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Neodymium v4.0.0

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@occupant23 occupant23 released this 01 Sep 12:09
· 608 commits to master since this release

🍀 ping, pinG, piNG, pING, PING - Major Release v4.0.0 🍀

This time we added some new features for test executions, updated our dependencies, fixed some bugs and last but not least raised the JRE to 11.

Required Adoption

  • Make sure your execution environment provides Java 11
  • Update the Java version of your test project to 11 instead of 1.8 edited
  • Update the aspectjweaver version to 1.9.6 to prevent issues with Java11 edited
  • If you manipulated the WebDriverCache or accessed the current WebDriver you may need to adapt your code to the newest API.



Improvement and Bugfixes:

  • Improved and fixed tests for Neodymium itself: #121, #125, #128, #132
  • Removed explicit Google Guava dependency - #131
  • Removed a bug that occurred while clearing the WebDriverCache when more than one Browser was used - #124


  • JRE to 11 - #135
  • Allure Report dependencies 2.13.5 - #119
  • Apache Commons Lang 3.11 - #119
  • Apache Commons Text 1.9.0 - #119
  • Apache Log4j dependencies 2.13.3 - #119
  • BrowserUpProxy Core 2.1.1 - #119
  • BrowserUpProxy MITM 2.1.1 - #119
  • Cucumber dependencies 5.7.0 - #119
  • OWNER 1.0.12 - #119
  • Selenide 5.14.2 - #119