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Excavator: Upgrades Baseline to the latest version #228

merged 2 commits into from
Jan 6, 2020


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excavator is a bot for automating changes across repositories.

Changes produced by the roomba/latest-baseline-oss check.

Release Notes





[fix] Revert "[improvement] Ensure Optional#orElse argument is not method invocation" (#659)


[improvement] Support auto-applying error-prone suggested fixes (#660)




[improvement] Error-prone check to help prevent logging AuthHeader and BearerToken (#654)
[fix] fix potential NPE when configuring testing (#669)
[fix] Fix refaster compilation to support version recommendations (#667)


[improvement] Ignore DesignForExtension for ParameterizedTest (#673)


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Fix The PreventTokenLogging error-prone check will now correctly handle null use in SLF4J and Safe/Unsafe Arg functions. palantir/gradle-baseline#674


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Improvement Add refaster rule to migrate away from optional.orElse(supplier.get()) palantir/gradle-baseline#679
Fix Projects can now compile using Java12, because the one errorprone check that breaks (Finally) is now disabled when you use this toolchain. It remains enabled when compiling against earlier JDKs. palantir/gradle-baseline#681


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Improvement Ensure that format tasks execute after compilation palantir/gradle-baseline#688


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Fix Auto-fix OptionalOrElseMethodInvocation using -PerrorProneApply. palantir/gradle-baseline#690


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Improvement Spotless check for disallowing dangling parenthesis. palantir/gradle-baseline#687


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Improvement Don't cache test tasks in the build cache by default.
It's possible to restore caching by adding com.palantir.baseline.restore-test-cache = true to your


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Fix No longer cache javaCompile tasks when applying errorprone or refaster checks. palantir/gradle-baseline#696
Feature Test helper for refaster checks. palantir/gradle-baseline#697


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Improvement Determine whether to use junitPlatform on a per source set basis palantir/gradle-baseline#701
Feature OptionalOrElseMethodInvocation now checks for constructor invocations. palantir/gradle-baseline#702


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Improvement The severity of PreferSafeLoggableExceptions and PreferSafeLoggingPreconditions is now WARNING. palantir/gradle-baseline#704
Fix OptionalOrElseMethodInvocation now allows method references in orElse. palantir/gradle-baseline#709


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Fix Do not overwrite user provided test configure when using junit5 palantir/gradle-baseline#712


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Improvement Baseline can now re-format all your Java files using the Eclipse formatter. This is currently an opt-in preview, try it out by running ./gradlew format -Pcom.palantir.baseline-format.eclipse. palantir/gradle-baseline#707
Improvement Add errorprone check to ensure junit5 tests are not used with junit4 Rule/ClassRule palantir/gradle-baseline#714


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Improvement Checkstyle now tolerates empty lambda bodies (e.g. () -> {} palantir/gradle-baseline#715


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Fix Correctly set dependency between spotlessApply and baselineUpdateConfig to prevent a race palantir/gradle-baseline#724


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Fix Correctly handle EnableRuleMigrationSupport in JUnit5RuleUsage errorprone-rule palantir/gradle-baseline#725


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Fix Wrap long parameterized types where necessary palantir/gradle-baseline#716
Improvement Allow suppression of the TODO checkstyle check by giving it an ID. Clarify its comment to allow // TODO(username): ... palantir/gradle-baseline#727
Improvement IntelliJ GitHub issue navigation palantir/gradle-baseline#729
Improvement print out suggestion for module dependencies inclusion in useful format palantir/gradle-baseline#733
Fix The checkImplicitDependencies task will no longer suggest a fix of the current project. palantir/gradle-baseline#736, palantir/gradle-baseline#567
Improvement Implement DangerousCompletableFutureUsage errorprone check palantir/gradle-baseline#740


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Improvement Refaster to use execute over submit when the result is ignored palantir/gradle-baseline#741


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Fix Enable applying refaster rules for repos with -Xlint:deprecation palantir/gradle-baseline#742


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Improvement Apply InputStreamSlowMultibyteRead error prone check at ERROR severity palantir/gradle-baseline#749


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Improvement The baseline-idea plugin now generates configuration more closely aligned with Gradle defaults. palantir/gradle-baseline#718
Improvement Apply the suggested fixes for UnusedMethod and UnusedVariable. palantir/gradle-baseline#751
Improvement Refaster stream.sorted().findFirst() into stream.min(Comparator.naturalOrder()) palantir/gradle-baseline#752
Improvement Error prone validation that Stream.sort is invoked on comparable streams palantir/gradle-baseline#753
Improvement DangerousStringInternUsage: Disallow String.intern() invocations palantir/gradle-baseline#754


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Fix Do not apply the suggested fixes for UnusedMethod and UnusedVariable which automaticall remove code with side effects. palantir/gradle-baseline#757


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Improvement Remove errorprone LogSafePreconditionsConstantMessage palantir/gradle-baseline#755
Improvement Disable errorprone Slf4jLogsafeArgs in test code palantir/gradle-baseline#756
Improvement error-prone now detects Duration#getNanos mistakes and bans URL in equals methods palantir/gradle-baseline#758


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Improvement Implement OptionalOrElseThrowThrows to prevent throwing from orElseThrow palantir/gradle-baseline#759


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Improvement LogSafePreconditionsMessageFormat disallows slf4j-style format characters palantir/gradle-baseline#761
Improvement Error Prone LambdaMethodReference check palantir/gradle-baseline#763


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Improvement baseline-circleci no longer integrates with the (deprecated) FindBugs plugin, as a pre-requisite for Gradle 6.0 compatibility. palantir/gradle-baseline#766


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Fix The TypeParameterUnusedInFormals errorprone check is disabled when compiling on Java 13, to workaround an error-prone bug. palantir/gradle-baseline#767
Improvement Publish scm information within POM palantir/gradle-baseline#769


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Fix LambdaMethodReference avoids suggestions for non-static methods palantir/gradle-baseline#771


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Fix Remove pom only dependencies from analysis in checkUnusedDependencies palantir/gradle-baseline#773


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Improvement When computing unused dependencies, compileOnly and annotationProcessor
dependencies are ignored due to false positives as these dependencies
will not appear as dependencies in the generated byte-code, but are in
fact necessary dependencies to compile a given module.


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Improvement Disable PreconditionsConstantMessage on gradle plugins palantir/gradle-baseline#790


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Break Add gradle 6.0-20190904072820+0000 compatibiltiy. This raises minimum required version of gradle for plugins from this repo to 5.0. palantir/gradle-baseline#791


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Feature Automatically configure the Intellij Eclipse format plugin to use the eclipse formatter palantir/gradle-baseline#794


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Fix Stop applying error prone patches for checks that have been turned off. palantir/gradle-baseline#793


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Improvement baseline-circleci now validates that the isn't the CircleCI default (project) as can interfere with publishing. palantir/gradle-baseline#775
Improvement Remove JGit dependency palantir/gradle-baseline#798


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Fix Don't add whitespace to blank lines inside comments. Fixes #799 palantir/gradle-baseline#800
Fix Eclipse formatter now aligns multicatch so that it passes checkstyle. palantir/gradle-baseline#807


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Fix ClassUniquenessPlugin now checks the runtimeClasspath configuration by default. palantir/gradle-baseline#810


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Improvement SafeLoggingExceptionMessageFormat disallows {} in safelog exception messages palantir/gradle-baseline#815


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Improvement A new StrictUnusedVariable check will catch any unused arguments (e.g. AuthHeaders) to public methods. If you need to suppress this, rename your variable to have an underscore prefix (e.g. s/foo/_foo/) or just run ./gradlew classes -PerrorProneApply to auto-fix palantir/gradle-baseline#819
Improvement Message format checks use instanceof rather than catching palantir/gradle-baseline#821


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Fix Avoid false positives caused by module-info.class when checking class uniqueness palantir/gradle-baseline#823


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Fix Checkstyle tasks only check their own source set and only actual java sources. They don't look in your src/*/resources directory anymore. palantir/gradle-baseline#830


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Fix Add link to StrictUnusedVariable that directs users to baseline repo. palantir/gradle-baseline#829
Fix Long try-with-resources statements are now aligned such that the first assignment stays on the first line. palantir/gradle-baseline#835


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Improvement Error Prone StringBuilderConstantParameters. StringBuilder with a constant number of parameters should be replaced by simple concatenation. The Java compiler (jdk8) replaces concatenation of a constant number of arguments with a StringBuilder, while jdk 9+ take advantage of JEP 280 ( to efficiently pre-size the result for better performance than a StringBuilder. palantir/gradle-baseline#832


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Fix Excavator PRs that apply other refaster rules (e.g. Witchcraft ones) will not also apply baseline refaster rules. palantir/gradle-baseline#827
Improvement Added a new ErrorProne check PreferAssertj to assist migration to AssertJ from legacy test frameworks. It may be necessary to add a dependency on org.assertj:assertj-core in modules which do not already depend on AssertJ. If there's a technical reason that AssertJ cannot be used, PreferAssertj may be explicitly disabled to prevent future upgrades from attempting to re-run the migration. palantir/gradle-baseline#841


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Improvement StrictUnusedVariable now ignores variables prefixed with _ and the suggested fix will rename all unused parameters in public methods instead of removing them palantir/gradle-baseline#833
Improvement ErrorProne will now detect dangerous usage of @RunWith(Suite.class) that references JUnit5 classes, as this can cause tests to silently not run! palantir/gradle-baseline#843


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Fix PreferAssertj provides better replacements fixes palantir/gradle-baseline#850
Improvement Do not run error prone on any code in the build directory palantir/gradle-baseline#853


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Fix Fix hamcrest arrayContainingInAnyOrder conversion palantir/gradle-baseline#859


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Improvement StrictUnusedVariable can only be suppressed with _ prefix palantir/gradle-baseline#854
Improvement StrictUnusedVariable is now an error by default palantir/gradle-baseline#855
Fix The PreferAssertj refactoring will only be applied if you have explicitly opted in (e.g. using baselineErrorProne { patchChecks += 'PreferAssertj' } palantir/gradle-baseline#861


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Fix Error prone will correctly ignore all source files in the build directory and in any generated source directory palantir/gradle-baseline#864
Fix Ensure that StrictUnusedVariable correctly converts previously suppressed variables unused to _ palantir/gradle-baseline#865


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Fix When removing unused variables, StrictUnusedVariable will preserve side effects palantir/gradle-baseline#870


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Improvement A new checkJUnitDependencies task detects misconfigured JUnit dependencies which could result in some tests silently not running. palantir/gradle-baseline#837
Improvement Some AssertJ assertions can now be automatically replaced with more idiomatic ones using refaster. palantir/gradle-baseline#851
Fix PreferAssertj check avoids ambiguity in assertThat invocations palantir/gradle-baseline#874
Improvement Improve performannce of error prone PreferAssertj check palantir/gradle-baseline#875
Improvement StringBuilderConstantParameters suggested fix doesn't remove comments palantir/gradle-baseline#877


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Fix Allow junit4 dependencies to exist without junit4 tests palantir/gradle-baseline#880


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Improvement PreferAssertj supports migration of zero-delta floating point array asserts palantir/gradle-baseline#883


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Fix checkJunitDependencies only checks Java source palantir/gradle-baseline#885


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Fix AssertJ Refaster fixes use static assertThat imports palantir/gradle-baseline#887


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Improvement Disable UnusedVariable error prone rule by default palantir/gradle-baseline#888


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Improvement Refaster for AssertJ isZero/isNotZero/isOne and collections palantir/gradle-baseline#881
Improvement AssertJ refaster migrations support string descriptions palantir/gradle-baseline#891
Fix Certain error-prone checks are disabled in test code, and the presence of JUnit5's @TestTemplate annotation is now used to detect whether a class is test code. palantir/gradle-baseline#892
Fix BaselineFormat task exclude generated code on Windows palantir/gradle-baseline#896


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Improvement Refaster rules for AssertJ tests palantir/gradle-baseline#898
Improvement refaster replacement for assertj hasSize(foo.size) -> hasSameSizeAs palantir/gradle-baseline#900
Fix Keep spotless plugin from eagerly configuring all tasks diffplug/spotless#444
Fix Continue when RefasterRuleBuilderScanner throws palantir/gradle-baseline#904
Improvement Refaster now works on repos using Gradle 6.0 palantir/gradle-baseline#804, palantir/gradle-baseline#906


No documented user facing changes


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Improvement Rewrite ImmutableCollection#addAll to add for arrays palantir/gradle-baseline#743
Improvement Add refaster rule to simplify empty optional asserts palantir/gradle-baseline#911
Improvement Baseline now allows static imports of AssertJ and Mockito methods. palantir/gradle-baseline#915
Improvement Remove refaster AssertjIsOne rule. palantir/gradle-baseline#917
Improvement Add assertj refaster rules for map size asserts palantir/gradle-baseline#919
Improvement Added a Refaster rule to change isEqualTo checks into hasValue checks


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Improvement Implement AssertjCollectionHasSameSizeAsArray palantir/gradle-baseline#922
Improvement Implement assertj map refactors for containsKey and containsEntry palantir/gradle-baseline#925
Improvement Refaster assertj migrations support descriptions with format args palantir/gradle-baseline#926
Improvement Refaster out String.format from describedAs palantir/gradle-baseline#927


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Improvement Refaster rules to simplify negated boolean expressions and extract null checks. palantir/gradle-baseline#935
Improvement Refaster rules for checks that maps do not contain a specific key palantir/gradle-baseline#935
Improvement Refaster rule 'CollectionStreamForEach' palantir/gradle-baseline#942
Improvement ExecutorSubmitRunnableFutureIgnored as error prone ERROR palantir/gradle-baseline#943


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Improvement checkJUnitDependencies detects a possible misconfiguration with spock and JUnit5 which could lead to tests silently not running. palantir/gradle-baseline#951


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Improvement Use Mockito verifyNoInteractions over deprecated verifyZeroInteractions palantir/gradle-baseline#924
Improvement Errorprone rules for usage of Guava static factory methods palantir/gradle-baseline#941
Improvement Fix error-prone UnnecessaryParentheses by default palantir/gradle-baseline#952
Improvement Implement Error Prone ThrowError to discourage throwing Errors in production code
Errors are often handled poorly by libraries resulting in unexpected
behavior and resource leaks. It's not obvious that 'catch (Exception e)'
does not catch Error.
This check is intended to be advisory - it's fine to
@SuppressWarnings("ThrowError") in certain cases, but is usually not
recommended unless you are writing a testing library that throws
Improvement Improve TestCheckUtils.isTestCode test detection palantir/gradle-baseline#958
Improvement Implement Error Prone Slf4jLevelCheck to validate that slf4j level checks agree with contained logging. palantir/gradle-baseline#960


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Fix Suppress error-prone PreferCollectionConstructors on jdk13 palantir/gradle-baseline#968


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Feature Users can opt-in to format their files using our fork of google-java-format (palantir-java-format) palantir/gradle-baseline#936


Automated release, no documented user facing changes


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Improvement Implement error prone ReverseDnsLookup for unexpected reverse dns lookups

Calling address.getHostName may result in a DNS lookup which is a network request,
making the invocation significantly more expensive than expected depending on the
This check is intended to be advisory - it's fine to
@SuppressWarnings("ReverseDnsLookup") in certain cases, but is usually not


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Fix The deprecated verifyZeroInteractions now gets rewritten to verifyNoMoreInteractions, which has the same behaviour. palantir/gradle-baseline#975
Improvement ReadReturnValueIgnored: Check that read operation results are not ignored palantir/gradle-baseline#978
Improvement Stop migrating source sets to safe-logging, unless they already have the requisite library ( palantir/gradle-baseline#981
Improvement For users who opted into palantir-java-format, we now reflow strings and reorder imports. palantir/gradle-baseline#982


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Fix checkstyle Indentation rule is disabled when palantir-java-format is enabled palantir/gradle-baseline#987
Improvement Load palantir-java-format dynamically from the same configuration set up by com.palantir-java-format which is also used to determine the version used by IntelliJ. palantir/gradle-baseline#989


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Improvement Run ./gradlew formatDiff to reformat the relevant sections of any uncommitted changed Java files (relies on git diff -U0 HEAD under the hood) palantir/gradle-baseline#988


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Improvement Slf4jLogsafeArgs fixes safe-log wrapped throwables palantir/gradle-baseline#1001
Improvement DangerousParallelStreamUsage checks for Collection.parallelStream() and StreamSupport utility methods with parallel=true. palantir/gradle-baseline#1005
Improvement DangerousThrowableMessageSafeArg disallows Throwables in SafeArg values.
Throwables must be logged without an Arg wrapper as the last parameter, otherwise unsafe data may be leaked from the unsafe message or the unsafe message of a cause.
Improvement Implement a suggested fix for CatchBlockLogException palantir/gradle-baseline#998


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Improvement Implement FinalClass error prone check, replacing the checkstyle implementation palantir/gradle-baseline#1008
Improvement Error prone validation to avoid redundant modifiers palantir/gradle-baseline#1010


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Fix Fix RedundantModifier interpretation of implicit modifiers palantir/gradle-baseline#1014


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Fix Fix RedundantModifier failures types nested in interfaces palantir/gradle-baseline#1017


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Fix Fix error-prone mathcing literal null as a subtype.
The most common issue this fixes is failures on SafeArg.of("name", null)
assuming that the null literal value parameter may be a throwable.


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Improvement Error prone RedundantModifier check supports interface static methods and fields. palantir/gradle-baseline#1021
Fix Ignore files to support projects with Jigsaw. palantir/gradle-baseline#1023
Improvement Error Prone StrictCollectionIncompatibleType to guard collection usage palantir/gradle-baseline#1027
Improvement Drop RedundantModifier to SUGGESTION and FinalClass to WARNING

These checks don't imply bugs, and automation will fix failing cases automatically, so it's not necessary to block compilation.
FinalClass moved to warning rather than suggestion because there are a few edge cases (e.g. dependent projects using mockito without inline mock maker) where releases can run into issues if the bots don't fix findings in time.


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Improvement InvocationHandlers which delegate to another object must catch and unwrap
InvocationTargetException, otherwise an UndeclaredThrowableException will be thrown
each time the delegate throws an exception.


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Improvement Add a refaster rule to migrate InvocationTargetException.getTargetException to getCause. palantir/gradle-baseline#1039
Fix Fix using errorprone when running under Windows. palantir/gradle-baseline#1045


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Fix Checkstyle no longer complains about single-line javadoc produced by palantir-java-format. palantir/gradle-baseline#1051
Improvement PreferAssertj disallows assert statements in test code.

Tests should use more specific AssertJ checks, which cannot be disabled by turning off asserts. Arguably the assert keyword should never be used, preferring preconditions. This way production environments cannot reach code paths that are impossible to test.


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Improvement Implement Slf4jThrowable check to ensure throwable args are logged last palantir/gradle-baseline#1054


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Improvement Adds an ErrorProne rule, JooqResultStreamLeak, which ensures that result streams and cursors returned from jOOQ results are closed in a try-with-resources block. palantir/gradle-baseline#1055


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Improvement Refaster rule to remove unnecessary supplier creation palantir/gradle-baseline#1059
Improvement Add Refaster rule to convert Stream.of() -> Stream.empty() palantir/gradle-baseline#1061


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Fix Revert "Refaster rule to remove unnecessary supplier creation (#1059)"
The refaster rule breaks the common pattern:


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Fix Allow declaring that conversion to palantir-java-format has been started, which ensures that conflicting checkstyle rules are removed. palantir/gradle-baseline#1064


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Fix Replace refaster StreamEmpty with error prone StreamOfEmpty to allow refactors to retain type arguments. palantir/gradle-baseline#1068
Improvement RedundantMethodReference check to avoid unnecessary method references palantir/gradle-baseline#1069
Improvement PreferAssertj iterable-map fix retains map type parameters palantir/gradle-baseline#1071


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Improvement refaster will automatically fix up assertions between primitives (a == b) to provide better error messages palantir/gradle-baseline#1078
Improvement Error prone AssertjPrimitiveComparison for primitive comparisons

Prefer using AssertJ fluent comparisons over logic in an assertThat
statement for better failure output. assertThat(a == b).isTrue()
failures report 'expected true' where assertThat(a).isEqualTo(b)
provides the expected and actual values.


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Improvement We now run error-prone 2.3.4, to benefit from smarter static analysis, and hopefully pick up the claimed performance Improvements:

> 40% speedup when run against Google's codebase with errors enabled.


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Improvement Baseline now depends on mockito-errorprone to get Mockito error-prone checks. palantir/gradle-baseline#1085


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Improvement Error prone CatchSpecificity and ThrowSpecificity to avoid unnecessarily broad throwables.

Prefer more specific catch types than Exception and Throwable.
When methods are updated to throw new checked exceptions they expect
callers to handle failure types explicitly. Catching broad types defeats
the type system. By catching the most specific types possible we
leverage existing compiler functionality to detect unreachable code.
Improvement For repos that opted into palantir-java-format, the arguments of SafeArg.of (when it's a last argument) are no longer unexpectedly split onto the next line. palantir/gradle-baseline#1075


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Fix The PreferJavaTimeOverload error-prone check is turned off as it produces noisy false positives relating to custom AssertJ utilities. palantir/gradle-baseline#1094


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Fix Disable ThrowSpecificty and CatchSpecificity fixes by default palantir/gradle-baseline#1098


No documented user facing changes


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Improvement Improve NonComparableStreamSort to validate that stream types implement comparable, as opposed to validating that casting to comparable does not cause a compiler error.

This commit reduces the severity to WARNING because it's
possible that the check will flag code that happens to work
today, but we strongly recommend against sorting streams of
a type that is not directly comparable without a custom
comparator because it is likely to break later due to lack
of enforcement by the type system.
Improvement You may apply specific error-prone refactors including those which are
not enabled by default by providing a comma delimited list of check
names to the -PerrorProneApply option.
Fix Migrate baseline error-prone checks to use jdk13 compatible qualifiers palantir/gradle-baseline#1110


Automated release, no documented user facing changes


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Improvement Document ThrowSpecificity and CatchSpecificity edge cases palantir/gradle-baseline#1118
Improvement Using TaggedMetricRegistry.gauge is equivalent to map.putIfAbsent, and
can result in subtle resource leaks. Prefer replacing existing gauge
values using registerWithReplacement.

This check doesn't apply unless a new enough version of Tritium
is available on the compilation classpath.
Migration All assertj-related code-rewriting now lives in the repo. palantir/gradle-baseline#1125


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Fix Remove AssertjPrimitiveComparison from default-patch-checks because it has been relocated to assertj-automation. palantir/gradle-baseline#1128


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Improvement Implement BracesRequired error-prone check with suggested fixes
diff<br>- if (condition) statement;<br>+ if (condition) {<br>+ statement;<br>+ }<br>


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Fix The baseline-idea plugin now correctly marks test resources as test resources in IntelliJ. palantir/gradle-baseline#1134

To enable or disable this check, please contact the maintainers of Excavator.

@bulldozer-bot bulldozer-bot bot merged commit 61f5a04 into develop Jan 6, 2020
@bulldozer-bot bulldozer-bot bot deleted the roomba/latest-baseline-oss branch January 6, 2020 18:48
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