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Releases: firebase/firebase-tools


06 Mar 21:14
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  • Fixed issue where apps:init fails to detect the output directory when it was run in a directory where app was the only module.
  • Set LOG_EXECUTION_ID=true by default for Cloud Functions (2nd gen) to improve debugging by displaying execution IDs in logs. (#8276)
  • Fix bug where function deployment no-oped for functions in bad state. (#8289)
  • Updated the Firebase Data Connect local toolkit to v1.8.4 which includes the following changes: (#8290)
    • React hooks for mutations without args no longer require undefined to be passed when calling mutate.
    • Fixed import resolution when moduleResolution is set to bundler.
    • React code generation will now generate a README explaining how to use generated query and mutation hook functions.
    • Fixed an issue where React developers have to pass in an empty object even when all fields are optional.
    • Fixed an issue where FirebaseError wasn't being passed into UseMutationOptions.


27 Feb 21:19
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  • Replaced VSCODE_CWD check to address issues running in VSCode environments. (#7471)
  • Added initial delay when loading python functions (#8239)
  • Enforced webframeworks enablement only on webframeworks sites (#8168)
  • Fixed issue where apps:init throws an error upon app creation.
  • Reenabled prompts for unused service deletion in deploy --only.
  • Update Firebase Data Connect local toolkit to v1.8.3, which includes the following changes: (#8263)
    • Adds a _metadata.distance field to vector similarity search results
    • Fixes auth and request.auth when the request is unauthenticated
    • Fixes an issue with hanging commas in import statements in the generated Web SDK
    • Fixes an issue where the additional union type { __angular?: true } breaks type inference in the generated Web SDK


19 Feb 23:28
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  • Fixed an issue where --import path was incorrectly resolved for the Data Connect emulator. (#8219)
  • Updated the Firebase Data Connect local toolkit to v1.8.2 which fixes an issue with a missing FirebaseError import. (#8232)


13 Feb 23:21
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  • Fixed issue where firebase init dataconnect would crash on React-based web apps.
  • Updated the Firebase Data Connect local toolkit to v.1.8.1, which:
    • Fixed issue where users who are using a version lower than 11.3.0 of firebase get a "missing import" error.


12 Feb 22:48
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  • Switched Data Connect from v1beta API to v1 API.
  • Added code generation of React hooks for Data Connect
  • Genkit init improvements around gcloud login and flow input values.
  • Added new command apps:init under experimental flag (appsinit) that automatically detects what SDK to download and places the file in the corresponding place.
  • Removed dependencies on some packages and methods that caused deprecation warnings on Node 22.
  • Fixes symbol generation when uploading Unity 6 symbols to Crashlytics. (#7867)
  • Fixed SSR issues in Angular 19 by adding support for default and reqHandler exports. (#8145)
  • Added Angular 19 as supported version. (#8145)
  • Fixed appdistribution:testers:list raising an error when a tester is not part of any group. (#8191)
  • Updated the Firebase Data Connect local toolkit to v1.8.0, which includes several changes: (#8210)
    • Adds support for the v1 Data Connect API in the emulator
    • Adds support for generated React SDKs
    • Fixes @check to also be evaluated for admin auth
    • Fixes CEL expressions to be able to access @redact fields


04 Feb 23:14
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  • Fixed issue where Extensions deployment fails due to * not being recognized as a valid Storage bucket name. (#8152)
  • Fixes issue with custom 404 pages not being returned in Next.js in the emulator (#8035).
  • Annotate onCallGenkit functions to allow for future Firebase Console annotations (#8135)
  • Adds genkit 1.0.0 template (#8144)


30 Jan 17:56
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  • Fixed a Data Connect emulator issue where prepared statements would be persisted after terminated connections.
  • Added a warning when deploying a Genkit function without a secret as this is likely a bug (#8138)
  • Fixed .env.* files for web frameworks in Windows (#8086)
  • Updated the Firebase Data Connect local toolkit to v1.7.7, which includes fixes in Dart code generation around required argument typing, and changes the emulator to always serve local connector sources and surface errors if they're invalid or schema migration fails. (#8153)


22 Jan 22:49
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  • Updated cross-env and cross-spawn dependencies to avoid vulnerable versions. (#7979)
  • Fixed an issue with the Data Connect emulator where dataDir and --export were relative to the current directory insead of firebase.json.
  • init dataconnect now suggests DNS compatible service IDs.
  • Updated the Firebase Data Connect local toolkit to v1.7.6, which includes several bug fixes:
    • Fixed an issue in generated Dart code when an operation name ends in a number
    • Fixed an issue with @check and @redact directives on list fields
    • Fixed an issue with null literals in any type fields


13 Dec 21:20
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  • Fixed an issue where clearData with no tables would cause the Data Connect emulator to crash.
  • Fixed an issue where the Data Connect emulator would crash with Error: Unreachable.


12 Dec 22:43
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  • Changes default CF3 runtime to nodejs22 (#8037)
  • Fixed an issue where --import would error for the Data Connect emulator if dataDir was also set.
  • Fixed an issue where firebase init dataconnect errored when importing a schema with no GQL files.
  • Fixed an issue where the Data Connect emulator would not cleanly shut down Postgres and corrupt data. (#8044)
  • CF3 callables can now be annotate with a genkit action they are serving. (#8039)
  • HTTPS functions can now be upgraded to HTTPS Callable functions. (#8039)
  • Update default tsconfig to support more modern defaults. (#8039)
  • Added validation for project ID and project name during firebase init (#2514)
  • Update the Firebase Data Connect local toolkit to v1.7.5, which includes a fix for Kotlin codegen that ensures that generated XxxKeys.kt files include the required @file:UseSerializers(UUIDSerializer::class) annotation. (#8058)