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2019 07 11 Board Meeting Notes

Tobias Steinke edited this page Aug 22, 2019 · 3 revisions


  • Robin Wendler (host)
  • Tobias Steinke (minutes)
  • Inge Hofsink
  • Karin Bredenberg
  • Juha Lehtonen

METS overview and translations

The Portuguese translation will take longer as the translator is currently moving. But he is still working on it. There are no updates on the French and the Spanish translations. (Betrand confirmed after the board call that the French translation is finished.) There is no contact person for the Chinese translation as this was done by a founded project which does no longer exist. Karin and Robin will prepare a mail to the METS list to ask for Chinese translators.

METS Schema Documentation

Glenn did all the discussed changes on the METS pages. The changes in the schema documentation still need to be done.

METS Rights schema

Glenn was asked to but did not yet move the existing METSRights.xsd aside and put the new one in its place.

iPRES 2019 workshops

On Monday 16 September there will be a 1,5 hours PREMIS tutorial, then a 2 hours METS tutorial and finally a 1,5 hours Preservation Metadata Workshop. There was already a virtual meeting to prepare both tutorials and the workshop and there will be two more.

It is planned to have a face-to-face meeting at the iPRES. This could be on Monday after the workshop (16:30) or on Thursday afternoon. Monday is preferred and Inge will contact the organizers about the room.

Replacing Betsy and Leah

There should be a call to the METS list about the free places in the board. Old call mails could be re-used. For the actual process the questions to Inge could be re-used. (After the board call Inge forwarded the list of questions.) The two pages on the METS site describing the process might need to be updated.

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