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Tom Habing edited this page Aug 20, 2014 · 10 revisions
  1. Introduction
  2. **This is a proposal for community feedback, not a finished specification **
  3. Present the Re-imagining METS Document
  4. Present the Affinity Diagram
  5. Present Overriding Principles/Goals
  6. Closer alignment with latest revisions of peer standards (MODS, PREMIS, etc.)
  7. Support for both XML Schema and Linked Data/Semantic Web
  8. Doesn't need to be backward compatible, but should provide a path forward (mappings from 1 -> 2)
  9. Improved Extensibility 2. Controlled Vocabularies can be added without requesting modifications to the schema 2. Reuse Existing Schema when possible (i.e. PREMIS for technical metadata)
  10. Interoperability vs Exchange
  11. Other Related Standards
  12. DIDL
  13. RAMLET
  14. OAI-ORE
  15. Etc.
  16. Present high-level model
  17. Show concrete examples using RDF Turtle or similar
  18. Maybe use research data as an example
  19. Snow and Ice data center (rds -> ore)

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