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Jonathan Green edited this page Aug 1, 2018 · 9 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:

  • Time: 1:00pm Eastern Daylight Time US (UTC-4)
  • Zoom link:
  • IRC:
    • Join the #islandora chat room via Freenode Web IRC (enter a unique nick)
    • Or point your IRC client to #islandora on


  • Paul Clifford 🌠
  • Daniel Lamb
  • Melissa Anez
  • Bryan Brown
  • Donald Moses
  • Marcus Barnes
  • Mark Jordan
  • Minnie Rangel
  • Rosie LeFaive
  • Jonathan Green


  1. Sandbox projects on
  2. Please merge:
  3. For discussion:
  4. For discussion:
  5. For discussion:
  6. Batch upload?
  7. ... (feel free to add agenda items)



  • Danny took the Drupal modules put them on as sandbox modules
  • Core Islandora was already there, but it's been updated pointing to CLAW
  • Will be able to use Composer, etc.
  • This does not affect our workflow for the time being

Link to Project Documentation in main CLAW README #883

  • We do that now!
  • Someone please merge

Batch upload

  • It's there implicitly
  • Adding items to a collection from a CSV
  • That's what Drupal migrate is for
  • It's not hard! Danny has done it!
  • Will send links to Paul
  • Sprint will help with this
  • Separate YAML files will run as separate migrations
  • Seth Shaw has an example
  • No need for a custom module at this point
  • Also can use REST api
  • This come up before learning about migrate
  • It was Mark Jordan learning about REST api

Use canonical urls for entity references when serializing JSON-LD #887

  • If you request JSONLD from Drupal, all the URLs are suffixed with the request parameter
  • Hopefully get some more voices and opinions
  • A simpler URL might be best
  • Current workaround for lack of content negotiation is in the REST API
  • You cannot currently query Drupal for what MIME types it will accept
  • There is a work around using another REST query

Add more granular fields for taxonomy terms #888

  • How can we better handle the tags
  • We should spilt them into multiple vocabs and fields
  • e.g. Access Control field with admin permissions
  • What a node represents (media type) and how it's used should be spilt out (i.e. content model)
  • It's just a proposal, would like to get it out of the way before demoing it to more people
  • Also, how we handle terms in RDF is related to this
  • We will probably want to:
  1. If external URL is available, we probably want to use that (write it out)
  2. Content model type, and media usage type, imply "typeiness"; do we want to stick with user-defined predicate?
  • The types related more to the object, but sometimes the object is the metadata (?)
  • Don't bother apply these things as RDF types
  • Access control is basic functionality that we should provide, at least an example

Make a "whole object" view #886

  • We don't currently offer a "whole object view"; you can request the media individually and the node uses Views to show some of it
  • We could make a amalgamated view that shows everything, but it's hairy with views within views module
  • Digital Echidna has an example online
  • Other way (more work) is to drop some tabs and display them as blocks instead (attachments)
  • Could make a cleaner single display for your average user, and show the blocks for the admin users
  • We've structured things to align with Fedora's idiosyncrasies (i.e. the many members problem)
  • We get a performance boost but we lose the singular document that's the whole object
  • It's possible to request api-x something that would amalgamate everything
  • You could also index a full document using blank nodes (resource map)
  • Fedora doesn't have a means to search itself (it's odd)
  • Real way is the index everything is a triple store as a named graph, and you'd request that named graph
  • Fedora also doesn't have a way to list it's contents, but you can walk though it using the UI
  • It's been left open on purpose, needs to be refined based on user feedback
  • Can use SPARQL to query Fedora
  • We are not going to orphan objects in Fedora
  • It would would be good to document all the pieces that make up an "object"
  • Our object model as of now is us trying to replicate the 7.x model without running afoul in either Drupal 8 or Fedora 4

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