v1.12.0 (2023-08-07)
- 6cf53101 build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.15.0 to 0.15.1 (#3120)
- cd1202ca ovn: fix corrupted database file on start (#3112)
- 02f8c630 some fixes in e2e (#3116)
- d8fa8395 controller: fix vpc update (#3117)
- b5b25ffd increase event burst size (#3115)
- c8031f6e build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0 (#3114)
- 6ba997d2 简化 ovn eip 类型 (#3107)
- a0c5e389 fix u2o policy route allocate too many openflows cause oom (#3099)
- a9fdbf92 Fix relevant annotations are not deleted in hotnoplug nic process (#3108)
- 3c6d6bc0 ovn: delete the db file if the node with new empty db file cannot join cluster for more than 120s (#3101)
- 914bf613 get all chassis once (#3103)
- 42e0574c distinguish nat ip for central subnet with ecmp and active-standby (#3100)
- a27ce4c3 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.16.0 to 3.17.0 (#3105)
- 68dc1c38 add log near err (#3098)
- c6c472a0 iptables: reject access to invalid service port when kube-proxy works in IPVS mode (#3059)
- f8835ef5 Ovn nat 1 (#3095)
- 5704dae0 skip ok pod (#3090)
- 18580edf ipam: return error for invalid ip range (#3088)
- a7e7a83d some fixes in e2e (#3094)
- 88218743 bug_fix if only one port bind to the sg, then unbind the port to the sg ,it will not enforce in port_group (#3092)
- 4c1161e9 fix .status.default when initializing the default vpc (#3086)
- fa91428b fix repeate set chassis (#3083)
- 68a798f4 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.56.2 to 1.57.0 (#3085)
- da1648cc fix go fmt
- 88b5912f fix kube-ovn-speaker log (#3081)
- 89544c35 remove FOSSA status card
- ac648680 cni-server: fix ovn mappings for vpc nat gateway (#3075)
- 0fe9dcb2 fix kube-ovn-speaker (#3076)
- 827a5a27 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.10 to 0.10.0 (#3079)
- 38cd9203 ovn client: fix sb chassis existence check (#3072)
- 038ff7de e2e: fix switch lb rule test (#3071)
- e14ebbd5 bump github.com/docker/docker to v24.0.5 (#3073)
- 90c83057 iptables: add --random-fully to SNAT rules (#3066)
- 1350397e update lint tmeout
- ff6d03d0 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.9 to 1.27.10 (#3069)
- 76b01496 bump k8s to v1.27.4 (#3063)
- d8e59ab6 e2e: do not import pkg/daemon (#3055)
- 20a6526c build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.8 to 1.27.9 (#3065)
- af335ba8 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.9 to 0.9.10 (#3061)
- 976a32b0 ci: fix multus installation (#3062)
- 0d1599ff add srl connectivity test (#3056)
- 42f35a35 ipam: fix ippool with single dual-stack address (#3054)
- 2ba3b8e5 controller: skip VIP gc if LB not found (#3048)
- 52232b5e keep vm vip when enableKeepVmIP is true (#3053)
- ed58b210 cni: reduce memory usage (#3047)
- 3be1e84c set genev_sys_6081 tx checksum off (#3045)
- 4e761156 fix vpc lb init (#3046)
- f4f80415 custom vpc pod support tcp http probe with tproxy method (#3024)
- 494209d3 change log (#3042)
- b40c35b8 Makefile: add deepflow and kwok installation (#3036)
- 5a0686b2 windows: fix ovn patches (#3035)
- e3b7439d ci: pin go version to 1.20.5 (#3034)
- 97a3e1bc static ip in exclude-ips can be allocated normally when subnet's availableIPs is 0 (#3031)
- 9d88e497 pinger: use fully qualified domain name (#3032)
- f3833f91 feat: suport kubevirt nic hotplug (#3013)
- 62f33289 fix lrp eip not clean (#3026)
- 047af4a2 build(deps): bump helm/kind-action from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0 (#3029)
- e01e616e update maintainer
- ea9c1f1e uninstall.sh: fix ipset name (#3028)
- 9e6dc636 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#3027)
- 3dd7f4ab replace ovn legacy client with libovsdb (#3018)
- c5bfdb46 install.sh: fix duplicate resources apply (#3023)
- 2e4fb05c build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#3019)
- aefaef5a build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.56.1 to 1.56.2 (#3020)
- 1f1fb82e ovn: fix cluster connections when SSL is enabled (#3001)
- 18560c96 cleanup.sh: wait for provier-networks to be deleted before deleting kube-ovn-cni (#3006)
- 9304ae5a kube-ovn-controller: fix workqueue metrics (#3011)
- d4153885 ci: fix go cache key (#3015)
- 5a5f66eb fix vlan subnet use logical gw can not access outside cluster node (#3007)
- 18fd55dd build(deps): bump github.com/prometheus-community/pro-bing (#3016)
- 269f460d fix vpc already delete while delete policy route (#3005)
- e744d76e make compatible with simplicified enable-eip-snat-cm (#3009)
- 2a652530 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0 (#3012)
- d5f89bce subnet: fix nat outgoing policy rule (#3003)
- 8358a91e build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.15.0 to 3.16.0 (#3010)
- fe924e9f fix subnet finalizer (#3004)
- 12366937 chart: fix readOnly in volumes (#3002)
- d5462b10 libovsdb: various bug fixes (#2998)
- af04530e choose subnet by pod's annotation in networkpolicy (#2987)
- 5c455499 IPPool: fix missing support for CIDR (#2982)
- f2d063a8 kubectl ko performance enhance (#2975)
- d5d196e7 fix deleting old sb chassis for a re-added node (#2989)
- 30cd09e6 add e2e for new ippool feature (#2981)
- 5fdf1f9e underlay: fix NetworkManager syncer for virtual interfaces (#2988)
- 1bb51239 underlay: does not set a device managed to no if it has VLAN managed by NM (#2986)
- 3793e993 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.30.0 to 1.31.0 (#2985)
- 6a5bfe46 support helm install hybrid_dpdk ovs-ovn (#2980)
- dc40a8cb add unittest for IPAM (#2977)
- daa436d3 IPAM: fix subnet mutex not released when static IP is out of range (#2979)
- 65fd8a4a fix initialization check of vpc nat gateway configuration (#2978)
- e558702d refactor: make qos test cases parallel (#2957)
- 27685a17 IPAM: add support for ippool (#2958)
- 41b4f266 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.56.0 to 1.56.1 (#2974)
- 57b01b4a ovn ic support dual (#2970)
- 7a14cf21 base: fix ovn patches (#2971)
- a5194e66 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0 (#2968)
- a5e63c72 add detail comment (#2969)
- 13256fab 1. add host multicast perf (#2965)
- 33b6df12 cni-server: reconcile ovn0 routes periodically (#2963)
- e4f68267 uninstall.sh: flush and delete iptables chain OVN-MASQUERADE (#2961)
- 9fbebd34 fix e2e failed (#2960)
- 5de25172 u2o specify u2oip from v1.9 (#2934)
- 30ea6d6c underlay: sync NetworkManager IP config to OVS bridge (#2949)
- 27a2f300 chore: USERS.md (#2955)
- 1c29580e bump k8s version to v1.27.3 (#2953)
- c0730acb ci: fix build-base strategy (#2950)
- f52b1509 e2e: add qos policy test cases (#2924)
- d8739d29 typo (#2952)
- de9c9603 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.55.0 to 1.56.0 (#2951)
- f4b3c0fe build(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang (#2948)
- e13c2005 Revert "nm not managed only in the change provide nic name case (#2754)" (#2944)
- 765dc8d7 add permision for test-server.sh (#2942)
- a9d0b4be Kubectl ko diagnose perf (#2915)
- 8f414f72 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0 (#2940)
- 88f706e4 controller: fix DHCP MTU when the default network mode is underlay (#2941)
- ea56b560 e2e: fix u2o case (#2931)
- c1c716f1 add err log to help find conflict ip owner (#2939)
- 1f27076f support set the mtu of dhcpv4_options (#2930)
- f1d2011a modify lb-svc dnat port error (#2927)
- d7edac78 fix race condition in gateway check logs (#2928)
- fc7c16ae add subnet.spec.u2oInterconnectionIP (#2921)
- 6105d57b disable ai review
- 8773ea3d e2e: fix waiting deployment to be restarted (#2909)
- 56927913 make conformance with underlay pn vlan subnet has no gw (#2908)
- 0356a63f fix: natgw init check command not work (#2923)
- 3a8e13ee fix issue 2916 (#2917)
- 517d3791 add sync map to fix cocurrent write (#2918)
- dff950b1 cni-server: clear iptables mark before doing masquerade (#2919)
- d043a2d2 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.9.7 to 2.10.0 (#2913)
- 525b0b76 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.7 to 1.27.8 (#2914)
- 3616d3de For eip created without spec.V4ip this field (#2912)
- ace0b970 match outgoing interface when perform snat (#2911)
- d61a2ad6 libovsdb: ignore not found error when listing objects with a filter (#2900)
- 78f923a9 build(deps): bump github.com/sirupsen/logrus from 1.9.2 to 1.9.3 (#2903)
- 0e27e0ca build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.14.0 to 3.15.0 (#2904)
- fd92c2a8 fix base build
- 668287af fix build base ci
- a1746140 fix build base ci
- 2f52d929 refactor IPAM (#2896)
- db51370f add e2e u2o vpc version check (#2901)
- 6acecb60 kube-ovn-controller: fix subnet update (#2882)
- 35aa8b40 Supporting user-defined kubelet directory (#2893)
- 3883a744 ci: use latest golangci-lint
- efe3ee34 underlay: do not delete patch ports created by ovn-controller (#2851)
- 04c64f0a update pr-review
- aa1ffaa3 auto build base for release branches
- fe4eec77 Add natoutgoing policy rules (#2883)
- bbe04e89 pin golangci-lint version
- 0c5f9055 skip case 'connect to NodePort service with external traffic policy set to Local from other nodes' (#2895)
- 93f027f3 refactor subnet gateway (#2872)
- 33c52623 update webhook check (#2878)
- a123be78 skip pr-review as run out openai quota
- 5c2c9487 skip kubectl cve
- 403c2dcd build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.9.5 to 2.9.7 (#2890)
- 589d0b6f e2e: multiple external network (#2884)
- 79521c31 build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4 (#2885)
- 71253fe5 fix vip str format (#2879)
- 6b5345ff ci: fix valgrind result analysis (#2853)
- 7c80a135 ovs: fix memory leak in qos (#2871)
- 9f39621a feat: vpc nat gw e2e (#2866)
- e68b983b build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2875)
- 056b4cf8 fix gc nil pointer (#2858)
- 32b85219 bump k8s to v1.27.2 (#2861)
- a80b3754 add e2e test for slr (#2841)
- 20b20366 Move docs to new website (#2862)
- 24d9dfee build(deps): bump gopkg.in/k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni.v4 (#2860)
- 83a47a73 update dependabot
- d6202bc7 refactor clusterrole for kube-ovn (#2833)
- b1c77ad7 some fixes in CI/e2e (#2856)
- a94fb0b2 manage ovn bfd with libovsdb (#2812)
- d9a038ce update the volumeMounts premission (#2852)
- d642f5b5 fix vip lsp not clean (#2848)
- a1cf2b39 U2o support custom vpc (#2831)
- 2068d879 kubectl-ko: fix trace when u2oInterconnection is enabled (#2836)
- 6ee56d08 ci: detect ovs/ovn memory leak (#2839)
- 77656773 iptables: always do SNAT for access from other nodes to nodeport with external traffic policy set to Local (#2844)
- 175fb262 fix underlay access to node through ovn0 (#2842)
- 98392b3a build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2843)
- da944a3e adapt vpc dns in master (#2822)
- c7b7a0a5 bump go dependencies (#2820)
- 94d7cc86 fix MTU when subnet is using logical gateway (#2834)
- 486c61ae refactor image builds (#2818)
- a7fd9ddf build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3 (#2832)
- 667f5a7c build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.6 to 1.27.7 (#2830)
- 853abd9d vip support create arp proxy logical switch port (#2817)
- 46bdd01a build(deps): bump github.com/sirupsen/logrus from 1.9.0 to 1.9.2 (#2828)
- e988089e build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2827)
- 3b8c9edc add route for service ip range when init vpc-nat-gw (#2821)
- 4f015f6d do not allocate MAC address when kube-ovn is called as an IPAM plugin (#2816)
- a30daea4 Iptables nat support share eip (#2805)
- 0466edce fix typos (#2815)
- fca6c9d5 fix some typos (#2814)
- 630104d5 add iperf to test group multicast (#2796)
- 2ba3846b add available check for northd enpoint (#2799)
- 253358ea manage ovn lr static route with libovsdb (#2804)
- 781b47d9 add support of user-defined endpoints to SwitchLBRule (#2777)
- 74221a6e e2e: fix test container not removed (#2800)
- 6ddd03bf manage ovn lr policy with libovsdb (#2788)
- 7350db5f build(deps): bump github.com/docker/distribution (#2797)
- 8f43028a fix handedeletePod repeat 4 times (#2789)
- c8af3dd3 fix cleanup order (#2792)
- b9542ad3 fix missing main route table for the default vpc (#2785)
- 1511573d add ovn DVR fip e2e (#2780)
- 0127e10a build(deps): bump github.com/containernetworking/plugins (#2784)
- 100227be add key lock for more resources (#2781)
- 16db5082 bump cni plugins to v1.3.0 (#2786)
- 08e2e66f replace util.DefaultVpc with c.config.ClusterRouter (#2782)
- e1154acf fix static route recreation after kube-ovn-controller restarts (#2778)
- e7190e6a clean up code about static routes (#2779)
- b1a339b7 Reorder cleanup step by put subnet and vpc to the last to avoid conflict (#2776)
- a2b789cc optimize kube-ovn-controller logic (#2771)
- 3b2b0716 use rate limiting queue with delaying for pod deletion events (#2774)
- 04e4d258 fix underlay subnet kubectl ko trace error (#2773)
- 9b1de481 feat: natgw qos (#2753)
- 11b171e1 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2770)
- 62d8122c fix ip statistics in subnet status (#2769)
- d3d01762 informer: wait for cache sync before adding event handlers (#2768)
- a23dd865 build(deps): bump github.com/scylladb/go-set (#2766)
- e2bf60f7 support disable arp check ip conflict in vlan provider network (#2760)
- c55cbd6e replace string map with string set (#2765)
- 99be9cb0 cni-server: wait ovs-vswitchd to be running (#2759)
- 1933ed87 kubectl-ko: support trace for pod with host network (#2761)
- bf1a3d7c libovsdb: fix potential duplicate addresses (#2763)
- 5585d447 ci: run kube-ovn e2e for underlay (#2762)
- cf1748c6 kubectl-ko: fix pod tracing in underlay (#2757)
- 6db99d53 When Subnet spec.vpc is updated, the status in VPC should also be updated. (#2756)
- 328a8911 ovn-nbctl: remove unused functions (#2755)
- 86a07a30 add route table option in static route for subnet (#2748)
- f6414ce1 replace acl/address_set function call with ovnClient (#2648)
- c77f3681 nm not managed only in the change provide nic name case (#2754)
- cc1be3ee support node local dns cache (#2733)
- d7fa2a49 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.54.0 to 1.55.0 (#2752)
- faff1e62 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0 (#2751)
- bdd201b1 update eip qos procees, replace qosLabelEIP with natLabelEip (#2736)
- d1711acd refresh nat gw image before using it (#2743)
- 353df49a build(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang (#2745)
- 91400ecc Using full repo name to avoid short-name error in podman (#2746)
- fa404a06 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.13.0 to 3.14.0 (#2738)
- 7eed8341 add policy route when use old active gateway node for centralized subnet (#2722)
- 66615b6d feat: support for multiple external network (#2725)
- f8328bdb build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2732)
- 6198f691 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.8 to 0.9.9 (#2731)
- 2a015e5c base: remove patch for fixing ofpbuf memory leak (#2715)
- a01f9606 fix recover db failed using method in (#2711)
- a6d2a53c refactor: improve performance by using cache (#2713)
- 7dbfd2be For dualstack and ipv6 the default ipv6 range should be same with the ipv4 cidr. (#2708)
- 15780bfb feat: support dynamically changing qos for EIP (#2671)
- d865b48d base: refactor dockerfile (#2696)
- 53bfcf44 kubectl-ko: add support for tracing nodes (#2697)
- f5fee4c9 cni-server: do not perform ipv4 conflict detection during VM live migration (#2693)
- 942b87d1 fix: iptables nat gw e2e not clean sts eth0 net1 ip (#2698)
- 236574c7 Add random fully when nat (#2681)
- 9e3f70c1 replace StrategicMergePatchType with MergePatchType (#2694)
- b59bfd33 ci: fix scheduled vpc nat gateway e2e (#2692)
- d469235f ovn-controller: do not send GARP on localnet for Kube-OVN ports (#2690)
- 7db85edd netpol: fix enqueueing network policy after LSP creation (#2687)
- aba72443 add tcp mem collector (#2683)
- 07a6d4ca fix manifest yamls (#2689)
- 1d6a0fe4 attach node name label in ip cr (#2680)
- 233dc61e adapt ippool annotation (#2678)
- 095dca26 netpol: fix packet drop casued by incorrect address set deletion (#2677)
- 3dc36c8c fix kubectl ko using ovn-central pod that not in a good status (#2676)
- 9c5523f7 add nat gw e2e (#2639)
- a9993dac add workflows for release chart (#2672)
- 4399963e build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/go-winio from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1 (#2663)
- d6b0c28d remove auto update k8s and cadvisor
- b57f36ff build(deps): bump k8s.io/sample-controller from 0.26.3 to 0.26.4 (#2675)
- a33adde2 ignore k8s major and minor dependencies as they always break build.
- 68f813e0 rename charts (#2667)
- 933d76e3 ipam update condition refactor (#2651)
- 05e72516 fix LSP existence check (#2657)
- f84343e8 fix network policy issues (#2652)
- 148f1bf4 Resolve SetLoadBalancerAffinityTimeout not being effective (#2647)
- 0b5fc5d3 broadcast free arp when pod is setup (#2638)
- dc31cbd2 delete sync user (#2629)
- 7e872fbe fix: eip qos (#2632)
- ddf28fc2 fix: make webhook port configurable. (#2631)
- c53d58da support ovn ipsec (#2616)
- 53bf75d2 feat: add support for EIP QoS (#2550)
- 1fc5d853 libovsdb: fix race condition in OVN LB operations (#2625)
- cfff2db3 fix IPAM allocation caused by incorrect pod annotations patch (#2624)
- 3e67e893 ci: deploy multus in thick mode (#2628)
- 1caaea2a libovsdb: use monitor_cond as the monitor method (#2627)
- c0ab8351 ci: fix multus installation (#2622)
- 84a910b0 ovs: fix dpif-netlink ofpbuf memory leak (#2620)
- 42a86869 Optimized tolerations code in vpc-nat-gw (#2613)
- 1e8e3828 replace port_group function call with ovnClient (#2608)
- 9b577403 reduce test binary size and add missing webhook build (#2610)
- 949eb8b7 fix: ovneip print column and finalizer (#2593)
- 5babe8e6 add affinity to vpc-nat-gw (#2609)
- 6bf15d4a ci: fix multus installation (#2604)
- 8629d634 update .gitignore (#2600)
- 254598fb bump go modules (#2603)
- 602b1605 build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 4 to 5 (#2606)
- 787616f1 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2605)
- 62b8761d build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (#2607)
- d2523f46 cut invalid OVN_NB_DAEMON to make log more readable (#2601)
- 4c7ddc68 unittest: fix length assertion (#2597)
- 7ba428d7 use copilot to generate pr content
- 1a474fd9 replace lb function call with ovnClient (#2598)
- a73deb47 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.12.0 to 3.13.0 (#2596)
- 2fb1f95a Merge handleAddPod with handleUpdatePod. (#2563)
- 9399c1e1 fix log (#2586)
- da323a52 fix: ovn snat and fip delete (#2584)
- 048e9315 underlay: get address/route before setting nm managed to no (#2592)
- 5d036cd5 update chart description (#2582)
- 6d50bdc3 iptables: use the same mode with kube-proxy (#2535)
- 09477984 ci: bump kind image to v1.26.3 (#2581)
- 5b7bdccb fix: invalid memory address (#2585)
- cba9c16e kubectl ko change solution to collect logs to path kubectl-ko-log (#2575)
- bb268618 if one item is removed, do not requeue (#2578)
- 5aad7c53 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.5 to 1.27.6 (#2579)
- a9d66220 fix vpc dns when ovn-default is dualstack (#2576)
- 279717ca move the vpc-nat generic configurations into one single ConfigMap (#2574)
- 887df215 feat: add ovn dnat (#2565)
- 02a86873 Fix kubectl ko log loss when restart deployment or ds (#2531)
- 1d1f5fab add wait until (#2569)
- c0e843fd do no review dependency update
- a7ccd1ae build(deps): bump github.com/opencontainers/runc from 1.1.4 to 1.1.5 (#2572)
- 5dce9cd2 move ipam.subnet.mutex to caller (#2571)
- 9fba0b54 build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.14.5 to 0.14.6 (#2568)
- 3f7997b3 fix: memory leak in IPAM caused by leftover map keys (#2566)
- 1e9f3529 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2567)
- 8e03e97b fix ovn-bridge-mappings deletion (#2564)
- e19620b0 fix lrp deletion after upgrade (#2548)
- ed928348 fix gw label for vpc update field (#2562)
- 642fa92a update CRD in helm chart (#2560)
- 1a41369d fix CRD indent in install.sh (#2559)
- f955143f fix update snat rules not effect correctly (#2554)
- fd6ec3d8 fix go mod list (#2556)
- b4e7e2e8 do not set device unmanaged if NetworkManager is not running (#2549)
- fe1b4ac6 update review bot
- f9eb0ca4 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.4 to 1.27.5 (#2551)
- 955cf0ff underlay: fix network manager operation (#2546)
- b8fc9d9a controller: fix apiserver connection timeout on startup (#2545)
- 2ae8a9af fix update fip rules not effect correctly (#2540)
- 98dc2f25 fix lsp deletion failure when external-ids:ls is empty (#2544)
- 6b9cdd33 sync parameters to charts from install script (#2526)
- 8c49fc01 underlay: delete altname after renaming the link (#2539)
- 2a81f404 failed to delete ovn-fip or ovn-snat (#2534)
- 17807e55 fix encap_ip will be lost when we restart the ovs-dpdk node (#2543)
- 829e74c2 fix service fail (#2537)
- bd91f8b8 Add speaker param check (#2538)
- 7e6feabe feat: support nic-hotplug to a running pod. (#2521)
- bbe1f3e8 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.53.0 to 1.54.0 (#2541)
- ae51a656 fix update dnat rules not effect correctly (#2518)
- 569b576a underlay: fix link name exchange (#2516)
- e9710959 add vip to webhook e2e (#2525)
- 30d30bfe fix submariner e2e (#2519)
- 9eda4859 fix lsp gc after upgrade (#2513)
- 0b8964c9 fix: ovn-fip creation failure due to an excessively long label (#2529)
- cc8a11d7 add sleep (#2523)
- 416cc772 when restart deployment kube-ovn-controller the kubectl ko log loss (#2508)
- e7085dec optimize e2e framework (#2492)
- 4b59bdfc fix ovs patches (#2506)
- 1138c2cf fix subnet iprange not correct (#2505)
- 0ebb6785 bump k8s to v1.26.3 (#2514)
- 6fb79923 add kubevirt multus nic lsp before gc process (#2504)
- 3fc6d8e3 update slack link
- 46d9edbd docs: updated CHANGELOG.md (#2515)
- 36329d54 optimize ovs upgrade script (#2512)
- f8aabdf5 ci: change to pull_request_target
- 089d8cd2 ci: add openai to review the code (#2511)
- ee5e59a9 add support of user-defined image name for vpc-dns (#2502)
- 20e70222 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.29.1 to 1.30.0 (#2500)
- b6913c52 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.7 to 0.9.8 (#2499)
- 443dd58b replace lr/ls/lrp/lsp function call with ovnClient (#2477)
- 599ed234 ci: fix go cache (#2498)
- 0606f90d add skip (#2491)
- 1aff1c4f ensure address label is correct before deleting it (#2487)
- e9dd2892 fix scheduled submariner e2e (#2469)
- c66a93ac build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 4 (#2490)
- a8aede74 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.3 to 1.27.4 (#2489)
- 70a220a0 add some sleep wait iptables clean (#2488)
- 0b8e5346 Add kubectl ko log (#2451)
- c3620cd0 fix: gw configmap may not exist (#2484)
- a31235b1 fix ovs qos e2e for versions prior to v1.12 (#2483)
- 1470c10d add node to addNodeQueue if required annations are missing (#2481)
- 47a70557 Add jitter support to netem qos parameters (#2476)
- b15fc51b build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.29.0 to 1.29.1 (#2480)
- d1cd3ddd fix ovs-ovn startup/restart (#2467)
- b26784f1 fix changging the stopped vm's subnets, the vm cann't start normally (#2463)
- 7e2e437d build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.2 to 1.27.3 (#2475)
- 5b07ccbb when we delete the pod,it's no need to update the sgs assign to pod (#2465)
- 3fd564b7 fix libovsdb issues (#2462)
- 0689a729 fix ips CR not found due to etcd error (#2472)
- e368a20e wait for subnet lb (#2471)
- 0ecd9aff chore: update base periodically to resolve security issues. (#2470)
- 5387acf4 do not delete external switch if it is created by provider network vlan subnet (#2449)
- 282706d6 add upgrade compatibility (#2468)
- 482167a9 ci: fix ovn-ic installation (#2456)
- 2bce5080 Fixed:Prevents grep from prematurely exiting the shell script if it cannot find a pattern (#2466)
- 4d850e01 add install for webhook (#2460)
- f17b4348 e2e add some debug info and sleep (#2439)
- 8df83cb1 do not set subnet's vlan empty on failure (#2445)
- 7ae8db6c wait subnet lb clear in set subnet EnableLb to false e2e (#2450)
- 674cc290 build(deps): bump github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3 (#2458)
- e4c089ab ci(Mergify): configuration update (#2457)
- 0444a2b2 kube-ovn-speaker support IPv6/Dual (#2455)
- 790c7cc2 replace nb_global function call with ovnClient (#2454)
- 0d129742 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.28.1 to 1.29.0 (#2452)
- b399cca6 fix parsing logical router static routes (#2443)
- 9df323d7 base: fix ovn patches (#2444)
- 3259b912 prepare for libovsdb replacement (#1978)
- d71a314d support auto change external bridge (#2437)
- f4bef89e fix ovn-speaker router bug (#2433)
- 497260ef ovs: change update strategy to RollingUpdate (#2422)
- c84479be add kubevirt install (#2430)
- e9017e2a e2e: wait for subnet to meet specified condition (#2431)
- 810f7b99 delete all invalid ovn lb strategy and prevent invalid multiple endpoint reconsile (#2419)
- 25fef7cc add sumbarier case (#2416)
- a99ceb20 iptables-rules upgrade compatible (#2429)
- 57033847 add log (#2423)
- 824f2e0a check subnet gateway after wait (#2428)
- 86c01e6b fix chart install/upgrade e2e (#2426)
- 322eab3b ci: fix cilium chaining e2e (#2391)
- 79367647 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 (#2427)
- dc5148bb resolve e2e error in v1.12.0 (#2425)
- 541b641f update test server and test results (#2421)
- 98050705 Modify the pod scheduling of vpcdns (#2420)
- 83ab70ff e2e: double parallel test nodes in ci (#2411)
- fd3bee6e fix scheduled e2e (#2417)
- 5cd8649b build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.14.4 to 0.14.5 (#2415)
- 68d2ebfa build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.11.0 to 3.12.0 (#2414)
- 8f6c21ce build(deps): bump k8s.io/klog/v2 from 2.90.0 to 2.90.1 (#2413)
- d837d978 bump go modules (#2408)
- 8fbc5dd1 e2e: fix random conflict in parallel processes (#2410)
- cedcbbc8 fix_base_sg_rule (#2401)
- 4a28cfb3 build(deps): bump k8s.io/sample-controller from 0.26.1 to 0.26.2 (#2403)
- d30935e0 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.1 to 1.27.2 (#2396)
- 645908f6 Support bfd management (#2382)
- b1a09baf remove unused param (#2393)
- d2445519 update ipv6 security-group remote group name (#2389)
- db435dcc Fix routeregexp ipv6 (#2395)
- 8a63d280 ci: fix ref name check (#2390)
- 42e6a302 add support of user-defined kubelet directory (#2388)
- 282644e9 support 1.11 (#2387)
- 2d1c1252 ci: skip netpol e2e automatically for push events (#2379)
- 109704d0 ci: make path filter more accurate (#2381)
- 77022437 build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 (#2386)
- 9737c390 Fix comment format (#2383)
- 01e55805 fix: ovs-ovn should reboot now (#2297)
- 5e0c305f fix service dual stack add/del cluster ips not change ovn nb (#2367)
- ff836116 ci: fix path filter for windows build (#2378)
- 4f3f4e74 e2e: run specs in parallel (#2375)
- ffbb1524 add base sg rules for ports (#2365)
- db9f9272 accelerate cleanup (#2376)
- 50df652c update ovnnb model (#2371)
- f68044bc docs: updated CHANGELOG.md (#2373)
- 8a1814a8 fix changelog workflow (#2372)
- a1a528b7 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.6 to 0.9.7 (#2370)
- ee53dfe1 Add gateway monitor metrics and event (#2345)
- c061ae18 ci: fix default branch test (#2369)
- 4a0829a7 fix github actions workflows (#2363)
- 62834eb1 Fixed iptables creation failure due to an excessively long label (#2366)
- c5d8ebac use existing node switch cidr instead of the configured one (#2359)
- 092aa083 Do not wait pod deletion one by one to accelerate install (#2360)
- 1974f8b1 Change log level (#2362)
- 13f345da change log level (#2356)
- 5bd51760 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.0 to 1.27.1 (#2357)
- 3b466d2d simplify github actions workflows (#2338)
- 8fe8bc58 update go version to v1.20 (#2312)
- 90f504c7 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (#2353)
- a9753c34 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0 (#2349)
- 6e21a93e chore: no need to wait 30 seconds before kube-ovn-cni get ready. (#2339)
- f8b97e72 do not remove link local route on ovn0 (#2341)
- 79584c43 fix encap ip when the tunnel interface has multiple addresses (#2340)
- 156d5976 fix legacy network policy err (#2313)
- 9c51bd9e enqueue endpoint when handling service add event (#2337)
- cdf54997 Add neighbor-address format check for kube-ovn-speaker (#2335)
- b0b46948 add ovnext0 inside ns on gw node for ecmp static route with bfd (#2237)
- 4ca994bf OVN LB: add support for SCTP protocol (#2331)
- ea14e91f fix getting service backends in dual-stack clusters (#2323)
- 937d3ced e2e: skip case of switching session affinity (#2328)
- eb2b36a5 fix k8s networking dns e2e (#2325)
- 1c97f58a Add the bgp router-id format check (#2316)
- f7f2375f perform the gateway check but ignore the result when the annotation of subnet is ‘disableGatewayCheck=true’ to make sure of the first network packet (#2290)
- 0bd7c7e5 perf: use empty struct to reduce memory usage (#2327)
- b2eaea00 split netpol cases (#2322)
- 40b5890a feat: support default service session stickiness timeout (#2311)
- 83685b5a feat: configure routes via pod annotation (#2307)
- c8d443ef build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2320)
- 4e2fe310 e2e: do not test versions prior to 1.11 for ovn-ic update (#2319)
- 0d2aa03c ovndb: use Local_Config to configure listen addresses (#2299)
- 87bacf5f chore: improve the list style in Markdown (#2315)
- 8c1edc80 fix egress node and gateway acl should apply after lb. (#2310)
- 22cc9337 fix kube-ovn-controller crash on startup (#2305)
- b6eb7ce2 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.52.3 to 1.53.0 (#2308)
- 5ca2a5c8 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 (#2309)
- eb31a178 ignore e2e for subnet enableEcmp before v1.12.0 (#2306)
- f81c43a1 fix u2o code err (#2300)
- 993fefaa set join subnet.spec.enableLb to nil (#2304)
- d1d10972 fix image tag in helm chart (#2302)
- 77cf5e9b update trivy deprecated arg and the ignored CVE. (#2296)
- 9b85bbac move enableEcmp to subnet (#2284)
- 87eacf59 build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.14.3 to 0.14.4 (#2301)
- 971add05 fix gosec ci installation (#2295)
- ac72f771 delete htb qos priority (#2288)
- 36da29cb build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.14.2 to 0.14.3 (#2292)
- ea1df964 ovn northd: fix connection inactivity probe (#2286)
- 54984d67 fix ct new config error (#2289)
- 3f0a5008 fix wrong network interface name in gateway check (#2282)
- 74a7da88 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2287)
- 20e57699 Improve webhook (#2278)
- f0d91513 add named port support (#2273)
- 9985ee5c fix access from node to overlay pods when network policy ingress exists (#2279)
- 2b383400 move enableLb to subnet (#2276)
- 5712485d build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 (#2280)
- 805f83ea add V4/V6UsingIPRange and V4/V6AvailableIPRange in subnet status (#2268)
- 0c74034d skip u2o test case before 1.9 (#2274)
- eddf18d8 fix network break on kube-ovn-cni startup (#2272)
- 26c506d8 bump go modules (#2267)
- e10d076e fix setting mtu for ovs internal port (#2247)
- 155768a3 bump ovs/ovn versions (#2254)
- 281242ef use node ip instead of ovn0 ip when accessing overlay pod/svc from host network (#2243)
- ea8523c6 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.52.1 to 1.52.3 (#2265)
- cb20b12e build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.52.0 to 1.52.1 (#2264)
- 69546ffb build(deps): bump k8s.io/klog/v2 from 2.80.1 to 2.90.0 (#2262)
- 4d9177f7 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0 (#2263)
- cc4bfd54 build(deps): bump k8s.io/sample-controller from 0.26.0 to 0.26.1 (#2260)
- 8a6ac128 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2259)
- b33086f7 egress networkpolicy acl add option apply-after-lb (#2251)
- 625a6854 ovn db: add support for listening on pod ip (#2235)
- 6969dcd8 update cni plugin to 1.2.0 (#2255)
- 1f995709 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.24.2 to 1.25.0 (#2257)
- 486e8ee2 clean up legacy u2o implement (#2248)
- 5e684e9d eip status状态切换缓慢 (#2256)
- 1049d245 build(deps): bump github.com/containernetworking/plugins (#2253)
- 9092956f fix vip create (#2245)
- dc731efd improve webhook functions for vpc and subnet (#2241)
- dfb1cc2b fix syntax errors (#2240)
- e6549802 add release-1.11 to scheduled e2e (#2238)
- 6adf8267 fix webhook (#2236)
- 3f5bd39b fix: ovnic del old AZ after establish the new as name (#2229)
- b0c17afd prepare for next release
- 91db26f1 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.51.0 to 1.52.0 (#2234)
- Alex Jones
- bobz965
- changluyi
- Daviddcc
- dependabot[bot]
- fsl
- github-actions[bot]
- gugu
- hzma
- jeffy
- jizhixiang
- KillMaster9
- lanyujie
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- Longchuanzheng
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- Miika Petäjäniemi
- mingo
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