Releases: fomantic/Fomantic-UI
Releases · fomantic/Fomantic-UI
23 December 2019
- fix(dropdown): do not use value as name when name is empty
- fix(dropdown): values are incorrect if they contain some special chars
- fix(dropdown): handle text metadata on select build dropdowns
- fix(slider): preventCrossover should only affect range sliders
- feat(popup): add variant to ensure width if parent container is to small
- fix(dropdown): clearable icon is not clickable on mobile
- fix(form): action input had wrong border radius in some cases
- fix(form): avoid additional margin with nested fields
- fix(table): dont show background on sortable headers if table is basic
- fix(input): action input border color in state fields
- chore(release): update dist
- feat(icon): update icons to FA 5.12.0
- build(deps-dev): bump all-contributors-cli from 6.11.0 to 6.11.1
- chore(github): update issue/pr templates
- chore(release): update changelog
- fix(form): add rule method overwrites existing rules
- docs(contributors): add LolHens as a contributor
- fix(dimmer): borders on partial segment dimmers are incorrect
- build(deps): bump @octokit/rest from 16.35.0 to 16.35.2
- fix(popup): tooltips don't work on safari <= 12.1
- chore(readme): update readme contents
- build(deps-dev): bump all-contributors-cli from 6.11.1 to 6.11.2
- feat(modal): allow close icon to be inside header for small modals
- feat(dropdown): add unfilterable item class for search input
- build(deps): bump gulp-git from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0
- chore(release): bump version
- build(actions): stop nightly error on forks
- fix(checkbox): ie11 support for non existing event
- fix(globals): duplicate variable declaration
- docs(readme): add snyk badge
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
Generated by auto-changelog
13 November 2019
- build(deps-dev): bump all-contributors-cli from 6.10.0 to 6.11.0
- build(deps): bump @octokit/rest from 16.34.1 to 16.35.0
- build(deps-dev): bump auto-changelog from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2
- build(deps): bump @octokit/rest from 16.33.1 to 16.34.0
- build(deps): bump gulp-json-editor from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4
- feat(toast): add actions, behaviors and other variations
- fix(calendar): no word length limit for months
- feat(calendar): add onBeforeChange callback and fix a date value issue
- feat(dropdown): optional skip focus when calling 'show' behavior
- fix(dropdown): remove searchterm if nothing matches & opts are disabled
- feat(form): generalize state variations for field
- fix(slider): offset for reversed vertical slider
- fix(slider): add fireOnInit parameter to prevent events being triggered
- fix(dropdown): dont adjustment dropdown icon when inside a label button
- fix(form): trigger correct dirty handlers to fix function of checkboxes
- fix(list): behavior of grouped icons in list
- fix(dropdown): action button has incorrect border radius with dropdown
- fix(table): add td support in tfoot tag
- fix(form): dont trigger change for dropdown when form is cleared
- feat(form): accept 1 in addition to true as checked value for checkboxes
- fix(dropdown): prevent blur when hiding dropdown directly after search
- fix(dropdown): use regular event handler for allowAdditions input blur
- feat(dropdown): add case sensitivity setting for search
- fix(modal): correct undetached positioning when large modal is used
- fix(modal): make bottom margin scrolling modals work in firefox & edge
- fix(calendar): prevent toggle range class at today button
- fix(grid): fix padding on stackable compact grid on mob devices
- fix(tab): do not auto activate tabs more than once
- fix(modal): vertical alignment on detachable modal was incorrect
- fix(calendar): cross browser support for dateparsing using dots
- fix(calendar): date formatting when entered via keyboard
- chore: merge branch add-contributors into develop
- feat(*): add dynamic LESS compilation of component variations
- feat(emoji): add emoji component using tweemoji & joypixels
- feat(icons): update icons to FA 5.11.2
- fix(modal): support rtl left scrollbar behaviors
- feat(rating): float value ratings
- fix(slider): handle touchevent on devices using jquery2
- build(deps): bump @octokit/rest from 16.34.0 to 16.34.1
- fix(grid): override grid container widths
- fix(dropdown): value on empty selects
- docs: add zombietfk as a contributor
- fix(slider): hidden sliders cause browser freeze
- docs: add rmarchiori as a contributor
- fix(popup): avoid detection of wrong existing popup
- docs: add josejbarneto as a contributor
- docs: add aexvir as a contributor
- build(deps-dev): bump all-contributors-cli from 6.9.3 to 6.10.0
- docs: add HypertextPP as a contributor
- docs: add aardbol as a contributor
- docs: add RenonDis as a contributor
- docs(readme): add nightly build info
- feat(table): color marked cells
- fix(modal): fetch dimmer click if not detached
- docs: add cruzdanilo as a contributor
- docs: add justkey007 as a contributor
- docs: add ryamaguchi0220 as a contributor
- fix(emoji): change emoji path to use svg
- chore(release): bump version
- docs(security): add 2.8 info
- chore: add lubber-de to github funding file
- docs: add simondarke as a contributor
- docs: add iwgx as a contributor
- docs: add RShalman as a contributor
- docs: add shui91 as a contributor
- docs: add aexvir as a contributor
- docs: update .all-contributorsrc
- fix(build): variables in @site.variables were ignored
- fix(dropdown): multiselect removing wasn't working
- fix(card): right image border in horizontal cards
- fix(chore): permission value should transform into octal [
1 September 2019
- fix(form): 'set values' behavior had no proper calendar support
- feat(slider): add auto adjusted label display
- feat(site): add font-display variable
- fix(label): top attached labels omitted margin for content
- fix(progress): wrong error on validating sum of rounded percents
- feat(dropdown): add select optgroup and horizontal divider support
- build(deps): replace conventional-changelog
- chore(release): update dist
- build(deps): bump inquirer from 6.5.1 to 6.5.2
- build(deps): bump inquirer from 6.5.0 to 6.5.1
- build(deps-dev): bump conventional-changelog-cli from 2.0.21 to…
- build(ci): change from travis to github actions
- feat(form): check for existing calendar, dropdown or checkbox modules
- feat(tab): auto activate first tab if no active specified
- docs: fix contributors layout
- docs: add egoisticalgoat as a contributor
- build: emit errors instead of logging only
- docs: add douglasg14b as a contributor
- docs: add ryamaguchi0220 as a contributor
- docs: add bartocc as a contributor
- docs: add 0xflotus as a contributor
- docs: add rubenhbaca as a contributor
- docs: add ventura-eesc as a contributor
- docs: add bborn as a contributor
- docs: add MikeyFriedChicken as a contributor
- docs: add GammaGames as a contributor
- docs: add euangoddard as a contributor
- docs: add danthedeckie as a contributor
- docs: add iarspider as a contributor
- docs: add patilkiranm as a contributor
- docs: add ko2in as a contributor
- docs: add dutrieux as a contributor
- docs: add globophobe as a contributor
- build(deps): bump less from 3.9.0 to 3.10.3
- build(ci): fix ci process
- build(ci): correct ci and throw errors instead of logging
- chore(release): bump version
- docs(readme): replace build badge with GHA
- fix(dropdown): keep input field focus if it's an menu item
- fix(dropdown): sanitize initial values to prevent xss on firefox & ie
- docs(src readme): correct typo in example code
2.7.7 (2019-07-28)
Bug Fixes
- accordion: remove transition class after animation so loaders work (0b9801b), closes #865
- container: respect fluid container on mobile screen (e3a6bc3), closes #900
- dropdown: correct clear icon alignment (6b33c3d), closes #837
- dropdown: corrected initial clearable icon when select tag is used (31d80d2), closes #839
- dropdown: dont toggle on "set selected" when no labels are used (53c22c9), closes #670
- dropdown: only preventdefault on hide for associating labels (568858c), closes #861
- flag: rtl build changed background-position values (40ae7aa), closes #859
- form: correct inline checkbox label padding (2eaaff1), closes #823
- form: inline field label doesn't respect error styles (e70a015), closes #818
- form: prompt template function (cc97a30)
- image: hidden images were still visible when used in image groups (a0bf2b3)
- label: content margin after two attached labels (2510ea9)
- search: 'get result' on numerical or user defined fields didnt work (04109b2), closes #897
- site: revert size variable declaration (1f1c6f0)
- step: step visualization also on non active (a53fe20), closes #830
- table: colored definition table top cell border overlap (b7ad310), closes #883
- checkbox: add sizes and form size inheritance (58fdc6a), closes #666
- checkbox: add toggle on ENTER-key option (5d16709), closes #819
- dropdown: add support for images/icons in api response param (f033782), closes #872
- icons: update icons to FA 5.9.0 (dfc9109), closes #739 #887 #739
- modal: destroy should tear down mutation observer (d880d35)
- popup: add optional setting 'forcePosition' to disable calculation (e103541), closes #684
2.7.6 (2019-06-16)
Bug Fixes
- button: center text in fluid & vertically aligned button group (bfd7c84)
- button,table: move LESS functions out of LESS file and into variables (e3d7eb6), closes #736
- calendar: support dynamic way to append popup instead of prepending to the parent (1acf30e), closes #699
- calendar: support JSON dates (2d1ffdc), closes #741
- dropdown: check for existing observer before accessing it (e7ebb38), closes #784
- form: remove rule function lead to TypeError (752827e)
- form: stop propagation only when dirty event was triggered and prevent default action (2b33903), closes #746 #770 #786 atk4/ui#718
- form: transparent input padding and texarea support (dd561b5), closes #798
- icon: don't import default theme overrides (c4d5307), closes #763
- icon: improve default theme overrides import (0bf3ddf), closes #763
- menu: hover & active state colors on inverted secondary pointing (d34b681), closes #777
- progress: wrong error on validating total on multiple progress (52bfd66), closes #757
- slider: non reachable max value and rounding issues (014b7ef), closes #716
- table: table header on mobile (e09b2ab), closes #787
- transition: not checking for event object lead to TypeError (0c56c8d), closes #698 #745
- progress: add indeterminate states (816fbbd)
2.7.5 (2019-05-09)
Bug Fixes
- breakpoints ignoring next breakpoint in some cases (7ff01e3), closes #567 #567 #681 #681
- api: module callback function typo (43c2c8b)
- breadcrumb: increase line height for readability on wrapped content (c7ca707)
- button: fix padding for compact labeled icon button (488a4dc), closes #361 #598
- button: group of basic disabled buttons had incorrect styles (7f63e50), closes #643
- calendar: string selectors for start/endCalendar did not work (9604a02), closes #685
- calendar: support dateobject given for as for initialDate setting (1a4938a)
- card: force horizontal cards meta, extra content and actions to align properly (bc1f08b), closes #159 #159
- card: word-wrap overflowing with long strings (8b75f0f)
- chore: moved some core css to less files from default overrides and always include default overrides first (2bfe9a5)
- dimmer: disable blur on popups (f10dd0b)
- dropdown: click-event was locked when single selection had allowAdditions enabled (ef3057e), closes #591
- dropdown: correct alignment of image and icons within items (72d3420)
- dropdown: hide open menus on destroy for correct state reset (c374bcf), closes #653 #654
- dropdown: inverted pointing menu had white arrow (124625c)
- dropdown: margin missing on upward dropdown (024f5d4)
- dropdown: prevent submenu vanish for simple dropdowns (6998edd)
- form: corrects border radius variable reference (5745cf7), closes #628
- form: remove unnecessary property '-webkit-appearance: none' with :focus from error field (63cbf2d), closes #576
- form validation: error when calling "validate form" with API attached (58dafe0)
- form validation: make sure rules are selecting within the same form (313012d)
- input: error border didn't change input action border (0aab16f)
- label: adjust basic ribbon label size and position (9e9cb62), closes #708
- list: align text in lists with icons (566b363), closes #597
- menu: additional specificity for secondary inverted menu no longer needed (8917519), closes #366 #672
- menu: correct floating label position in pointing menu (ddb7695), closes #668
- menu: correct submenu fix which broke right menus (af98873), closes #632 #632
- menu: right dropdown sub-menu not being vertical (c571c31), closes #382
- modal:
shouldn’t focus disabled inputs (fadbc30) - modal: dont close dimmer when another modal is still animating (58cf41a)
- modal: dont wrap image content direct images (5a59ae3)
- modal: open animation broken on first open (353f90f), closes #542
- modal: support fixed menu, toast and sidebar to also not move when a modal is shown (aeb3274)
- modal: use direct sibling for content selector (e4fbb61)
- popup: support iOS to recognize popup close on touch (c978917)
- progess: all percents are shown while animation (dba3f1c), closes #707
- progess: fix timing issue of updating value/percent (fe97fc4)
- progress: display 0 valued progress bars (a92b8ac)
- search: undefined internal variable (7b89336)
- tab: position issue with fixed item size (3b923dd), closes #671
- table: definition table footer had wrong box-shadow to the left (96b97f3)
- table: don't break style when nested tables (9760d91)
- table: selectable rows/cells should have pointing cursor (7742fa3)
- breadcrumb: add inverted variant (ff6ba2d)
- calendar: add eventDates support and onSelect handler (1b4a264), closes #674
- checkbox: vertically align checkbox in fields (dcf3976)
- divider: add horizontal divider alignment variation (1981277)
- dropdown: add scrolling support for simple variant (9c8f18f)
- form: add calendar input field (8152b38)
- form: add dirty and clean states, and ability to cancel submit (adf5937)
- icons: update to FA 5.8.2 (6d7b12c), closes #572
- segment: add fitted variant (f03c4ec), closes #701
Version 2.7.3 - April 2, 2019
- Progress - Fixed the 0 percent bars on colored progress Thanks @lubber-de #463
- Progress - Fixed inverted success/warning/error progress bars not having a color Thanks @lubber-de #483
- Transiton - Fixed transitions conflicting with non visable elements e.g. <script> Thanks @lubber-de #474
- Shape - Fixed shape transitons conflicting with child element transitions Thanks @lubber-de #465
- Shape - Fixed shape animation inconsistency when child elements had class
Thanks @lubber-de #464 - Shape - Fixed focused checkbox inside shape breaking animation Thanks @lubber-de #529
- Sidebar - Fixed closable behaviour inconsistency with docs Thanks @lubber-de #469
- Segment - Fixed support for inverted, secondary or tertiary for horizontal segments Thanks @lubber-de #470
- Segment - Fixed clearing segments consistency with stacked and piled segments Thanks @lubber-de #485
- Segment - Fixed a compact segment ina horizontal segment group not staying compact Thanks @lubber-de #479
- Menu - Fixed items in tabular menu having incorrect color Thanks @lubber-de #490
- Menu - Fixed last item in a menu in a container not having a right border Thanks @lubber-de #480
- Button - Fixed basic colored buttons overridden by basic button group box shadow Thanks @lubber-de #487
- Button - Fixed basic button margin Thanks @lubber-de #537
- Button - Fixed padding for fluid right and left labeled icon buttons Thanks @lubber-de #584
- Header - Fixed sub header color in inverted segments Thanks @lubber-de #488
- Checkbox - Added visual support for indeterminate toggle Thanks @lubber-de #491
- Input - Added tinny size variants which were missing Thanks @lubber-de #492
- Popup - Fixed an issue were onHide would be called twice Thanks @lubber-de #481
- Label - Fixed table ribbon labels having the wrong calculated position Thanks @lubber-de #482
- Dropdown - Fixed dropdown button not working when as a label Thanks @lubber-de #478
- Dropdown - Always show items when clicked on icon regardless of minCharacter setting Thanks @lubber-de #510
- Dropdown - Fixed missing event property causing FireFox to error Thanks @lubber-de #534
- Modal - Fixed when a modal couldn't be closed a second time it was opended by another modal Thanks @lubber-de #512
- Modal - Don't move modal content when scrollbars are hidden Thanks @lubber-de #468
- Modal - Allow different modal positions when multiple modals are active Thanks @lubber-de #532
- Form Validation - Validation will now work with grouped checkboxes correctly Thanks @lubber-de #540
- Form Validation - Fixed issue causing Safari not to show error message Thanks @lubber-de #558
- Form Validation - Fixed error caused when no field rules existed Thanks @iarspider #546
- Calendar -
will now update the input Thanks @prudho #559 - Form - Fixed
remove rules
behavior if field was an array Thanks @exoego #556 - Slider - Fixed conflicting issues with checkbox Thanks @lubber-de #553
- Dimmer - Fixed loader still being visible inside simple inverted dimmers even when parent was not dimmed Thanks @lubber-de #571
- Table - Fixed issues with inverted sortable and disabled colored rows/cells Thanks @lubber-de #579
- Card - Added inverted colors support Thanks @lubber-de #455
- API - Added better checking for API status code errors Thanks @lubber-de #497
- Tab - Added function to escape characters before sending to jQuery Thanks @lubber-de #499
- Label - Made corner icon positioned labels absolute to support of tags like Thanks @lubber-de #520
- Calendar - Added new
setting to only enable specified dates Thanks @prudho #525 - Calendar - Added the ability to adjust the calculation of entered shortyears to the belonging century Thanks @prudho #527
- Calendar - Added ability to select adjacent month dates with
selectAdjacentDays: true
Thanks @patilkiranm #562 - Modal - Added support for
overlay fullscreen
variation Thanks @lubber-de #526 - Modal - Added support for
top aligned
andbottom aligned
modals Thanks @lubber-de #532 - Dropdown - Exposed the
class setting Thanks @patilkiranm #559 - Dropdown - Added column variation support Thanks @exoego #586
- Dropdown - Added new height variation Thanks @exoego #587
- Site - Responsive breakpoints now support larger DPI than 100% Thanks @lubber-de #567
- Step - Steps now show their pointers when stacked in responsive mode Thanks @lubber-de #583
- Progress - Added ability to show multiple progress bars in one bar Thanks @exoego #582
- Meta Data - Fixed build to write metadata for docs Thanks @ColinFrick #472
- Dependencies - Changed dependencies to correct positions Thanks @hammy2899 #501
- Dist - Fixed incorrect file permissions for dist files Thanks @ColinFrick #504
- Bower - Updated jQuery dependency version in bower Thanks @lubber-de #585
Version 2.7.2 - February 5, 2019
- Modal - Fixed issue which made modals close when dragging the scrollbar Thanks @lubber-de 437
- Modal - Fixed issue that didn't reactivate the approve and deny event handlers if
returned false Thanks @lubber-de 434 - Icons - Fixed issue causing icon colors to be overwritten by other components text color Thanks @lubber-de 438
- Icons - Made
work together correctly Thanks @lubber-de 344 - Checkbox - Made
only call once and not call whenset checked
is used Thanks @lubber-de 403 - Dimmer - Show correct scrollbar on inverted dimmers Thanks @lubber-de 431
- Progress - Fixed bug which showed a slight progress when the progress bar wasn't initialized Thanks @lubber-de 425
- Progress - Fixed 0% display and "inverted indicating" label color Thanks @lubber-de 412
- Form Validation - Fixed custom rule not getting checked radio value Thanks @lubber-de 419
- From Validation - Fixed issue which lead to validation not respecting each field in array inputs Thanks @lubber-de 387
- Transition - Fixed issues which where caused because the transition module wasn't aware of inline styles and stopped it showing hidden tags like
Thanks @lubber-de 357 - Menu - Fixed bug which made colors not be applied to secondary menus Thanks @lubber-de 409
- Menu - Fixed labels in secondary pointing menu items being misaligned Thanks @lubber-de 378
- Menu - Corrected wrong border being applied for inverted pointing menus Thanks @lubber-de 380
- Menu - Fixed naming conflict with secondary color name Thanks @lubber-de 366
- Menu - Fixed last item in secondary compact menus not having bottom and top left border radius Thanks @lubber-de 351
- Menu - Icons in menus with different sizes will keep their auto width Thanks @lubber-de 345
- Menu - Corrected inverted disabled items in menus Thanks @lubber-de 347
- Popup - Fixed
of popup so it appears above other components Thanks @lubber-de 395 & 350 - Input - Made inverted transparent input in forms appear white Thanks @lubber-de 392
- Label - Fixed cursor for link corner label icons Thanks @lubber-de 369
- Label - Fixed image position/size in labels within menu items Thanks @lubber-de 337
- Dropdown - Allow a real zero to be a selectable value in 'set selected' Thanks @lubber-de 370
- Dropdown - Fixed issue which made dropdowns not use the class names from the settings for templates Thanks @lubber-de 358
- Dropdown - Fixed multi select dropdowns deleting last selected item when deleting text from search input Thanks @lubber-de 352
- Dropdown - Fixed simple dropdown positioning in vertical menus Thanks @lubber-de 339
- Dimmer - Fixed issue with blurred dimmer which left
stacking side effects Thanks @lubber-de 371 - Segment - Fixed naming conflict with secondary color name Thanks @lubber-de 366
- Loader - Fixed elastic loader in Firefox Thanks @lubber-de 363
- Loader - Fixed default loader color settings for dimmers used with modals Thanks @lubber-de 359
- Button - Fixed loading icon position while rotating Thanks @lubber-de 361
- Button - Fixed attached buttons
when used under dropdowns in menus Thanks @lubber-de 333 - Sidebar - Sidebar will now respect a change of the closable setting Thanks @lubber-de 335
- Table - Fixed colors not being applied to striped, basic, selectable, stacked and definition tables Thanks @lubber-de 332
- Form - Fixed issue which caused checkboxes and radios with errors to only reset if the first option was selected Thanks @lubber-de 349
- Form - Fixed issue with inverted loader not being applied to inverted forms (normal loader was applied instead) Thanks @lubber-de 346
- List - Fixed issue which made some lists turn invisible Thanks @lubber-de 354
- List - Fixed loading icon position when used as the item point Thanks @lubber-de 336
- Header - Fixed attached inverted variation not having the same background color as other inverted components Thanks @lubber-de 338
- Search - Fixed
not returning the correct item when categories was empty Thanks @lubber-de 343
- Icons - Update icons to FontAwesome 5.7 Thanks @hammy2899 446
- Reset - Update reset to normalize 8.0.1 Thanks @lubber-de 443
- Dropdown - Added support for ignoring diacritics while searching Thanks @lubber-de 422
- Dropdown - Sanitize possible given text values Thanks @lubber-de 420
- Search - Added support for ignoring diacritics while searching Thanks @lubber-de 422
- Build - Removed
dependency (We recommend you usegulp --tasks
to list tasks) Thanks @ColinFrick 440 - Segment - Added stackable horizontal segments Thanks @lubber-de 398
- Label - Added bottom floated labels Thanks @lubber-de 430
- Label - Added left and right aligned floated labels Thanks @lubber-de 418
- Label - Floating labels don't wrap when they have whitespace (especially while including icons) Thanks @lubber-de 404
- Label - Improved margin placement for icons when placed after text Thanks @exoego 388
- Modal - Added new
option to restore focus when a modal closes Thanks @lubber-de [433](