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From: Brian Tingle
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:06:18 -0700
Will schedule conference call.
Original Message-----
From: José Borbinha mailto:jlb@ist.utl.pt
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 8:41 AM
To: nhoebel@stanford.edu
Cc: Brian Tingle; jlb@ist.utl.pt; hmanguinhas@ext.bn.pt
Subject: RE: METS event in Portugal
Hi Nancy!
This is just a fast acknowledge of your message! I'm returning from my
summer vacancies and recalling the most urgent issues, but I expect that
next week I can give more attention to this action...
For now, and in a very fast "dump":
In Portugal we have a very small METS community, so I was thinking on a
workshop targeting something wider, at the European level... I'll be at the
ECDL2006 conference in middle September, where I'll meet people from the
European Library (TEL), DELOS, UNESCO, etc., so I can try to motivate
something at that level! I'll lead also a new European project, starting in
October, which will deal with the digitisation of historical maps, which can
be another scope/target for the workshop... Finally, if God likes us, we
might have a new national project in January/February on metadata registries
in the scope of which I think that we can propose to develop, during 2007, a
METS metadata registry conforming to the ISO 11179 (and with a few more
surprises which I'm sure you'll appreciate...). All of this can provide a
minimum financial scope too!
Therefore, I'm quite sure that we'll be not short of ideas and
motivations!!! What do you think?
Concerning dates, the best for us would be somewhere from middle March to
the end of May (or October/November...)... Is there already any events plan
for other METS meetings/workshops?
José Borbinha
Mensagem original-----
De: Nancy Hoebelheinrich mailto:nhoebel@stanford.edu
Enviada: quarta-feira, 9 de Agosto de 2006 18:15
Para: jlb@ist.utl.pt
Cc: brian.tingle@ucop.edu; nhoebel@stanford.edu
Assunto: METS event in Portugal
Hello, Jose:
Your message below reminded me to talk with you about scheduling a METS
event in Portugal during 2007. We're actually in the process of trying to
establish some dates & types of events such as this along with a quarterly
Board meeting that we plan to have in Europe in May of 2007. Have you
thought more about the type of events that you think would be advisable for
your constituency, needs, and program funding?
I wonder if you, Brian Tingle, and I (and whomever else you think would be
useful to include) could get together by telephone one of these days to talk
about the prospects? I have a tollfree conference call number that can be
used both US nationally and internationally, so if we can settle on a date
and time, perhaps we could have a conversation? Let us know, and perhaps
suggest some dates? Thanks, Jose. Hope all is well with you.
Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich
Metadata Coordinator
Digital Library Systems and Services
Stanford University Libraries / Academic InfoResources
Stanford, CA 94305-8408
voice: 650-725-6843
fax: 650-725-0547
Original Message-----
From: Rick Beaubien mailto:rickatlib@rickbeaubien.com
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 10:58 AM
To: jlb@ist.utl.pt
Cc: nhoebel@stanford.edu; ggar@loc.gov
Subject: RE: METS Registry Review reminder
Hi José,
I have now updated the METS registry with the new
information you sent me. At your convenience,
please check it over and let me know if any corrections are in order.
Thanks so much for taking the time to provide the update.
Rick Beaubien
PS: I think your son is right--we all should
probably be learning Chinese! I just bought a
Sony Vaio laptop, and was thinking what a rare
pleasure it was to be buying something made in
Japan for a change--instead of, you know....
At 03:53 PM 7/16/2006, José Borbinha wrote:
Hi Rick!
I'm really shamed for having so little information about our projecte in
English (it is already an issue for us to have to write even the basics in
Anyway, please find in attachment an update for the METS Implementation
We might have (finally) a proper web site for technical dissemination by
late September (in English)... I'll update the information in the Registry
when that happens!!!
Best Regards
PS: It stills in our plans to propose a METS event in Portugal during
2007... We'll want you all here!!!
Prof. José Borbinha (jlb@ist.utl.pt)
DEI/IST/UTL - Departamento de Engenharia Informática (Department of
Information Systems and Computer Engineering)
INESC-ID - Grupo de Sistemas de Informação (Information Systems Group)
-----Mensagem original-----
De: Rick Beaubien mailto:rbeaubie@library.berkeley.edu
Enviada: quinta-feira, 13 de Julho de 2006 19:49
Para: jose.borbinha@bn.pt
Assunto: Fwd: METS Registry Review reminder
Dear Jose,
I just wanted to add a personal note to this reminder to you. If you have
time to provide the information, I would really like to be able to update
entry with information about the wonderful tools you demonstrated at MIM.
Thanks a lot for your MIM contribution, by the way. I really enjoyed it
the opportunity to talk a little with you.
Rick Beaubien
----- Forwarded message from Rick Beaubien <rbeaubie@library.berkeley.edu>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:25:34 -0700
From: Rick Beaubien <rbeaubie@library.berkeley.edu>
Reply-To: Rick Beaubien <rbeaubie@library.berkeley.edu>
Subject: METS Registry Review reminder
To: jose.borbinha@bn.pt, Brian.Tingle@ucop.edu, pcaplan@ufl.edu,
fclctv@nersp.nerdc.ufl.edu, enders@mail.sub.uni-goettingen.de,
lee_mandell@harvard.edu, stephen_abrams@harvard.edu, cfle@loc.gov,
kenzie@mit.edu, rwolfe@MIT.EDU, wreilly@mit.edu, margretb@mit.edu,
kircherp@oclc.org, rg@bodley.ox.ac.uk, Bruce_Washburn@notes.rlg.org,
nhoebel@stanford.edu, susan.dahl@ualberta.ca, peter.binkley@ualberta.ca,
rbeaubie@library.berkeley.edu, mconkin@library.berkeley.edu,
gmills@library.berkeley.edu, chas@uchicago.edu, tod@uchicago.edu,
graz.at, lvd@llgc.org.uk, leith@culturenetcymru.com, rinehart@berkeley.edu,
jenlrile@indiana.edu, skanderson@philamuseum.org, mcundiff@loc.gov,
angela.diiorio@uniroma1.it, robert.tansley@hp.com, shweta_rani@oclc.org,
Viviane.Bouletreau@univ-lyon2.fr, raphael.maurel-segala@mom.fr,
As I do every year at about this time, I am inviting--indeed strongly
encouraging--all of you who currently have entries in the METS registry to
review your entries and to bring them up to date. At the recent METS
Implementors Meeting at Chapel Hill many exciting new tools and
developments at the participating institutions came to light, and I would
welcome the opportunity to document such developments in the METS registry.
Suggestions for improving the registry and making it a more useful resource
for potential as well as current METS implementors would be most welcome as
Rick Beaubien
Rick Beaubien
Software Engineer, Research & Development
Library Systems Office
University of California, Berkeley
Contact information:
88 Herrada Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87508
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----- End forwarded message -----
Rick Beaubien
Software Engineer, Research & Development
Library Systems Office
University of California, Berkeley
Contact information:
88 Herrada Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87508
This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/
Rick Beaubien
Software Engineer, Research & Development
Library Systems Office
University of California, Berkeley
Contact information:
88 Herrada Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87508
email: rbeaubie@library.berkeley.edu