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Coordinating Meeting May 25th 2018 11:30 am AST

David Keiser-Clark edited this page Jun 1, 2018 · 5 revisions
  • Chair: Mark Baggett
  • Notes: Donald Moses

Per: Schedule

This meeting will be held using Zoom:

  • Attending:


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Gabriela)
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)


Islandora Camps

Round Table

Next meeting June 8th:

  • Chair: Donald Moses
  • Notes: Melissa Anez

Notes (Mark J.)

Old business

Mark J asked about tests for modules undergoing LSAP. Mark will also transfer owenship to islandora-labs.

New business

  • Question about IGs using Zoom. Mark J. said that as soon as Melissa returns we'll be getting a zoom account that we can all use. David W. offered some advice on how to hold a call when the host is not present.
  • Update from yesterday's Release call
    • Discussion around using the DuraSpace wiki for user docs
    • Rosie summarized the discussion about including screencaps in a /docs folder in each repo. Committers group asked the CC to decide.
    • Danny said there is precedence in CLAW repos.
    • Will offered that putting user docs in repos would require that docs would then fall under developer workflows.
    • Rosie: Github wiki is not subject to committer workflows.
    • David KC: Wikis aren't forked with repos.
    • Rosie reminded us that we're talking about a documentation migration; Mark J suggested that we wait until Melissa returns in order to start scoping this project. The Documentation IG is currently on hiatus.
    • Will: the readmes and the wiki have different audiences.
    • Mark B. reminded us that the release documentation managers are tasked with making sure the readme and the wiki pages are consistent.
    • Rosie: Or at least the readmes should not be inconsistent with the wiki.
    • David KC: "the readme should be understandable by multiple stakeholders."
    • Lots of discussion around how to get this done. Group decided to form a small subgroup (David KC, Rosie, Mark B.) to draft up a project description and bring it back to the next CC meeting. This description is not a project plan, it just sets the rationale, goals and scope of the project.
  • LAZR: Notes to come.

IG reports


  • Seth will fix the latest Travis bug
  • Danny demod his work on Flysystem integration
    • Showed A test site that will not stay at this location, but shows how far along CLAW is.
    • Danny wants to have a CLAW sprint as soon as the 7.x release is out to pull together CLAW documentation and testing strategies.
    • Have been evaluating Drupal "Features", which allows configuration to be exported and reused in other Drupal instances.
    • Hoping to also have a face-to-face meet up just prior to the Halifax Camp.

Islandora Camps

  • iCamp EU teeshirt has been ordered. Thanks Rosie for the design.

Round Table

  • David Keiser-Clark gave updates on the LASIR project for Islandora 7.x Scholar:
    • LASIR is a collaborative project—initially created by the Islandora Collaboration Group (ICG) and funded by nine academic institutions and Born-Digital—that is developing a robust suite of Institutional Repository (IR) features within Islandora to enable the platform to be competitive with the top proprietary and open-source IRs currently available. An IR is a type of digital access and preservation system that focuses on institution-generated scholarly content. LASIR will advance Islandora’s position as a versatile, highly attractive, and affordable platform that will be a viable open-source alternative to commercial solutions. LASIR will build upon existing code to further develop these key IR features:
      • Search engine optimization (SEO) and Google Scholar integration
      • Usage stats/impact factor/assessment, including system-generated visualizations of usage/content
      • Enhanced author profiles for university and college faculty members
      • A generalized and simplified submission workflow
      • Facilitated options to contribute to larger disciplinary networks
      • Complete documentation that is accessible and thorough
    • Bryan Brown and Joanna DiPasquale are the LASIR technical leads and are soliciting involvement from and representation with the rest of the IR community. LASIR has raised $41,000 in contributed funds to move the project forward for Phase I (June-Sept 2018) which will create visual designs and wireframes for new and enhanced IR features. They will be pursuing Phase II, which is the actual development, from Oct 2018 to Sept 2019. Mark J. suggested keeping the known transition to CLAW in mind so that features that are part of this work are consistent with CLAW's capabilities. A future Phase III would involve refactoring 7x IR features for CLAW. Mark Jordan asked if LASIR is familiar with the COAR Next Gen report and David said yes.
    • LASIR Executive Summary
  • Next_person_here

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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