21.6.0 (2021-06-07)
- modal: update modal style (#1027) (c057ff1)
- select: fix select props classname error (#1003) (764e9ee)
21.5.3 (2021-05-28)
- loading: add parentheses in loading/index.less (#1013) (003a71d)
- table: if columns or data changed, status reset (#1004) (5347246)
- drawer: support change drawer content (#1014) (b4bdfe1)
- progress: add Progress bar active animation (#1006) (014cc31)
- table: add row selection tooltip (#1015) (75abb96)
- table: support sorter and filter controll (#1016) (bf9c6e2)
21.5.2 (2021-05-21)
- loading: fix wrapper loading and loading text not align (#995) (571369b)
- tooltip, popover, popconfirm: fix arrow not point at target element center (#1002) (6c79e09)
21.5.1 (2021-05-14)
- button: update button styles (#979) (849dc1d)
- loading: fix loading autocenter not align (#985) (32728d5)
- select: tooltip and style (#989) (543f1ef), closes #975
- tree: tree组件样式问题 (#991) (b05afa1)
21.5.0 (2021-05-08)
- loading: update loading style (9999e13)
21.4.5 (2021-04-29)
- some components centered (#965) (a366c84)
- banner: update banner (icon centered,two message shuould space-between) (#963) (c497a53)
21.4.4 (2021-04-25)
21.4.3 (2021-04-22)
- add list pro component (6f535c2)
- button: update button styles (#946) (3052cfa)
- page: add forbidden page (#952) (6ffeb87)
- button: button type prop update
21.4.2 (2021-04-16)
21.4.1 (2021-04-16)
- cascader: fix search clear (#939) (ae12d4c)
- select: select search normal not focus (#927) (16aaeb0)
- tree-select: 修复tree-select组件的样式问题 (#936) (5624055)
- avatar: update avatar style (#929) (8ee15e8)
- tree: update tree style (#938) (42718b9)
- replace getTooltipContainer with getContainer (#919) (3207984)
- cascader: getParentByValue (#917) (c8717b7)
- select: text ellipsis error (#920) (da73353), closes #914
21.3.4 (2021-03-31)
- select clear disabled: select disabled not show closeComponent (4cbcfb1)
- list: upgrade list-lite to list (0847d76), closes #754
- set @gio-design/icons and @gio-design/tokens as peer dependencies (#911) (908e4f1)
- list: Refactor list component with new api.
- set @gio-design/icons and @gio-design/tokens as peer dependencies.
21.3.3 (2021-03-26)
- table: update style, add gio-table-row-selected class on seleted row (eaf35d5)
21.3.2 (2021-03-19)
- layout: set maxWidth: auto can not cover previous value (#885) (151a679)
- loading: not align center when set loading false (#884) (11cbb62)
- modal: add ref (#878) (c85f0a9)
- select: empty style (1a618ab)
- select: searchable => searchType (#881) (ac32635)
- tree-select: 解决slide动画引发的bug (#883) (09ab70d)
- select: delete searchable and add searchType
21.3.0 (2021-03-05)
- table: fixed column border and box-shadow disappered (6d14bba)
- layout: sider open status should have shadow (840a2c1)
- tabnav: when activekey is given, ink-bar will not display (c8fb258)
- loading: loading vertical align (b765200)
- feat: add the lite version of list (e3df889)
21.2.4 (2021-02-28)
- cascader: 修复逻辑判断永远不成立的问题(#824) (4d14b5c)
- layout, menu: fix onCollapse called logic; add z-index on submenu (#825) (fcad655)
21.2.3 (2021-02-23)
- radio: modifies the text color of the disabled selected state(#815) (596700d)
- menu: remove background color (#804) (d405547)
- menu: fix color error (#817) (3e46996)
- input, search-bar: update the style of component (#801) (87da0d7)
21.2.2 (2021-02-20)
- button: 互换 Button 在 Dropdown 中 hover 和 active 状态 (#779) (a01b868)
- select: fix select autoWidth invalid (#775) (9711f8b)
- breadcrumb: update the size of font and separator (#794) (b415a80)
- layout: add fixed prop (#790) (5ab8417)
- menu: change menu design (#763) (5f9e399)
- menu: 移除了默认打开submenu, 需要手动设置openkeys
21.2.0 (2021-02-05)
- select: option disabled style (#762) (95cc0c0)
- table: fix both use ellipsis and onFilter error (#770) (4722d54)
- tree-select: exported from index
- button, dropdown: 触发 dropdown 组件下拉时,应该保持 active 状态 (#771) (ec88ae4)
- steps: add steps component (#766) (e46c67e)
- toggles, link, tag: add stories
21.1.3 (2021-01-25)
- grid: add Row and Col components (#734) (57d63a1)
- layout: add layout component (#722) (31e4517)
- modal: modify step modal, replace back login with cancel (#736) (5b0469f)
- select: independent select (#735) (4f0928f), closes #677
- modal: replace back login with cancal
21.1.2 (2021-01-14)
21.1.1 (2021-01-08)
- input: 修复 input.number 输入框能输入字符串的问题 (#701) (1fb6a64)
- 修正没有搜索结果的判断逻辑 (#699) (3cc7fd1)
- modal: set correct max-height (#691) (1cb5421)
- toggles: 修复 toggles 组件 checked 不可控 (#689) (e5feb76)
- tree-select: fix the tree-select style problems (#690) (d8b3cd1)
- avatar: use the default avatar when src and children do not exist (#697) (2aa3f49)
- card: add card component (#692) (0726725)
- list: add allowDeselect prop (#695) (9c4138e)