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2017 06 01 Board Meeting

Leah Prescott edited this page Jun 1, 2017 · 1 revision


Attending: Bertrand, Betsy, Brian, Jukke, Juha, Karin, Leah, Sean, Tobias, Tom

Discussion Items

Tom shared the Trello board - this will become the organizing entity for meetings and for planning tasks going forward. Kyoto - Betsy sent out two emails detailing the conversation with the person handling arrangements - The METS Board meeting will be pre- or post- conference but they haven't decided yet. Need to know soon. The PREMIS tutorial will be pre-conference and we don't want to conflict.

Betsy also reported on the ALECTS webinar on the new book "Digital Preservation Metadata for Practitioners," edited by Angela Dappert, Rebecca Squire Guenther and Sebastien Peyrard. Tom and Karin both have chapters in the book.

There was discussion about how the board will function going forward as Tom and Betsy are both stepping down as co-chairs. The group had previously discussed the idea of a rotating chair, but no decision was made. The tasks of the chairs have been:

  • Making sure meetings are scheduled
  • Call for agenda items
  • Minutes
  • Listening to recordings
  • Chair/facilitate meetings
  • Local arrangements (microphone, internet access, etc.) for in-person meetings
  • Recording attendence
  • Liaising with LC about listservs, etc.
  • Coordinate schema change requests and bug reports
  • Coordinate new profile submissions and profile change requests - especially checking for validity
  • Provide technical expertise related to XML and related topics

Betsy will talk to Glenn about removing her and Tom from co-chair role on the LC website.

The group should be able to communicate and collaborate such that there isn't a need for chairs. The responsibility for minutes (along with recording attendence) will be shared by all through a rolling alphabetical list. The next person on the list can be put on the Trello card for the next meeting - they will then get a reminder from Trello. We will keep the list (and other static information) in the first swim lane in Trello.

The group looked at the PREMIS work plan as a model for developing a work plan for the METS Board. Karin reported that so far it seems to be working well for the PREMIS Board. The work of the METS Board has changed over time and we may need to split tasks into sub-groups going forward - then we can create a workplan for the next year and finalize it in Tokyo. We will start this discussion at the next meeting.

Github website - Brian had created a page at - the goal is to create a landing page for everything that is on Github so that there is a single place to direct everyone to.

METS in PREMIS Toolbox - Sean's goal is to give people exposure to see if there are any concerns or strong ideas. What role should we take? One of the tasks for the next meeting is to look at the toolbox along with questions that Sean will put together to help everyone give feedback.

METS Export from ArchivesSpace - Betsy volunteered to review the METS XML exports from ArchivesSpace (others are looking at DC and MODS) - she is alone in this endeavor as there was a lack of volunteers. She started with Karin's spreadsheet to look at every element of METS - to see what is needed in an export from ArchivesSpace - she will share her recommendations - will recommend that it accommodates multiple registered profiles. Brian would argue against multiple profiles, but there was a discussion about a need for different use cases, such as one that conforms to a METS light. Aaron has notes about METS and ArchivesSpace and will send his as well.

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