Releases: fomantic/Fomantic-UI
Version 2.7.0 - December 21, 2018
With 2019 around the corner and a lot of discussion we (core contributors) have agreed to move our core focus to FUI v3.0. This doesn't mean we won't be working on 2.x but means releases may be slowed down a little due to more work being put into v3.0. You can read more about the future of FUI and v3.0 here
- With this release we removed the dependency of
which removes the child dependency ofevent-stream
this ensures that the library won't be downloading any (now deprecated) malicious code. If you want to learn more about the recent security issues withevent-stream
please read this issue. - In this release we had a big focus on removing a lot of the
usage which inturn produced lots of issues. Now with a big help from our core contributors we have removed ~85% of the usage and reduced the complexity of a lot of the color code base which makes it easier to make changes and helps reduce the size of the general code base aswell as removing duplicate code.
Gulp 4.0 introduced a new syntax to define tasks, that's why we had to introduce some changes to our gulpfile.js.
The new gulpfile.js can be found under tasks\config\npm\gulpfile.js
. If you haven't changed the generated gulpfile.js in your fomantic destination folder you can just replace it with the new one. Otherwise you have to adopt the changes introduced in the file yourself.
For example if your fomantic destination directory is semantic
- semantic\tasks\config\npm\gulpfile.js => semantic\gulpfile.js
Major Enhancements
- Build - Added support for gulp4 Thanks @ColinFrick #179
- Slider - Previously known as range the slider component has been renamed Thanks @prudho #290
- Global - Removed deprecated jQuery functions and replaced them with custom ones Thanks @lubber-de #282
- Slider - Added ability to have smooth or stepped sliders Thanks @prudho #290
- Slider - Added ability to label sliders which can be smooth or stepped at the label Thanks @prudho #290
- Slider - Added ability to have nonrestrictive steps Thanks @prudho #290
- Slider - Added ability to reverse sliders Thanks @prudho #290
- Slider - Added new size variations Thanks @prudho #290
- Slider - Added keyboard support Thanks @prudho #290
- Slider - Added basic and basic inverted variations Thanks @prudho #290
- Slider - Added vertical slider with all features Thanks @prudho #290
- Slider - Added a range slider variation (yes an actual range slider) Thanks @prudho #290
- Loader - Added double variation Thanks @lubber-de #301
- Loader - Added elastic variation Thanks @lubber-de #301
- Loader - Added dimmer support Thanks @lubber-de #301
- Loader - Loader will show same color as colored segments when inside loading segments Thanks @lubber-de #301
- Rating - Added ability to change the icon to any supported icon and change to any supported color Thanks @lubber-de #303
- Input - Add support for error label state with labeled inputs Thanks @prudho #257
- TextArea - Added support for corner labels and icons Thanks @lubber-de #276
- Search - Added support for API results to be an array instead of needing be wrapped Thanks @lubber-de #263
- Label - Added support for inverted, basic grouping and basic tag labels Thanks @lubber-de #116
- Toast - Correct the colors and make them more consistant with other components Thanks @lubber-de #197
- Table - Added ability to use all global colors in table cells Thanks @lubber-de #261
- Text - Added ability to add color to specific text Thanks @lubber-de #261
- Calendar - Added ability to add time gaps on time selector Thanks @prudho #198
- Build - Fixed bug which made gulp hang on
gulp build
when using newer versions of node Thanks @ColinFrick #307 - Global - Improved LESS and CSS for linters Thanks @hammy2899 #292
- Global - Fixed some compiled CSS errors Thanks @prudho #275
- Dropdown - Fixed issue with not showing "no results" when filterRemoteData was false or response was empty Thanks @lubber-de #300
- Dropdown - Fixed issue with preselected values being ignored when data value fields had different names Thanks @lubber-de #285
- Dropdown - Fixed issue with submenu positions Thanks @lubber-de #194
- Dropdown - Fixed issue which stopped already selected items from filtering from a remote API Thanks @lubber-de #287
- Dropdown - Fixed clearable dropdown initialized with HTML select always showing the clear icon Thanks @lubber-de #271
- Dropdown - Fixed issue with enter key and multiple variation dropdowns with
Thanks @lubber-de #250 - Modal - Fixed top header border radius Thanks @lubber-de #308
- Modal - Fixed issue with modal dimnmers closing when clicked even when
Thanks @lubber-de #284 - Modal - Fixed touch scrolling issue for dropdown, focused input and content scrolling Thanks @lubber-de #273
- Checkbox - Support onChange for cursor key navigation Thanks @lubber-de #295
- Visibility - Fixed issue with sticky content having large placeholders Thanks @hammy2899 #296
- Form - Fixed issue causing validation to break when id's had colon's in them Thanks @lubber-de #286
- Message - Fixed issue causing compact icon variation from having a 100% width Thanks @lubber-de #279
- List - Fixed issue with list conflicting with list icons Thanks @lubber-de #281
- Popup - Fixed correct usage for
Thanks @lubber-de #278 - Table - Fixed issue with images in table cells not working Thanks @lubber-de #227
- Table - Fixed table wide vertical text alignment Thanks @lubber-de #251
- Placeholder - Fixed issue with `im...
Version 2.6.4 - November 15, 2018
- Progress - Display dark text on inverted backgrounds Thanks @lubber-de #196
- Calendar - Add ability to disable days of the week Thanks @prudho #199
- Calendar - Added ability to disable specific date(s) Thanks @exoego #211
- Dimmer - Added support for using dimmers partially on top, center and bottom Thanks @lubber-de #186
- Item - Added inverted variant Thanks @lubber-de #232
- Statistic - Added stackable variation Thanks @prudho #237
- Popup - Add size and basic variation to none javascript popup Thanks @prudho #202
- Dimmer - Fixed inverted dimmer text color Thanks @lubber-de #187
- Popup - Fixed the method used to check for svg support Thanks @lubber-de #192
- Dropdown - Fixed issue causing multi select dropdowns being pushed down Thanks @lubber-de #195
- Dropdown - Fixed issue making dropdowns open/close bubbling on key select Thanks @lubber-de #190
- Dropdown - Fixed dropdown listening to events when not open Thanks @lubber-de #188
- Dropdown - Fixed issue with
showOnFocus: false
preventing click to open dropdown Thanks @lubber-de #193 - Dropdown - Fixed IE11 submenu selection triggered menu opening Thanks @lubber-de #189
- Dropdown - Fixed issue with
simple dropdown
preventing submenu items from being clicked Thanks @lubber-de #203 - Dropdown - Fixed issue preventing user additions from being cleared when using
Thanks @lubber-de #244 - Dropdown - Fixed issue allowing users to select dropdown text incorrectly Thanks @lubber-de #246
- Segment - Fixed issue with colored inverted segments not being raised Thanks @ColinFrick #206
- Menu - Fixed pointing menu arrows not being colored in inverted colored menus Thanks @exoego #204
- Menu - Fixed dropdown inside menus not reflecting correct styling Thanks @exoego #218
- Modal - Fixed issue making large content images from going out of the modal content Thanks @lubber-de #209
- Modal - Fixed inverted modals having incorrect close icon color Thanks @lubber-de #208
- Icons - Fixed corner icon size in icon headers Thanks @exoego #212
- Icons - Fixed icon alignment Thanks @exoego #229
- List - Fixed an issue making lists ignore
Thanks @lubber-de #224 - List - Fixed issue with icons and wrapped images not being inline and wrapped or wrongly aligned Thanks @lubber-de #242
- Form - Fixed dropdown widths being incorrect when inside a form Thanks @exoego #238
Version 2.6.3 - October 18, 2018
- Calendar - Added ability to set
via HTML attributes Thanks @prudho #177 - Calendar - Added ability to disable a calendar Thanks @prudho #176
- Icons - Updated to FontAwesome 5.4.1 Thanks @hammy2899 #166
- Toast - Added color variants Thanks @lubber-de #170
- Toast - Added progress bar support Thanks @lubber-de #139
- Toast - Added icon support Thanks @lubber-de #139
- Toast - Added close icon support Thanks @lubber-de #139
- Toast - Added stacking animation support Thanks @lubber-de #139
- Modal - Added inverted variant Thanks @lubber-de #108
- Form - Added better transparent input and textarea errors Thanks @lubber-de #107
- Form - Added inverted textarea variation Thanks @lubber-de #161
- Dimmer - Added intensity variations
very light
Thanks @lubber-de #162
- Icons - Fixed corner position when using some icons within a group Thanks @prudho #183
- Header - Fixed top attached headers having no top border when content was above them Thanks @ColinFrick #180
- Dropdown - Fixed some issues with clearable dropdowns due to the SUI implementation Thanks @ColinFrick #171
- Dropdown - Fixed an issue with clearable dropdowns not getting enabled correctly Thanks @prudho #155
- Dropdown - Fixed an issue with searchable dropdowns reopening after an option is selected Thanks @lubber-de #153
- Button - Fixed some issues with buttons due to LESS support Thanks @ColinFrick #175
- Toast - Fixed top and bottom center positions with scrolling pages Thanks @lubber-de #167
- Progress - Fixed a performance issue with the animation Thanks @ColinFrick #2316
- Placeholder - Fixed an issue with transition hide not working Thanks @lubber-de #6608
The following changes where merged from a new Semantic-UI release
- Embed - Embed will now correctly remove DOM metadata on
- Grid - Fix issue with
very relaxed vertically divided grid
having wrong margins on dividers
Version 2.6.1 - October 2, 2018
- Icon - Fixed comments icon from conflicting while inside comments component Thanks @ColinFrick #133
- Modal - Fixed fullscreen modal from being stuck to the left of the screen Thanks @ColinFrick #135
- Modal - Fixed fullscreen modals not working in IE11 Thanks @ColinFrick #136
Build Tools
- Changed bower and composer package names from Semantic to Fomantic Thanks @salaros #140
- Updated build process to use gulp 4 which removes dependency vulnerabilities **Thanks @acconrad #6566
- Refactored buttons file to reducing the amount of code Thanks @ColinFrick #142
Version 2.6.0 - September 18, 2018
Reason behind version jump: The new 2.6 release might look a little funny since we just released 2.5 but we thought it was necessary to bump a minor patch since the new SUI release introducing a new component and we want to stick to the SUI versioning scheme. We also added the new toast component so we didn't have to wait until the next feature release.
New Components
- Header - Fixed header content not being displayed when in an accordion element Thanks @ColinFrick #103
- Menu - Fixed inconsistent icon spacing in dropdown menus Thanks @prudho #111
- Checkbox - Fixed
firing on init Thanks @ColinFrick #115 - Message - Fixed colored floating messages not having box shadow Thanks @ColinFrick #124
- Calendar - Added support for
to show the week number on the left of the calendar Thanks @lubber-de #113 - Modal - Pressing ESC now only closes the currently active modal when multiple are present Thanks @prudho #118
The following changes where merged from a new Semantic-UI release
includes a new componentplaceholder
. To use this component in your existing SUI site, be sure to add@placeholder: 'default';
to yourtheme.config
. You can see an example intheme.config.example
New Components
- Placeholder - Added
ui placeholder
that can be used to show where content will soon appear.
New UI Type
- Segment - Added new
ui placeholder segment
used to reserve space for UI when content is missing or empty.
Major Enhancements
- Dropdown - Added
dropdowns. Whenclearable: true
is specified an (X) will appear to clear dropdown selection #2072 - Modal/Dimmer - Modals and dimmers now include a new setting
which defaults toauto
. Modals and dimmers will automatically revert to using non-flex layouts when there may be layout issues with using flexbox. Modals will fall back to JS position whendetachable: false
is used or with IE11/Edge (Absolutely positioned elements inside flex containers in IE behave differently).
Critical Bugs
- Modal - Fixed issue where
scrolling modal
would not allow for scrolling with touch devices. #6449 - Label - Fixed issue where
basic label
were appearing incorrectly Thanks @lasley and @ColinFrick #6582 #6440 - Menu/Dropdown - Fixed
left menu
insideui menu
would display horizontally asflex
- Dimmer - Dimmer now sets
at runtime, to support run-time swapping betweentop aligned
andmiddle aligned
using.dimmer('setting', 'variation', 'top aligned')
- Dropdown - Fixed issue where
when used withaction: hide
would be missing the third param$item
#6555 - Flag - Add
alias forunited kingdom
Thanks @PhilipGarnero #6531 - Icon - Fixes missing
disk outline icon
alias #6556 - List - Fixed issue where list
would not take up 100% width when used alongsideimg
- Menu/Dropdown - Fixes dropdown item margin not obeyed inside
labeled icon menu
#6557 - Modal - Fixes
theming variable was not implemented - Modal - Modal now will remove
after undimming, to prevent issues withposition: fixed
Minor Changes
- Dropdown -
inline dropdown
close icon
default right margin default spacing slightly modified.
Version 2.5.0 - September 3, 2018
Major Enhancements
- Calendar - Added the calendar module 🎉 big thanks to @mdehoog for creating the module and thanks to @prudho for the port #8
- Range - Added the range slider module 🎉 big thanks to @tyleryasaka for creating the module and thanks to @hammy2899 fro the port #78
- Icons - Updated icons to FontAwesome 5.3.1 Thanks @hammy2899 #6395 You can also generate the icons yourself including FA5 Pro using the fomantic-ui-icon-script
- Loader - Added color variants Thanks @hammy2899 #73
- Label - Added primary and secondary colored variants Thanks @hammy2899
- Search - Added ability to disable action link via
actionURL: false
Thanks @hammy2899 #6490 - Menu - Added
modifier allowing center aligned menus and tabs Thanks @ColinFrick #5589 - Flags - Added
as an alias for United Kingdom Thanks @hammy2899 - Comments - Added inverted variation Thanks @prudho #88
- Feed - Added inverted variation Thanks @prudho #89
- Form - Added transparent variation for textareas Thanks @LewHgh
- Step - Added inverted variation Thanks @prudho #93
- Cards - Added horizontal variation Thanks @hammy2899 #6534
- Cards - Added inverted variation Thanks @prudho #3478
- Grid - Added
andvery compact
variations Thanks @prudho #99
- Label - Fixed ribbon label background color Thanks @hammy2899 #6497
- Search - Fixed
set value
unable to work insideonSelect
callback Thanks @hammy2899 #6454 - Checkbox - Fixed toggle not having
class when initialized in a 'checked' state Thanks @ColinFrick #2506 - Build Tools - Fixed update not working because of incorrect repo name Thanks @hammy2899 #84
- Accordion - Fixed an issue making inactive accordions have wrong display value when using different HTML elements Thanks @ColinFrick #6351
- Step - Fixed weird counter behavior Thanks @prudho #92
- Build Tools - Fixed compatibility issue with less >= 3.5 due to math changes Thanks @ColinFrick #6512
Version 2.4.4 - July 26, 2018
- Loader - Added speed variants slow (.9s) and fast (.3s) and default (.6s) Thanks @LewHgh #6138
- Rating - Add the ability to start a disabled rating trough the
class Thanks @prudho #76
- Dropdown - Fixed clearable dropdown icon margin Thanks @prudho #67
- Dropdown - Fixed pointing menu pointer still shown after menu is collapsed Thanks @prudho #70
- Icon - Fixed icon group margin when inside a button Thanks @prudho #68
- Icon - Fixed icon group position when inside of menu items Thanks @prudho #6491
- Header - Fixed incorrect attached header top margin Thanks @prudho #5436
- Form - Fixed textarea incorrect font-family Thanks @hammy2899 #5546
Version 2.4.3 - July 9, 2018
- Dropdown - Fixed inverted dropdown message color being applied to all dropdowns Thanks @hammy2899 #58
- Build Tools - Fixed docs build tools error when using latest node version Thanks @hammy2899 #54
- Button - Fixed tertiary buttons having basic background on active state Thanks @hammy2899 #60
The following changes where merged from a new Semantic-UI release
Bug Fixes
- Search - Passing in
cache: false
will now affect default settings forapiSettings
when using a remote endpoint. Previously you would also have to pass inapiSettings: { cache: false}
as well - CSS - Update LESS syntax to be compatible with LESS 3.0 Thanks @sciyoshi #6447
- Icon - Several icon names have been deprecated due to incompatibility with
transition in
andtransition out
used in animations.
linkedin in
is nowlinkedin alternate
zoom in
is nowzoom-in
zoom out
is nowzoom-out
sign in
is nowsign-in
sign out
is nowsign-out
log out
is nowlogout
in cart
is nowin-cart