Releases: JuliaControl/ControlSystems.jl
Releases · JuliaControl/ControlSystems.jl
ControlSystems v1.9.0
Merged pull requests:
- more coverage (#893) (@baggepinnen)
- bump compat poly v4 (#899) (@baggepinnen)
- Convert pid parameters to :parallel (#900) (@mzaffalon)
- Add exact frequency-domain translation of discrete systems to continuous time (#902) (@baggepinnen)
- add tutorial analyzing hybrid systems (#903) (@baggepinnen)
Closed issues:
ControlSystems v1.8.2
Merged pull requests:
- try activating coverage for subpackage (#763) (@baggepinnen)
- add section on dealing with model uncertainty in tutorial (#884) (@baggepinnen)
- Upper-bound length of default time vector (#887) (@baggepinnen)
- depend on StaticArraysCore instead of StaticArrays (#888) (@baggepinnen)
- add more emphasis on model uncertainty in tutorial (#889) (@baggepinnen)
- Fix
for delay system (#892) (@baggepinnen) - remove duplicated file (#894) (@baggepinnen)
- better error message in lsim (#895) (@baggepinnen)
- add method to
(#896) (@baggepinnen)
Closed issues:
ControlSystems v1.8.1
Merged pull requests:
- remove automatic field propagation from
(#863) (@baggepinnen) - truncate T in baltrunc (#864) (@baggepinnen)
- add functions to check controllability/observability using the PHB test (#866) (@baggepinnen)
- fix rendering of some equations systems (#868) (@baggepinnen)
- use correct gain type in zpk with length 0 numerator (#870) (@baggepinnen)
- fix transfer function colon indexing (#872) (@baggepinnen)
- fix unwrapping option in bodeplot (#874) (@baggepinnen)
- safe dtmax in continuous lsim (#876) (@baggepinnen)
- fix DelaySS conversion with special number type (#878) (@baggepinnen)
- Incorporate changes from #344 (#881) (@KronosTheLate)
- add tutorial on controller tuning from experimental data (#883) (@baggepinnen)
Closed issues:
- SisoZpk and SisoRational constructors called multiple times from zpk and tf (#387)
- Rendering of state space equations in documentation (#867)
- no method matching zpk for step (#869)
- Using
for indexing does not works onTransferFunction
(#871) - c2d not working with method input (#873)
- change to ControlSystems dosent work for import pkg (#877)
ControlSystems v1.8.0
Closed issues:
& storage format of systems? (#857)
Merged pull requests:
- make schur factorization differentiable (#849) (@baggepinnen)
- fix typos (#858) (@spaette)
- add linearization utility (#859) (@baggepinnen)
- Always draw up to Nyquist frequency for discrete systems (#860) (@baggepinnen)
- add option to design observers with direct term (#861) (@baggepinnen)
- add discretization of cost and covariance matrices (#862) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.7.4
Closed issues:
- Allow place to handle multi input systems (#384)
- zpk view of
structure (#845) sigmaplot
-- possible to just plot largest and smallest singular values? (#846)
Merged pull requests:
- add differentiable versions of are and hinf (#844) (@baggepinnen)
- handle Int in conversion to tf (#847) (@baggepinnen)
- allow plotting of only largest and smallest sigmas (#848) (@baggepinnen)
- simplify AD examples (#850) (@baggepinnen)
- Make continuous-time lyapunov solver differentiable (#851) (@baggepinnen)
- optimize performance of
(#852) (@baggepinnen) - make PD lyap solver differentiable (#853) (@baggepinnen)
- Implementation of
for MIMO systems (#854) (@baggepinnen) - remove wrong imports (#855) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.7.3
Closed issues:
- Polynomials with very small coefficients gets rounded to 0 (#123)
- lsim not working for systems that are not strictly proper (#195)
- iscontinuous function not found (#199)
- Adjustment to dlqr and dlyap (#222)
- Non-positive Ts for continuous types (#447)
- Converting "identity" transfert function with
results inBoundsError
(#828) - delay*tf being recognized as improper even if it is not. (#830)
- Julia v1.9: ControlSystems/-MTK error message (#834)
works -- but gives "wrong" result (#835)bodeplot
... is the magnitude given in dB? (#839)
Merged pull requests:
- handle breaking change in Polynomials (#829) (@baggepinnen)
- better error message for improper delay conversion (#831) (@baggepinnen)
- remove instance with h where it should be Ts (#832) (@albheim)
- apply numerical balancing before plotting (#836) (@baggepinnen)
- make
work for more system types (#837) (@baggepinnen) - add precompilation workload (#838) (@baggepinnen)
- optimize performance of
(#840) (@baggepinnen) - try harder to return the correct type from matrix comps (#841) (@baggepinnen)
- add AD to lqr opt (#842) (@baggepinnen)
- Add interface to DSP (#843) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.7.2
Closed issues:
- wrong frequency response of systems with delay (#824)
Merged pull requests:
- add note on how to obtain Riccati solution to docstring (#821) (@baggepinnen)
- Autolqr (#822) (@baggepinnen)
- add simple robustness analysis (#823) (@baggepinnen)
- add more examples to time response (#825) (@baggepinnen)
- Update Project.toml (#826) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.7.0
Closed issues:
- ControlSystemIdentification and ControlSystems failed to precompile in Julia 1.8.5 (#812)
causes a stackoverflow on DelayLtiSystem (#815)
Merged pull requests:
- Charpoly computation improved (#804) (@stepanoslejsek)
- use inplace exp! to save allocs (#806) (@baggepinnen)
- apply statespace balancing in pid constructor (#807) (@baggepinnen)
- add notes on linearizing dynamics using AD (#808) (@baggepinnen)
- Fixes for
for polynomials (#809) (@baggepinnen) - Add ControlSystemsBase compat for Polyester 0.7 (#810) (@jaakkor2)
- fix tests for nightly (#813) (@baggepinnen)
- Missing backticks (#814) (@mzaffalon)
- prevent stackoverflow on feedback with kwargs (#816) (@baggepinnen)
- improve
docs (#818) (@baggepinnen) - add
function and use in plots (#819) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.6.1
Closed issues:
- Docstrings for Bode and Nyquist plot functions specify incorrect indexing (#797)
- marginplot + setPlotScale("dB") = no magnitude plot (#798)
Merged pull requests:
- fix pid with Ts keyword (#755) (@baggepinnen)
- Use
yscale --> _PlotScaleFunc
in some plot recipes (#799) (@baggepinnen) - warn more against high-order transfer functions (#800) (@baggepinnen)
- handle Infinite delay margins (#801) (@baggepinnen)
- plot the phase guide at the correct phase (#802) (@baggepinnen)
- add
(#803) (@baggepinnen) - relax some conversion signatures (#805) (@baggepinnen)