🐛 2.0.3 - Bug Fixes PR #488
- Press enter to submit login form (Re: #483)
- Allow disabling write to local storage and disk (Re: #485)
- Fix malformed YAML from export config (Re: #482)
- Allow global option for useProxy (Re: #486)
- Look into arrow key navigation error (Re: #463)
- Disallow displaying config (Re: #455)
- Round values in Glances Alerts widget (Re: #454)
- Create a CPU temp widget (Re: #452)
- Add to docs: Keycloak in Kubernetes (Re: #479)
- Add a widget for displaying images (Re: #487)
⬆️ 2.0.2 - Dependency Updates PR #471
- Updates Alpine version for main Dockerfile
- Updates node_modules to latest stable versions
🐛 2.0.1 - Fixes Section Height PR #462
- Adds
to config schema (Re: #461) - Removes the full-height CSS from colorful theme
- Improved config validation warnings in JSON editor
- Removes empty Keycloak block from appConfig editor
- Adds typechecking to search and clear search for Safari
⚡️ 2.0.0 - Small Fixes and Docker Multi-Arch Build PR #451
- Fixes full-height sections for mobile and Safari (Re: #432, #442)
- Fixes empty section visible in search (Re: #447)
- Fixes numbers omited from tag names (Re: #430)
- Option for custom status code in status check (Re: #456, #448)
- Adds @stuu3k's dashboard to showcase (Re: #446)
- Switches recover and death count in Covid widget (Re: #148)
- Improved contrast in light material theme
- Adds new script to lint, test, build and publish a multi-architecture Docker image to various registries
💄 1.9.9 - Minor UI + Docs Updates PR #431
- Improved theme support for widgets
- Better widget layout in Workspace and Minimal views
- Updates lots of the docs
✨ 1.9.8 - More Widgets and Widget Improvements PR #425
- Fixes several minor widget issues raised by users
- Adds several new widgets, for monitoring system
- Better widget data requests and error handling
- Implements widget support into Workspace view
🐛 1.9.7 - Minor UI Editor Bug fixes PR #416
- Fixes unable to edit item bug (#415)
- Fixes unable to add new app bug (#390)
- Fixes nav links visibility (#389)
⚡️ 1.9.6 - Adds Proxy Support for Widget Requests PR #392
- Refactors widget mixin to include data requests, so that code can be shared between widgets
- Adds a Node endpoint for proxying requests server-side, used for APIs that are not CORS enabled
- Adds option to config file for user to force proxying of requests
- Writes a Netlify cloud function to support proxying when the app is hosted on Netlify
🐛 1.9.5 - Bug fixes and Minor Improvements PR #388
- Adds icon.horse to supported favicon APIs
- Fixes tile move bug, Re: #366
- Fixes save items without title bug, Re: #377
✨ 1.9.4 - Widget Support PR #382
- Adds support for dynamic content, through widgets
- Adds 30+ pre-built widgets for general info and self-hosted services
- Writes docs on widget usage
⚡️ 1.9.2 - Native SSL Support + Performance Improvements PR #326
- Updates the server to use Express, removing serve-static, connect and body-parser
- Adds native support for passing in self-signed SSL certificates and updates docs
- Updates router to lazy-load additional pages (minimal, workspace, etc)
- Changes default favicon API to allesedv, since faviconkit is down, and adds basic fallback
- Updates GH action build scripts to fallback on context token when running on fork
💄 1.9.1 - Editor and Theming Fixes and Improvements PR #319
- Bug fixes for interactive editor: #310, #311, #312
- Adds option to modify text font through the UI
- Adds two new themes: One Dark and Adventure
- Theming stylesheet refactor, better inheritance
🐳 1.9.0 - Alpha of Dashy-Lite Docker Container PR #306
- Create an Alpine-based container, that serves the built app up with plain NGINX, instead of Node.
- This is much lighter, but doesn't currently support any of the server-side actions (like status-checks, and writing changes to disk)
✨ 1.8.9 - All New Interactive Config Editor PR #298
- Builds a new UI-based config editor
- Support for sections, items, app config and page info
- Live preview, and undoing of local changes
- Export config or write changes to disk through UI
✨ 1.8.8 - Improved Item Targets PR #292
- Adds support for
anchor targets on items, Re: #289 - Adds
option to specify default target - Adds new icons to show items opening method on hover
- Refactors target checking, updates item target docs and schema
⚡️ 1.8.7 - Bug Fixes and Improvements PR #273
- Clean URLs without the hash, now using history-mode routing
- New initial main example conf.yml
- Minor UI style updates and fixes
- Support for single section view
- A new theme, soft-glow
- Container security in management docs, and other things
- Bug fixes, including missing Firefox favicon and fix custom icon paths with base_url
⚡️ 1.8.6 - Implementation of VueX PR: #271
- New state management pattern, which should lead to a more organized code base long term, and will also make building out the new UI editor significantly easier to do in a clean and reliable way
💄 1.8.5 - Lots of Requested UI Improvements PR #261
- Adds an option for landing URL in workspace, Re: #255
- Switches to a new API for generative icons, Re: #163
- Adds new tab functionality to Workspace, Re: #254
- Remove CSS validation in style editor, Re: #259
- Cap item description at 2 lines, Re: #250
- Adds native support for common homelab icons, using dashboard-icons
- Improves general responsiveness of home page sections positioning
- Updates, fixes and adds a bunch of actions for easier repo management
✨ 1.8.4 - Custom Error Pages PR #257
- Creates a 404 Not Found page
- Routes any missing views to the 404 page
⚡️ 1.8.3 - Improved UX for Initial Load PR #238
- Removes the old splash screen
- Adds placeholder in the HTML index, which will usually be visible on initial load
- Show progress bar on route switcher
✨ 1.8.2 - Serverless Functions for Netlify Instances PR #235
- Previously when Dashy was deployed as a static site to Netlify, it was not possible to use several features, which required server-side code
- This PR adds serverless cloud functions to provide most of this functionality
🩹 1.8.1 - Additional Languages, Bug Fix, and more PR #234
- Merges 5 additional languages
- Adds RickyCZ's dashboard to showcase
- Fixes #323, and improves status indicator tooltip
- Define constants for endpoints
- Updates management, translations and readme docs
⚡️ 1.7.7 - Improved Error Handling PR #226
- Errors can be viewed via the UI (Config menu --> App Info)
- Service workers should be disabled by default
- Also renames actions to be easier to maintain
- Updates docs to include release schedule + merge strategy
✨ 1.7.6 - Adds Multi-Search Support with Bangs PR #224
- Adds option for user to add custom search bangs, in order to specify search engine/ target app. Re: #206
🎨 1.7.5 - Improved Language Detection & UI PR #223
- Makes the auto language detection algo smarter
- Improves responsiveness for the language selector form
🌐 1.7.4 - Adds Spanish Translations PR #222
- Adds Spanish language file, contributed by @lu4t
👷 1.7.3 - CI with GH Actions PR #212
- Adds a series of GH actions for repository maintenance and administration
- Auto-labels PR and issues, adds helpful info to PRs based on files changed
- Lints, tests, builds and deploys the app when PR submitted
- Checks app size, dependencies, security, accessibility etc when PR submitted
- Closes incomplete, stale or spammy issues and leaves a comment
✨ 1.7.2 - Item Sort Options PR #203
- Adds option for user to specify
to order items within a section - Can sort by last clicked, most used, alphabetically and more
- And fixes UI of the item tooltip and, if specified, will show Provider in the tooltip
- Also improves error logging and console warning message
🐛 1.7.1 - Lots of Tiny Fixes and Improvements PR #200
- Removes background in console art
- Updates auto environmental variables
- Icon image assets max height Force same Icon/Item Height #200
- Adds an action to close spammy issues
- Adds option to enable SRI integrity, plus refactos PWA into defaults
- Updates privacy and security docs
- Adds option for different favicon API for each app [FEATURE_REQUEST] Allow using different faviconApi for each items #196
- Fixes loading of local SVG icons #199
🍻 1.7.0 - Documentation Website PR #190
- Builds a quick website to host the docs. No code changes, but prepares for V1.7 release
✨ 1.6.9 - Web Search Feature PR #185
- Adds ability to search the web directly from Dashy by pressing enter on the search bar
- Adds configuration options, for setting default search engine, opening method and disabling
- Adds text under search bar, implements into minimal view also
⚡️ 1.6.8 - Improved Loading Experience PR #183
- During app initialization, show the build progress and status message
- While requests are being made, show loader at top of screen
- Also adds some UI improvements to Workspace view
⚡️ 1.6.7 - Option for non-SSL status checks plus minor things PR #182
- Adds an option for user to use status checks with non-HTTPS services, Re: #181
- Updates the .env template, plus the variables used in the server
- Uses the v-cloak to hide text before it's finished loading
- Fixed the parsing of the update-checker during build
⚡️ 1.6.6 - Improved Search & Shortcuts PR #175
- Refactors the search algorithm to improve performance and code reusability
- Updates search to ignore case, special characters and minor-typos
- Adds the option for user to specify tags, which can be used for searching
✨ 1.6.5 - Adds support for Secure Authentication using Keycloak PR #174
- Major restructure of auth config
- Implements keycloak support, adds docs and updates schema
✨ 1.6.4 - Adds functionality for Granular Auth Control PR #171
- Enables sections to be visible for all users except for those specified
- Enables sections to be hidden from all users except for those specified
- Enables sections to be hidden from guests, but visible to all authenticated users
⚡️ 1.6.3 - Dependency and Build File Updates PR #168
- Removes any dependencies which are not 100% essential
- Moves packages that are only used for building into devDependencies
- Updates dependencies to latest version
- Adds a .dockerignore, so that non-essential files are not included in the container
- Updates deployment config files for Netlify, Heroku and GH actions
- Made a brand new bug-report template, with input fields and validation!
✨ 1.6.2 - Support for Guest Access PR #167
- Adds functionality for optional read-only guest access to dashboards with authentication
- Can be enabled by setting
appConfig.enableGuestAccess: true
💄 1.6.1 - Adds new Theme PR #166
- Adds Dashy theme, for use in the dev dashboard
✨ 1.5.9 - New Minimal/ Startpage View PR #155
- Adds a new view, called minimal view, designed to be like a light-weight startpage
- Implemented all the required features (filtering, opening methods, icons, etc) into minimal view
- Adds
into schema, for specifying the initial default view to be loaded
✨ 1.5.8 - Multi-Tasking Support in Workspace View PR #146
- Adds option to keep launched apps open in the background, to reduce friction when switching between websites, Re: #144
- This can be enabled by setting
appConfig.enableMultiTasking: true
- Note that having many apps opened simultaneously, will have an impact on performance
✨ 1.5.7 - Adds Support for Material Design Icons PR #141
- Enables user to use any icon from materialdesignicons.com, Re: #139
- Also adds support for simpleicons.org
- Assets only loaded when needed
- Adds docs for using MDI icons
⚡️ 1.5.6 - Refactor + Couple of small things PR #135
- The main Dockerfile now uses yarn.lock instead of package-lock.json
- Adds a check to verify password is not empty in cloud backup screen
- Improves responsiveness of config modals for mobile devices
- Enables the user to use their own self-hosted Sentry instance
- Removes the View Config tab of the Config menu, as not needed
- Updates and fixes some typos in the readme
🌐 1.5.5 - Adds Missing Translations + Small UI Issues PR #129
- Adds missing translations to several UI elements, Re: #126
- Fixes login translations not being picked up on page load, Re: #127
- Fixes small text overflow glitch in config icon, Re: #123
- Several small UI improvements: height of config editor, scrollbar on theme dropdown, page height, white-on-white on material theme, etc
- Adds an action to auto-assign reviewer based on ./.github/CODEOWNERS file
🐳 1.5.4 - Docker ARM Support PR #122
- Adds a Dockerfile for
, to support Raspberry Pi and other modern ARM-based devices - Sets up automated workflow to publish ARM containers to DockerHub after every new release
- Adds documentation for running Dashy on RPi/ ARM-based devices, Re: #117
🩹 1.5.3 - UI Quick Fix PR #121
- Downgrades and pins vue-material-tabs to 0.1.5, to prevent breaking changes. Fixes #118 p1
- Sets auto-width for theme selector, so text doesn't wrap for long theme names. Fixes #119
- Uses flex layout for config menu, so note doesn't overlap menu on small screens. Fixes #118 p2
🌐 1.5.2 - Adds Dutch Translations PR #120
- Dutch language support, contributed by @evroon
🩹 1.5.1 - UI Quick Fix PR #116
- Uses min-max width parent layout, to prevent longer languages (e.g. French) text overflow. Fixes #115
🔒 1.5.0 - Improve Robustness of Auth PR #113
- Use both username + password for generating token, so that a change in either will log the user out
- Prevent privilege escalation by disallowing a user from modifying their user type through the UI
- Improve the isAuthenticated check, by taking account of empty users array
✨ 1.4.8 - Optional Crash Reports PR #112
- Adds an optional, off by default method of getting crash reports
- This can be enabled in
, and will not be used at all unless explicitly activated by user - This is needed for when a user raises a bug which is hard to fix
- Also improves robustness of config accumulator, don't throw error when config is missing
- Adds Privacy & Security docs
♻️ 1.4.7 - Refactor PR #110
- Moves cloud sync dialog into the config menu, and removes icon on homepage
- Fixes typo in Default theme name, Re #106
- Spell checks readme
- Updates the contributor CI action, that generates list of contributors + sponsors
📝 1.4.6 - Documentation Updates PR #108
- Breaks many of the longer files into several more digestible articles
- Writes repo pages including, Security, Code of Conduct, Legal, Updates license
- Makes an automatically generated Credits page
- Adds a contributing page, with several ways that users can help out
- Implements this changelog, as requested in #87
🌐 1.4.5 - Adds German Translations PR #107
- German language support, contributed by @Niklashere
✨ 1.4.4 - Adds Support for Logo Image PR #105
- Adds option in config file for user to specify path to an image
- If found, will display said image in the header
- Write a script to compare current version with git master version
- Periodically checks for updates, and displays message to user
- Enables user to disable update-checks in the config file
- Checks not using vulnerable version on project-build
✨ 1.4.2 - Adds Multi-Language Support PR #99
- Implements vue-i18n, sets object globally
- Extracts all text to a single JSON file
- Auto-detects users language, and applies, if availible
- Builds a form to let user manually select their language
- Lets users language be saved and read from local storage, or config file
✨ 1.4.1 - Adds Support for Custom Key Bindings PR #94
- Adds new attribute under item for saving numeric key binding
- Listens for keypress, and launches corresponding item, if found
- Adds property to save custom theme variables
- Builds UI form, with color pickers, a pallette and popup
- Integrates the saving colors, and applying saved colors functionality
🔨 1.3.9 - Enable Custom Styesheet in Docker PR #92
- Enables the user to pass a custom stylesheet in with Docker
- Adds support for 1-Click deployment to Render.com
🌟 1.3.8 - Showcase #91
- Adds @Shadowking001's screenshot to showcase
🌟 1.3.7 - Showcase PR #84
- Adds @dtctek's screenshot to showcase
✨ 1.3.6 - Enables User to Hide Unwanted Components PR #78
- Adds several additional options to the config, allowing the user to hide structural components that they don't need
- Including hideHeading, hideNav, hideSearch, hideSettings, hideFooter, hideSplashScreen
✨ 1.3.5 - Adds Support for Emoji Icons PR #76
- Enables user to use emojis for item and section icons
- Adds a handler to convert Unicode, or Shortcode into an Emoji
🌟 1.3.4 - Showcase Addition PR #75
- Adds @cerealconyogurt's screenshot to the showcase
💄 1.3.3 - UI Improvements PR #73
- New style of Large item
- 2 new color themes
- Added CSS variables for search label and footer background
- Improves process for auto-checking if font-awesome is needed
- Silences non-critical warnings in production build
- Adds new optional font-face for cyber punk
- Shortens readme, and adds contribute links to showcase
⚡️ 1.3.0 - Custom Headers for Status Check PR #72
- Enables user to pass custom headers to the status check endpoint
- Enables user to use a different URL for the status check request
🌟 1.2.9 - Creates a Showcase Page PR #68
- Adds a page in the docs for users to share their screenshots of their dashboard
✨ 1.2.8 - Adds Remember-Me Functionality into the Login Form PR #66
- Adds a dropdown menu in the login form with various time intervals available
- Adds appropriate expiry into session storage, in order to keep user logged in for their desired time interval
✨ 1.2.7 - Implements a Right-Click Context Menu #62
- Built a context menu, showing all item opening methods, on right-click
- Made a clickOutside directive, in order to close menu when user clicks away
- Adds launching functionality, user can click to launch
⚡️ 1.2.6 - Make Font Assets Local PR #60
- Downloaded font files to assets
- Removed all calls to font CDN, replaced with local calls
🐛 1.2.5 - Small Fixes, and Efficiency Improvements PR #57
- Adds correct license
- Improves service workers, and adds serviceWorkerStatus local storage item
- Adds missing statusCheck and statusCheckInterval docs into Configuring.md
- Adds an About App page, containing info needed to raise a bug report
- Adds TDLR license into main readme
- Introduces app versioning
- Adds safeguards into ConfigAccumalaror, to prevent error being thrown
- Updates PR template
- Improved Webpack build experience, with progress bar and completion notification
- Adds new and improved icons for layout options
- Make the Page Title into a home page link
- Adds missing favicon, fixes #55
- Adds assets to PWA manifest.json
- Documents app commands in readme
- Enable passing website as URL param to the workspace
- Modified items, so that title text doesn't get shortened,
✨ 1.2.4 - Adds Support for Continuous Status Checking #52
- Enables user to re-call the status check at a specified interval
- Processes interval in ms, and updates the traffic light when required
🐛 1.2.3 - Bug Fix PR #49
- Removes duplicate Docker env var, fixes #48
- Enables user to force direct/ local favicon fetching
- Adds support for additional favicon API, returning high-res app icons
- Adds support for generative icons
🐛 1.2.1 - Bugfix #44
- Fixes footer positioning on mobile, makes sticky, fixes #42
✨ 1.2.0 - Adds Writing Config to Disk from UI Functionality PR #43
- Creates a new server endpoint for handling the backing up of a the file
- Adds backup existing file functionality
- Adds writing new file functionality
- Does error checking, testing and adds some security parameters
- Adds a radio button in the UI, so user chan choose save method
- Process config within the UI, convert to YAML, and write changes to disk
🐛 1.1.8 - Bugfix #40
- Status check tooltip was not visible in Material themes, raised in issue #39
✨ 1.1.7 - Adds Workspace View PR #38
- Adds a new route, for the workspace view
- Builds the sidebar, which displays the users apps
- Loads the app into the workspace's main iframe when clicked
- Adds some collapsing functionality, better styles, subtle animations and theme support
✨ 1.1.6 - Implements Status Indicators, and Monitoring Functionality PR #34
- Wrote a Node endpoint for pinging the users desired services
- Added status checking functionality in frontend
- Build small traffic-light component to display status of users services
- Adds animations, and handles errors
- Writes docs, and tests code
✨ 1.1.5 - Adds Authentication / Login Functionality PR #32
- Enables the user to protect their dashboard behind a login screen
- Creates a Authentication handler to manage the hashing of passwords, and generation of a token
- Build a quick login form, where user can input username and password
- Adds a log out button
💄 1.1.4 - Support for Custom HTML Footer PR #30
- Enables user to insert structure for the footer defined as HTML
🚀 1.1.3 - Adds Support for 1-Click Cloud Deployments PR #29
- Support for 1-Click Deploy to Netlify
- Support for 1-Click Deploy to Heroku
🔧 1.1.2 - Docker Efficiency Improvements PR #26
- Writes a Node health check script, and implements into the Docker container
- Changes default port in docker-compose, as 8080 is commonly used by other apps
- Adds the 1-Click deploy with PWD into the readme
- Updates dependencies
- Adds a getting started guide to the docs
- Adds splash screen for first load
- Deleted unused assets
- Makes linter run as a pre-commit hook
- Fixes lint errors in server.js and validate-config.js
- Adds issue template
- Bug fixes
- Improves github PR and issue templates
- Shortens readme file
- Adds documentation in the docs folder
- Fixes Layout tab not showing in portrait #19
- Improves mobile performance for both the settings, config and backup pop-ups
- Fixes issue where theme not applied on load when the settings are hidden
- Adds minimum dimensions to modalsShortens readme file
- Adds documentation in the docs folder
- Adds minimum dimensions to modals
🚑️ 1.1.0 - Hotfix #18
- Implementing the JSON validator had actually broken the entire JSON editor
- Fixed it by remove explicit use of Ajv, and using a derivative instead
📝 1.0.5 - Documentation PR #16
- Previously there was very little documentation, this release fixed that
- Wrote specific docs for:
- Getting Started
- Configuring
- Backup & Restore
- Theming
- Developing
✨ 1.0.0 - Implements Config Validation PR #13
- Write a JSON schema for the conf.yml file
- Wrote a validation script to compare users config against schema
- Adds a formatter to print helpful messages about what needs fixing
- Implements validation process into build script
- Implements validation process into UI config configurator's validation
🔧 0.9.5 - Brand New Docker Container PR #12
- With help from several users, a new container based on Alpine is released
- A sample Docker Compose script is also written, and docs are updated
- A 1-Click button for deploying to Play-with-Docker is added to the Readme
✨ 0.9.0 - Adds Hide Settings Functionality PR #11
- Enables user to hide settings from UI
- Users preference is saved in local storage
- User can hide other structural elements of the UI from the config
💄 0.8.5 - Adds new Built-In Themes PR #9
- Adds Minimal-Dark and Minimal-Light theme
- Adds Material-Dark and Material-Light theme
- Adds additional theme docs
- Adds option for sections to have items too
✨ 0.8.0 - Implements Custom CSS Editor PR: #8
- Adds a page in the config menu
- Adds syntax highlighting, CSS validation and sanitization
- Saves users CSS, and applies styles on page load
✨ 0.7.5 - Adds Cloud Backup and Restore Feature PR #6
- Creates a form for entering backup ID and decryption password
- Puts form in modal, and adds button to launch form, with custom icon
- Implemented the cryptography stuff for end-to-end data encryption
- Wrote and tested the backend, and deployed as a serverless function on CF workers
- On the frontend, users input is encrypted, and passed to backend cloud function
- Response from the backend is handles appropriately, and message displayed to the user
- Implements the restoring from server functionality, with data integrity checks
✨ 0.7.0 - Support for Custom Nav Links PR #4
- User can add custom nav bar links from the Config Settings menu
- Better UI styling to the config menu
- New icons inside buttons
✨ 0.6.5 - UI Config Editor PR #3
Adds the ability for the user to edit their configuration directly from the UI
- Edit all section and item data using a rich JSON editor
- Download/ backup conf.yml directly from the UI
- Edit site meta data: title, description, footer, etc
- Reset all locally stored data to the initial state
- Also includes a new toast component, for subtle notifications
- Adds option for a custom full-size background image
- Made footer customizable
- Fixes error being thrown when navbar links are empty
- Makes more specific color variables, which inherit base vars
- Makes it possible for users to write their own theme
- Fix some color edge cases
- Adds docs for theming
- Converts all SCSS variables to CSS variables
- Implements theme switching functionality
- Adds a dropdown menu, enabling user to select theme
- Adds an initial theme option to
- Saves selected theme to local storage
- Wrote a ton of color themes
- Implements arrow key navigation
- Adds support for Font-Awesome icons
- Auto-loads font-awesome only when needed
- Adds support for SVG icons
- Shows opening method on hover
- Opening method can be specified in config, as
- Writes a Dockerfile
- Huge code quality overhaul, now uses AirBnB style ESLint
- Adds in-code docs, removes unneeded code, moves reusable helpers into utils dir
- Adds a readme, records a demo gif and adds some basic deployment docs
- Removes dependencies which are not 100% necessary
- Implements collapsing functionality, for less used or very long sections
- Sections can read default state from
within config - After change, state of each section is stored in local storage
- Improves instant search functionality
- Implements keyboard navigation for selecting items
- Launch selected item with enter, or Ctrl + Enter to open in new tab
Project started. Forked from Lissy93/Dash