What's Changed
- First commit by @ollisco in #3
- Improve CI by @mathiasmagnusson in #21
- Cleanup wpgu for PR by @ollisco in #22
- Setup basic window functionality by @ollisco in #7
- Create a basic ECS by @mathiasmagnusson in #17
- Add escape as quit key by @ollisco in #26
- Type safe ECS queries by @mathiasmagnusson in #32
- Rename ide to example by @DreamplaySE in #34
- ECS - Command Buffers by @mathiasmagnusson in #28
- ECS - Query for Combinations of Entities by @mathiasmagnusson in #33
- Added phong shading and support for a UI-controlled viewport + other changes by @TerraDOOM in #29
- Vinlag/phx by @VincentLagerros in #25
- ECS - Optional Queries by @mathiasmagnusson in #37
- Integrate the ECS and Physics by @mathiasmagnusson in #36
New Contributors
- @ollisco made their first contribution in #3
- @DreamplaySE made their first contribution in #34
- @TerraDOOM made their first contribution in #29
- @VincentLagerros made their first contribution in #25
Full Changelog: https://github.com/inda21plusplus/Project-Delta/commits/v1.0.0