What's Changed
- !!!FEATURE: Implement Psr-18 HTTP\Client by @mficzel in #2688
- !!!FEATURE: Introduce flushByTags to taggable cache backends by @Sebobo in #2718
- FEATURE: Add methods getSimpleCache PSR-16 and getCacheItemPool PSR-6 to the cacheManager by @mficzel in #2689
for the file based cache backend by @Sebobo in #2750 - FEATURE: Implement
for the PDO cache backend by @Sebobo in #2720 - FEATURE: Create ValueObjects from simple types by calling
for objects and JsonArray properties by @mficzel in #2762 - FEATURE: Optimised Redis cache backend by @Sebobo in #2721
- FEATURE: Extend DenormalizingObjectConverter to support fromBoolean and fromInteger by @bwaidelich in #2766
- FEATURE: Type declaration support for property injection by @robertlemke in #2782
- !!!TASK: Raise minimal supported PHP version to 8.0.0 by @mficzel in #2707
- !!!TASK: Remove legacy fluid custom error view options and migrate to
by @mhsdesign in #2743 - !!!TASK: Change default JsonView DateTime format to ISO compliant DateTime::ATOM by @albe in #2474
- !!!TASK: Remove whitelistObject() / add allowObject() in PersistenceManagerInterface by @kdambekalns in #2784
- !!!TASK: Add method argument and return type hints by @albe in #2584
- !!!TASK: Update PSR Cache and SimpleCache Interfaces to 3.0 by @mficzel in #2789
- !!!TASK: Update psr/log to 2.0 by @albe in #2792
- !!!TASK: Remove support for Flow's custom class loader by @kdambekalns in #2775
- !!!TASK: Adjust security event log levels by @kitsunet in #2809
- TASK: Allow guzzlehttp/psr7 2.0 by @albe in #2501
- TASK: Add unit test (thanks @sorenmalling) by @kdambekalns in #2761
- TASK: Delete FUNDING.yml by @markusguenther in #2646
- TASK: Code cleanup ActionRequest by @mhsdesign in #2653
- TASK: Make adjustments to support PHP8.1's stricter type system by @nezaniel in #2695
- TASK: Adjust types where necessary for the ESCR by @nezaniel in #2709
- TASK: Drop call to unicode-safe pathinfo() by @kdambekalns in #2668
- TASK: Reenable psalm static analysis by @albe in #2704
- TASK: Further clarify use of only "extension" from pathinfo by @kdambekalns in #2729
- TASK: Return 400 response if required argument is missing by @kdambekalns in #2686
- TASK: Provide better error message if EntityManager is closed by @kdambekalns in #2765
- TASK: Avoid deprecated Doctrine ORM proxy by @kdambekalns in #2772
- TASK: Drop nullability of $propertyPath on getPropertyPath() by @kdambekalns in #2773
- TASK: Drop deprecated $packagePath from getFilteredPackages() by @kdambekalns in #2774
- TASK: Remove unused parameter in Redis flush by @Sebobo in #2781
- Revert "TASK: Add type declarations in PersistenceManagerInterface" by @mficzel in #2787
- TASK: Reenable lowest dependencies build by @albe in #2806
- TASK: Relax psr cache constraints by @kdambekalns in #2805
- TASK: Tweak some
annotations by @kdambekalns in #2807 - TASK: Remove interactive shell and deprecate infrastructure by @kitsunet in #2810
- TASK: Add versions to symfony/polyfill replacements by @albe in #2812
- BUGFIX: Custom error view: skip 'viewOptions' that are 'null' #2738 by @mhsdesign in #2739
- BUGFIX: Adjust type annotations in Http\Browser to match the relaxing from ServerRequestInterface to RequestInterface by @mficzel in #2749
- BUGFIX: Use of undefined variable
by @mhsdesign in #2754 - BUGFIX: Properly encode error message in internal request header by @albe in #2756
- BUGFIX: Eel Helper
auto cast string to array. #2710 by @mhsdesign in #2733 - BUGFIX: Use configured pdo cache tables during flush and garbage collection by @Sebobo in #2719
- BUGFIX: Avoid race condition on symlink publishing by @kdambekalns in #2669
- BUGFIX: Make Array.push accept
for array type casting by @mhsdesign in #2760 - BUGFIX: Fix UriConstraints port constraints for default ports by @bwaidelich in #2715
- BUGFIX: Fix PhpAnalyzer to support PHP 8 by @gerdemann in #2640
- BUGFIX: Don't use transactions to change db character set by @bwaidelich in #2725
- BUGFIX: Prevent flush force error in production context by @gjwnc in #2716
- BUGFIX: ObjectAccess with direct access on private properties of proxied classes by @kdambekalns in #2389
- BUGFIX: ArrayObjects are mapped correctly without PHP internal properties by @kdambekalns in #2783
- BUGFIX: Add behat @BeforeSuite and @AfterSuite to ignored annotation tags by @erickloss in #2726
- BUGFIX: Show origin of yaml parse errors by @mficzel in #2794
- BUGFIX: LockManager catches PHP 8 Throwable during unlockSite by @gjwnc in #2795
- BUGFIX: Address deprecation warnings from PHP 8.1 by @mficzel in #2796
- BUGFIX: Adjust code leading to deprecation warnings with PHP 8.1 by @kdambekalns in #2800
- BUGFIX: Require psr/log ^2.0 in FluidAdapter by @kdambekalns in #2802
- BUGFIX: Use env var for FLOW_LOCK_HOLDING_PAGE by @kdambekalns in #2803
- BUGFIX: Prevent UriConstraints to generate invalid URIs by @bwaidelich in #2818
New Contributors
- @erickloss made their first contribution in #2726
Full Changelog: 7.3.2...8.0.0