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🐛 Fix empty string for resource url in LCP (#3378) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🐛 [extension] fix Vital events rendering (#3366) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Internal Changes:
- 👷 remove webdriverio dependency (#3373)
- 👷 remove unused global jasmine types (#3374) [RUM]
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3367)
- 👷 Update dependency globals to v16 (#3370)
- 👷 Update Node.js to v23 (#3368)
- 👷 Update dependency eslint-plugin-unicorn to v57 (#3369)
- 👷 format rum event format validation errors (#3363)
- 👷 Update dependency ajv to v8 (#3348) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 👷 only connect to background script when the extension is actually loaded (#3350)
- 👷 Update dependency emoji-name-map to v2 (#3344)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3332) [RUM-REACT] [WORKER]
- 👷 Update react monorepo to v19 (major) (#3201) [RUM-REACT]
- ✅ Change flush sync into act (#3364) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ⚗️✨ [RUM-8622] session consistent trace sampling (#3352) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- Define an error type and message for handling stacks (#3359) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ♻️ [RUM-8649] Use assembly hook for feature flags (#3353) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- ♻️ refactor npm scripts (#3345)
- ♻️ use playwright for e2e (#3159) [RUM]
- Add modifiable field path for lcp resource_url (#3346) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ♻️ Use window.crypto instead of getCrypto wrapper [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🔥 remove some workarounds related to unsupported browsers (#3336) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- Add flag to always publish all pacakages (#3343)
- ♻️ [RUM-8340] Use assembly hook for ci and synthetics contexts (#3310) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- ♻️ [RUM-8319] Use assembly hook for action (#3305) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Public Changes:
- ✨ Allow to modify source_url and invoker properties in LoAF script attributions (#3325) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- ✨ GA remote configuration (#3329) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ✨ [RUM-4908] Add
Link to Facet List in Developer Extension (#2830) - 🐛 [RUM-8428] Make developer extension compatible with lazy loaded recorder module (#3324)
- 🐛 Fix missing URL context (#3323) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Internal Changes:
- 👷♀️ [RUM-8295] Change anonymous id format to uuid (#3306) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3300) [RUM-REACT]
- 👷 Bump chrome to 133.0.6943.53-1 (#3321)
- 🔧✅ enable splitChunk for tests again (#3308)
- 👷♀️ Remove ff for action name masking (#3334) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ♻️ [RUM-8123] Introduce a hook to assemble events (#3330) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- ♻️ Custom sanitizer for Context Manager (#3290) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🔥 Remove RumContext type (#3319) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Public Changes:
- 🐛 [RUM-7694] - Keep more ReplayStats history to avoid wrongly marking views as having no replay (#3318) [RUM]
Public Changes:
- ✨ [RUM-6563] Attribute ressource URL to LCP (#3154) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🐛 [RUM-8353] Throttle view context update (#3314) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🐛 fix document resource duration (#3307) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Internal Changes:
- ✅ fix failing skipped test (#3309) [RUM]
- 🔊 Revert hooks and add missing URL context telemetry (#3313) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🔊 Add telemetry on missing URL context (#3304) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ⚗️Update RC to support new format and URL [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🚨 enforce consistent type export (#3302) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ♻️ [RUM-8123] Introduce a hook to assemble events (#3289) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Public Changes:
- ✨ Report original error from
instead of fake rendering error (#3293) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER] - ✨ [RUM-6581] Add an init parameter to chose feature flags event collection (#3283) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- ✨ Capture previous and current rects in CLS attribution data (#3269) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- ✨ [RUM-7572] Add get api of view specific context (#3266) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- ✨ [RUM-6567] Generate new web vitals attribution fields (#3251) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🐛 Prevent collecting the webpack ChunkLoadError (#3280) [RUM]
- ⚡️ [RUM-7650] GA delaying the viewport dimension collection (#3248) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Internal Changes:
- 👷♀️ [RUM-7963] Add anonymous user id e2e test and cleanup (#3268) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 👷 fix eslint error on UNSTABLE_ReactComponentTracker case (#3298) [RUM-REACT]
- 👷 Bump chrome to 132.0.6834.110-1 (#3296)
- 👷 various tiny fixes (#3291) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3292) [RUM-REACT]
- 👷 upload source maps for next major canary (#3288)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3246)
- 👷 Update dependency puppeteer to v24 (#3275)
- 👷: migrate renovate config (#3279)
- ✅ Add e2e test for telemetry usage (#3222) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ✅ mitigate e2e protocol latency (#3295)
- ✅ don't rely on segment counts on e2e tests (#3278) [RUM]
- ✅ clear identifier implementation cache between tests (#3282) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- [React RUM] Add a ReactComponentTracker component (#3086) [RUM-REACT]
- ⬆️ Update eslint to v9 / flat config (#3259) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
See our upgrade guide for a comprehensive list of breaking changes introduced by this major version.
Public Changes:
- 💥 [RUM-7704] Remove anonymous user feature flag for v6 (#3216) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 💥 default traceContextInjection to sampled (#3212) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 💥 new default for track* initialization options (#3190) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 💥 [RUM-6816] remove sendLogsAfterSessionExpiration (#3183) [LOGS]
- 💥 [RUM 6075] Save anonymous id in session cookie (#2985) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 💥 remove useCrossSiteSessionCookie option (#3179) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 💥 remove Object.* Polyfills (#2908) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 💥 remove some polyfills (#2857) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 💥 build using ES2018 target (#2882) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 💥 Collect long animation frames as long task events (#3272) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 💥 [RUM-175] sanitize RegExp and Event (#3188) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 💥 [RUM-6814] strongly type site parameter (#3161) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 💥 [RUM-1919] Add tracestate header when using tracecontext propagator (#3163) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🐛 Prevent collecting the webpack ChunkLoadError (#3280) [RUM]
- ⚡️ [RUM-6813] Lazy load session replay (#3152) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Internal Changes:
- 👷 [RUM-5282] Remove ie11 tests (#2856) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 👷 do not rename bundle file when name does not change (#3273)
- 👷 skip merge-into-next-major-job if branch don't exist (#3270)
- 👷 enable check staging merge (#3264)
- 👷 fix comment about performance.timing.navigationStart (#3180) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 👷 fix comment on browser support for unicode character escape (#3177) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 👷 [RUM-6366] disable browserStack tests (#3089)
- 👷 fix next major deploy job config (#2988)
- 👷 add canary deploy job for next major (#2938)
- 🧪 Update browser matrix for tests (#2884) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ✅ fix session store e2e to account for anonymous id (#3265)
- ✅ Make tests robust to an instrumentMethod that does not always rewrap (#3231) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ✅ [RUM-6813] Use promise in
instead of a callback (#3168) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Public Changes:
- ✨ [RUM-5001] introduce a
config option to force using local storage (#3244) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER] - feat: support custom schema on Electron (#3204) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Internal Changes:
- Revert "👷 freeze canary deploy (#3238)" (#3252)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3240) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 👷 Update dependency webpack-cli to v6 (#3241)
- 👷 freeze canary deploy (#3238)
- ✅ fix leak detection issues (#3245) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 💚 fix CI PR comment (#3250)
- ♻️ move traceSampleRate default to config validation (#3197) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Public Changes:
- 🐛 AddError should support all instances of type Error (#3228) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🐛 Fix unobserve error for non-Element parameter (#3218) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Internal Changes:
- ⚗️ ⚡️ [RUM-7650] Delay the viewport dimension collection (#3209) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3200) [RUM-REACT] [WORKER]
- 👷 [RUM-7634] Add deploy and source maps upload scripts tests (#3211)
- 📦️ update typescript-eslint (#3192) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Public Changes:
- 🐛 [RUM-6322] Use window.open observable (#3215) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Internal Changes:
- ⚗️ ✨ [RUM-6868] implement consistent probabilistic trace sampling (#3186) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- Test anonymous id on staging behind ff (#3206) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Public Changes:
- ✨ [RUM-6182] don't start recording automatically when sample is 0 (#3162) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- ✨ [RUM-6799] Add new delivery type property (#3166) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🐛 [RUM-87] AddError should support Error instances coming from other JS contexts (#3144) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Internal Changes:
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3157) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ✅ [RUM-6813]Fix recorder tests (#3191) [RUM]
- ♻️ [RUM-6813] Split the recorder API module (#3181) [RUM]
- Adds a prepare script to @datadog/browser-rum-react (#3182) [RUM-REACT]
Public Changes:
- ✨ [RUM-7371] move React integration out of beta (#3160) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🐛 [RUM-6411] RUM should not crash with puppeteer injection (#3153) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Internal Changes:
- ✨ [RUM-6956] Add action name source (#3115) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Public Changes:
- 🐛 skip worker timing when no worker is used (#3147) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- ⚗️🐛 [RUM-6226] fix for empty splats (#3142) [RUM-REACT]
Public Changes:
- 🐛 Use EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener instead of the method (#3137) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- [RUM-6801] Collect resource worker processing time (#3118) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- Fix trackViewsManually JS doc comment (#3117) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
Internal Changes:
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3139)
- 👷 Bump chrome to 131.0.6778.69-1 (#3127)
- ✅ Fix test cleanup tasks order (#3141) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Public Changes:
- 🐛 [RUM-6226][rum-react] improve routes wildcard substitution (#3105) [RUM-REACT]
- ⚡️ [RUM-6929] delay resource collection (#3102) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- Add @session.id in Logs along to @session_id (#3125) [LOGS]
Internal Changes:
- 👷 do not include staging bump commit to changelog (#3129)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3106) [RUM-REACT] [WORKER]
Public Changes:
- ✨ add new privacy rule for autocomplete password value (#3094) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- ✨[RUM-5090] Collect ressource protocol (#3087) [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🐛 allow untrusted event for httpRequest xhr event listeners (#3123) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Internal Changes:
- 👷 [RUM-6562] Enable and rename update view name API (#3099) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3082) [RUM-REACT]
- 👷[IR-30972] Include older version intake urls matching (#3059) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 👷 disable datadog static analysis (#3091)
- ✅👷 kill browserstack execution early (#3096)
Internal Changes:
- 👷 CI - Enable yarn strategy on the repository (#3079)
- 👷 publish chrome extension to all users (#3084)
- 👷 CI - assign static resources for e2e-bs job (#3080)
- 👷 Enable reduced Session Replay data batch time limit (#3088) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Public Changes:
- 🐛 [RUM-6483] Investigate reducing the batch time limit for Replay (#3077) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Internal Changes:
- 👷 Bump chrome to 130.0.6723.58-1 (#3074)
- 👷 skip merge into next major on scheduled pipelines (#3075)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3070) [RUM-REACT]
- 👷 Update dependency eslint-plugin-unicorn to v56 (#3071)
- 🔧 [RUM-6226] tweak rum-react dependencies (#3054) [RUM-REACT]
- ♻️ Use registerCleanupTask for mock cleanups (#3069) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ♻️ [RUM-5101] Use registerCleanupTask for interceptor cleanup (#3065) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- [RUM 5088] Reduce INP Null Target (#2950) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ♻️ [RUM-5101] Use registerCleanupTask for fetch and report cleanups (#3066) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ♻️ Use registerCleanupTask for zonejs cleanup (#3060) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-REACT] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Public Changes:
- 🐛 ignore layout shifts that happen before view start (#3058) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🐛 add missing start_time field (#3050) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
Internal Changes:
- 👷🐛 fix generate-changelog script (#3052)
- 👷 Update Node.js to v22 (#3049)
- 👷 sync rum-events-format (#3053) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3046) [RUM-REACT] [WORKER]
- 👷 allow release to be merged into next major feature branch (#3043)
- 👷 bump e2e-bs ci job timeout to 35 minutes (#3044)
- 👷 Bump chrome to 129.0.6668.58-1 (#3035)
- 🔊 Add SDK setup telemetry (#3045) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🚨 enforce
files conventions (#3022)
Public Changes:
- ✨ replace react-router wildcard routes with their actual path name (#3023) [RUM-REACT]
- 🐛 fix to redirect v6-canary bundles urls to local dev bundles (#3021)
Internal Changes:
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#3030) [RUM-REACT]
- 👷 Bump webpack from 5.76.0 to 5.94.0 in /test/app (#3013)
- ♻️ [RUM-6278] Use performance observer for layout shift entries (#3028) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- ✨ [RUM 4813] Remove feature flag for view specific context (#3031) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🐛 fix to redirect v6-canary bundles urls to local dev bundles (#3021)
- 👷 [RUM 6237] Add e2e test for view context API init (#3025)
- ♻️ [RUM-6188] Use performanceObserver for first input and event entries (#2995) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- ♻️ [RUM-6184] Use performanceObserver for paint entries (#2991) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
Public Changes
- ✨ Discard loading time when page is hidden (#2965) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🐛 [RUM-5785] fix missing navigation timings on Safari (#2964) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🐛 convert long animation frame times to nanoseconds (#2994) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🐛 [RUM-94] ignore performance resource timings with negative duration (#2958) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
Internal Changes
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#2992) [RUM-REACT] [RUM]
- 👷 timeout e2e-bs ci job after 30 minutes (#2999)
- 👷 Bump chrome to 128.0.6613.84-1 (#2946)
- 👷 allow job 'test-performance' to fail (#2980)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#2975)
- 🎨 [RUM-6203] Expose experimental features in init method (#3006) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🎨 [RUM-5100] Move away from testbuilder in test files - Pt 3 (#2952) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- ✅♻️ do not mock
(#2979) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER] - ♻️ [RUM-6181] Use performanceObserver for LCP entries (#2990) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🔥 cleanup unused Experimental Features (#2996) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ♻️ [RUM-6180] Use performanceObserver for long-task entries (#2989) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- ⚗️✨ [RUM 5983] Add set view context apis (#2967) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Public Changes:
- ✨ [RUM-5775] Make view local context writable (#2939) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🐛 Allow both history and History prototype to be patched by 3rd party (#2968) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 🐛 [RUM-5920] Fix tags format warning (#2947) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Internal Changes:
- 👷 Bump micromatch from 4.0.4 to 4.0.8 (#2970)
- 👷 add job to merge main into next major feature branch (v6) (#2935)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#2962) [RUM-REACT]
- Bump micromatch from 4.0.5 to 4.0.8 in /test/app (#2971)
Public Changes:
- Remove custom_vitals FF (#2957) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Internal Changes:
- 👷 don't print log messages twice in unit tests (#2959)
Public Changes:
- ✨ [RUM-5778] Custom Vitals Collection V3 (#2929) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🐛 bundle size: calculate diff from PR base instead of main (#2910)
Internal Changes:
- 👷 Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v50 (#2932)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#2948) [WORKER]
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#2941) [RUM-REACT]
- 👷 use devflow to merge main into staging (#2927)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#2920) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [RUM-REACT]
- 👷 Update dependency puppeteer to v23 (#2933)
- 👷 upgrade gitlab runner (#2928)
- 👷 [RUM-5673] Improve
execution time (#2914) - 👷 use devflow to merge main into staging (#2917)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#2900)
- 👷 Update dependency eslint-plugin-unicorn to v55 (#2901)
- 👷 Update dependency @types/node to v22 (#2902)
- 🎨 Refactor spec files and remove test setup builder (#2913) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🧪 Update browser matrix for tests (#2884) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER] [RUM-REACT]
- Revert "[RUM-5590] Add telemetry for INP null target (#2895)" (#2955) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- Fix history API instrumentation (#2944) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- [RUM-5705] Collect Long Animation Frames (#2924) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ✨ [RUM-5712] add error.handling to logs (#2918) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- Revert "👷 use devflow to merge main into staging (#2917)" (#2922)
- ♻️ remove duplicate pageStateHistory.stop() (#2912) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- [RUM-5590] Add telemetry for INP null target (#2895) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- Revert "👷 disable test-performance job (#2904)" (#2906)
Internal Changes:
- 👷 disable test-performance job (#2904)
Public Changes:
- 🐛 fix unexpected exception when no entry type is supported in PerformanceObserver (#2899) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
Public Changes:
- 🐛 Fix replay visual viewport resize support (#2891) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- 🐛 Handle non-object response and error (#2860) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ⚡️ Remove classes in favour of functions (#2885) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER] [RUM-REACT]
- ⚡ Performance Friday Reduce Bundle Size (#2875) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- ⚡️Reduce bundle size: simplify config, use const enum, remove str redundancies (#2877) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
- 📝 [RUM-152] Add packages name modified next to commit in CHANGELOG (#2889)
- 📝 [RUM-5172] add react integration documentation (#2873) [RUM-REACT]
Internal Changes:
- 👷 Bump chrome to 127.0.6533.72-1 (#2890)
- 👷 retry gitlab jobs on runner_system_failure (#2886)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#2881) [RUM-REACT]
- 👷 Update dependency minimatch to v10 (#2863)
- 👷 Update dependency glob to v11 (#2862)
- ♻️ [RUM-5294] Use performanceObserver for navigation entries (#2855) [RUM] [RUM-SLIM]
- ⚗️ enable plugins as a beta feature (#2872) [LOGS] [RUM] [RUM-SLIM] [WORKER]
Public Changes:
- ✨ [RUM-4781] Update Custom Web Vitals API (#2801)
- ✨ [RUM-4819] Add an experimental 'updateViewName' API (#2808)
- 🐛 Update path for contributing and changelog file (#2867)
- 🐛 Fix update view name api in context history (#2853)
- 🐛 [RUM-958] Fix performance observable compatibility with old browser version (#2850)
- 🐛 [RUM-5209] provide a span id for the initial document trace (#2844)
Internal Changes:
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#2861)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#2848)
- 👷 Update all non-major dependencies (#2839)
- 👷 Upgrade engine.io and socket.io-adapter packages to fix ws vulnerability (#2842)
- 🎨 Instrument fetch and XHR before trying to init consent (#2834)
- 🧪 Ensure skipped test do not fail (#2821)
- Update rum-react peerDependencies (#2870)
- ♻️ Get rid of setupBuilder from simple unit tests - pt 1 (#2858)
- ♻️ [RUM-159] Categorize changes as public or internal in the CHANGELOG (#2851)
- ♻️ [RUM-958] Use a performance observable instead of the lifecycle (#2818)
- ♻️ [RUM-67] Specialise type files (#2845)
- Specialise constant files (#2841)
- ⚗️✨ [RUM-4469] introduce an experimental React integration (#2824)
- ✨⚗️ [RUM-4469] introduce a plugin system (#2809)
- ✨ [RUM-4014] DD_LOGS: add handling stack in beforeSend context (#2786)
- ✨ [RUM-3902] Add privacy control for action names (#2707)
- 🐛 Fix developer extension crashing when dev mode enabled (#2810)
- 🔮 [HADXVI-53] Browser SDK extension search bar improvement (#2771)
- ⚡️ [RUM-3570] Batch the records for 16ms minimum before processing them (#2807)
- Use the same service/version type in init() and startView() (#2798)
- ⚗️ [RUM-4780] Remote configuration (#2799)
- ✨ [RUM-4659] Collect INP and CLS timestamp (#2793)
- ✨ [RUM-1310] Support all log statuses (#2725)
- ✨ [RUM-3965] make service and version fields modifiable (#2788)
- ✨ [RUM-3837] Force Replay recording on sampled-out sessions (#2777)
- 🐛 [RUM-4178] Update performance difference memory (#2794)
- ♻️ Sends the conf telemetry from preStartRum (#2795)
- ♻️ Set the experimental feature flags as early as possible (#2796)
- 📝 [RUM-158] Add jsdoc annotations on initConfiguration (#2772)
- ✨ [RUM-4013] DD_RUM: add handling stack in beforeSend context (#2730)
- ✨[RUM-4178] Report memory impact to Datadog (#2724)
- 🐛 [RUM-98] Warn when SDK is loaded multiple times (#2785)
- ⚡️ [RUM-4468] improve CSS selector computation performance (#2782)
- 📝 [RUM-158] Add jsdoc to public APIs (#2775)
- 🔥 Remove unnecessary session checks in collections (#2769)
- 🐛 [RUM-4629] accept
as env/version/service (#2781) - 🐛 [RUM-4493] do not compute selectors for detached elements (#2766)
- 🐛 [RUM-2720] Send logs without session id when session inactive (#2578)
- 🐛 [RUM-1666] Don't set negative action loading time (#2764)
- 🐛 [RUM-4434] fix timing matching for the same resource requested twice at the same time (#2747)
- 🐛 [RUM-4436] fix detached node memory leak on CLS (#2749)
- ✅ fix clearing cookies between tests (#2780)
- 🔥 Cleanup experimental features (#2768)
- ✏️ various comment fixes (#2760)
- 🔊[RUM-4360] monitor more API usages (#2745)
- 🔊 collect pre start telemetry (#2755)
- 🔊 Deduplicate telemetry events (#2746)
- 🐛 [RUM-97] Sanitize tags parameter in configuration (#2744)
- 🐛fix deploy script (#2742)
- ✨ [RUM-4052] Sanitize
parameter in configuration (#2735) - ✨ [RUM-4287] Enable feature flags API (#2728)
- ✨ [RUM-3710] Update session ID handling to support cookie deletion (#2673)
- ✨⚗️ [RUM-4179] vital: collect
property (#2723) - ♻️ use browser.execute and browser.executeAsync directly (#2700)
- ♻️ move createHandlingStack to the tools folder (#2727)
- ✨ [RUM-3684] Capture scroll record on shadow dom elements (#2708)
- ✨[RUM-3798] Report the cpu impact as a pr comment (#2702)
- ✨ [RUM-162] Truncate resources URL containing data URLs (#2690)
- 🐛[RUM-4109] Mask iframe srcdoc with privacy override (#2714)
- ⚗ [RUM-2782] Validate resource timings more granularly
- 🐛 fix beforeSend type definition for logs (#2686)
- 🐛 [RUM-2782] remove buggy redirect timing estimation based on fetchStart (#2683)
- [ci-visibility] Implement driver-agnostic integration with CI Visibility (#2639)
- ✨ [RUM-3387] forward to beforeSend context (#2665)
- 🐛 [RUM-3581] Fix the selector computation due to properties partially supported on IE (#2663)
- 🐛 [RUM-96] Ignore frustrations on clicks resulting in scrolls (#2669)
- ♻️✅ Harmonize record observers (#2659)
- ✨ [RUM-3542] Add trace context injection control in rum configuration (#2656)
- 🐛 [RUM-3599] do not define undefined instrumented method (#2662)
- 🐛 [RUM-3598] Ignore collecting requests to logs PCI intake as RUM resources (#2655)
- ⚡ [RUM-2633] Optimize DOM iteration in the recorder (#2657)
- ✨ [RUM-3546] Add support of PCI compliant intake for browser logs (#2648)
- ✨ [RUM 3352] Extra resource event attributes to enable performance CWV troubleshooting (#2646)
- ✨ [RUM-2885] Collect CSP disposition (#2635)
- 🐛 [RUM-3440] Fix INP CSS selector computation
- 🐛 [RUM-3502] fix fetch(url) tracing (#2642)
- 🔧 Enforce snake case for event type properties (#2649)
- 🔊 [RUM-3501] add
to configuration telemetry (#2640) - 🔧 configure renovate to deduplicate subdependencies (#2643)
- ✨ [RUM-3349] enable the consent management API (#2634)
- ✨ [RUM-2203] Forward replay records to the bridge (#2470)
- 🐛 [RUM-2445] fix unexpected session renewal after expire() (#2632)
- ⚗️ [RUM-3234] Discard outdated vitals (#2610)
- ✨ [RUM-2902] Add error causes to context when logging an error (#2602)
- ✨ [RUM-3151] Report bundle sizes to logs (#2605)
- ✨ [RUM-160] Collect PerformanceResourceTiming.responseStatus (#2587)
- 🐛 [RUM-3039] Fix missing pending mutations at view end (#2598)
- ⚗️[RUM-3235] collect vital.name attribute (#2609)
- ⚗️[RUM-2889] custom vitals improvements (#2606)
- 🔧 ignore karma-webpack for now (#2604)
- ⚗️[RUM-2889] Bootstrap custom vital APIs (#2591)
- ⚗ ️✨ [RUM-2445] implement Tracking Consent management (#2589)
- ✨[Developer extension] npm setup override support (#2304)
- 🐛 Fix LCP with size < previous LCP (#2586)
- 🐛 [RUM-2940] fix normalize URL for relative paths (#2576)
- ♻️ register setupBuilder.cleanup as a cleanup task (#2590)
- ♻️ [RUM-2445] split RUM and Logs public APIs modules (#2575)
- ⚡️ [RUM-2893] optimize getNodePrivacyLevel by adding a cache (#2579)
- ♻️ [RUM-2203] Move record logic from startRecording to the record module (#2574)
- ✨[RUM-2729] collect connectivity data (#2560)
- 🐛[RUM-2752] Replay: generate censored images with custom dimensions (#2565)
- 🐛[RUM-2735] Track request with undefined/null method
- 📝 Document addTiming API relative time issue (#2570)
- ♻️ [RUM-2445] simplify context manager sync with local storage (#2562)
- ♻️ [RUM-2445] align rum and logs common context implementation (#2564)
- ♻️ [RUM-2445] use recorderApi directly (#2563)
- 🐛 [RUM-2689] fix recorder crash when restarted quickly (#2553)
- 🔉 [RUM-253] adjust heavy customer data warning when compression is enabled (#2529)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1436] instrument method improvements (#2551)
- ✨⚗ [RUM-2682] writable resource.graphql field on Resource events (#2550)
- 📝 add @datadog/browser-worker package to readme (#2537)
- ♻️ pass the Observable instance to the onFirstSubscribe callback (#2539)
- ✨[RUM-2436] add partitioned support for third party cookies (#2535)
- 🔊[RUM-2324] Telemetry on other wrong LCP cases (#2531)
- 🐛 [RUM-2280] fix duplicated mutations when using Shadow DOM (#2527)
- 🔊[RUM-2324] Telemetry on LCP with startTime to 0 (#2515)
- ✅ import JSON schemas dynamically in tests (#2521)
- ✨ Expose original report events in beforeSend (#2510)
- ✨ Developer Extension improvements (#2516)
- ♻️ [Logs] reorganise some components (#2519)
- ✨ [RUM-1214] Collect core web vitals target selectors (#2506)
- ✨ [RUM-2158] Allow more flexible proxy URL (#2502)
- ✨ [RUM-253] enable compression via the compressIntakeRequests parameter (#2500)
- 🐛 [RUM-1561] Fix CLS selector computation on detached node (#2480)
- 🐛 [RUM-2016] don't collect useless resources events (#2493)
- 🐛 [RUM-1863] fix iOS webview detection (#2486)
- ⚡️[RUM-2017] optimize cookie accesses (#2497)
- ✅ [RUM-253] add E2E tests related to compression (#2416)
- ⚗️✨ [RUM-253] compress RUM data (#2400)
- 🔉 [RUM-1658] Add extra field to identify sessions recorded manually (#2479)
- 🔊 Add CLS target selector telemetry (#2477)
- ✨ [RUM-1215] Collect INP #2355 (#2448)
- 🐛 Prevent console warning on Firefox on route change (#2469)
- 🐛 [RUM-1360] Cap INP outliers (#2466)
- ♻️ [RUM-1329] Merge tracekit into error folder (#2450)
See our upgrade guide for a comprehensive list of breaking changes introduced by this major version.
- 💥 [RUMF-1589] automatically start recording (#2275)
- 💥 [RUMF-1587] Remove
(#2256) - 💥 [RUMF-1597] Drop plan and send sampled_for_replay (#2293)
- 💥 [RUMF-1578] Promote track frustration as default action behaviour (#2232)
- 💥 [RUMF-1230] Only apply main logger configuration to its own logs (#2298)
- 💥 [RUM-1210] Add W3C tracecontext to default propagator types (#2443)
- 💥 [RUMF-1473] Ignore untrusted event (#2308)
- 💥 [RUMF-1564] remove intake subdomains (#2309)
- 💥 [RUMF-1577] Stop collecting foreground periods (#2311)
- 💥 [RUMF-1557] beforeSend domain context: use PerformanceEntry (#2300)
- 💥 [RUMF-1556] Typings: consistent beforeSend return type (#2303)
- 💥 [RUMF-1229] Logs: remove
attribute (#2294) - 💥 [RUMF-1228] Remove console error message prefix (#2289)
- 💥 [RUMF-1555] Rework logger context APIs (#2285)
- 💥 [RUMF-1152] sanitize resource method names (#2288)
- 💥 [RUMF-1555] Remove
in action domain context (#2286) - 💥 [RUMF-1588] Update default session replay behaviour (#2257)
- 💥 [RUMF-1554] Drop some deprecated public APIs (#2241)
- 💥 [RUMF-1554] Drop some deprecated config parameters (#2238)
- ✨ [RUM-255] add allowUntrustedEvents config parameter (#2347)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1499] Don't send duration for resources crossing a page frozen state (#2271)
- 🔥 [RUMF-1555] Remove
in xhr start context (#2287) - ♻️ [RUMF-1555] Remove deprecated context manager APIs (#2284)
- 🐛 [RUM-1325] fix memory leak when using shadow dom (#2451)
- 🐛 [RUM-1325] propagate privacy defined on shadow hosts (#2454)
- 🐛 [RUM-1196] escape CSS rules containing a colon for Safari compatibility (#2440)
- 🐛 [RUM-1062] remove message prefix when using the console handler (#2452)
- 🐛 [RUM-1211] fix compatibility with TS4.6/4.7 using ES2022 (#2455)
- ✨ [RUM-1062] add a prefix to all console message displayed by the SDK (#2432)
- ✨ [extension] add columns to the event list (#2372)
- ✨ [extension] revamp event description and JSON viz (#2371)
- ✨ [extension] revamp filter UI (#2370)
- ✨ [extension] filter outdated events (#2369)
- 🐛 [RUM-1085] Remove lock usage from Local Storage strategy (#2435)
- ♻️ rename scroll fields (#2439)
- 🔇 Remove cwv attribution telemetry
- ♻️ [RUM-1039] Harmonize view tests (#2430)
- Report scroll metrics when page is resized (#2399)
- ♻️ [RUM-253] adapt transport to send encoded data (#2415)
- 🔊 [RUM-253] customize deflate worker failure logs (#2414)
- ♻️ Use performance entry fixtures in tests (#2428)
- ⚗️ [RUM-1020] Collect core web vitals target selectors (#2418)
- ✨[RUM-265] Store contexts across pages (#2378)
- ✨[RUM-1016] Allow to change "view.name" (#2396)
- ✨[RUM-1013] Early exit when no configuration provided (#2417)
- 🐛[RUM-89] Do not count discarded resources (#2410)
- 🐛 fix dynamic style serialization (#2397)
- 🐛 fix INP support detection (#2405)
- ✨ [RUM-252] optimistic worker creation (#2377)
- 🐛 do not ignore @import rules pointing to inaccessible stylesheets (#2398)
- 🎨 [RUM-262] Move view metrics in dedicated files (#2386)
- ♻️ [RUM-253] refactor batch creation (#2390)
- ⚗️ [RUM-257] Collect INP (#2355)
- ♻️ [RUM-250] introduce a DeflateEncoder (#2376)
- ✨ [RUM-233] add workerUrl initialization parameter (#2354)
- 🐛[RUM-142] fix the generation of some invalid selectors (#2375)
- ✨ enable scrollmap collection (#2374)
- 📝 [RUM-254] Document extension internally available on store (#2368)
- ♻️ Cherry-pick some changes from v5 to limit conflicts (#2357)
- ⚗ [RUM][REPLAY] Try to reduce the size of the replay payload (#2348)
- ♻️ [RUM-249] update worker protocol (#2346)
- 🔈 Add web vital attribution telemetry debug (#2344)
- 📝 [developer-extension] Update extension instructions (#2343)
- 🔉 [developer-extension] bootstrap monitoring (#2337)
- 🐛 Avoid setting non-object values for contexts (#2341)
- ✨ [RUM-235] add sample rates fields (#2323)
- 🐛 [RUM-238] Handle tracekit multilines message parsing (#2332)
- 🐛👷 Fix scope packages npm publication (#2334)
- 🔉 monitor reported errors (#2335)
- 🐛👷 [RUM-232] fix worker/string package (#2331)
- 🐛 Fix RUM slim npm package publication (#2325)
- 🐛 [RUM-231] Fix location.origin is "null" for file: URIs (#2306)
- ♻️ [RUM-232] create a
package (#2319) - 🔊 Add tracekit try parse message failing telemetry (#2322)
- 💬 Update heavy customer data warning (#2316)
- ✨ Collect replay privacy level in views (#2299)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1613] fix session replay performance regression (#2313)
- ♻️ Base foreground computation on page lifecycle states (#2253)
- ⚗ Collect scroll metrics (#2180)
- ✨ [RUMF-1580] Implement storage fallback (#2261)
- ✨ [RUMF-1580] Implement Local Storage (#2260)
- 🐛 Telemetry: do not scrub staging and canary frames (#2273)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1580] Decouple storage mechanism (#2259)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1499] Don't send duration for resources crossing a page frozen state (#2255)
- 🔊 [RUMF-1577] Collect page lifecycle states (#2229)
- 🐛 Fix TypeError when document.cookie is empty (#2216)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1583][recorder] do not ignore empty text node during serialization (#2237)
- 🐛 Fix
telemetry (#2236) - 🐛 when bridge is present, send a final view update on page exit (#2234)
- 📝 Update FCP browser support (#2187)
- 👷 use a separate job to deploy US1 (#2228)
- 🐛 fix isolatedModules support (#2209)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1576] fix support for tools that removes console.* references (#2210)
- 📦👷 include webpack, typescript and @types/express in common upgrades (#2222)
- ⚡ remove spec files from npm packages (#2224)
- 📦 [RUMF-1532] update webpack-related dependencies (#2212)
- 📦 update vulnerable subdependency engine.io (#2211)
- ✨[RUMF-1573] Allow to provide custom fingerprint to RUM errors (#2189)
- ✨[RUMF-1508] Provide stack trace for all uncaught exceptions (#2182)
- ✨[RUMF-1573] allow to add modifiable field paths with beforeSend (#2186)
- 🐛 Revert Errors serialization behavior (#2197)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1508] reorganise error handling (#2181)
- ✨ [RUMF-1470] enable sanitize for user-provided data (#2175)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1508] refactor error types / constants (#2179)
- ✨ [RUMF-1530] enable sending replay metadata as json (#2177)
- ✨ [RUMF-1479] enable heatmaps collection (#2178)
- ✨ [RUMF-1534] send a view update when session is expiring (#2166)
- ✨ [RUMF-1534] allow (some) view updates after session expiration (#2167)
- 🐛 Fix exception when using wrong tracing parameters (#2173)
- 🚨 add require-await rule and remove useless async (#2132)
- ✨ [RUMF-1530] send replay metadata as json (#2125)
- ✨ [RUMF-1533] flush pending data on session expiration (#2150)
- ♻️ factorize LifeCycle and simplify its types (#2165)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1533] extract the Flush logic into a reusable component (#2144)
- 🔥 Cleanup unnecessary flags (#2145)
- [REPLAY] Add public function to get the link to current Replay (#2047)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1544] Fix badly polyfilled URL (#2141)
- Add an eslint rule to disallow the use of too generic utility file names (#2101)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1517] split tools utils (#2128)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1505] make sure we don't use Zone.js addEventListener (#2129)
- 🏷️ improve addEventListener typings (#2127)
- 🐛[RUMF-1517] Remove specHelper export in src code (#2126)
- ♻️ rename performance utils (#2136)
- ✨ Support snippet as a valid file url for stack trace computation (#2077)
- ✅ Remove feature flag test warning noise
- ✨ [RUMF-1510] Warn the user when a heavy context is used (#2120)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1517] reorganise some components (#2124)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1470] Sanitize - Fix size computation (#2116)
- ✅ improve async calls collection (#2123)
- 🔊 Collect url and base on failing URL build telemetry (#2062)
- 📝 [RUMF-1526] simplify rum package README.md (#2122)
- 📝 [RUMF-1526] simplify logs package README.md (#2121)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1529] use an enum for experimental features (#2113)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1517] split rum test utils (#2117)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1517] split core specHelper (#2111)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1517] rework test utils (#2118)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1517] add test index files (#2115)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1517] split domain utils (#2105)
- ♻️[RUMF-1517] split rum-core specHelper (#2106)
- ♻️[RUMF-1517] split scripts utils (#2102)
- ✨[RUMF-1500] Remove some references to legacy bundles (#2097)
- 📝 RUMF-1497 Update logger API documentation (#2098)
- ✨ [RUMF-1518] implement a new API to stop the RUM session (#2064)
- 🐛 ♻️ [RUMF 1470] Fix serialization issues (#1971)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1505] introduce a safe
helper function (#2044)
- ✨ [RUMF-1497] Allow logger APIs to pass an Error parameter (#2029)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1522] Expose addFeatureFlagEvaluation (#2096)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1491] fix error when calling
with an unexpected value as first parameter (#2061)
- ✨[RUMF-1500] deploy new datacenter files (#2049)
- 🐛 Handle undefined cancel idle callback (#2045)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1500] tweak deployment scripts (#2046)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1505] introduce and use a safe
helper function (#2032) - ♻️ [REPLAY] Avoid casting & add proper check instead of relying on try/catch (#2016)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1443] fix Zone.js/Angular crash when recording the session (#2030)
- 🐛 [REPLAY] Fix serialization for checkbox & radio (#2021)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1484] use pagehide as unload event (#2020)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1493] Avoid infinite loop on
form > input[name="host"]
element (#2017) - 🐛 [RUMF-1485] Flush event when page becomes frozen (#2015)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1296][rumf-1293] Fix dead click computation (#1998)
- 🐛 fix Shadow DOM support on Microsoft Edge (#2003)
- ✨ [RUMF-1469] introduce a new
initialization parameter (#1947)
- 🐛 fix frustration animation in session replay (#1999)
- ✨ Add new intake strategy for ap1 (#1997)
- Revert "🔊 add view document_count in non-view events (#1892)" (#1959)
- 🐛 [REPLAY] Discard mouse/touch event without x/y position (#1993)
- 🐛[RUMF-1450] stop computing coordinates for focus/blur records (#1985)
- 🐛 ignore contenteditable elements for dead clicks (#1986)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1476] Fix removednodes.foreach is not a function (#1984)
- 🐛⚗ [RUMF-1293] discard dead clicks when activity occurs on pointerdown (#1979)
- ⬆️ fix flaky test (#1982)
- 🔊 Enable customer data telemetry (#1983)
- ⚗🐛 [RUMF-1296] use pointerup to trigger click actions (#1958)
- [REPLAY] Add telemetry for shadow dom (#1978)
- ⬆️ fix Jasmine deprecation warning on unit tests/IE (#1974)
- 🐛[RUMF-1465] collect data for disturbed response (#1977)
- 🔊 [REPLAY] Add telemetry for shadow DOM (#1975)
- ✨[REPLAY] Add support for shadow dom (#1969)
- ✨[REPLAY] Keep Href from link even when importing CSS (#1960)
- 🐛[RUMF-1465] fix missing data when fetch instrumented by zone.js (#1942)
- ⚗️ 🐛 reset input state at the beginning of each click (#1968)
- ⚗️ 🔊[RUMF-1467] Collect user data telemetry (#1941)
- ⚗️ 🔊 [RUMF-1445] Check if the page was discarded before a resource (#1945)
- ⚗️ [REPLAY] Add support for
(#1916) - 🔊 [RUMF-1345] Revert log first untrusted events of each type (#1940)
- 🐛 Fix
behaviour (#1893) - ⚡ Ignore modulepreload and prefetch in link tags (#1921)
- ⚗️🔊 Collect page lifecycle states in resources (#1890)
- ✨[RUMF-1397] init parameter standardisation (#1917)
- ⚗️ [REPLAY] Experiment support for shadow DOM (#1787)
- 🔊 [RUMF-1345] add telemetry logs on untrusted events (#1910)
- 🔊 add view document_count in non-view events (#1892)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1435] do not retry status 0 request while online (#1891)
- ✨ [RUMF-1236] Add support for OTel headers (#1832)
- 🐛[RUMF-1435] don't retry opaque response (#1877)
- ✨ [RUMF-1425] enable request retry/throttle for replay intake (#1819)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1421] keep updating the view event counters after view end (#1864)
- Re-release v4.28.0 to work around a NPM packaging issue
- 🐛 [RUMF-1337] Fix incorrect fetch duration (#1875)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1449] fix Zone support when symbol is missing (#1872)
- ✨Allow internal analytics subdomain (#1863)
- 🔊 Collect computed and perf entry durations (#1861)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1449] workaround for Firefox memory leak when using Zone.js (#1860)
- ✨ send data from the SDK to the extension (#1850)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1440] improve feature flag collection implementation (#1839)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1421] improve counters by filtering child events (#1837)
- ✨ [RUMF-1435] Add transport api on events (#1840)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1337] add
experiment to resolve incorrect fetch duration (#1810) - ✨ Move extension settings to a Settings panel (#1847)
- ✨ Clear event list on page reload for SDK extension (#1825)
- ⬆️ [RUMF-1434] fix yarn failing to install puppeteer on M1 mac (#1843)
- ⬆️ [RUMF-1434] fix running e2e tests on M1 macs (#1842)
- ✨ Improve event description message in developer extension (#1831)
- ✨ [RUMF-1396] migrate extension to manifest v3 (#1828)
- ⏪ Revert "🐛 [RUMF-1410] Allow serialization of objects with cyclic references (#1783)" (#1821)
- 📈[RUMF-1432] Collect trackResources and trackLongTasks configs (#1814)
- 🗑️ [RUMF-1433] Remove Preflight request Performance Entry check (#1813)
- ✨[RUMF-1435] Add some retry info on events (#1817)
- ⚗️✨ [RUMF-1379] heatmaps: enable descendant combined selectors (#1811)
- ✨ [RUMF-1409] Provide setUser and related functions for logs SDK (#1801)
- ⚗️ ✨ [RUMF-1425] use the retry/throttle transport strategy to send segments (#1807)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1424] factorize page exit logic (#1805)
- 📝 Clarify log SDK usage in the readme (#1767)
- 🐛 [REPLAY-1075] Convert relative URLS to absolute in stylesheets (#1792)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1423] prevent unexpected behavior when our xhr are reused (#1797)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1410] Allow serialization of objects with cyclic references (#1783)
- 🔉[RUMF-1423] Investigation for retry issue - part 2 (#1793)
- 🔉[RUMF-1423] Add debug log for retry issue (#1790)
- ✨[RUMF-1377] Enable new request strategy (#1770)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1393] don't mask attributes used to create CSS selectors (#1737)
- ⚗ [RUMF-1379] heatmap: experiment improved selector regarding unicity (#1741)
- ⚡️ Enable telemetry configuration (#1780)
- 🔊 [RUMF-1416] Use service distinguish log rum telemetry configuration (#1774)
- ✨ accept functions in allowedTracingOrigins/excludedActivityUrls arguments list (#1775)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1405] remove mechanism to simulate intake issue (#1768)
- 🔊 Collect configuration telemetry event (#1760)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1405] add mechanism to simulate intake issue (#1757)
- 🐛 npm publish: skip publish confirmation (#1755)
- ✨ [RUMF-1353] Collect error causes (#1740)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1276] handle performance entry without
(#1751) - 🐛 handle undefined policy (#1752)
- ✨ [RUMF-1391] Introduce trackResources, trackLongTasks and sessionReplaySampleRate (#1744)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1368] use the PointerDown event target for click actions (#1731)
- ⚗ [RUMF-1379] use experimented CSS selectors strategies by default (#1738)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1369] Exclude error message from stacktrace parsing (#1725)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1384] Filter abnormal TTFB values (#1729)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1378] do not mask action name attributes (#1721)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1378] use stable attributes when computing heatmap selector (#1724)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1379] heatmaps: refine selectors pass 2 (#1726)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1351] tweak retry strategy (#1723)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1351] retry request on timeout (#1728)
- ✨ [RUMF-1286] test for expected features before starting recording (#1719)
- ✨ [RUMF-1371] Collect view time to first byte (#1717)
- 📝 Fix
broken link (#1708) - ⚗️🔉 [RUMF-1351] add error when reaching max events size queued for upload (#1716)
- ⚗️🔉 [RUMF-1351] retry: add extra context to queue full log (#1714)
- ⚗️✨[RUMF-1351] experiment request retry strategy (#1700)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1333] fix keepalive support check (#1712)
- ✨ [RUMF-1306] Send the tracing sample rate in rule_psr for resources (#1669), (#1705)
- ✨ [RUMF-1333] Send request with fetch keepalive + fallback (#1701), (#1682)
- ✨ [RUMF-1309] Implement nested CSS support (#1699)
- 🐛 Fix instrumention of null function with 3rd party wrapper (#1570) (#1697)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1344] scroll positions: remove fallback for null scrollingElement (#1694)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1356] selectors using stable attributes and no class names (#1689)
- 👷 [RUMF-1357] Add a peer dependency between rum and logs packages (#1668)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1344] try to improve document scrolling element handling (#1688)
- ✨⚗ [RUMF-1355] add selector with stable attributes (#1684)
- ✨ [RUMF-1315] Extend user object methods (#1641)
- ⚡[RUMF-1344] Serialize scroll positions only for full snapshots (#1670)
- ⚡ [RUMF-1344] Access scroll attributes only on initial full snapshot (#1680)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1346] heatmaps: move action event attributes (#1667)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1239] Hide placeholder value when privacy set to mask (#1660)
- 🐛 fix compatibility check (#1685)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1274] track request to undefined/null URL (#1665)
- ✨ [REPLAY-898] Recording Frustration signals (dead, error & rage clicks) for session replay (#1632)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1310] handle extra stacktrace parsing cases (#1647)
- 🐛 improve
implementation (#1653) - 🔒 [RUMF-1335] fix incorrect string escape (#1651)
- 🐛 frustration signals: track window open (#1631)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1327] rum synthetics: fix logs session conflict (#1629)
- 🔊 Add feature flags to telemetry events (#1625)
- ✨[RUMF-1314] Expose a DD_LOGS.getInternalContext (#1626)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1273] fix BUILD_MODE scope (#1627)
- ✨ [RUMF-1211] release Frustration Signals publicly (#1617)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1294] ignore dead clicks based on the click event target (#1610)
- 📝 Fixing intrapage broken links (#1613)
- 📝 Removes Extra Link (#1612)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1297] frustration signals: track input changes (#1603)
- 📝 DOCS-2277 Browser Monitoring Edits (#1572)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1209] frustration signals: track selection change (#1596)
- ✨ Enable service and version update on startView (#1601)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1305] forbid the usage of
(#1600) - 🔊 Clear batch before send to allow telemetry in httpRequest.send (#1594)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1288] Collect viewport size (#1584)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1303] stop forwarding network errors when forwardErrorsToLogs is false (#1591)
- ♻️ Simplify RUM assembly (#1588)
- 🏷️ adjust types to allow updating the SDK in Datadog app (#1587)
- [RUMF-1280] collect click position (#1566)
- 🏷️ [RUMF-1256] adjust StyleSheetRule records to support index paths (#1571)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1267] resolve remaining cyclic dependencies related to telemetry (#1567)
- 📝 Browser Monitoring Edits (#1563)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1190] cleanup telemetry (#1560)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1267] remove circular dependencies part 1 (#1559)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1277] rename frustration types (#1557)
- ✨ [RUMF-1262] ignore some URLs when watching the page activity (#1536)
- ✨ [RUMF-1191] enable telemetry on us1 site (#1554)
- ✨ [RUMF-1191] enable telemetry on eu site (#1551)
- ✨ [RUMF-1264] scrub customer frames from telemetry errors (#1546)
- 🐛 Fix dependency issue (#1549)
- ✨ enable telemetry on us5 site (#1540)
- ✨[RUMF-1253] add
option (#1526) - ⚗️✨ [RUMF-1258] stop ongoing action on view end (#1528)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1259] support Zone.js < 0.8.6 (#1530)
- ✨ add a button to clear events in the developer extension (#1527)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1210] add a
initialization parameter (#1524) - ✨[RUMF-1257] prevent dual shipping of telemetry events (#1523)
- ✨ [RUMF-1251] allow to enable telemetry by site (#1520)
- ✨ Upgraded console logger to log the proper levels (#1501)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1178] New logger assembly flow (#1497)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1209] introduce "dead" and "error" frustration types (#1487)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1209] collect rage clicks (#1488)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1214] implement frustration signals counters (#1511)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1240] fix attribute mutating to an empty value (#1512)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1182] add telemetry sample rate (#1510)
- 💡 Update links to api key docs (#1508)
- ✨ [RUMF-1192] forward Reports to Datadog (#1506)
- ✨ [RUMF-1192] forward
logs to Datadog (#1505) - 📝 fix documentation for
documentation (#1503) - ✨ [RUMF-1237] The event bridge allowed hosts should also match subdomains (#1499)
- 📝 add
to README examples (#1370)
- 🐛 Adjust records generated during view change so their date matches the view date (#1486)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1224] remove console APIs prefix (#1479)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1178] improve logs assembly part 2 (#1463)
- ⚗✨ Allow update service version with start view (#1448)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1208] don't discard automatic action on view creation (#1451)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1207] collect concurrent actions (#1434)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1207] collect concurrent actions groundwork - move action history closer to action collection (#1432)
Note: The Logs Browser SDK 3.10.1 (released on December 21th, 2021) unexpectedly changed the initialization parameter forwardErrorsToLogs
default value from true
to false
. This release restores the default value to true
, so Logs Browser SDK users who don't specify this parameter will have errors forwarded as logs.
- 🐛 [RUMF-1217] restore forwardErrorsToLogs default value to
(#1433) - 🐛 [RUMF-1203] fix
instrumentation cleanup (#1442) - ♻️ 🐛 [RUMF-1178] fix logs displayed twice in the console (#1425)
- 📝 Update browser config to include SDK version (#1380)
- 🐛 fix build-env replacement in npm packages (#1389)
- 📦 [RUMF-1162] update developer-extension (#1379)
- 🔥 [RUMF-1198] remove problematic and useless code from the DeflateWorker (#1378)
- ⚗️✨ [RUMF-1175] collect reports and csp violation (#1332)
- ⚗️ [RUMF-1181] collect telemetry events (#1374)
- 📄 Update documentation (#1362)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1181] preliminary refactorings for telemetry events collection (#1371)
- 🎨 Avoid template syntax when not needed (#1372)
- 📦 [RUMF-1168] update typescript (#1368)
- ⚡️ [RUMF-1171] prefer const enums (#1364)
- 🔥 Clear remaining code of network error removal (#1367)
- ⚡️ Process buffered performance entries in an idle callback (#1337)
- ⚡️ [RUMF-1043] remove TSLib dependency (#1347)
- ⚗️✨[RUMF-1188] add telemetry event types (#1353)
- ⚡️ [RUMF-1115] throttle view updates by addTiming (#1355)
- 📝 Update the configuration of the Browser Sessions (#1322)
- ✨ [RUMF-1177] add index_in_view to segment meta (#1342)
- ✨ [RUMF-1103] enable RUM tracking inside mobile webviews (#1333)
- ⚗ [RUMF-1176] collect other console logs new (#1316)
- ✨ [RUMF-1180] add
attribute (#1328) - ⚡️ [RUMF-1169] cleanup compute stack trace (#1335)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1079] limit session inconsistencies issue on chromium browsers (#1327)
- ✨ [RUMF-1135] expose SDK version through global variable (#1278)
- ✨ [RUMF-1174] forward event to bridge with rum type (#1309)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1153] fix initial view loading time computation (#1315)
- ⚗ [RUMF-1079] restrict cookie-lock to chromium browsers (#1283)
- ⚡️ [RUMF-1113] Notify performance entries by batch (#1255)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1147] Implement TextEncoder().encode fallback for replay encorder (#1269)
- ✨ [RUMF-1146] add 'source:browser' to all RUM events (#1271)
- ⚡️ [RUMF-1111] limit the number of bytes read from the response (#1264)
- ✨ [REPLAY-564] enable visual viewport recording (#1247)
- 📝 add clarification to config example (#1268)
- ⚡️ [RUMF-1111] compute response text in trackNetworkError (#1263)
- 📝 [RUMF-1137] replace major changes description by links to the upgrade guide (#1265)
- ⚗ [RUMF-1079] tweak max number of lock retries (#1262)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1143] make sure to drop LCP timings if the page was previously hidden (#1259)
- ⚗🐛 [RUMF-1079] add lock mechanism for session cookie writes (#1230)
- ✨ [RUMF-1119] Implement dual ship for other orgs (#1248)
- ✨ [RUMF-1109] Add event rate limiters for loggers (#1243)
- ⚡️ [REPLAY-565] ♻️ Remove URL "relative to absolute" transformation (#1244)
- 🐛 let the backend to most of the tags sanitization (#1252)
- 🐛 remove child with action-names innerText instead of replacing them (#1251)
- 📝 Add module convention to contributing (#1240)
- ⚡️ [RUMF-1030] Decrease BoundedBuffer limitation to 500 (#1242)
See our upgrade guide for a comprehensive list of breaking changes introduced by this major version.
- 💥 improve privacy computation on a single node (#1226)
- 💥 [RUMF-1098] move init options into their related interfaces (#1232)
- 💥 [RUMF-1093] deprecated proxyhost option (#1227)
- 💥 [RUMF-1124] Use the programmatic action attribute instead of innertext (#1200)
- 💥 [RUMF-1094] remove deprecated privacy attributes (#1224)
- 💥 [RUMF-1092] use a WeakMap to store XHR context (#1222)
- 💥 [RUMF-1090] update minimal version to 3.8.2 (#1219)
- 💥 [RUMF-827] sanitize tags (#1218)
- 💥 [RUMF-1089] Cleanup legacy intake URLs (#1214)
- ✨ [ci-visibility] Link CI Visibility and RUM (#1192)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1097] revamp configuration - rum (#1221)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1122] fix view updates while session is expired (#1228)
- 🐛 Fix proxy url intake detection (#1223)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1097] revamp configuration - logs (#1217)
- ♻ [RUMF-1097] revamp internal configuration - core (#1216)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1083] rework session management API (#1197)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1083] introduce session context history (#1187)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1083] rework session cookie cache (#1180)
- 🐛 remove readonly from all LogsEvent properties (#1198)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1085] implement the
field (#1194) - ⚗✨ [RUMF-1047] implement a RUM synthetics entry point (#1188)
- ✨ [RUMF-1082] enable record-at-dom-loaded (#1182)
- 📝 improve site parameter doc (#1189)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1071] forward internal monitoring to bridge (#1177)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1070] forward logs event to bridge (#1155)
- ⚗ [RUMF-1068] Forward browser_sdk_version to mobile (#1162)
- 📝 add details about sampling configuration (#1186)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-1084] ignore init if a RUM instance is or will be injected by synthetics (#1170)
- ⚗ [RUMF-1082] start recording when the DOM is ready (#1164)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1077] use cookies to get Synthetics context (#1161)
- ✨ [RUMF-1074] bridge host checking (#1157)
- ⚗[REPLAY-341] Add VisualViewport tracking (Pinch Zoom) (#1118)
- ✨ [RUMF-1067] forward rum event to bridge (#1148)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1062] fix support for Safari 11.0 (#1154)
- 📄 [RUMF-1075] add missing initialization parameters (#1152)
- 🐛 [Internal monitoring] use monitoring api key for monitoring requests (#1147)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1060] fix failing worker detection in Firefox (#1139)
- 🐛 Do not trace requests when the session is not tracked (#1131)
- 🔊 [RUMF-1041] add lcp info on view events (#1129)
- 🔇 [RUMF-1021] remove monitoring on cookie (#1132)
- 🐛 Discard views and actions with negative loading time (#1122)
- ♻️ [RUMF-1046] instrument method implementation (#1117)
- 🔊 [RUMF-1021] improve cookie monitoring (#1120)
- [RUMF-1045] rely on browser detection to check for innerText support (#1110)
- ⚗[REPLAY-341] Add VisualViewport tracking (Pinch Zoom) (#1089)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1040] Remove long task for lite plan (#1103)
- ⚗ [REPLAY-465] Base tag support (feature flagged): Remove URL transformation from relative to absolute (#1106)
- 🔊 [RUMF-1036] Add negative loading time internal monitoring (#1095)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1021] fix regression on renew session (#1096)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1033] request parameters into proxy url (#1087)
- [RUMF-1034] allow passing
options to RUM and Logs init (#1082) - 🔊 [RUMF-1021] add extra monitoring on session type change (#1091)
- ✨ [RUMF-1000] add a custom time parameter to
(#1079) - 🐛 [RUMF-1021] clear cookie cache before expanding cookie (#1080)
- [REPLAY-328][rumf-1035] gracefully handle recorder Worker initialisation crash (#1068)
- 🔊 Add monitoring on session type change (#1075)
- 🔊 Add extra monitoring info on lite session with replay (#1072)
- ⚡ [RUMF-1022] remove
property in nodes (#1069) - ♻️ [RUMF-1015] use the url corresponding to the start of the event (#1063)
- ✨ Add rate limit on actions (#1058)
- ✨ Remove focus feature flag (#1053)
- ✨ [RUMF-1029] remove the limit on view.loading_time (#1054)
- ✨ Discard long FCP and LCP (#1045)
- 📝 Add proxyUrl option documentation (#1050)
- ⚡️Introducing new max for foreground periods (#1032)
- 🔊 [RUMF-976] add info to monitor failing xhr fallback (#1035)
- 🐛 MutationObserver bug fix for privacy level (#1038)
- ForegroundContext: Remove monitoring & ignore untrusted events (#1029)
- ✨ [RUMF-992] New CLS implementation (#1026)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1005] Fix dd-request-id endpoint query param (#1018)
- ✨ [RUMF-993] New proxy strategy (#1016)
- 🐛 [RUMF-1012] fix console.error loop on npm setup (#1027)
- 🐛 [REPLAY-371] Truncate long "data:" URIs (#1021)
- ✨ [RUMF-994] support intake v2 (#1013)
- ✨ [RUMF-998] introduce the initialPrivacyLevel configuration option (#1004)
- 🐛 [RUMF-997] dont take a FullSnapshot on view creation during session renew (#1011)
- 🐛 prevent recording to start when session renewed before onload (#1009)
- ✨ [RUMF-996] set synthetics ids on RUM events (#1007)
- ⚗✨[REPLAY-336] Privacy by Default (#951)
- ⚗✨ [REPLAY-379] add replay stats on view (getter edition) (#994)
- 📝 Update Readme for v3 cdn links (#999)
- 🐛[RUMF-990] restore global check to detect synthetics sessions (#997)
- ✨[RUMF-970] enable buffered PerformanceObserver (#995)
- Limit log monitoring + add more details (#990)
- 🗑️ Remove deprecated trace endpoint (#992)
- ⚗ [RUMF-970] Buffered PerformanceObserver: add fallback for older browsers (#978)
- ⚗ [RUMF-971] experiment to detect when the computer goes to sleep (#976)
- 🔊 [RUMF-971] add some context on suspicious LCP and FCP monitoring (#979)
Note: this is the first 3.x release for the Logs SDK. See migration notes in v3.0.0.
- 📝🗑 deprecate the XHR context, to be removed in V4 (#973)
- ⚗ [RUMF-970] experiment with buffered PerformanceObserver (#972)
- 📝 [RUMF-984] update CHANGELOG for logs breaking changes (#971)
- ✨ [RUMF-974] use user-agent to detect synthetics sessions (#969)
- 💥 [RUMF-982] remove deprecated LogsUserConfiguration type (#968)
- 💥 [RUMF-981] remove deprecated logs options (#967)
- 📝 document
option (#965)
- [RUMF-972] Revert "💥 always use alternative domains for RUM (#944)" (#963)
- 📝 update CDN URLs for V3 (#962)
- 🐛 fix recording session renewal (#955)
See our upgrade guide for a comprehensive list of breaking changes introduced by this major version.
- 💥 always use alternative domains for RUM (#944)
- 💥 remove deprecated rum init options (#940)
- 💥 remove deprecated types (#942)
- 💥 [RUMF-951] merge rum-recorder into rum (#941)
- 👷 [RUMF-937] create the rum-slim package (#935)
- 💥 remove deprecated RUM.addUserAction (#939)
- ✨ [RUMF-940] implement the replay sample rate option and remove resource sample rate option (#931)
- 💥 Remove addError 'source' argument (#936)
- 👷 Versioned CDN files (#932)
- 👷 Increase browser cache to 4 hours (#933)
- 🐛 ensure that test cookie is correctly deleted after the test (#927)
- 📝 add
initialization parameter (#923)
- ✨ [RUMF-928] enable manual view tracking (#924)
- ✨ [PROF-3535] expose init configuration via
API (#897)
- ✨ [RUMF-932] allow context edition in logs beforeSend (#909)
- ✨ [RUMF-945] allow users to customize the attribute used to define the action name (#919)
- 🐛 fix new view segment starting with an IncrementalSnapshot (#908)
- 🐛 [REPLAY-325] add verbose error details on XHR transport failure (#902)
- ✨ [RUMF-920] keep trace id on aborted requests (#898)
- ✨ [RUMF-922] stack trace on handled calls (#889)
- 🐛 [RUMF-931] check if PerformanceEntry is defined before using it (#891)
- ✨ [RUMF-921] differentiate handled and unhandled errors (#886)
- 🐛 [RUMF-876] Improve proxy behavior for xhr reuse (#865)
- ⚗ manual view mode: create new view on renew session (#887)
- ✨ [RUMF-909] add beforeSend context (#883)
- ✨ [RUMF-909] allow event context edition in beforeSend (#869)
- 🔊[RUMF-927] monitor timings with high values (#884)
- ⚗ [RUMF-878] add trackViewsManually option (disabled) (#867)
- 🔊 monitor potential invalid date (#880)
- ⚡️ start mutation observer only when needed (#858)
- 📦 bump ws from 7.4.2 to 7.4.6 (#875)
- ✨ track foreground (#854)
- ✨ add id on rum events (#873)
- 🐛 do not break the recorder when an URL fails to parse (#871)
- 🐛 [REPLAY-312] use unpatched MutationObserver object (#866)
- 🐛 ignore full snapshots taken before "load" event (#861)
- ⚗✨ [RUMF-878] add startView API (#850)
- 🏷️ update events format (#864)
- ✨ [RUMF-913] allow masking input values (#860)
- ✨[RUMF-889] enable system clock usages (#845)
- 🐛 [logs] Fix IE11 console.log issue (#852)
- ✨[RUMF-907] Use unaltered console functions when displaying console messages (#847)
- ✨[RUMF-910] handle logs console and http simultaneously (#844)
- ⚡️ [RUMF-902] enable new mutation observer (#842)
- ✨[RUMF-908] attach current drift value to events (#843)
- ✨ Clear previously set user context (#840)
- 📝 add a warning in the RUM-recorder readme (#838)
- 📝 Restructure tables in docs page for improved readability (#835)
- 📦 [RUMF-905] update vulnerable dependencies (#836)
- ⚡️ [RUMF-896] process mutations asynchronously (#832)
- 🐛 [RUMF-870] Max errors threshold should not take into account errors excluded by beforeSend (#828)
- ✨ [RUMF-901] allow to run the 'performances' script with rum-recorder (#818)
- ⚗🐛 allow 1 ms error for matching request (#824)
- ⚗🐛 [RUMF-889] apply correction only for positive drift (#821)
- ⚗⚡️ [RUMF-902] implement a new mutation observer (#810)
- 🐛 [RUMF-900] clear parent view context when view end (#816)
- 🐛 [RUMF-900] prevent events to be sent from expired session (#814)
- ⚗🐛 [RUMF-889] fix relative time rounding (#817)
- ⚗ [RUMF-889] use preferred clock (#809)
- [RUMF-868] ignore paramaters stored in the hash (#792)
- 🐛 fallback to xhr when sendBeacon throws (#796)
- 🐛 [RUMF-886] don't start recording when 'postpone_start_recording' is enabled (#790)
- 🐛 [RUMF-882] Segments can be flushed because of the max_size limit even if the max_size isn't reached (#787)
- ✨ [RUMF-863] Enable console error with stack traces (#781)
- ⚗ [RUMF-869] Ensure the "Focus" records are emited in the same segment as the "FullSnapshot" (#779)
- ⚗ [RUMF-853] introduce a feature flag for aborted network errors (#777)
- ⚗ [RUMF-853] don't emit error for requests aborted by the application (#768)
- ⚗ [RUMF-867] implement stop recording (#771)
- ⚗ [RUMF-857] round CLS to 4 decimals (#773)
- 🐛 Revert negative FID monitoring and adjust to 0 (#775)
- ⚗ [RUMF-866] adjust postpone start recording (#769)
- 🐛 [RUMF-862] fix export MediaInteractions enum (#761)
- ⚗ [RUMF-863] rework console error calls containing error instances (#762)
- ⚗ [RUMF-858] add monotonic batch time (#748)
- ✨ [RUM] Catch errors thrown by user callbacks (#745)
- 📝 Doc: remove resourceSampleRate (#747)
- 🐛 [REPLAY-187] flush pending records before taking a fullsnapshot (#742)
- ✨ [RUMF-854] Enable beforeSend to dismiss events (#743)
- ✅ [RUMF-815] import RRWeb integration tests (#738)
- ✨ [RUMF-847] Add onNewLocation to configuration (#724)
- ⚗ Remove mutation buffer global instance (#728)
- ⚗ replay: set data-dd-privacy attribute on snapshot node if hidden (#726)
- ⚗ replay: add dd-privacy attribute for obfuscation & ignoring input (#715)
- ⚗ [RUMF-843] monitor rrweb codebase (#721)
- ⚡️ Remove unused parameters (#723)
- ⚗ [RUMF-823] monitor deflate worker (#722)
- 🐛 recorder: remove forEach polyfills (#719)
- ⚗ [RUMF-821] remove unused record types (#717)
- ⚗🐛 [RUMF-834] fix loop direction (#714)
- ⚗⚡️ [RUMF-841] remove session renew support in rum recorder (#713)
- ⚗✨ [REPLAY-149] implement ViewEnd record (#711)
- ✨ Allow logs collection on file:// URL (#709)
- 🐛[RUMF-836] sanitize unsupported characters in timing name (#706)
- rum-recorder: import rrweb-snapshot code (#700)
- [REPLAY-164] track Focus records (#707)
- ✨[RUMF-820] expose API to add custom timings to the current view (#702)
- 👷[RUMF-324] Replace TSLint with ESLint (#681)
- ♻️ Remove automatic snake case (#699)
- ✨ [RUMF-826] Allow classic intake only for us and eu (#694)
- [recorder] set 'hasReplay' to undefined by defaultb (#697)
- [RUMF-819] postpone start recording (#688)
- ✨[RUMF-802] add support for capacitor app stack traces (#685)
- 🐛[RUMF-824] support Request instances in tracing (#684)
- 🐛[RUMF-809] URL encode tags in intake requests (#689)
- ⚗[RUMF-804] implement a minimal version of the recorder (#670)
- ⚗ Implement addTiming (#668)
- 🐛 [RUMF-810] force alternate intake for us3 (#677)
- ✨ [RUMF-783] collect view.first_input_time (#676)
- ⚗ Create a rum-core package (#673)
- ⚗ [RUMF-803] import RRWeb (#658)
- ⚗ [RUMF-801] create a new package for rum-recorder (#657)
- 🐛 [CDN cache] remove stale-while-revalidate (#665)
- ✨ [RUMF-794] Add isActive attribute to view events (#648)
- 🐛 handle direct onerror calls with objects (#659)
- 🐛 sanitize error properties even when there is a valid stack (#655)
- 🐛 fix tracekit handling of exotic errors (#651)
- 💥 [RUMF-730] prefer object and type alias over enum in APIs (#630)
- 💥 [RUMF-730] use v2 events format (#627)
- 🐛⚡️ [RUMF-793] tweak the cache-control header (#642)
- ✨ [RUMF-764] Use new intake domain for US (#616)
- ✨ [RUMF-770] Disable tracing for cancelled requests (#635)
- 🐛 [RUMF-791] prevent IE11 performance entry error (#633)
- ✨ [RUMF-777] implement Cumulative Layout Shift (#628)
- ✨ [RUMF-776] implement First Input Delay (#626)
- ✨ [RUMF-775] implement Largest Contentful Paint (#624)
- ✨ [RUMF-758] keep internal context in v1 format (#625)
- ✨ [RUMF-780] implement track first hidden (#621)
- ✨ [RUMF-771] Add getLoggerGlobalContext and getRumGlobalContext (#614)
- ✨ [RUMF-762] include the context when using console handler (#613)
- Revert "⚗️[RUMF-766] add match request timing debug infos (experimental) (#609)" (#612)
- ⚗️[RUMF-766] add match request timing debug infos (experimental) (#609)
- [RUMF-766] prevent request duration override by wrong matching timing (#604)
- ♻️ [RUMF-748] cleanup add user add action events (#602)
- 🐛 Fix unit test format validation (#598)
- [RUMF-748] use RAW_RUM_EVENT_COLLECTED to compute event counts (#596)
- [RUMF-729] validate rum events in e2e (#597)
- [RUMF-756] cyclic reference support in Context (#595)
- ✨[RUMF-518] migrate internal context to v2 format (experimental) (#593)
- ✨[RUMF-740] migrate error to v2 format (experimental) (#592)
- [logs] add choose the right installation method (#594)
- ✨ [RUMF-724] implement API to capture an error (#585)
- ✨ [RUMF-739] migrate action to v2 format (experimental) (#588)
- ✨ [RUMF-738] migrate view to v2 format (experimental) (#586)
- ✨ [RUMF-737] migrate resource to v2 format (experimental) (#584)
- 🐛 [RUMF-745] fix V2 context (#579)
- 📝 Added async installation method (#571)
- 📝 DOCS-1257 Browser Log Collection (#575)
- 🐛 [RUMF-742] fix cookie creation domain when trackSessionAcrossSubdomains: true (#573)
- ✨ [RUMF-727] introduce v2 format (experimental) (#570)
- 🐛 Use the same options to test and set cookies (#555)
- ✨ [RUMF-534] implement logs.onReady and rum.onReady (#564)
- 🐛 [Core] dereference
sources recursively (#560) - ✨ [RUMF-530][rum] allow using RUM API before init (#551)
- 🐛[RUMF-716] fix invalid action name (#557)
- 🐛 consider proxy host with custom path request as intake request (#550)
- ✨ [RUMF-530][logs] allow using logs API before init (#545)
- ✨ [RUMF-709][core] support 'null' as a context value (#546)
- 🐛 [RUMF-620]: Dual-ship "service" as tag and attribute (#543)
- 🐛 [RUMF-699] allow collecting requests with the same origin as the proxy (#537)
- 🐛 include sources in NPM backage (#535)
- 🐛 fix issue when using proxy (#530)
- 🐛 [RUMF-650] exclude intake request from performance/request collection (#528)
- ✨ [RUM] add new functionality to remove global context to SDK (#527)
- 🐛 [RUMF-670] wait for the DOM to be ready before getting the trace id (#525)
- ✨ [RUMF-648] add cookie configuration options (#523)
- 🐛 [RUMF-684] fix error collection when Logs and RUM configuration diverge (#522)
- ✨ [RUMF-634] add resource id for traced request (#515)
- 🐛 [RUMF-617] fix missing headers on traced requests (#517)
- ✨ [RUMF-617] integrate tracing from rum (#511)
- 🐛 [RUMF-645] do not track intake request errors (#506)
- ✨ [RUMF-621] set view referrer to the previous view URL (#507)
- ✨ [RUMF-636] initial document trace id (#492)
- 🐛 [RUM] do not return internal context if the session is untracked (#498)
- 🐛 [RUM] fix loading measures conversion to nanoseconds (#490)
- 🐛 [RUMF-622] attach loading measures to initial view (#479)
- 🐛 [RUMF-639] xhr proxy: do not instrument xhr already opened (#484)
- ✨ [RUMF-626] use site configuration and deprecate suffixed bundle (#476)
- ✨ Update context api to include removeContext method (#478)
- [RUMF-617] Extract XHR and Fetch proxies (#468)
- ✨ [RUMF-592] support for hash navigation (#467)
- 🐛 [RUMF-625] make sure view url doesn't change (#469)
- ✨ [RUMF-605] enable event association to parent context by start date (#460)
- ✨ [RUMF-605] associate event to parent context by start date (behind flag) (#445)
- 🐛 fix current action context reset on custom action (#444)
- ♻️ [RUMF-604] introduce parentContexts to return current contexts (#440)
- ✨[RUMF-603] Introduce and use new lifecycle events (#438)
- ✨[RUMF-609] export Datacenter enum from logs and rum (#436)
- 🐛 use Datacenter enum in setup doc (#435)
- ✨[RUMF-594] specify same site attribute on cookies (#431)
- ✨[resources] resolve .ico resources as kind:image (#428)
- 🐛[RUMF-559] prevent event without sessionId (#425)
- ✨[RUMF-513] enable keep alive mechanism (#421)
- 👷[build] improve core tree-shaking (#417)
- ⚡️[RUMF-510] Improve sizeInByte calculation performance (#413)
- ✨[RUMF-513] add a session keep alive mechanism (#394)
- ✨ [RUMF-549] add an option to enable the user interaction tracking (#414)
- ✨ [RUMF-385] implement a declarative API to set the action names (#412)
- ✨ [RUMF-385] improve click action naming (#406)
- 👷 [RUM] add application id as query parameter (#405)
- 👷 Removing lodash dependencies (#396)
- ✨[RUMF-473] collect view loading time in ns and integrate the load event timing in the loading time calculation (#401)
- ✨[RUMF-373] Add View load duration and load type (#388)
- ✨[RUMF-465] collect client service, env and version (#392)
- ♻️[RUMF-471] rename version (#382)
- [RUMF-447]: Only collect first-contentful-paint if page is visible (#361)
- 🐛 [RUM] fix view update after its end (#373)
- Change view logic to emit LifeCycle events (#366)
- [RUMF-441] Track event counts for user actions (#358)
- ✨[RUMF-43] add proxyHost init option (#354)
- ✨ [RUMF-438] add user action reference to the internal context (#352)
- ✨[RUMF-435] add session type on all events (#347)
- 🐛[RUMF-431] fix CSP issue with global object strategy (#345)
- ✨[RUMF-430] new session strategy (disabled) (#343)
- ✨[RUMF-383] automatic click user action collection (disabled) (#338)
- 🔥[RUMF-430] stop maintaining old cookies (#342)
- ✨[RUMF-430] new session cookie format (#337)
- 🐛 [RUMF-430] fix rollback (#334)
- 🥅[RUMF-430] handle potential session rollback (#329)
- 🐛fix feature check (#320)
- 🔊[RUMF-408] add new session check logs (#318)
- [RUMF-407] improve resource timings collection (#315)
- 🔧 improve CBT test names (#314)
- [RUMF-382] prepare support for multiple feature flags (#312)
- 🔧 update cbt chrome mobile (#313)
- ✨add an option to silent multiple Init errors (#310)
- 🐛 replace console.error by console.warn when cookies are not supported (#307)
- 🔒 upgrade vulnerable packages (#306)
- 🐛[RUMF-403] fix checkURLSupported (#302)
- ✅ add cbt error case (#299)
- [RUM] enable request with batch time by default (#297)
- 🐛[RUMF-396] try to fix view date shift (#295)
- 🐛[RUMF-320] Remove url-polyfill dependency (#294)
- ✨[RUMF-375] do not collect irrelevant timings (#292)
- 🐛[RUMF-266] xhr tracker: add fallback on event listener (#287)
- ⚗️[RUMF-371] add batch time to rum intake requests (#285)
- 🐛[RUMF-266] fix xhr incorrect status reported on late abortion (#283)
- 🐛[RUMF-330] fix intake requests exclusion (#281)
- ✨[RUMF-315] collect initial document timing (#276)
- ⬆️ Bump codecov from 3.6.1 to 3.6.5 (#277)
- ✨[RUMF-342] use startTime for events timestamp (#275)
- ✨[RUMF-264] add compatibility with server side rendering (#273)
- 🔧 add repository link for each package (#271)
- 🐛 [RUM] fix retrieving early timings (#268)
- 🔇[RUMF-257] remove logging (#265)
- 🐛 [RUMF-71] do not report negative performance timing duration (#264)
- [MRO] update Node version (#263)
- ✨ [Browser SDK][rum-291] Allow logs when cookies are disabled (#255)
- 🔊[RUMF-257] rework logging (#261)
- 🐛[RUMF-308] do not track session without id (#260)
- 📄 add check-licenses script (#258)
- 🔊 [RUMF-71] add internal logs messages when an abnormal duration is spoted (#251)
- 🔊[RUMF-257] report abnormal performance.now() (#254)
- ✅[e2e] wait for browser url loaded (#253)
- 🐛[RUMF-293][fetch] handle fetch response text error (#252)
- 🐛[jsonStringify] do not crash on serialization error (#242)
- 🐛[init] remove deprecate prerender check (#240)
- 🏷 [TypeScript] ensure 3.0 minimal support (#237)
- ✅[e2e] cleaner tests (#233)
- 🔧[coverage] setup codecov (#232)
- 🔊[e2e] add extra logging (#231)
- 🔥[rum/logs] remove outdated attributes (#230)
- ♻️[e2e] wait request to reach server before assertions (#229)
- ⚡️[batch] limit view update events (#228)
- 🔊[e2e] output server response in logs (#226)
- 🔧[e2e cbt] add retry case (#227)
- 🔊[e2e] output test server log (#225)
- 🔧[e2e] fix local tests on chrome 79 (#224)
- [RUMF-188] add traceId to fetch calls (#221)
- 🐛 [RUMF-201] use timing.navigationStart to compute fake timings (#217)
- ✅ fix e2e cbt tests on Edge (#222)
- 🐛[types] do not globally override ts types (#215)
- [RUMF-201] add debug monitoring for navigation timing entries (#214)
- [RUMF-158] fix view id associated to different session id (#211)
- 🔧[packages] add scripts to release & publish (#212)
- 📝[packages] improve README.md (#209)
- 🔧[packages] force exact version (#208)
- 🚀[ci] publish npm packages on tag (#207)
- ✨[packages] allow to publish publicly (#206)
- 🔊🐛 [RUMF-201] add internal logs for buggy load event measures (#204)
- ✨[packages] use new names (#203)
- ⬆️[security] fix alert by upgrading webpack (#202)
- [e2e cbt] add android browser (#200)
- 💚[gitlab] use new project name (#199)
- 🐛[request] do not consider opaque response as error (#197)
- ✅[e2e cbt] add edge and firefox (#196)
- ✅[e2e cbt] make scenarios compatible with safari (#195)
- ✅[karma cbt] add retry for UnhandledException (#194)
- 🐛[request] do not monitor xhr.send monkey patch (#193)
- 🔥[RUM] remove deprecated count (#192)
- ✨[init] add extra checks (#191)
- 🐛[core] ensure that document.cookie is not null (#190)
- ✨[RUM] add view resource count (#189)
- ✨[RUM] do not snake case user defined contexts (#188)
- 📝[Readme] Remove deployment part (#187)
- Rename repository (#186)
- ✨[RUM] exclude trace intake requests (#185)
- 🐛[RUM] fix wrong url on spa last view event (#184)
- 📄[license] update third parties (#183)
- 🔧[ci] fix cbt fail on release (#182)