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Clutch (for Bikes)

Grinch_ edited this page Jan 22, 2024 · 2 revisions

Bike Gear Change Animation


During a bike gear change, a specific component is designed to rotate in the Z-axis. This animation effect is achieved by using a designated node with a specific nomenclature. Below are the instructions to implement the Bike Gear Change Animation.

Node Naming Convention

  • Create a node with the following naming convention: x_clutch_<your_rotation_value>.
    • Replace <your_rotation_value> with the actual rotation value that corresponds to the desired animation effect.


Suppose you want to implement a bike gear change animation with a rotation value of 45 degrees. Your node should be named x_clutch_45. This specific naming convention ensures that the component associated with this node will rotate in the Z-axis during the bike gear change.