Releases: redallen/patternfly-react
Releases · redallen/patternfly-react
6.0.0 (2019-02-21)
Bug Fixes
- @patternfly/react-core: Update the snapshot for progress bar component (#722) (b555243)
- a11y: tweak html for better accessibility (#917) (c1af473)
- about: huuuge changes (e3e7499)
- about: not really (8605ada)
- AboutModal: Use paragraph in heading (#1280) (15b4b98)
- Alert: [TS] action type is string while it should've been node (#727) (f325d03)
- Alert: Use the correct css class name for screen readers (#713) (9c313d2), closes #601
- Avatar: Correctly export Avatar component typings (#1135) (3a05852)
- background image: fix variable map for background image so when tokens are missing do not assig (#744) (44edab1)
- backgroundImage: example to override css image paths (3890d59)
- BackgroundImage: remove old tokens (#1124) (f091e28)
- BackgroundImage: removed children from props (#748) (bd32a9b)
- Badge: remove margin between badges to match core (#1001) (62ece9b)
- Button: make aria-label optional prop (#1186) (0f7fef5), closes #1184
- Button: remove margin around Buttons in docs (#1015) (4ba4af6)
- card: Fix card background color (#630) (#631) (69a6aa2)
- Checkbox: Adjustments to examples (#1270) (ceb632b), closes #1006
- Chip: Replace check for length of chip text with refs/overflow values (#1262) (57fb44f), closes #1197
- core: c6 (bd16a04)
- core: c7 (06e9daa)
- core: c8 (9a5e568)
- core: c9 (c34cbe8)
- core: thing (d4054bc)
- core: thing2 (5f5dba1)
- core: thing3 (9eb74e8)
- core: thing4 (d5e967d)
- doc: list full steps required to start pf4 dev environment (#732) (02d6082)
- docs: fix workspace previews (#1159) (9598b75)
- dropdown: add focus trap option that allows close on click (#1126) (2878615)
- dropdown: add span wrapper for dropdown toggle text (#1169) (9381f04)
- dropdown: Address typescript errors (#898) (48a3256)
- dropdown: address typescript issue with toggle prop (#935) (8341297)
- Dropdown: add onclick fix to custom items (#1211) (bbdf4cc)
- Dropdown: Apply
modifier to dropdown toggle element instead of wrapper (#954) (4e3afdb) - Dropdown: Do not focus Dropdown if menu is not opened (#1222) (45367bc)
- Dropdown: Pass down ref for dropdown item (#1193) (29e536f)
- Dropdown: pass onClick to any dropdown item if present (#1203) (f4a92ee)
- Dropdown: set default button type to button (#1148) (b4bded3)
- dropdown props: fix typescript typings (#900) (e1ae1bd)
- Dropdown typings: fix the DropdownItem typings (#1155) (9613232)
- DropdownItem: wrap DropdownItem in div when child is a Link node (#991) (584fd28)
- DropdownMenu: Fixes dropdown menu when using items as children. (#1219) (279a595)
- DropdownToggle: Listen for touch events on the document to close a Toggle on mobile (#1152) (a7f3c89), closes #1131
- EmptyState: a typo at the import path in EmptyStateIcon.d.ts (#1099) (187171d)
- EmptyState: Use IconProps to define EmptyStateIconProps (#1137) (ccf4240)
- examples and docs: adding react-live… (#666) (da3d4b6)
- Form: Do not add any class if action modifier is missing (#792) (dee29d4)
- Form: fix type definitions (#1112) (47c4de0)
- Form: Update From Based in Audit (#1185) (a42ab72), closes #1026
- Form components style modifiers: Style modifiers (#797) (b5bc87e)
- formComponent: removes Children props checking (#823) (4ef696b)
- layout: fix layout tsd (#901) (13547c5)
- LoginForm: LoginForm.d.ts fix typo passwordValue (#1063) (0bbe428), closes #1062
- LoginPage: typos ([patternfly#988](
1.15.0 (2019-02-21)
Bug Fixes
- AccessConsoles: Fix child component recognition in production build (#979) (dcd4065)
- AccessConsoles: fix propTypes checking for "null" child (#1139) (4eed95d)
- build: Support running npm scripts under Windows (#1251) (df0c275)
- DesktopViewer: Fix reference to constants in dist (#964) (57c63ca)
- test dependencies: hooray (b64faae)
- VncConsole: disconnect VNC session when unmounting (#1123) (b7df8dc)
- AccessConsoles: add DesktopViewer to AccessConsoles (#989) (5a4e9c8)
- ConsoleSelector: introduce ConsoleSelector component (#606) (d876589)
- DesktopViewer: introduce DesktopViewer component (#607) (f001ef5)
- HintBlock: Add the HintBlock component (#922) (92559e6)
- LoadingState: Add LoadingState component (#881) (#886) (d48d45f)
- Remote Desktop Protocol: DesktopViewer is extended for the RDP (#807) (b27cf7b)
6.0.0 (2019-02-21)
Bug Fixes
- charts: address typescript issues (#902) (83cb283)
- prerelease: attempt to add prerelease channel to react-charts (#1160) (0e3e807)
- readme: update readme for react-charts (#1225) (7799263)
Code Refactoring
- Alert: Add optional Close button to Alert via onClose prop (#1200) (9d59dcb), closes #1036
- PF4 Page: Allow passing of custom ref for condensed header (#941) (889ec1a)
- Popover: Add PF4 Popover (#754) (17cf0c0)
- Table: introduce new component Table based on pf4 designs (#821) (7b38cbc)
- AboutModal: removed heroImg and heroImageSrc and heroImageAlt props
2.34.0 (2019-02-21)
Bug Fixes
- about: not really2 (54631f4)
- build: Support running npm scripts under Windows (#1251) (df0c275)
- BulletChart: Cannot set text property for custom axis tic mark (#1029) (7e58ebf)
- BulletChart: Fix for duplicate key warning on ranges (#1073) (70f8d36)
- CardDropdownButton: Allow props to be passed (#932) (2ee5117)
- CardHeightMatching: fix infinite calls to match heights (#628) (2d6a290), closes #627
- DropdownKebab: Allow title attribute (#885) (be38223)
- DualList: Add item disability functionality. (#1071) (ddc0e8e)
- DualList: Adding debounce for filter changes (#1078) (7f4c438)
- DualList: Adding hidden HTML select inputs to reflect the selector items. (#1095) (59ca4e9)
- DualList: de-Select items after the transition between lists. (#1178) (91c33bf)
- DualList: fix hidden inputs (#1207) (84942ff)
- DualList: refactor helpers functions signatures (#1190) (378e44e)
- ExpandCollapse: Fix to export ALIGN_LEFT and ALIGN_CENTER constants (#826) (94e956a)
- exports: add exports for ApplicationLauncher, InlineEdit, SessionTimeout (#608) (f261b27), closes #576
- Extensions: Fix patternfly-react imports to pull from the default component file. (#860) (bb1afd3)
- less: convert less variables from scss (#948) (2b5bb71)
- LoadingState: Add LoadingState component to exports (#881) (#980) (fb1e0e6)
- Login Page: fix settings visibility (#1171) (3f79c48)
- LoginPage: add LoginPageCard inner components documentation. (#994) (c00d355)
- LoginPage: Add submit error callback handling (#952) (44aab83)
- LoginPage: Fix background-image style (#937) (3307e9b)
- LoginPage: improve form's error style and behavior (#942) (c828b04)
- LoginPage: Improve inputs validation. (#936) (60c1067)
- LoginPage: improve the submit UX (#944) (769b67b)
- LoginPage: small fixes. (#911) (55ec079)
- Masthead: fix issue with navbar title not displaying (#758) (e724561)
- MessageDialog: conflict between footer and primaryAction props (#1134) (83baeb9)
- modal transition: Reduce translate3d (right offset) positioning for right-side-modal-pf to 25% (#878) (5512ff3)
- ModelessOverlay: allow vertical scrolling (#796) (93ed571)
- ModelessOverlay: Fix for animation on open in Firefox browser (#776) (469ab3a), closes #774
- nothing: this changes everything (2ab7d2e)
- pf3: fix usage of noop in BulletChart (#1083) (c73490d)
- README: update test command (#679) (5f4deaf)
- Slider: Call onSlide on slide event (#828) (7638f80)
- Slider: Update state when properties are updated. (#1223) (033a38b)
- SocialLoginPage: fix the props provided in SocialLoginPage test. (#1069) (c6c17ac), closes #1068
- Storybook: Fix horizontal masthead examples using iconImg instead of titleImg (#768) (e4af9cf), closes #767
- Fix #704 (#705) (0b99407)
- subcomponents: Make all subcomponents avaliable from base component (#916) (4c4989b)
- test dependencies: hooray (b64faae)
- vertical nav: Add href paths to VerticalNav menuItems (0026149), closes #431
- warnings: fix warnings and compound-label.less (#580) (a272045), closes #575 #572
- Wizard.Pattern: allow disabling cancel button (#801) (8c0cd77)
- Wizard.Pattern: allow disabling previous and next steps in Wizard.Pattern (#529) (529eeeb), closes #526 #527
2.21.0 (2019-02-21)
Bug Fixes
- BadgedResource: don't restrict resourceName to a string (#1260) (e50bb35)
- BadgedResource: Use css over inlined style for bg color (#870) (e504964)
- build: Support running npm scripts under Windows (#1251) (df0c275)
- catalog tile: remove the default tooltip for description text (#640) (cca07db), closes #637
- Catalog tiles: decrease the vertical spacing between catalog tiles (#669) (d78e2e7), closes #668
- catalog-tile: allow icons to be used in the tile image area (#620) (a563f7a), closes #618
- CatalogItemHeader: Make subtitle optional (#808) (b795f6c)
- CatalogTile: Catalog Tiles can shrink (#810) (8b30aca)
- CatalogTile: Fade end of description text rather than truncate (#850) (5c9a52f)
- CatalogTile: Fix to correctly position fading out of description text (#958) (b2237fc)
- CatalogTile: Fix to not allow the description text to overflow the tile (#804) (9bd4541)
- CatalogTile: Fix to show only the iconImg if given, not both the image and icon. (#709) (f43da6b)
- CatalogTile: Style update for tile with focus (#764) (a577072)
- CatalogTileView: Behave correctly when CatalogTile components are wrapped. (#835) (5527ae3), closes #759
- CatalogTileView: Fix to not render hidden tiles in catalog tile view categories (#725) (5f98876)
- CatalogTileView: Fix to prevent category size updates after unmount (#910) (df5ded3)
- CatalogTileView: Fix to render non-tile children of a category (#730) (c52a609)
- CatalogTileView: Remove unused styling of CatalogTileViewCategory column children. (#769) (30b9327), closes #765
- CatalogTileView: Support tiles without categories. (#977) (134af90)
- extensions: Create local helpers to lessen dependencies (#985) (3e1d440)
- Extensions: Fix patternfly-react imports to pull from the default component file. (#860) (bb1afd3)
- FilterSidePanel/VerticalTabs: Adjust top and bottom spacing of filter-side-panel and vertical-t (#877) (abc8cc1)
- table-grid: use package import rather than relative in TableGridHead (#734) (fea7d67)
- test dependencies: hooray (b64faae)
- VerticalTabs: restore vertical spacing between tabs (#688) (b6a096f), closes #664 #687
- VerticalTabs: set tab text to wrap when necessary (#664) (a579fba), closes #663
- BadgedResource: Add BadgedResource component to patternfly-react-extensions (#829) (735b12c), closes #775
- catalog item header: add CatalogItemHeader component (#636) (d0f0330)
- catalog-tile: add CatalogTile component (#614) (4af84e9)
- catalog-tile-view: add CatalogTileView component (#617) (47a6c11)
- CatalogTile: Add footer option to tiles (#1059) (30c31bb)
- CatalogTile: Use a link for tiles with href or onClick props (#763) (f4bd91d)
- component: Creating a DiffView Component (#1019) (f38c10a)
- Extensions: Import patternfly-react components individually (#853) (bfe7179)
- filter-side-panel: Add filter-side-panel and package patternfly-react-extensions (#579) (894afe4)
- HintBlock: Add the HintBlock component (#922) (92559e6)
- Properties Side Panel: adds the PropertiesSidePanel component (#647) (cad387f)
- table-grid: add Row and Cell selection support to TableGrid (#657) (b10402e), closes #656 #652
- table-grid: add Table Grid component (#594) (c8ec177)
- TableGrid: add Checkbox select support to TableGrid (#659) (80776f1)
- vertical tabs: add vertical-tabs component (#592) (106c64a)
- vertical-tabs: add sub-tab support, with restricted mode (#611) (8c5d6dd)
- VirtualTableGrid: Add a table grid styled component using react-virtualized (#818) (f8cc152), closes #773