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Personal Log: David Brookins

David Brookins edited this page Apr 25, 2015 · 10 revisions

September 7, 2014:

Met with group for the first time. Went through requirements for Milestone #1. Roles assigned to group. Set up schedule for meeting. Brainstormed a general concept for the ADA app. Registered for github. Also, as customer liaison, reached out to client via e-mail. Still awaiting response.

September 14, 2014:

During the week arranged meeting with client - set for 6:30pm on Wednesday, September 17th. Created Persona #1 and posted it to github. Met with group, discussed the Wednesday client meeting (including work on a list of questions for that meeting), discussed general design and looked ahead to milestone due next week. Worked through introductory Android tutorial (hello world) and will continue learning android programming.

September 21, 2014:

Met with the client on Wednesday for approximately 1 hour. Discussed the app, shared various ideas, using her input we also narrowed down a few key elements of the app. Met with my group today and each of us roughly sketched one design (2 pages per). Each will be sent to the client to get her opinion and which she prefers as well as what changes she'd make. Meeting with Vidal planned for tomorrow at noon.

September 28, 2014:

Sent client the rough designs we worked on last Sunday for feedback and received some. Met with the group and everyone worked on the detailed designs. Specifically, everyone worked on the homepage together and then each of us worked on other pages. My pages were the ones for the calculator. Continued working through tutorials and other materials about android programming.

October 5, 2014:

Sent client the detailed designs we finished last Sunday for feedback, still waiting to hear back from her. Did some light reading on github functionality. Created and tweaked hello world app. Uploaded app to my phone and it runs smoothly. Set up github desktop program and synced to the hub, got the program Parker posted.

October 12, 2014:

Created a new design for the calculator based off notes from the meeting with Dr. Vidal. Uploaded it to the wiki for the milestone and wrote detailed description on functionality, linking, etc. Met with group. Still waiting to hear back from client on designs.

October 19, 2014:

Met with group on architecture of the app. Read more information on android app development. Meeting with Vidal tomorrow. Otherwise, nothing.

October 27, 2014:

No meeting (due to Fall Break). Began work on the calculator section of the app.

November 3, 2014:

Met with group. Met with Dr. Vidal. Did the pull/commit requirement. Built the most up-to-date version of the app on my PC and my phone. Further worked out plans for calculator.

November 10, 2014:

Little done this week due to exams in all classes. Once final exam finished (Wednesday) more work will be completed.

November 17, 2014:

Worked on adding buttons to the calculator main page. Worked on general functionality of the calculator. Met with group.

November 24, 2014:

Finished button layout for calculator main page. Waiting on testing. Created new page for the parking spot calculator.

December 1, 2014:

Met with group. Finished parking spot calculator and tested it. Added checks to ensure proper input. Now have a fully functional calculator for the demo next Saturday. Got in touch with the client and updated her on our progress. Planning to demo the app for her after the first of the year. Vidal meeting, planned demo of app for him.

January 21, 2015:

Discussed testing with group. Met with Vidal for bi-weekly meeting. Reaching out to client to arrange a meeting to demo the app. Will be working on calculator over next week and weekend.

January 28, 2015:

Arranged a meeting with the client to demo the app. That date is Feb 6th at 5pm. Worked on the calculator and now the keyboard will drop whenever the Calculate button is pressed. Also, the instructions at the bottom of the screen will appear and disappear with subsequent presses of the button. Planning to clean up the code then use it as a basis for the other calculator functions.

February 4th, 2015:

More work on the calculator section. Prepping to meet with client.

February 11th, 2015:

Met with client and two other Able SC employees. Demoed the app for them, got feedback on multiple aspects of the app. Started working on changes and other aspects they suggested. Continuing to tweak calculators.

February 22nd, 2015:

Was sick from 2/15 - 2/21 and wasn't able to get any work done. Missed meeting with Vidal on 2/18 due to illness. Will continue to work on Calculator (and hopefully finish it) this week.

March 1st, 2015:

Continued work. Calculator is now the Quick Reference section due to only one section needing a calculator. Will have all sections done for beta.

March 8th, 2015:

Finished all sections. Information is there, will work on presentation and layout. Reached out to client with several questions about the content of the ADA standards, no reply yet.

March 15th, 2015:

Spring Break.

March 22nd, 2015:

Met with Matt. Discussed changes to the QR section. Looked through code and brainstormed a method to present the section in a way similar to what was suggested by Dr. Vidal. Worked on two sections as tests and got feedback from the group.

March 30th, 2015:

Finished work on all sections of the QR section. Design is completely different now. All text contained in strings.xml. Did some proof reading and bug testing before pushing the update. Quick Reference ready for RC1. Still no reply from client.

April 7th, 2015:

Group we are supposed to test app for is using iOS, and only one of our group has an apple product. So, we're waiting for an opportunity to meet up and test it together. Will address bugs suggested by other group about our app.

April 15th, 2015:

Met with group to review other group's app. Discovered and documented multiple bugs. Cleaned up code a little. Final meeting with Vidal. Small things to do before final presentation.

April 22nd, 2015:

Did more minor adjustments to code. Will finish cleaning it up and documenting everything. Will be ready by presentation day.

April 25th, 2015:

Finalized QR section code including notation. Removed the older style pages and xml files. Got in touch with our client, Mrs. Tissot, and linked her to the webpage so that she could see the video and the screenshots. Good feedback.