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877 lines (641 loc) · 39.8 KB

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877 lines (641 loc) · 39.8 KB

CiviCRM 5.8.0

Released December 5, 2018


Does this version...?
Fix security vulnerabilities? no
Change the database schema? no
Alter the API? yes
Require attention to configuration options? no
Fix problems installing or upgrading to a previous version? yes
Introduce features? yes
Fix bugs? yes


Core CiviCRM

  • Configurable quicksearch settings (13039 and 13056)

    This permits (some) custom fields to be added to quicksearch as searchable fields. By adding a setting in Search Preferences to configure the search fields in the quicksearch box in the menu bar.

  • Permit additional (freeform) relative date filters - e.g 'last 18 months', 'last 45 days' (12682)

    This change adds support for a greater range of date options for relative searches (e.g last 45 days, last 18 months). It requires option values to be added by an extension or by an experienced admin, and has a limited UI.

  • Allow contribution search by recurring payment processor ID / Transaction ID (12818)

    This change adds three new fields to the contribution search form: recurring contribution transaction ID, payment processor ID and processor ID.

  • dev/core#495 Migrate simple Preferences & Settings forms to using a Generic class. 13054, 13062, 13047, 13046, 13048, 13040, 13004, 13026, 13027, 13025, 12731, 12940, 13022, 13023, 12906, 12919, 12925 and 12960

    Introduce generic settings form (fully metadata driven) - this provides a supported methodology for extensions to add settings forms and to alter core settings forms (albeit not all core forms are converted to that point).

  • Add icons to contact summary tabs (13018)

    This change makes it so that an extension using hook_civicrm_tabset can specify icons for the contact summary tabs. If no icon is specified fa-puzzle-piece is used.

  • Extract selectedChild tabheader functionality and enable for Manage Events (12747)

    This takes the existing functionality of adding "selectedChild=" to a url for a tabbed page and makes it work across all the pages tabs. The tab will have an id of 'tab-x' where x is the thing to use after '='.

    This change adds the ability to link to a specific tab for an event (and generally cleans up the code related to linking to tabs).

  • Fix search performance issues and reliability on some characters issues by removing lower case double-conversion (12494, 13035, 13034, 12993, 12987, 12988, 12991, 13053 and 13055)

    These changes make performance improvements to searching by moving from using the php strtolower function and mysql LOWER function to mysql handling comparing strings in a non case specific way.

  • dev/core#6 Add help text for "is public" setting on form to edit custom field sets (13060)

    This change improves user experience of the form to edit custom field sets by adding help text to the field "Is this Custom Data Set public?".

  • dev/core#463 Add in support for Extension Utils when generating DAO files for Extensions (12986)

    When creating a new entity (e.g DiscountItem) via an extension the new entity will need a DAO class. Our Civix code currently supports this - at least somewhat - but will not wrap any translatable strings with ts rather than the (correct for extensions) E::ts . Adding this to core will allow civix to leverage it to better create extension DAO objects.

  • Continue ongoing work to replace jcalendar with datepicker widget - event search form search to datepicker and cleanup template (12978) and participant registration form (12979) and manage events fees page (12977) and manage events registration page (12975) and relationship form (12972) and event fees page (12992) and Update subscription form (12868)*

    These changes move date picking fields from using jcalendar to use the datepicker widget in the following places: Event Search form, Participant Registration Form, Manage Event Fees Page, Manage Events Registration page, Relationships form, Event Fees page and the Update Subscription form.

  • dev/core#472 Allow for CiviCRM APIv3 Explorer to find API Examples in extensions in the format of api/v3/examples/Entity just in the same format as core (13006)

    This change makes it so that APIv3 Explorer displays examples found in extensions.

  • Translate description in DAO files (13005)

    This change makes it so that the Description field in the DAO is translated so that if the getfields api returns the translated string.

  • Replace translation and calendar image icons (13003)

    This change makes it so that translation and calendar symbols use font icons instead of images.

  • dev/core#457 Add new hook exportIds (12957)

    This change extends CRM_Utils_Hook::export($exportTempTable, $headerRows, $sqlColumns, $exportMode, $componentTable, $ids); so that it can return id columns.

  • CRM_Core_Resources - Allow container to swap the implementation (12959)

    This change makes it so that CRM_Core_Resources can be modified in an extension using the hook hook_civicrm_container.

  • Do not treat an empty array as not set in caches. (12784)

    This change improves performance by respecting empty arrays as a cache hit.

  • Fix typo in hook that enables links to be added to a block (12913)

    This change fixes the $op sent to hook_civicrm_links($op, $objectName, $objectId, &$links, &$mask, &$values) from CRM_Core_Block to accept in addition to (the misspelled op name before this change).

  • Send an 500 http response code when an exception is encountered. (11821 and 12902)

    This change makes it so that instead of always exiting with a 200 code, When CRM_Utils_System is called with a status > 0, CiviCRM exits with a 500 code.

  • Register "short" and "long" cache services (12873)

    This change makes it so that extension developers can use Civi::cache('short') or Civi::cache('default') for a short-lived/latency-optimized PSR-16 cache or Civi::cache('long') for a long-lived/durability-optimized PSR-16 cache before this change only Civi::cache('default') was available.

  • Remove crm.admin.js (12884)

    This change is both a performance improvement (removes an unnecessary javascript file) and a ui improvement because it improved the icon picker ui.

  • Style improvement of radio form elements (12736)

    This change adds more space between radio form elements and their labels.

  • Use description from schema if available when using entityForm (12971)

    This change adds the ability to show the description from the entity schema instead of hardcoding it in the class when using entityForm.

  • On reports make current employer available as a field for display (12904)

    This change makes it so that the field "Current Employer" is available as a column on reports.

  • dev/core#487 Replace ancient menubar plugin with something responsive (13804) (preliminary work)

    This makes some behind-the-scenes changes in order to support a new SmartMenus-based menu extension that is anticipated to replace the current menu in core.


  • Added relationship active filter in CiviCRM Case reports. (12711)

    This change adds a filter for is relationship active to CiviCRM Case reports.


  • Add validate api action for ContributionPage.submit (12829)

    This change ensures that api calls using the action ContributionPage.submit check that the parameters are valid for the form.

  • dev/financial#33 Proposal - Add in hook alterPostIpn or similar (12928)

    This change adds a hook alterIPNData which allows extension authors the ability to do custom processing on IPNs such as sending google analytics information based on the IPN data.

  • Show contact name on recurring contribution view and improve consistency with Contribution/Membership view (12819)

    This change improves the ui by including the Contact name in the view of a recurring payment.

  • Show recurring contribution links based on payment processor capabilities (12821)

    This change makes it so that the edit link for recurring contributions is hidden/shown based on the payment processor capabilities.


  • Mark event start date as required and refactoring (13049)

    This change makes it so the event start date field has a red * next to it to indicate that it is a required field.


  • dev/core#481 New Organization: There is no possible to uncheck in the field "Bulk Mailings?" (13019)

    This change improves the UI when creating a new organization by making the "Bulk Mailings" field a checkbox (that can be checked and unchecked) instead of a radio that once checked cannot be unchecked.

  • Adding [CiviMail Draft] on test mailing (for mosaico) (12758)

    This change adds the text [CiviMail Draft] to the subject of any email that is sent using the send test functionality.

  • dev/core#456 Improve UX of scheduling mass SMS (13001)

    This change improves the UI of the schedule SMS mailings form by making it so one has to choose "Send Immediately" OR "Schedule SMS". Before this change one could check the box to "Send Immediately" AND a date to Schedule SMS.

Drupal Integration

  • CRM-17667 Drush: Mail queue processing does not work (354)

    This change makes it so one can use the drush command drush civicrm-process-mail-queue to execute the scheduled mailing job.

  • Add a drush command to rebuild SQL triggers (545)

    This change makes it so that the drush command drush civicrm-sql-rebuild-triggers rebuilds triggers and can dump the SQL commands into a file.

Bugs resolved

Core CiviCRM

  • dev/core#477 Print Summary is missing some contact info (13030)

    This change fixes a bug where when using the action "Print Summary" for a contact record the employer and job title were not being printed in the summary so that the employer and job title fields are printed.

  • dev/core#119 Notice error (13063)

    Fixes a bug where when going to view a location of an event (a url like: /civicrm/contact/map/event?eid=3&reset=1) would result in an undefined variable notice so that no notice is thrown.

  • PHP 7.3 support (Fix misplaced hyphens in regex) (13064)

    This change fixes a bug for users with a PHP 7.3 where importing contributions with custom field values would result in an error message "preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 7" when creating a new contribution with custom field values

  • dev/core#287 Child groups with all parents disabled shows in group list (12797 and 13061)

    This change ensures that when a parent group is disabled, so are its children groups.

  • Fix custom Home URL parsing (13031)

    This change fixes a bug where Custom Home URLs without a query string would result in an E_NOTICE and fragments would be removed from the URL so that no E_NOTICE is thrown and fragments are not removed from the custom url.

  • Fix Activity api to cope with renamed record type labels (e.g renaming 'Target' to 'Directed At') (13008)

    This change makes it so the Activity API filters activity contacts options based on the option name instead of the option label.

  • dev/core#474 Missing log table warning on status page even if logging is disabled. (13010)

    This change makes it so that the "Missing log table" warning only shows up if logging is enabled.

  • dev/translation#15 Backend credit card contribution are left as Pending if contribution statuses are localized (12999)

    This fixes a bug where backend credit card contributions were being set as "Pending" if contribution statuses were localized so that if contributions statuses are localized backend credit card contributions are set appropriately.

  • api bug - Fix mishandling of mixed case strings in some api requests on custom values(12930)

    This change makes it so that the custom data api searches for custom data with uppercase letters correctly.

  • Add ts to untranslated string (12989)

    This change ensures the text "Error" is translated on error messages thrown when processing an image on a contact.

  • dev/core#459 Fix "crmURL" parameters in various templates (12968)

    This fixes a bug where some URLs were being generated with double & (e.g. http://civicrm.local/wp-admin/admin.php?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/contact/view/delete&&reset=1&delete=1&cid=202).

  • dev/core#412 Avoid truncated UTF-8 strings when using substr() (12935)

    This change fixes a bug where export forms with custom group names with a UTF-8 character at the 10th character were not allowing users to pick fields to export properly so that one can pick multiple fields for export on the export form with custom group names with a UTF-8 character at the 10th character.

  • dev/core#452 Error when exporting CSV batch (PHP 7.1) (12946)

    This change fixes a bug for users using PHP 7.1 where exporting csv batches would crash so that users using PHP 7.1 can export csv batches.

  • Status page: hush menu should be on top of other headers (12936)

    This change fixes a bug where on the CiviCRM Status Page, when one went to hide a status message some of the options in the to hide dropdown menu were getting hidden by the header for the next status message so that the dropdown menu appears over the status headers.

  • Correct inconsistent fileID reference (12931)

    This change fixes a bug where updating a custom field of type file on a contact thru the api would result in a new file being created instead of updating the custom field.

  • Contact layout editor support - Skip html encoding rich-text fields (12841)

    This change fixes a bug where rich text custom fields saved thru the api were being escaped so that the html is preserved (not escaped).

  • dev/core#418 ensure all valid relationship types are available (12891)

    This change ensures that the select when adding a relationship to a group of search results shows all Relationships types including any relationship types that are any contact type to any contact type.

  • dev/core#389 When using custom fields for smart group criteria, relative dates create static dates instead (12824)

    This change makes it so that when saving smart groups with custom fields in which a relative date (example: last 2 weeks) is specified, the last 2 weeks means 2 weeks from the current date and is not hardcoded to be the last 2 weeks from when the smart group was created.

  • dev/core#425 "Force Secure URLs" setting sometimes does not behave as expected, deprecate it ... Slowly :) (12908)

    This change moves forward work to get the "Force Secure URLs" setting to work as expected by logging a message if CiviCRM thinks SSL is not enabled.

  • dev/core#423 Upgrading gives error "Incorrect datetime value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00'" in MySQL 5.7 (12898)

    This change fixes a bug when upgrading from CiviCRM 4.7.12 to 5.3.2 where MySQL was throwing an "Incorrect datetime value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00' for column 'trxn_date'" so that upgrades can make this jump with no error.

  • Added missing field name in custom-field deletion dialog (12869)

    This change ensures that when deleting a custom field, the name of the custom field shows up in the dialog asking you to confirm that you want to delete.

  • dev/core#411 Default currency shown on forms if payment is made with different currency (12875)

    This change fixes a bug where the default currency was being displayed on the View Participant page and Contribution page regardless of which currency was used so that the currency used to make the payment is displayed always.

  • Make datatables in Activities Relationship tab adjust to screen size (12893)

    This change ensures that the datatables on the Activities Relationship tab adjusts to screen size when the screen size is changed.

  • Disable ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql mode when doing add2group function on the Activity Detail report to avoid fatal error (12966)

    This fixes a bug where the add to group action on the Activity Details report resulted in a fatal error for civicrm instances that had ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY enabled.

  • Problem with Custom Field in Contact Reports (13044)

    This change makes it so that custom fields of the data type string are available in the Summary Fields Filters tab for the Constituent Summary report.

  • Fix typo in smarty help (13075)

  • Remove redundant jstree script from search form (13153)


  • dev/core#422 Can't use advanced search to find survey results by result code (12897)

    This fixes a bug where searching on the "activity result" field (available when using CiviCampaign) would result in no results, so that one can search on the "activity result" field.


  • Activities can be linked to multiple cases. Handle caseIds being an array (13021)

    This change makes it so that an Activity can be linked to more than one case.


  • CRM-21311 Fix CIVICRM-668 Credit card type is unset on submission causing credit card payment to fail with CVV validation error message (12615)

    This change fixes a bug where if one changes the default credit card name for a Credit card, for example "Amex" to "American Express" then one cannot create a contribution with that credit card type so that one can alter the credit card names without breaking contributioning with them.

  • dev/financial#23 Submitting a contribution page with 0 amount triggers PHP notices (12926)

    This change removes an e-notice when submitting a contribution page with a 0 transaction amount.

  • dev/core#491 Report results don't show inactive campaigns (13036)

    This change makes it so that inactive campaigns show up on the Contribution Details Report.

  • dev/core#479 Contribution Summary report throw DB error with custom data and soft credit fields (13017)

    This change fixes a bug in the Contribution Summary Report where using a soft credit amount stats column and a filter on any custom field would result in a DB error so that the report runs as expected.

  • dev/core#526 Feedback cannot be translated when saving Contribution Page forms in languages other than English (13108)

  • dev/core#534 Print Invoice and Pay Now buttons do not appear on Contact Dashboard (13131 and 13137)

  • Fix check for financial acls to look for setting rather than sub-key of non-standard civicontribute_settings' setting (13150)

  • dev/core#552 Contribution net amount not re-calculated when fee amount is changed (13177 and 13178)


  • Prevent hard error when a string is too long for a field. (13014)

    This change fixes a bug where if an event registration's source field was too long for the database, the event registration would fail, so that the source field is truncated so that it can be saved to the database.

  • Fix caching issues with Event permissions (12769)

    This change fixes a bug when checking permissions for events where the permissions for the first event were being cached and all subsequent events were returned as having no permission regardless of what their permissions were.

  • Fix payment hangs when registering a user for a paid event without recording payment (12914)

    This fixes a bug where registering a user on the back end for a paid event without recording a payment would result in the payment hanging so that it does not hang.

  • Replace deprecated event function (13093)

  • Fix links for tabs on manage event (13172)


  • dev/core#461 Duplicate Message template is generated when it is saved through schedule reminder form (12982)

    This change fixes a bug where saving a message thru the schedule reminder form would result in duplicate message templates being created so that the message template is only saved once.

  • CRM-19751 Once "multiple bulk" setting, cannot search for opt out or on hold contacts (12883)

    This begins work to fix a bug for CiviCRM Instances that have the CiviMail setting "Enable multiple bulk email address for a contact" enabled where searching for contacts using the criteria "Opt Out" or "On Hold" is filtering incorrectly.

  • dev/core#448 When creating a CiviCRM Mailing including a Smart Group, All contacts met by the criteria of the smart group are added. There is no check performed to make sure that contacts removed from the smart group aren't included (12945)

    This change ensures that when creating a CiviCRM Mailing including a Smart Group users who have previously un-subscribed from that Smart Group are not included.

  • dev/core#443 Fix Non-static method calls at CRM_Utils_Mail_Incoming class (12934)

    This change fixes a strict warning thrown by CRM_Utils_Mail_Incoming for users with a PHP 7.1 set up.

  • dev/mail#26 getRecipients() appears to use a WHERE clause as an ORDER BY clause (12765)

    This change fixes a bug where the order_by for the list of recipients for a mailing was being ignored so that the order by is respected.

  • dev/core#357 Email signature stopped working since ??? 4.6 ?? (12828)

    This change fixes the Email signature functionality when sending an email.

  • dev/core#394 Wildcards are ignored in some smart group criteria, when the smart group is directly generated for a mailing (12910)

    This change ensures that wildcards (like %a%) are respected in smart group criteria when a smart group is being generated for a mailing.

  • dev/core#384 Mobile phone number selection issues with SMS (12890)

    This change makes it so one can send SMS using CiviSMS to non primary phones of type "mobile".


  • dev/core#166 updateAllMemberships in memberschip BAO crasches out of memory on large numbers of members (12306, 12927 and 12918)

    These changes fix a bug where for databases with large numbers of memberships (the user who reported this problem had 1.3 million memberships) the scheduled task to update membership statuses was crashing with an out of memory error so that databases with large numbers of memberships can run the scheduled task to update membership statuses.

  • Fix period_type, duration_unit, duration_frequency to be required on membership type form (13227)

    These fields had become un-required as a regression in 5.5.

Drupal Integration

  • Intelligently adjust menubar for D7 toolbar toggle (12937)

    This change improves the ui by making the Civi menubar set to 100% minus the width of the toolbar toggle, but only if the toolbar toggle is actually present on the screen. Before this change the menu was set to a width of 97% which was problematic because 97% is a guestimate and some Drupal sites do not use the toolbar module.

  • Added a path to the drupal8 path candidates to find civicrm.config.php (12903)

    This change fixes a bug when running the civibuild command Civibuild create drup8 --type=drupal8-clean would result in a fatal error "Failed to locate template for civicrm.config.php" so that Civibuild generates the installation files and goes to the next step.

  • CRM-20298 Drupal Views: Custom fields of type Money should use the same filter operators as Integer fields (435)

    This change makes it so that in Drupal views, civicrm custom fields of type money use the filter operators for Integers (instead of the filter operators for text).

  • civicrm_handler_field_link_pcp: avoid PHP notice (547)

    This change fixes a php notice thrown by drupal views that use fields that use the handler civicrm_handler_field_link_pcp.

Wordpress Integration

  • dev/wordpress#12 A civicrm shortcode for a contribution page on the homepage results in a "Too many redirects" error instead of the thank you page (13043)

    This change fixes a bug where putting a wordpress shortcode on the homepage would result in a too many redirect error instead of the thank you page.

  • Allow user-defined shortcode components to be rendered (134)

    This change makes it so that Wordpress plugins and CiviCRM Extensions which define custom components for the [civicrm] shortcode, shortcodes work.

  • Do not start session when running under WP-CLI (135)

    This fixes a bug where when running WP-CLI when the Apache user has permissions that the shell user does not would result in a PHP Warning.

  • Fix WP-CLI class for PHP 7.2 (133)

    This change makes it so one can use WP-CLI in PHP 7.2.

  • dev/core#460 Fix malformed redirect URLs (12969)

    This change fixes a bug where malformed redirect URLs were being formed for Wordpress users on event registration and confirmation pages.

  • dev/wordpress#12 A civicrm shortcode for a contribution page on the homepage results in a "Too many redirects" error instead of the thank you page (13099)

    This resolves a problem retrieving URL parameters when the URL is URL-encoded, as frequently happens in WordPress.


  • Slay dragons (12495)

  • Support CiviTutorial - Fix isAjaxMode to also recognize angular ajax (12921)

  • (NFC) Fix Namespace issue in Api3DocTrait when calling smarty (13007)

  • Export code cleanup and testing enhancements - this is an ongoing cleanup with an end goal of fixing some known bugs (12586) and (12864)

  • Coding practices fix - Improve type checking in getContactPhone and use CRM_Utils_Request::r… (12687)

  • Code cleanup on activity api and activity dashboard query (12994) and (12949)

  • Code cleanup in api_v3_CaseTest (12950)

  • Code cleanup Membership form - submit status message (12693) and tidy up receipt code (12695)

  • Code cleanup and testing on query to generate annual totals (12810)

  • Code cleanup - commenting on dupesInGroup() (12920)

  • Code cleanup - Fix spelling error ("sript" vs "script") (12912)

  • Code cleanup on recurring create action (12900) and viewing recurring rcords (12899)

  • Code cleanup (drupal) style fix for contact image handler (537)

  • Code cleanup (wordpress) Give comments and docblocks some TLC (137)

  • Code cleanup Fix comment as hook name was changed (13009)

  • CRM-21677 Report code style improvements (no user impact) (13028, 12922, 12916, and 12892)

  • Duplicate upgrade step for 5.7.beta1 in 5.8.alpha1 to capture anyone … (13033)

  • Don't format date twice for RecurringEntity form (12974)

  • Add ext/ folder to .gitignore (12905)

  • Bring structural consistency to the plugin (138)


This release was developed by the following code authors:

AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin, Andie Hunt; Agileware - Alok Patel; Andrei Mondoc; Australian Greens - Seamus Lee; - Joan Cervan Andreu; Caltha

  • Tomasz Pietrzkowski; CEDC - Laryn Kragt Bakker; Chris Burgess; Christian Wach; CiviCoop - Klaas Eikelboom; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk - Yashodha Chaku; Community IT Academy - William Mortada; CompuCorp - Davi Alexandre; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy, Samuel Vanhove; Derek Lewis; Electronic Frontier Foundation - Mark Burdett; Fuzion - Jitendra Purohit; Ginkgo Street Labs - Frank Gómez; Giovanni Dalmas; Jens Schuppe; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb; John Kingsnorth; Joinery - Allen Shaw; Joost Fock; Ken West; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Nicol Wistreich; OSSeed Technologies - Madhavi Malgaonkar; Pradeep Nayak; Progressive Technology Project - Jamie McClelland; Skvare - Mark Hanna; Third Sector Design - Michael McAndrew; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton, Elliott Eggleston

Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following reviewers contributed their comments:

Agileware - Agileware Team; British Humanist Association - Andrew West; Campaign Against Arms Trade - Kirk Jackson; Circle Interactive - Dave Jenkins; CiviFirst

  • John Kirk; Clairepickle; Clare Marsh; CompuCorp - Jamie Novick; Donald Lobo; iXiam - Vangelis Pantazis; JMA Consulting - Joe Murray; JonScreat; Korlon - Stuart Gaston; Lighthouse Design and Consulting - Brian Shaughnessy; MJCO - Mikey O'Toole; Richard van Oosterhout; sleewok; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Tech To The People - Xavier Dutoit


These release notes are edited by Alice Frumin and Andie Hunt. If you'd like to provide feedback on them, please log in to and contact @agh1.