A list of neat projects made in Belgium
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- C
- C++
- ActionScript
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- Go
- Haskell
- Lua
- Matlab
- Objective-C
- Perl
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Scala
- Shell
- Swift
- VimL
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
4372 | @bendc/sprint | A tiny, lightning fast jQuery-like library for modern browsers. | |
3988 | @mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholder | A jQuery plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers that aren’t trying hard enough yet | |
3420 | @luruke/barba.js | Create badass, fluid and smooth transition between your website's pages. | |
2200 | @RobinHerbots/jquery.inputmask | Input Mask plugin | |
2163 | @bendc/animateplus | CSS and SVG animation library | |
826 | @pure/pure | PURE Unobtrusive Rendering Engine for HTML | |
757 | @mathiasbynens/he | A robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript. | |
670 | @bendc/uilang | A minimal, UI-focused programming language for web designers. | |
600 | @rubenv/angular-gettext | Gettext support for Angular.js | |
557 | @gillesdemey/Cumulus | ☁️ A SoundCloud player that lives in your menubar. | |
488 | @mathiasbynens/jsperf.com | jsPerf.com source code | |
459 | @boblemarin/Sprite3D.js | Sprite3D.js, a JS library for generating and manipulating CSS 3D transforms | |
396 | @bendc/animate | Simple animation library | |
380 | @mathiasbynens/mothereff.in | Web developer tools | |
377 | @mathiasbynens/esrever | A Unicode-aware string reverser written in JavaScript. | |
307 | @tvcutsem/harmony-reflect | ES5 shim for ES6 Reflect and Proxy objects | |
290 | @bendc/anchor-scroll | Smooth and lightweight anchor scrolling library | |
218 | @madewulf/MigrationsMap.net | Interactive map of the origin-destination stocks by country | |
217 | @rubenv/grunt-git | Git commands for grunt. | |
216 | @RubenVerborgh/N3.js | Lightning fast, asynchronous, streaming RDF for JavaScript | |
214 | @boblemarin/jQuery.eraser | jQuery plugin that makes an image erasable (with mouse or touch movements) | |
197 | @mathiasbynens/jsesc | A JavaScript library for escaping JavaScript strings while generating the shortest possible valid ASCII-only output. | |
175 | @eschnou/ardrone-webflight | Pilot the AR.Drone 2.0 directly from your browser. Extend the application with plugins to add features such as video recording, autonomous flight, face recognition, and more. | |
175 | @mathiasbynens/utf8.js | A robust JavaScript implementation of a UTF-8 encoder/decoder, as defined by the Encoding Standard. | |
150 | @RubenVerborgh/promiscuous | Small and fast promise library for JavaScript | |
144 | @mathiasbynens/regenerate | Generate JavaScript-compatible regular expressions based on a given set of Unicode symbols or code points. | |
131 | @mathiasbynens/grunt-template | This Grunt plugin interpolates template files with any data you provide and saves the result to another file. | |
120 | @mathiasbynens/tpyo | A small script that enables you to make typos in JavaScript property names. Powered by ES6 proxies + Levenshtein string distance. | |
119 | @eschnou/ardrone-autonomy | Provides key building blocks to create autonomous flight applications with the #nodecopter (AR.Drone). | |
118 | @mathiasbynens/emoji-regex | A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard. | |
104 | @mathiasbynens/jquery-visibility | Page Visibility shim for jQuery | |
100 | @bramus/photoshop-google-map… | PS_Bramus.GoogleMapsTileCutter - A Photoshop script that cuts image tiles from any image for direct use with Google Maps | |
98 | @mathiasbynens/base64 | A robust base64 encoder/decoder that is fully compatible with atob() and btoa()`, written in JavaScript. |
97 | @RubenVerborgh/SPARQL.js | A parser for the SPARQL query language in JavaScript | |
92 | @eschnou/node-ostatus | An OStatus library for node-js. Implementing webfinger, PubSubHubBub, hcard, atom/json activitystreams and salmon. It serves as the building block of a decentralized social network. | |
91 | @mathiasbynens/grunt-zopfli | A Grunt plugin for compressing files using Zopfli. | |
83 | @rubenv/node-systemd | Support for running node.js as a socket-activated service under systemd | |
82 | @mathiasbynens/regexpu | A source code transpiler that enables the use of ES6 Unicode regular expressions in ES5. | |
70 | @mathiasbynens/CSS.escape | A robust polyfill for the CSS.escape utility method as defined in CSSOM. | |
62 | @mathiasbynens/jquery-smooth-scroll… | Smooth anchor scrolling plugin for jQuery. | |
61 | @mathiasbynens/grunt-yui-compressor | A Grunt plugin for compressing JavaScript and CSS files using YUI Compressor. | |
61 | @mathiasbynens/jquery-slideshow | The simplest jQuery slideshow plugin. Evar. | |
50 | @mathiasbynens/luamin | A Lua minifier written in JavaScript | |
47 | @mathiasbynens/unicode-data | Python scripts that generate JavaScript-compatible Unicode data | |
46 | @rubenv/node-apk-parser | Extract Android Manifest info from an APK file. | |
46 | @rubenv/angular-select2 | Select2 directive for Angular.js | |
46 | @bendc/parallax | Layered icons | |
46 | @mathiasbynens/String.prototype.inc… | A robust & optimized ES3-compatible polyfill for the String.prototype.contains method in ECMAScript 6. |
45 | @mathiasbynens/String.prototype.sta… | A robust & optimized ES3-compatible polyfill for the String.prototype.startsWith method in ECMAScript 6. |
42 | @rubenv/angular-gettext-exam… | TodoMVC with angular-gettext added to it. | |
40 | @mathiasbynens/node-unicode-data | JavaScript-compatible Unicode data generator. Arrays of code points, arrays of symbols, and regular expressions for every Unicode version’s categories, scripts, blocks, and properties — neatly packaged into a separate npm package per Unicode version. | |
39 | @rubenv/angular-debounce | Tiny debouncing function for Angular.JS. | |
39 | @TimGeyssens/UmbracoAngularBackof… | Example project showing how to extend Umbraco with a custom tree and edit page using web api and angular | |
38 | @boblemarin/FLU | multiuser interactive installation | |
38 | @rubenv/grunt-angular-gettex… | Tasks for extracting/compiling angular-gettext strings. | |
37 | @mathiasbynens/document.scrollingEl… | A polyfill for document.scrollingElement as defined in the CSSOM specification. | |
36 | @mathiasbynens/Array.from | A robust & optimized ES3-compatible polyfill for the Array.from method in ECMAScript 6. |
35 | @teddykishi/DOM-Particles | Create a DOM particle system | |
34 | @mathiasbynens/String.prototype.at | A robust & optimized ES3-compatible polyfill for the String.prototype.at proposal for ECMAScript 6/7. |
34 | @mathiasbynens/unicode-8.0.0 | JavaScript-compatible Unicode data. Arrays of code points, arrays of symbols, and regular expressions for Unicode v8.0.0’s categories, scripts, blocks, bidi, and other properties. | |
33 | @bramus/simple-rest-api-expl… | A simple way to showcasing and exploring all endpoints of your RESTful API. | |
32 | @bendc/jscss | JavaScript style sheets | |
31 | @eschnou/ardrone-panorama | Take 360° panoramic pictures with an ar-drone. | |
30 | @bendc/search-filter | Animated search filter plugin | |
29 | @TimGeyssens/UIOMatic | Auto generate an integrated crud UI in Umbraco for a db table based on a petapoco poco | |
28 | @gillesdemey/node-record-lpcm16 | 🎤 Records a 16-bit signed-integer linear pulse modulation code encoded audio file. | |
27 | @rubenv/node-autoquit | Automatically quit node.js servers when inactive. | |
27 | @boblemarin/TheBox | My Submission to the march 2012 Mozilla DevDerby about CSS 3D | |
transforms. A simple and interactive 3D scene using Sprite3D.js | |||
26 | @mathiasbynens/String.prototype.cod… | A robust & optimized String.prototype.codePointAt polyfill, based on the ECMAScript 6 specification. |
26 | @RubenVerborgh/HDT-Node | Native bindings for Node.js to access HDT compressed triple files. | |
26 | @doomhz/jQuery-Image-Cache | Cache base64 encoded images in modern browser Local Storage with this jQuery plugin. | |
26 | @mathiasbynens/unicode-7.0.0 | JavaScript-compatible Unicode data. Arrays of code points, arrays of symbols, and regular expressions for Unicode v7.0.0’s categories, scripts, blocks, bidi, and other properties. | |
25 | @doomhz/jQuery-Tweaks | jQuery Doom Tweaks plugin to add more handy futures to the framework. | |
23 | @rubenv/angular-rt-popup | A better version of the Bootstrap popover, for Angular.JS | |
20 | @TimGeyssens/BundlingAndMinificat… | UI layer on top of http://aspnetoptimization.codeplex.com/ for Umbraco | |
20 | @rubenv/angular-gettext-tool… | Tools for extracting/compiling angular-gettext strings. | |
18 | @rubenv/pofile | Parse and serialize Gettext PO files. | |
18 | @rubenv/angular-tiny-eventem… | Tiny event emitter for Angular.JS. | |
17 | @luruke/adapttext.js | 🙌 - AdaptText.js is a dependency free and simple javascript solution capable to fit your text inside the parent element | |
16 | @rubenv/connect-body-rewrite | Rewrite request bodies. | |
15 | @RubenVerborgh/EyeServer | EyeServer is a server for the EYE reasoner. | |
15 | @eschnou/webflight-copterface | A port of the nodecopter copterface as a plugin to the ardrone-webflight environment. | |
13 | @rubenv/grunt-mkdir | Create directories with Grunt. | |
13 | @tvcutsem/es-lab | Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/es-lab | |
13 | @bramus/bramus_cssextras | bramus_cssextras is a plugin for TinyMCE which enables the usage of CSS classes and CSS ids on any HTML element within TinyMCE. Together with an external CSS file, set via the TinyMCE content_css setting, bramus_cssextras bridges the (visual) gap between the content entered through TinyMCE and the actual output | |
13 | @bramus/ria-course-materials | Course materials for the course Web & Mobile Development (formerly Rich Internet Applications), part of the Professional Bachelor ICT study programme. | |
12 | @RubenVerborgh/RESTdesc-Photo-Examp… | RESTful Web API Description - A sample implementation. This is not the actual RESTdesc method. It is still a working draft at the moment. | |
12 | @pure/jstyle | Replace CSS with Javascript | |
12 | @doomhz/jQuery-Inplace-Edit | A jQuery plugin for editing text in place. | |
11 | @TimGeyssens/UmbracoSinglePageCru… | Sample single page CRUD app built with Umbraco and AngularJS. Making use of the new Umbraco APIs (IPublishedContent, ContentService and UmbracoAPIController). | |
11 | @eschnou/node-bignumber | Packaging of Tom Wu Javascript BigNumber & RSA library | |
11 | @bendc/dribbbox | Self-hosted Dribbble portfolio. | |
10 | @RubenVerborgh/JavaScript-Error-Han… | A collection of various JavaScript error handling techniques. | |
10 | @tvcutsem/proxy-handlers | Predefined ECMAScript 6 Proxy handlers | |
10 | @bendc/simple-test | Basic testing library | |
9 | @eschnou/shoutr | A decentralized social networking platform. | |
9 | @luruke/split-in-lines | Take an HTML element with text, and split it in lines. | |
8 | @rubenv/mod_rewrite-to-nginx | Apache mod_rewrite rule to nginx rewrite rule convertor | |
8 | @philipdesmedt/node.js-chatbox | A very quick chatbox using Node.js and Socket.IO | |
8 | @c3o/opencampaign | software for political campaigns | |
8 | @luruke/clip-rect | ✂️ - clip-rect is an helper to create painless clip: rect() animations with GSAP. |
7 | @RobinMalfait/HoGent-Samenvattinge… | Samenvattingen - Toegepaste Informatica. | |
7 | @boblemarin/CSS-Keyframe-Exporte… | CSS Keyframe Exporter for Flash CS6 | |
7 | @RubenVerborgh/SPARQL-Parser | Obsolete SPARQL parser based on rdfstore-js, use SPARQL.js instead. | |
7 | @luruke/dev-excuses-chrome | Chrome, please, gimme an excuse! - A little chrome extension that allow you to easily fetch an excuse from https://api.githunt.io/programmingexcuse… and paste it in your current textarea/input field. | |
6 | @gillesdemey/typewrite | 📝 A simple javascript file to simulate text input. | |
6 | @bramus/google-maps-polygon-… | Programmatically move a google.maps.Polygon to a new google.maps.LatLng using Google Maps V3 | |
6 | @boblemarin/TheFaceBuilder | Mozilla Dev Derby submission for February - Touch Events | |
6 | @RubenVerborgh/HTTP-methods-in-Java… | What happens if we model the semantics of HTTP methods in JavaScript? | |
6 | @jslegers/4inarow | Four in a Row | |
5 | @RubenVerborgh/tsv-to-json | TSV to JSON converts a list of numbered, tab-separated records with header row to a tree of JSON files. | |
5 | @TimGeyssens/UmbracoPageNotFoundM… | Addon to Umbraco 7 to manage your sites 404 page(s) | |
5 | @g00glen00b/ibm-worklight-angula… | A simple todo-app called YaTa (Yet Another Todo App) with only one goal: to create an IBM Worklight mobile app using AngularJS and the Ionic UI framework. | |
5 | @TimGeyssens/UmbracoMVCBackoffice… | Sample app that shows how to extend the Umbraco backoffice using MVC instead of Webforms | |
5 | @RubenVerborgh/EyeClient | EyeClient is a browser widget for the EYE reasoner. | |
5 | @gillesdemey/soundcloud-v2 | Client for SoundCloud's API v2 | |
5 | @doomhz/jQuery-Carousel | A simple javascript carousel for sliding NOT only images. | |
5 | @RobinMalfait/Assistant | A personal assistant side project. | |
5 | @doomhz/jQuery-Doom-Windows | jQuery plugin to display modal windows and alerts. | |
5 | @Wolfr/jquery.extendedinput | jquery.extendedinput plugin | |
5 | @gillesdemey/systemdify | 🐧 Automatically create a systemd unit file for your Node application | |
5 | @duivvv/gulp-clipboard | A gulp plugin to copy the content of your file to the clipboard | |
5 | @Wolfr/jquery.bootstrap.sim… | Very simple jQuery lightbox | |
5 | @g00glen00b/meteor-twitter-strea… | With Meteor you can write really cool apps in a few minutes. In this example I'm going to give you a live Twitter feed using the streaming API. | |
4 | @RubenVerborgh/AsyncIterator | An asynchronous iterator library for advanced object pipelines in JavaScript | |
4 | @Wolfr/jquery.jekyll.global… | This repo shows an example setup to make HTML prototypes with page states and a global menu to navigate between pages. | |
4 | @RobinMalfait/StartWithNodeWebkit | Want to start with node-webkit? No problem ! | |
4 | @TimGeyssens/EazyD | Eazy d for Umbraco, makes it easier to work with Dictionary Items | |
4 | @bramus/jquery_classdata | jQuery ClassData is a jQuery plugin that allows you to access and manipulate data saved in the class property of DOM-elements in a nice and easy to use way. | |
4 | @boblemarin/ArcTween.js | Draw and animate arcs | |
4 | @rubenv/angular-async-series | Apply an action to a set of data serially. | |
4 | @jslegers/cascadeframeworkadva… | Cascade Framework integrated with jQuery UI | |
4 | @Wolfr/jquery.multiadder | jquery.multiadder plugin | |
4 | @amigrave/ringo-mongodb | MongoDB driver for Ringo.js | |
3 | @rubenv/point-in-svg-polygon | Determine if an point is inside a polygon | |
3 | @doomhz/node-darkcoin | Communicate with darkcoind via JSON-RPC | |
3 | @gillesdemey/beer-names | 🍺 Get a unique random name that sounds like it could be a beer | |
3 | @philipdesmedt/ycappreview | Allows YC applicants to export their YC application into a format used for reviewing. Can be used to share with advisors, YC alumni, friends, family, etc... | |
3 | @madewulf/dataviz03 | Code for the Dataviz03 workshop (http://dwm.infographie-sup.be/dataviz03… | |
3 | @rubenv/angular-optimistic-m… | Optimistically cached models for Angular.JS. | |
3 | @TimGeyssens/LookWhosEditingToo | Avoid conflicting edits in Umbraco v7 | |
3 | @eschnou/node-o3-xml | NodeJS library for W3C-DOM XML api with XPath and namespaces. It is based on LibXML2 | |
3 | @boblemarin/AnimationEvents | simple utility script that generates constants for CSS animation and transition events | |
3 | @g00glen00b/angular-d3-demo | This demonstrative project show you how you could integrate D3.js with AngularJS by defining proper directives. | |
3 | @gillesdemey/cli-progress-bar | 🕘 A simple CLI progress bar, inspired by Gauge | |
3 | @RubenVerborgh/DataPublicationPlatf… | An example data publication platform following the REST architectural principles | |
3 | @veggiemonk/boilerplate-jspm-mit… | [old] boilerplate jspm, es6, mithril, jsx and sass | |
2 | @g00glen00b/spring-marvel-portle… | This project demonstrates a basic portlet application with the data provided by the Marvel REST API as business data. | |
2 | @rubenv/grunt-usemin-uglifyn… | Usemin uglify task that reuses existing .min files. | |
2 | @RobinMalfait/JavascriptTesting | BDD with Jasmine and coffeescript! | |
2 | @RobinMalfait/Lister | List your files | |
2 | @RobinMalfait/Laravel-paste | Paste to laravel using Sublime Text 2 | |
2 | @rubenv/js-validate | JSHint wrapper + validation profiles | |
2 | @doomhz/jQuery-Feedback-Badg… | Floating div placed on the right or left side of the page that doesn't move on pagescroll. When you click on it - you get a feedback form. Works on jQuery javascript library. | |
2 | @doomhz/jQuery-MessageBox-Ha… | A simple handler for textareas to show a counter and default text on empty. | |
2 | @Wolfr/clank-jekyll | Clank starter project (depending on Jekyll) | |
2 | @tvcutsem/ProxyArray | Array implementation with ECMAScript Harmony proxies | |
2 | @bramus/wmd-course-materials | Course materials for the course Web & Mobile Development, part of the Professional Bachelor ICT study programme. | |
2 | @jslegers/crockfordkeyboard | Crockford Keyboard | |
2 | @gillesdemey/node_analytics | Node Analytics with Server Sent Events | |
2 | @rubenv/backbone_test | Toying around with Node.js and Backbone.js | |
2 | @RubenVerborgh/InnoversityChallenge | Pitch for the Ghent University Innoversity Challenge | |
2 | @luruke/appear-animation | Easily add animation when elements comes in the viewport. | |
2 | @boblemarin/WebAudio-API-BeatFad… | ||
2 | @philipdesmedt/node-hnsearch | HNSearch API wrapper for Node.JS | |
2 | @TimGeyssens/MyFirstBellePropEdit… | A char limit prop editor for Umbraco 7 aka Belle | |
2 | @doomhz/jQuery-Hash-Form | Get form values as object. | |
2 | @TimGeyssens/LocatorRazorStyle | Locator package for Umbraco | |
2 | @doomhz/jQuery-Doom-Tooltip | Display tooltips and bubbles on your site. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
807 | @JeroenMols/LandscapeVideoCamera | Powerful custom Android Camera with granular control over the video quality and filesize, restricting recordings to landscape only. | |
413 | @JorenSix/TarsosDSP | A Real-Time Audio Processing Framework in Java | |
404 | @erickok/transdroid | Manage your torrents from your Android device | |
271 | @Maescool/Catacomb-Snatch | Mojang's Humble bundle source | |
187 | @erickok/RxCupboard | Store and retrieve streams of POJOs from an Android database using RxJava and Cupboard | |
154 | @erickok/mimicry | Mimicking grids in Android lists | |
139 | @benas/random-beans | Because life is too short to generate random Java beans by hand.. | |
113 | @TheHolyWaffle/TeamSpeak-3-Java-API | A Java 7 implementation of TeamSpeak's 3 server query API. | |
105 | @wblut/HE_Mesh | HE_Mesh, a Java library for creating and manipulating polygonal meshes. Aimed primarily at Processing. | |
85 | @JorenSix/TarsosLSH | A Java library implementing Locality-sensitive Hashing (LSH), a practical nearest neighbour search algorithm for multidimensional vectors that operates in sublinear time. | |
75 | @benas/unix-stream | Turn Java 8 Streams into Unix like pipelines | |
63 | @benas/jql | Java code analysis and linting with SQL | |
62 | @cbeyls/fosdem-companion-and… | FOSDEM Companion for Android | |
56 | @TheHolyWaffle/League-of-Legends-XM… | A Java 7 XMPP API to chat and interact with the League of Legends ChatServers. | |
52 | @datablend/fluxgraph | A temporal graph database on top of Datomic | |
51 | @erickok/transdroid-search | Cross-app torrent search results provider for Android | |
50 | @benas/todolist-mvc | Helping you select a Java MVC framework | |
38 | @ChristopheVersieux/SocialStreamFragment | SocialStreamFragment from the Google IO 2012 app. (Credits to Roman Nurik) | |
38 | @datablend/blueprints-mongodb-g… | Blueprints implementation on top of MongoDB | |
33 | @schaloner/deadbolt-2-java | Idiomatic Java API for Deadbolt 2 | |
32 | @schaloner/deadbolt | Authorisation module for the Play! framework | |
29 | @vormplus/Processing2-Creative… | Full Source Code "Processing 2, Creative Programming Cookbook". The book I wrote for Packt Publishing in 2012. | |
25 | @JeroenMols/ArtifactoryExample | Example code to upload and use artefacts from Artifactory | |
25 | @datablend/gephi-blueprints-plu… | Gephi plugin that allows to import graph data from any Tinkerpop Blueprints-compatible graph implementation | |
24 | @francisdb/serviceloader-maven-… | Maven plugin for generating java serviceloader files | |
21 | @benas/easy-properties | Java configuration made easy with declarative properties | |
20 | @schaloner/deadbolt-2-java-exam… | Example usages of Deadbolt 2 Java | |
20 | @ge0ffrey/optaconf | OptaConf the optimal conference planner | |
17 | @JorenSix/TarsosTranscoder | A java wrapper for ffmpeg to transcode audio. | |
16 | @vormplus/colorLib | A Processing library to work with colors. | |
16 | @cmoulliard/droolsjbpm-osgi-exam… | drools & jbpm osgi examples running top of Apache Karaf, JBoss Fuse | |
15 | @JeroenMols/MethodCountExample | Sample project to shrink huge libraries and reduce their method count. | |
15 | @dries007/HoloInventory | Hologram inventory for blocks in MC | |
14 | @schaloner/SociallySecure | An example integration of the SecureSocial and Deadbolt security modules for the Play! framework. | |
14 | @datablend/neo4j-sail-test | A Neo4J RDF and Sail test through Tinkerpop | |
13 | @JorenSix/Tarsos | Culture independent processing of MIR data | |
12 | @cmoulliard/camel-osgi-servicemi… | Project combining the messaging and OSGI architectures with Camel, JPA, ServiceMix and ActiveMQ. Projet can be deployed on Fuse ESB 4.3.x release | |
12 | @datablend/neo4j-spatial-runnin… | Neo4J Spatial hacking for analyzing Garmin running data using Gephi | |
12 | @JeroenMols/Legofy | Android library to Legofy any image | |
11 | @dries007/TFCraft-NEIplugin | An NEI pluing for TerraFirmaCraft | |
11 | @cmoulliard/devoxx-2011-hands-on… | Devoxx-2011-HandsOnLab | |
11 | @datablend/neo4j-google-analyti… | Better visualization of google analytics data for the flow between your pages using neo4j and circos | |
10 | @cmoulliard/cdi-camel-example | cdi-camel | |
10 | @JeroenMols/MockitoExample | Sample project to demonstrate Mockito usage on Android | |
10 | @erickok/ratebeer | RateBeer for Android app | |
8 | @ge0ffrey/vrp-dataset-generato… | To generate road distance VRP datasets for optaplanner-examples | |
8 | @schaloner/concurrent-batch-fra… | An example of implementing batch processing using Akka's Java API. This is an adaptation of an idea from http://letitcrash.com/post/29044669086/b… | |
7 | @cmoulliard/camel-aries-blueprin… | ||
7 | @mattcasters/pentaho-pdi-dataset | Set of PDI plugins to more easily work with data sets. We also want to provide unit testing capabilities through input data sets and golden data sets. | |
6 | @datablend/datomic-back-to-the-… | Example project illustrating the power of the Datomic data and query model | |
6 | @datablend/redis-compound-compa… | Compound comparison implemented through redis and lua | |
6 | @schaloner/deadbolt-2-core | Common code for Deadbolt 2 | |
5 | @vormplus/Timelapse | A timelapse application built with Processing | |
5 | @wblut/BUMP2016 | Source code of my BUMP 2016 talk | |
5 | @snicoll/scratches | Throwaway projects used for demos and bug reports. | |
5 | @schaloner/jsRoutingJava | An example application showing the JavaScript routing support of Play 2 Java | |
5 | @schaloner/DistPres | A quick'n'dirty solution for controlling distributed presentations | |
5 | @datablend/blueprints-streaming… | Sample project to illustrate how sail inferences can be pushed and visualized in Gephi | |
4 | @benas/springbatch-vs-easyb… | A comparison between Spring Batch and Easy Batch | |
4 | @cmoulliard/camel-osgi-tutorial | Code of the Camel Tutorial --> http://camel.apache.org/tutorial-osgi-ca… | |
4 | @bendem/sql-streams | Painless low level jdbc abstraction using the java 8 stream api. | |
4 | @snicoll/presos | Presentations for conferences | |
4 | @vormplus/Processing-Month | All examples for the Processing Month series of articles on vormplus.be | |
4 | @erickok/RateBeer-Mobile | The Android RateBeer Mobile Application | |
4 | @datablend/mongo-compound-compa… | Project showing the use of mongdb for executing checmical compound similarity algorithms | |
4 | @wblut/Reasons2014 | ||
4 | @cmoulliard/fuse-workshop-all | fuse-workshop-all | |
4 | @dries007/TFCSeedMaker | Terrafirmacraft (v1.x) Seed maker / analyzer | |
3 | @cmoulliard/devnation-2014-demos | Camel Demo about Social Network for DevNation 2014 | |
3 | @mattcasters/VerticaBulkLoader | Kettle Vertica bulk loader | |
3 | @mattcasters/MaxMindGeoIPLookup | The Kettle MaxMind Geo IP Lookup step | |
3 | @ChristopheVersieux/ProxiBus | Belgian Buses for Android | |
3 | @cmoulliard/training | ||
3 | @cmoulliard/security-camel-cxf | Everything about security with Camel & CXF (WS-Security, Spring Security, JAAS, ...) | |
3 | @dries007/ItemSearch | This is a fork of https://bitbucket.org/briman0094/itemsea… | |
3 | @ge0ffrey/santas-stolen-sleigh | https://www.kaggle.com/c/santas-stolen-s… | |
3 | @cmoulliard/fuse-days-2014 | Presentations for Fuse Integration Days - 2014 | |
3 | @datablend/mongo-compound-compa… | Project showing the use of mongodb for executing checmical compound similarity algorithms. This project demonstrates the use of MongoDB's aggregation framework. | |
3 | @dries007/j8051 | 8051 assembler written in Java | |
2 | @bendem/OreBroadcast | [BUKKIT] Broadcast the server when you find ores. | |
2 | @vormplus/shapeLib | A 2D shape library for Processing | |
2 | @bendem/IrcSockets | Irc + WebSockets = <3 | |
2 | @mattcasters/pentaho-starmodeler | Pentaho Data Integration Spoon plugin to help out with the design of new star models | |
2 | @bendem/RubikGL | huehuehue | |
2 | @bendem/MangaLibrary | A manga library using javafx | |
2 | @IraKorshunova/JavaCompiler | tiny Java compiler | |
2 | @IraKorshunova/GenMeowth | music generator | |
2 | @JeroenMols/TravisCoverallsExamp… | Example code to configure Travis CI and Coveralls | |
2 | @cmoulliard/gerrit-create-adminu… | ||
2 | @schaloner/Intellijad | Integrate the JAD decompiler into IntelliJ IDEA | |
2 | @bendem/DiceyRpg | Irc based rpg game when you kill stuff with dice... | |
2 | @dries007/TapeMouse | Tape + Mouse = TapeMouse | |
2 | @datablend/yelp-graph | Clustering of yelp businesses based upon checkin data |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
658 | @IgnaceMaes/MaterialSkin | Theming .NET WinForms, C# or VB.Net, to Google's Material Design Principles. | |
435 | @maartenba/MvcSiteMapProvider | An ASP.NET MVC SiteMapProvider implementation for the ASP.NET MVC framework. | |
178 | @maartenba/GoogleAnalyticsTrack… | GoogleAnalyticsTracker - A C# library for tracking Google Analytics | |
133 | @yreynhout/AggregateSource | Lightweight infrastructure for doing eventsourcing using aggregates | |
91 | @davybrion/NHibernateWorkshop | Examples that I use for my NHibernate training course | |
85 | @davybrion/Agatha | Agatha Request-Response Service Layer for .NET | |
68 | @nickvane/Magento-RestApi | An async C# client for Magento REST API | |
63 | @yreynhout/Projac | A set of projection libraries | |
57 | @ToJans/Scritchy | CQRS without plumbing | |
53 | @KevinDockx/JsonPatch | JSON Patch (JsonPatchDocument) RFC 6902 implementation for .NET | |
39 | @ToJans/NerdBeers | An app built to demonstrate the awesomeness of NancyFx and Simple.Data, inspired by NerdDinner, backed with AutoTest.Net and MSpec | |
38 | @ToJans/MinimalisticCQRS | CQRS for the lazy *ss | |
32 | @sandrinodimattia/RedDog | Tools to help you build solutions on the Microsoft Azure platform. | |
24 | @GeertBellekens/Enterprise-Architect… | Addins and tools for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect | |
17 | @GeertBellekens/UML-Tooling-Framewor… | Framework for tools and add-ins upon UML Case Tools | |
16 | @XamlBrewer/PullToRefreshListVie… | XAML ListView with pull-to-refresh capability, for Windows 8.1 Universal apps | |
16 | @XamlBrewer/Uwp.CoverFlowSample | A port of Silverlight Cover Flow Control to the Universal Windows Platform. | |
15 | @Mavamaarten/YoutubeToMp3 | A neat-looking Youtube to mp3 converter written in C# | |
14 | @ToJans/SaasOvation | This is an alternative approach to facilitate DDD using CQRS on a really low level | |
14 | @StephaneDelcroix/MobileInception.Inte… | ||
14 | @davybrion/nhibernatetraining | ||
11 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-Composition-Radi… | An UWP Radial Gauge Control partially drawn by the Composition API | |
11 | @yreynhout/sharptemporalgitalyz… | CSharp Temporal Method Analyzer for git repositories | |
11 | @xavierdecoster/ReSharper.RazorExten… | A ReSharper plug-in to highlight suspicious usage of semicolon literals in Razor syntax. | |
10 | @davybrion/CircuitBreaker | implementation of http://davybrion.com/blog/2008/05/the-ci… | |
10 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-SQLite-Sample | UWP SQLite Sample | |
10 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-ImageCropper- | An ImageCropper control for UWP. | |
9 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-SplitView-Sample | UWP SplitView Sample | |
9 | @nickvane/ServiceStack.Logging… | Adapter for using Serilog as ServiceStack logging | |
8 | @sandrinodimattia/EventHubsDemo | Sample real-time log stream with Azure Service Bus Event Hubs | |
8 | @ToJans/MVCExtensions | "Ruby on Rails"-like lib for Asp.Net MVC | |
7 | @sandrinodimattia/WindowsAzure-IPAddre… | Restrict access to your Cloud Services based on IP addresses | |
7 | @Zepheus/ardrone3-pcap | An ArDrone3 packet sniffer for drones such as Bebop, Rolling Spider, ... | |
7 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-AdaptiveTrigger-… | Universal Windows Platforml AdaptiveTrigger Sample | |
6 | @sandrinodimattia/WindowsAzure-IISAppl… | Sample application explaining how to use the Application Initialization module in Windows Azure | |
5 | @KevinDockx/HttpCache | Marvin.HttpCache is a complete implementation of the RFC2616 Http Caching standard for use with HttpClient, for all .NET Framework platforms (Windows Store, Windows Phone, WPF, WinForms, Console apps). Have a look around for the current status and to know what's yet to be implemented. | |
5 | @Zepheus/Zepheus_Fiesta | A Fiesta Emulator Project | |
5 | @davybrion/BuildYourOwnDal | Full source of the Build Your Own Data Access Layer series | |
5 | @ToJans/YakShayQRS | Yak Shaving CQRS - Architectural masturbation | |
5 | @JanJoris/Fastlanium | ||
5 | @sandrinodimattia/AzureServiceBus.Even… | Samples for the Event Hubs feature in Microsoft Azure Service Bus | |
5 | @StephaneDelcroix/SpriteKitDemo | a first playable game using SpriteKit and Xamarin.iOS | |
5 | @nickvane/GoogleMusic-Api | C# API for using Google Music features | |
4 | @yreynhout/NoBodyToBuild | DDD modeling issue | |
4 | @JefClaes/aspnet-webapi-sample… | Code of my session on REST and ASP.NET Web API at the Euricom Tunisia trip. | |
4 | @xavierdecoster/NuGet.Analyze | NuGet extension that provides repository analysis of NuGet package dependencies | |
4 | @ToJans/ConfReboot | This is the way I would implement the CQRS guidance project | |
4 | @JefClaes/ARealDeveloper | A mini-site written trying out WebMatrix. | |
4 | @XamlBrewer/AnimatedScrollToHubS… | Animated version of Hub.ScrollToSection | |
4 | @tommarien/nebula | ||
4 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-Lua-Scripting-Sa… | Demonstrates extending UWP apps with Lua scripting through MoonScript | |
4 | @KevinDockx/OAuth2OIDCAngularASP… | These are the starter files for my "OAuth2 and OpenID Connect Strategies for Angular and ASP.NET" course at Pluralsight. | |
3 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-Enum-Bindable-Sl… | A UWP Slider of which the value is two-way bindable to a property of an Enum type. | |
3 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-Adobe-Color-Swat… | Reads an Adobe Color Swatch (.aco) file, displays the colors, and exports them to XAML brushes. | |
3 | @ToJans/RazorDrivenDevelopme… | Applying Behavior Driven Development using simple Razor Templates | |
3 | @xavierdecoster/NuGet.PackageAnalysi… | A set of NuGet Package Analysis rules, e.g. to check whether the package being created has a valid Semantic Version | |
3 | @Zepheus/Fiesta_Utils | Fiesta Online C# Utilities | |
3 | @XamlBrewer/UniversalOneDriveSdk… | Demonstration of the OneDrive API/SDK in a Windows Universal App | |
3 | @KevinDockx/XamarinFormsOIDCSamp… | Xamarin Forms OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect Sample with IdentityServer3 | |
2 | @KommuSoft/iohmma | A C# implementation of an Input-Output Hidden Markov Model. | |
2 | @Zepheus/chip8_xna | A Chip-8 implementation for XNA / C#. | |
2 | @sandrinodimattia/WindowsAzure-VhdSize | Calculate how much space a Windows Azure Virtual Hard Disk is really using | |
2 | @JefClaes/PasteHTML.NET | PasteHTML is a website which lets you upload and share HTML pages. It's free, anonymous and without registration. The uploaded pages should stay online forever. | |
2 | @JefClaes/stateful-with-events | ||
2 | @yreynhout/naughty | A stab at configuring and enforcing authorization using event sourcing. | |
2 | @JanJoris/Expander | ||
2 | @ancientgods/TSGui | TShock plugin - Graphical User Interface replacing the console window. | |
2 | @ancientgods/RodHealer | Heals players when using Rod of discord | |
2 | @tommarien/Sapphire | My playground | |
2 | @ToJans/Aubergine | A minimalistic easy to setup .Net BDD story runner | |
2 | @yreynhout/MessTalk | Message contract transformation utility | |
2 | @ToJans/mauritius | Another evolution of CQRS | |
2 | @yreynhout/NAuthorize | ||
2 | @maartenba/CamoDotNet | CamoDotNet is all about making insecure assets look secure. This is an SSL image proxy to prevent mixed content warnings on secure pages. | |
2 | @sandrinodimattia/WindowsAzure-ChronoT… | An easy way to save your entities in a (reversed) chronological order in Table Storage. Also adds support for querying based on dates (before/after/between). | |
2 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-Lex.DB-Sample | UWP Lex.DB Sample | |
2 | @KommuSoft/Gardens-Point-LEX | A lexer for C# in C# | |
2 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-Square-of-Square… | A XAML container to test square UWP controls. | |
2 | @KommuSoft/magicengine | A game engine for a quite generic game (specified with XML-files) | |
2 | @XamlBrewer/ItemCommandBar | Windows Store App Inline Item CommandBar for Mouse | |
2 | @JefClaes/FourEyesPrinciple | Some experiments modeling the four eyes principle | |
2 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-Prism-Validation… | User input validation on UWP with Prism 6 classes and data annotations | |
2 | @KevinDockx/JsonPatch.Dynamic | Support for dynamically typed objects for Marvin.JsonPatch (Json Patch Document RFC 6902 implementation for .NET) | |
2 | @nickvane/AionMsBuildTasks | MsBuildTasks for building CA Aion applications | |
2 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-SQLite-EntityFra… | A UWP app demonstrating CRUD operations against a local SQLite database using Entity Framework. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
11 | @poltertec/basepop-gtk-theme | ||
2 | @WartClaes/Base | A SCSS framework, combined with usefull HTML en Javascript snippets |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2 | @LucAllemeersch/OpenVMS-Oracle-Rdb-T… | Ready to use procedures for a database administrator of Oracle Rdb databases on OpenVMS. Refer to the users guide CPTRDB_USERS_GUIDE.HTML for all related information. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
107 | @lucasb-eyer/heatmap | High performance C heatmap generation library. Supposed to be wrapped by higher-level languages. | |
87 | @JiaoXianjun/BTLE | BTLE radio packet sniffer/scanner and sender. Support all formats in Core_V4.0.pdf and RAW bits. | |
13 | @icarus75/flukso | The community metering platform | |
11 | @andyvand/ReadSMC | EFI utility to read SMC keys from (U)EFI shell | |
11 | @gdetal/mptcp_nexus5 | MPTCP-enabled kernel for the Nexus 5 | |
8 | @andyvand/AtherosROMKit | Atheros ROM modding and recovery kit | |
7 | @renaudallard/nexus5_kernel | FuguMod Kernel for the Nexus 5 | |
7 | @andyvand/KextToolsLZVN_Maveri… | Kext Tools 326.90.2 (AnV) updated with LZVN kernelcache decompression support | |
6 | @danielinux/libevquick | Event wrapper library designed for performance | |
5 | @andyvand/UEFIRomExtract | UEFI Video Card ROM Extractor | |
5 | @gdetal/kernel_msm_mptcp | Kernel tree for Qualcomm chipsets with Multipath TCP support | |
4 | @maxux/rtinfo | realtime system monitoring for linux | |
4 | @renaudallard/gnexus_kernel | kernel for the galaxy nexus: secure, stable, no nonsense | |
4 | @renaudallard/kernel-GB-GTI9000 | ||
4 | @blinkseb/libass | libass for XBMC (win32 special) | |
4 | @gdetal/samsung_i9100_mptcp | MultiPath TCP port to the Samsung Galaxy SII phone | |
3 | @danielinux/ebhita | EBITHA is Binary Heap Type Agnostic Library Implementation | |
3 | @Krabappel2548/u8500_kernel_sources | kernel sources Xperia U, Sola, P | |
3 | @andete/blog-stuff | blog-stuff | |
3 | @danielinux/ttybus | A simple TTY multiplexer. | |
2 | @danielinux/geomess | Geopositioning Mesh network Simulator - designed to test mesh networking on a controlled (virtual/simulated) environment | |
2 | @toch/mruby-untar | mrbgem untar | |
2 | @maxux/memory | linux memory usage summary | |
2 | @renaudallard/kernel-froyo-GT-I900… | Linux kernel source for froyo | |
2 | @andyvand/hwtools | Various hardware tools ported to Mac OS X | |
2 | @andyvand/decompkernelcache | Mac OS X kernel cache compressor/decompressor | |
2 | @staalmannen/owmc | Open Watcom message compiler | |
2 | @mcanini/INGI2347-2016 | This repo contains the slides from the UCL course INGI2347: COMPUTER SYSTEM SECURITY (Spring 2016) | |
2 | @andyvand/AppleDecrypt | Apple Protected Binary decryption kext for Lion and above. | |
2 | @andyvand/openssl-winopt | OpenSSL Optimized for latest Windows | |
2 | @andete/ym2413 | openMSX YM2413 reverse engineering project |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
132 | @glynos/cpp-netlib | The C++ Network Library Project -- header-only, cross-platform, standards compliant networking library. | |
83 | @Forceflow/ooc_svo_builder | Out-Of-Core Construction of Sparse Voxel Octrees - reference implementation | |
68 | @Forceflow/libmorton | C++ header-only library with methods to efficiently encode/decode Morton codes in/from 2D/3D coordinates | |
60 | @claesenm/EnsembleSVM | A Library for Ensemble Learning Using Support Vector Machines | |
26 | @KurtPattyn/QtSocketIo | socket.io implementation in Qt | |
23 | @SebWouters/CheMPS2 | CheMPS2: a spin-adapted implementation of DMRG for ab initio quantum chemistry | |
22 | @lab101/tronCircles | Josh Nimoy mentioned openFrameworks in his Tron Legacy post So why not try it myself. After some pointers from arturo I managed to get these smooth gradient arcs. Using the FBO and ofMesh from the upcoming openFrameworks 0.7 release. Running super smooth on macbook. | |
18 | @neuroprod/ClosedLoopDriver | Arduino controler for a closed-loop stepper motor | |
17 | @psoetens/orocos-rtt | Orocos Real-Time Toolkit | |
15 | @timvdm/Helium | A lightweight generic cheminformatics toolkit | |
13 | @Forceflow/svo_tools | Tools for working with the .svo file format | |
11 | @neuroprod/NPBOT | ||
10 | @psoetens/orocos-ocl | Orocos Component Library | |
10 | @neuroprod/NP_isosurfaces | Isosurface test | |
9 | @lab101/ofxImageMap | A fast way to convert existing design to clickable items with over state. | |
8 | @neuroprod/NPBOT_driver | ||
8 | @maleadt/pChase | Pointer-chasing memory benchmark (forked from Doug Pase's code). | |
7 | @Forceflow/cpu_voxel_raycaster | Very barebones CPU Voxel Raycaster | |
6 | @psoetens/orocos-rtt-examples | Tutorial and example code mainly for the RTT | |
6 | @Kittnz/Sunwell | No support is given for this core! - by xinef & pussywizard | |
5 | @jodogne/OrthancMirror | Mirror of the official BitBucket Mercurial repository of Orthanc | |
5 | @timvdm/Avogadro-Packmol-Ext… | An Avogadro plugin with a gui to create packmol input files and run packmol from within Avogadro. | |
5 | @neuroprod/PID-ball | ||
4 | @neuroprod/NPInverseKinematics | ||
4 | @maleadt/gpuocelot | A dynamic compilation framework for PTX (forked from Google Code). | |
4 | @timvdm/Smiley | An OpenSMILES compliant C++ SMILES/SMARTS parser | |
4 | @timvdm/OBDepict | 2D molecule depiction using openbabel and various image/graphics API's (currently ImageMagick++, Cairo & Qt4) | |
4 | @lab101/Cinder-DXT | Cinder block for playing DXT video format | |
3 | @lab101/piParticles | Quick performance test with particles on a Raspberry Pi with openframeworks | |
3 | @timvdm/Molsketch | Molsketch 2D molecular editor | |
3 | @jekkos/KinectC3D | Some modifications made to the Kinect SDK source to capture to C3D | |
3 | @maleadt/beeldverwerking | Tram collision avoidance (school project). | |
3 | @StevenPuttemans/opencv_tryout_code | several small projects in openCV which need some development first | |
2 | @timvdm/SmartsCompiler | A SMARTS optimizer/compiler | |
2 | @lab101/mappingGame | ||
2 | @lab101/CinderJpgStream | Capturing Motion jpg streams in Cinder based on the excellent work of this openframeworks addon https://github.com/bakercp/ofxIpVideoGra… | |
2 | @timvdm/OBForceField | new set of force field classes for OpenBabel (very experimental) | |
2 | @azerupi/NatronColorSelector | Color Selector for Natron (https://github.com/MrKepzie/Natron) | |
2 | @maleadt/genetic | Playground for some genetic programming. | |
2 | @Kittnz/UE4Rollercoaster | A rollercoaster for UnrealEngine 4 | |
2 | @glynos/fundamentals | Re-learning some fundamentals | |
2 | @glynos/uri | cpp-netlib URI | |
2 | @neuroprod/balancingRobot |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
78 | @luwes/js-cover-flow | A Cover Flow component made for the web | |
3 | @RIAstar/CallOutFx | A Flex/Spark CallOut and CallOutButton for web or desktop applications | |
2 | @ThibautVDB/Chess-interface | Unfinished chess interface in AS3 | |
2 | @luwes/Zebroid | Simple 2D line drawing library for Flash Stage3D (aka Molehill) |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
6 | @joachimdb/dl4clj | Port of some deeplearning4j examples to clojure | |
5 | @cderoove/damp.ekeko.aspectj | Ekeko plugin that provides support for Aspectj | |
5 | @phochste/clj-marc | A Clojure MARC parser | |
2 | @phochste/clj-layar | Clojure application to push POI's on the internet |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
83 | @debrouwere/draughtsman | Transparent compilation of templates and stylesheets for prototyping HTML interfaces. Also live reloading. | |
20 | @debrouwere/backbone-express | Backbone-express serves Backbone applications with a server-side fallback, so they're visible to search engines. | |
10 | @tgoorden/meteor-backup | A simple (coffee)script to make backups of collections on your remote meteor installation | |
8 | @debrouwere/hector | Hector is a static site generator. | |
8 | @debrouwere/tilt.js | A generic interface to various JavaScript and CSS preprocessors. Autodetects formats based on filename and mimetype. | |
6 | @debrouwere/render | Render text and HTML from Jade, Handlebars, Swig and most other kinds of templates on the command line. Render many files at once and decide where to write to dynamically from the data. | |
6 | @LnL7/example-travis-mocha | Travis CI example with Mocha tests | |
5 | @debrouwere/summa | Summa is a little CoffeeScript / JavaScript library for descriptive (summary) statistics and working with distributions (PMF, CDF). Open-source because why-the-heck-not, but don't expect any support. | |
4 | @debrouwere/refract | A command-line utility to reshape objects to a template. Destructuring assignment on steroids. | |
4 | @debrouwere/math | A simple mathematics library for JavaScript that's pretty much the Math object on crack. Also has random and coordinates submodules. |
4 | @debrouwere/envv | Environments for client-side code: execute or skip code depending on whether you're deploying to a production server or just developing. | |
3 | @debrouwere/yaml2json | Convert YAML into JSON. Supports YAML frontmatter, YAML multidocs and other mixed text-and-yaml documents. Can process Textile, Markdown and AsciiDoc strings. Works on the command-line and in node.js. | |
3 | @debrouwere/espy | A context finder for static site generators and prototyping tools. | |
2 | @debrouwere/stockpile | Mimeo is the airplane mode for your application. Automatically cache and serve common JavaScript libraries or any kind of file from your development machine. | |
2 | @debrouwere/flatten | A simple command-line utility that flattens and unflattens JSON. | |
2 | @debrouwere/bones-coffeescript-e… | A Backbone.js + Bones example app | |
2 | @debrouwere/put | Put is a command-line utility to move, rename, copy and symlink files. Uses a simple placeholder syntax to transform input filenames to output filenames. Think of it as an easier-to-use but perhaps less powerful Linux rename. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
4 | @onbings/ftpsclient | Another Ftp(s) client package for the go language | |
3 | @tmbrggmn/gosteam | Go library for interacting with Steam/Valve interfaces (server queries, etc.) | |
2 | @bubblepost/jinx | Continuous integration server |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
1310 | @jaspervdj/hakyll | A static website compiler library in Haskell | |
296 | @jaspervdj/stylish-haskell | Haskell code prettifier | |
204 | @RaphaelJ/friday | Fast image IO and transformations. | |
185 | @jaspervdj/websockets | A Haskell library for creating WebSocket-capable servers | |
135 | @jaspervdj/blaze-html | A blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell. | |
105 | @jaspervdj/digestive-functors | A general way to consume input using applicative functors | |
63 | @jaspervdj/jaspervdj | Source code of my personal home page. | |
35 | @jaspervdj/lorem-markdownum | A lorem ipsum generator for markdown | |
35 | @jaspervdj/planet-wars-haskell | Unofficial Haskell starter package for the Planet Wars AI contest | |
32 | @jaspervdj/dcpu16-hs | Haskell implementation of Notch's dcpu-16 specification (assembler, emulator) | |
28 | @jaspervdj/tweetov | Haskell webapp to generate random tweets using Markov chains | |
26 | @jaspervdj/number-six | Number Six is a sexy Haskell IRC bot. | |
25 | @RaphaelJ/friday-report | Document introducing the features and design of the friday library | |
23 | @jaspervdj/cabal-dependency-lic… | Compose a list of a project's transitive dependencies with their licenses | |
22 | @jaspervdj/websockets-snap | Snap integration for the websockets library | |
21 | @jaspervdj/hakyll-examples | Examples for the Hakyll static site generator | |
17 | @kbonne/pandoc-plantuml-filt… | ||
16 | @noteed/language-glsl | Haskell package for representation, parsing, and pretty-printing of GLSL | |
10 | @jaspervdj/firefly | Lightweight, fast and easy 2D game library for Haskell | |
10 | @jaspervdj/hakyll-contrib | Extra pre-made configurations and useful modules for hakyll | |
10 | @itkovian/HaBench | Haskell Benchmark Suite | |
9 | @RaphaelJ/friday-examples | Image processing examples which use the friday image library. | |
9 | @noteed/python-pickle | Serialization/deserialization using Python Pickle format | |
7 | @RaphaelJ/friday-devil | Provides functions to load images from files using bindings to the DevIL C library. | |
7 | @noteed/rescoyl | Private Docker registry | |
7 | @jaspervdj/b-tree | A fast B-tree library for Haskell | |
7 | @jaspervdj/haskell-irc | IRC client in Haskell and CoffeeScript | |
6 | @noteed/smallpt-hs | A Haskell port of the C++ smallpt path tracer | |
6 | @noteed/syntactical | Haskell library for distfix expression parsing | |
6 | @jaspervdj/acme-cofunctor | A Cofunctor is a structure from category theory dual to Functor | |
5 | @jaspervdj/blaze-markup | Core modules for a blazing fast markup combinator library | |
5 | @noteed/mojito | A simple functional language with focus on type inference | |
5 | @noteed/sentry | Simple process monitoring | |
5 | @jaspervdj/blaze-html-hexpat | Hexpat renderer for blaze-html | |
5 | @RaphaelJ/getwebb.org | Sources of the getwebb.org website. | |
5 | @RaphaelJ/repa-devil | Image library based on the DevIL open source image library for the repa array library. | |
4 | @jaspervdj/redis-simple | Simplified redis wrapper for Haskell | |
4 | @noteed/acme | Get a certificate using Let's Encrypt ACME protocol | |
4 | @noteed/humming | queue_classic in Haskell | |
4 | @jaspervdj/dotfiles | ||
4 | @noteed/sftp-streams | SFTP protocol | |
4 | @noteed/scp-streams | An SCP protocol implementation | |
3 | @noteed/hgithub | Haskell bindings to the GitHub API | |
3 | @jaspervdj/fast-aleck-hs | Bindings to the fast-aleck library, a smart typography enhancer | |
3 | @itkovian/hMollom | Haskell wrapper for the Mollom service | |
3 | @noteed/openerpdist | Build the OpenERP framework and addons as nice tarballs | |
3 | @noteed/hortened | A personal URL shortener | |
3 | @noteed/curved | Network metrics service | |
3 | @jaspervdj/snap-blaze | blaze-html integration for Snap | |
3 | @jaspervdj/haskell-beginners-pr… | A couple of Haskell beginner projects, for ZuriHac 2016 | |
2 | @jaspervdj/sup-host | Check if hosts are up, and wake them | |
2 | @RaphaelJ/cours-master-1 | Cours de la première année du master en Sciences-Informatiques de l'Université de Liège | |
2 | @maciejpirog/modules-over-monads | Haskell library for modules over monads, idealised monads, and ideal monads. | |
2 | @jaspervdj/euler | ||
2 | @jaspervdj/PhitSolver | Haskell program to solve PhitDroid (http://www.mtoy.biz/phitdroid2ndEdition… puzzles | |
2 | @jaspervdj/omnomnom | Simple Haskell webapp to order food | |
2 | @noteed/doodles | Some code to try out things in Haskell. | |
2 | @noteed/tcc | Haskell bindings to the Tiny C Compiler library (libtcc). | |
2 | @gertcuykens/haskell-design | Haskell web design. | |
2 | @noteed/snaplet-auth-example | Example usage of Snap.Snaplet.Auth |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
45 | @RafaelDeJongh/cap | Carter Addons Pack Code | |
36 | @RafaelDeJongh/cap_resources | Cap resource files | |
5 | @FlightControl-Master/MOOSE | Mission Object Oriented Scripting Environment (MOOSE) for lua mission scripting design in DCS World | |
2 | @gogoprog/mechabot | A shooter game using gengine | |
2 | @samvdb/awesome-config |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
4 | @u0078867/ulema-ul-analyzer | U.L.E.M.A. is a MATLAB-based GUI tool (for Windows) for quickly processing motion capture data (C3D files) relative to upper limb movements | |
4 | @CyclotronResearchCen…/FASST | FASST, aka. fMRI Artefact rejection and Sleep Scoring Toolbox, public distribution with the latest updates. | |
3 | @CyclotronResearchCen…/SPM_ClusterSizeThres… | SPM Cluster Size Threshold estimation |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
363 | @brunow/BWStatusBarOverlay | BWStatusBarOverlay is a custom status bar overlay window. | |
306 | @brunow/NoteItIOS | Ios markdown notebook | |
289 | @brunow/FormKit.m | Not maintained anymore | |
283 | @brunow/BaseKit | BaseKit is a set of IOS class to make your life easier. | |
173 | @frederik-jacques/TNCheckBoxGroup | Customisable checkbox class for Objective-C | |
152 | @frederik-jacques/TNSexyImageUploadPro… | An easy image upload visualiser for Objective-C | |
138 | @frederik-jacques/TNRadioButtonGroup | Create easy radio button groups in objective-c | |
131 | @brunow/BWObjectMapping | Small library that parse almost automatically JSON and map it to any object, works with NSManagedObject. | |
105 | @brunow/BWTitlePagerView | Recreate the Twitter navigation controller pager. | |
96 | @jeroentrappers/FaceDetectionPOC | Face detection with Core Image on Live Video Proof of Concept | |
76 | @SkyTrix/STSegmentedControl | STSegmentedControl is a drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl. It has everything you need to display a custom nice-looking segmented control. | |
55 | @brunow/TableKit.m | Create table view with blocks based syntax. | |
39 | @frederik-jacques/native-ios-and-unity… | ||
36 | @delannoyk/SoundcloudSDK | A Client for Soundcloud's API written in Swift! | |
25 | @SkyTrix/STBubbleTableViewCel… | STBubbleTableViewCell is a UITableViewCell subclass for easily displaying chat conversations. | |
23 | @jeroentrappers/LocalizationPOC | Localization proof of concept for iOS. Let's you change the language on the fly. | |
21 | @frederik-jacques/objc-login-system | An easy way to create a login system in obj-c | |
18 | @brunow/ITWLoadingPanel | Drop in classes for adding a download info panel | |
17 | @frederik-jacques/TNColorScrollViewCon… | A view controller for Objective-C which creates a scrollview with view with different background colors. | |
16 | @bartvandendriessche/MKMapView-Attributio… | A MKMapView category that adds a method to obtain the AttributionView. | |
15 | @brunow/BWAFNetworking | Restfull http library inspired by the great RestKit and based on top of Afnetworking. | |
13 | @brunow/BWSelectViewControll… | Controller that show a list of items that can be selectable. | |
12 | @frederik-jacques/DynamicColladaSceneK… | You can find more info about this prototype at http://www.the-nerd.be/2014/11/07/dynami… | |
12 | @brunow/BWObjectSerializer | Small library that transform an object into a dictionary that can be send to a web service. | |
9 | @frederik-jacques/FaceRecognitionTrain… | iPhone prototype app for Face.com | |
6 | @brunow/BWLongTextViewContro… | Simple IOS controller that show a full screen textView with keyboard | |
5 | @hverlind/ibeacon-observer | Sample code illustrating how to make an iPad function as an iBeacon observer. | |
5 | @hverlind/ibeacon-interpolatio… | Sample code illustrating how to determine observer position by interpolating multiple iBeacons. | |
5 | @brunow/BWObjectRouter | Small library that generate route with static or dynamic data. | |
4 | @frederik-jacques/ZDepthAnimation | Mimic the National Geographic - National Parcs iPad app animation | |
4 | @jeroentrappers/JsonKit-Framework | JsonKit wrapped in an iOS framework | |
2 | @pieterclaerhout/Rachel | Rachel, the fuel tracker | |
2 | @hverlind/ibeacon-beacon | Sample code illustrating how to make an iPad function as an iBeacon that can be switched on/off. | |
2 | @bartvandendriessche/The-Grid | ||
2 | @joachimVdH/myProxiData | An app i created for learning and out of frustration that Proximus didn't had one ( now they do ). All you need is a Proximus data account and login credentials ( https://secure.proximus.be ). | |
2 | @ValCapri/CSNotificationView-A… | A AFNetwork extension that show a notification on error in a task or request (like UIAlertView+AFNetworking) |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
125 | @hollie/misterhouse | Perl open source home automation program. It's fun, it's free, and it's entirely geeky. | |
100 | @wimpunk/ddclient | Fork of the original ddclient code | |
4 | @hollie/lpc_usb_flasher | Small script to automatically flash the latest bin file onto a bare metal LPC11U24 controller using the built-in USB boot loader | |
2 | @nics/Dancer-Plugin-Locale | ||
2 | @hollie/device-plugwise-perl | Perl module to interface to Plugwise hardware |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
1912 | @jenssegers/laravel-mongodb | A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent) | |
994 | @jenssegers/agent | A PHP desktop/mobile user agent parser with support for Laravel, based on Mobiledetect | |
583 | @jenssegers/date | A library to help you work with dates in multiple languages, based on Carbon. | |
508 | @sdebacker/TypiCMS | Multilingual CMS built with Laravel 4.2 | |
493 | @jenssegers/imagehash | Perceptual image hashing for PHP | |
473 | @jenssegers/optimus | Id obfuscation based on Knuth's multiplicative hashing method for PHP. | |
449 | @wimg/PHPCompatibility | PHP Compatibility check for PHP_CodeSniffer | |
242 | @jenssegers/php-proxy | A PHP proxy script with https and post support | |
193 | @nWidart/DbExporter | Export your database as a Laravel Migration. And export your DB data as a seed file. Finally sync all this with your remote server. | |
187 | @jenssegers/laravel-rollbar | Rollbar error monitoring integration for Laravel projects | |
157 | @jenssegers/codeigniter-hmvc-mod… | Create HMVC modules with this lightweight extension for Codeiginter 2 | |
153 | @nWidart/laravel-modules | Module Management In Laravel | |
147 | @jenssegers/codeigniter-advanced… | Resize and crop images on the fly | |
127 | @jenssegers/laravel-ab | A server-side A/B testing tool for Laravel. | |
101 | @mathiasverraes/lambdalicious | Lambdalicious - Experiments in Elegant Functional Programming in PHP | |
77 | @jenssegers/laravel-raven | Sentry (Raven) error monitoring integration for Laravel projects | |
76 | @jenssegers/dashboard | A server dashboard for Ubuntu | |
71 | @jenssegers/codeigniter-template… | A template library for Codeigniter | |
70 | @jenssegers/blade | A standalone version of Laravel's Blade templating engine for use outside of Laravel. | |
58 | @jenssegers/model | This model provides an eloquent-like base class that can be used to build custom models in Laravel and other frameworks | |
56 | @DragonBe/vies | Component using the European Commission (EC) VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) to verify and validate VAT registration numbers in the EU, using PHP and Composer. | |
53 | @jenssegers/laravel-oauth | A Laravel OAuth 1 & 2 library | |
50 | @jenssegers/codeigniter-authenti… | A secure authentication library for CodeIgniter | |
45 | @wiez/MyPlot | Plot and protection plugin for PocketMine | |
43 | @PrestaEdit/Canvas-Module-Presta… | Canvas de module compatible 1.5 | |
41 | @jenssegers/codeigniter-message-… | Store and display error or information messages to display on the current page or next page | |
40 | @jenssegers/laravel-mongodb-sess… | A MongoDB session driver for Laravel | |
38 | @mathiasverraes/symfony-live-2014 | Workshop: "Domain-Driven Design for Symfony Developers" at Symfony Live London 2014 | |
36 | @veloxy/purl | Purl (Petite URL) is an open source project with the goal of providing you with your own private URL shortener! | |
36 | @nWidart/Laravel-broadway | Laravel adapter for Broadway. | |
35 | @wimg/PHP53Compat_CodeSnif… | DEPRECATED : check this url for the new version (PHP 5.4 compatible) : | |
34 | @jenssegers/laravel-mongodb-sent… | An extension for Laravel-MongoDB that lets you work with Sentry | |
30 | @mathiasverraes/jdump | J!Dump is a very easy to use debugging extension for Joomla developers and template designers. Download links below. | |
27 | @mathiasverraes/classfunctions | Functions to manipulate PHP class names | |
24 | @hannesvdvreken/guzzle-clockwork | A Guzzle plugin that lets you debug everything in the Clockwork browser extension. | |
23 | @hannesvdvreken/laravel-oauth | A laravel 4 OAuth wrapper. Auto-configures an OAuth client behind a Facade. | |
17 | @netsensei/Rum | Deployment tools for drush | |
17 | @ThijsFeryn/varnishtraining | Vagrant box including VCL's & examples for my Varnish training | |
17 | @hannesvdvreken/guzzle-debugbar | A Guzzle middleware that lets you log HTTP requests in the PHP debugbar timeline. | |
16 | @jenssegers/php-chef | Opscode Chef API PHP library | |
15 | @freekmurze/multilingual-support… | Add multilingual support to Eloquent models | |
14 | @hannesvdvreken/php-oauth | PHP OAuth 1/2 service classes using Guzzle | |
13 | @hannesvdvreken/hipchat | Perform notifications in one ore more Hipchat rooms. | |
12 | @roderik/GithubStats | A Cilex command that used the Oregon project to compile statistics for a Github/Packagist organisation | |
12 | @roderik/pwgen-php | This is a fork of http://code.google.com/p/pwgen-php, a tool to generate pronounceable, easy-to-remember, yet safe, passwords (a PHP port of GNU pwgen) | |
12 | @nWidart/HttpStatus-l4-packag… | Laravel 4 Packages. Adds 403,404,500 and 503 customizable error pages. | |
11 | @mathiasverraes/extract-till-you-dro… | Code for my refactoring talk "Extract Till You Drop" | |
11 | @hannesvdvreken/psr7-demo | Demo scripts that showcase the power of PSR-7, Guzzle, and php-http/adapter | |
10 | @jvandemo/Ogone | PHP Classes for working with Ogone payment services | |
9 | @nWidart/projectLister | Laravel package to list repositories on Github, Bitbucket and Sourceforge. | |
8 | @hannesvdvreken/pip | The Polygon class: point-in-polygon algorithm, centroid of polygon, points in clockwise direction, ... | |
8 | @mathiasverraes/DomainTools | Tools for Domain Driven Design | |
7 | @hannesvdvreken/msgpack | Msgpack implementation for PHP. It's like JSON. But fast and small. | |
7 | @DragonBe/wingz | The social conference mashup | |
7 | @PrestaEdit/navmegadrownevo-v2.0 | Menu Mega Drown Evolution v2.0 | |
7 | @jenssegers/laravel-mongodb-lite | A lightweight MongoDB database library and model for Laravel 4 | |
6 | @roderik/RedmineBundle | A Symfony2 bundle for the Redmine class from http://tspycher.com/using-the-redmine-ap… | |
6 | @GeertDD/wp-plugin-tinymce-em… | A WordPress plugin that adds a button to TinyMCE to create mailto links | |
5 | @wimleers/wimleers.com-modules | Custom Drupal 7 modules for wimleers.com | |
5 | @wimleers/rutorrent-stats | Gather statistics from >=1 seedboxes that are using rtorrent+rutorrent. Can be used to monitor seedboxes' vitals. | |
5 | @GeertDD/wp-theme-geertdd | Custom WordPress theme for my blog | |
5 | @mathiasverraes/maintainable-regex | Simple tutorial on how to write maintainable, composable, regular expression patterns. Read the commits from oldest to newest to see how we build it up. | |
4 | @nWidart/MoneyFormatter | A package used for money formatting | |
4 | @PrestaEdit/PrestaShop-Canvas | Canvas pour PrestaShop | |
4 | @hannesvdvreken/rocketeer-hipchat | HipChat nofitication plugin for Rocketeer | |
4 | @jvandemo/zf2-event-logger | Zend Framework 2 module that logs all events to the error_log. | |
4 | @ThijsFeryn/esi-viewhelper | Zend Framework view helper for ESI | |
4 | @DragonBe/tictactoe | A game of tic-tac-toe | |
4 | @bmichotte/php5-Dijkstra | php5 implementation of Dijkstra algorithm | |
3 | @jvandemo/ZendService_Oauth2 | Oauth2 service for Zend Framework 2 | |
3 | @hannesvdvreken/socketio | Send socket.io messages to a Node process through Redis | |
3 | @Driesboy/Pets | pets plugin for pocketmine, imagicalmine & genisys | |
3 | @mathiasverraes/magictree | Because magic. | |
3 | @nWidart/composer-generator | Laravel 4 Composer.json generator service. | |
2 | @netsensei/stock | A starter Drupal module which implements a "best practices" architecture. | |
2 | @PrestaEdit/generator | Générateur de module pour PrestaShop 1.5 | |
2 | @netsensei/be-bank-transfer-mes… | A generator and validator for structured messages included in Belgian bank transfers | |
2 | @hannesvdvreken/harvester | Runs scrapers, by using Message Queues, Redis and Eloquent models | |
2 | @wimleers/token_filter | Fork of token_filter for Edit module and Aloha Editor integration. | |
2 | @wimleers/edit | Fork of Edit module for the sprint with the Aloha Editor folks in Vienna. GPLv2 licensed. | |
2 | @hannesvdvreken/gentsevines | Collects all vines by hashtags and shows a feed. Users can login and like vines. | |
2 | @nWidart/Themify-l5 | ||
2 | @nWidart/Laravel-forecast | Laravel-forecast provides a service provider and a facade arround the Forecast-php wrapper. | |
2 | @nWidart/MoneyFormatter-Larav… | Laravel integration for my MoneyFormatter Package | |
2 | @netsensei/Views-Columns | A Views Style plugin :: split a view in a number of divs which can be themed as floated columns | |
2 | @veloxy/sourcebox-kunstmaan | My personal site created in Kunstmaan Bundles | |
2 | @netsensei/TdtEuropeana | Installed Resource for The Datatank funneling datasets from the Europeana API (http://thedatatank.com) | |
2 | @dieterve/menu-planner | ||
2 | @netsensei/CNAPI-Views | Bringing the CultuurnetAPI to Drupal Views | |
2 | @nWidart/Alys-Google-Maps-Org… | Laravel App, to manage clients and their corresponding markers for Google Maps. | |
2 | @Driesboy/Lightning | pocketmine plugin (working) | |
2 | @jenssegers/lean | Use the PHP League's Container package with auto-wiring support as the core container in Slim 3 | |
2 | @mathiasverraes/speakingjenkins | Command line PHP app that announces the status of a Jenkins/Hudson CI build using text-to-speech. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2886 | @jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolki… | Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python | |
1872 | @jonathanslenders/pyvim | Pure Python Vim clone. | |
1425 | @jonathanslenders/ptpython | A better Python REPL | |
973 | @jonathanslenders/pymux | A terminal multiplexer (like tmux) in Python | |
436 | @gotcha/ipdb | Integration of IPython pdb | |
276 | @jonathanslenders/asyncio-redis | Redis client for Python asyncio (PEP 3156) | |
234 | @ColinDuquesnoy/QDarkStyleSheet | A dark style sheet for Qt application | |
131 | @gotcha/vimpdb | Pdb and Vim integration | |
107 | @cvandeplas/pystemon | Monitoring tool for PasteBin-alike sites written in Python. Inspired by pastemon http://github.com/xme/pastemon | |
91 | @cvandeplas/ELK-forensics | ELK configuration files for Forensic Analysts and Incident Handlers | |
87 | @jonathanslenders/ptpdb | prompt_toolkit/ptpython pdb frontend | |
87 | @jonathanslenders/python-deployer | Library for automation of deployments through SSH. | |
85 | @obonaventure/cnp3 | Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice | |
35 | @jeroendoggen/Arduino-serial-messa… | Library to exchange short messages (sensordata, commands) between an Arduino and a software application running on a PC. (Linux, embedded Linux, Windows, OS X) | |
29 | @fdb/choicewords | Random text generator based on a simple grammar file. | |
26 | @cudeso/cudeso-honeypot | Honeypot repo | |
25 | @jeroendoggen/Arduino-distance-sen… | Arduino library for distance sensors | |
18 | @ProgramFOX/SE-Chatbot | A chatbot for the Stack Exchange chat rooms. | |
14 | @JDevlieghere/InTeXration | TeX Continuous Integration Service | |
13 | @matrixise/flask-openerp | OpenERP connector for Flask, an awesome micro-framework | |
12 | @Cairnarvon/progscrape | Scraper for Shiichan textboards, designed for world4ch's /prog/. | |
11 | @matrixise/dsmtpd | ||
10 | @jeroendoggen/Arduino-TestSuite | Arduino TestSuite to automate Arduino unit tests | |
10 | @jeroendoggen/Arduino-MMA7361-libr… | Arduino library for the MMA7361 3-axis MEMS accelerometer | |
10 | @jonathanslenders/libpymux | Terminal multiplexer library. The core library for pymux, which is a pure Python tmux clone. | |
10 | @cudeso/host-enrich | Enrich a host with open source security information | |
9 | @ColinDuquesnoy/QPygletWidget | A PySide widget to display a pyglet scene | |
9 | @ColinDuquesnoy/pyqt_distutils | A set of distutils extension to work with PyQt applications and UI files | |
9 | @Cairnarvon/uptime | Cross-platform uptime library for the Python. | |
7 | @fdb/aufmachen | Turns a website's HTML into nice, clean objects. | |
7 | @jonathanslenders/textfsm | Textfsm fork. Made Python 3 compatible. | |
5 | @jeroendoggen/youtube-to-mpd | Front end for youtube-dl to auto add YouTube music to MPD | |
5 | @fdb/fliki | A small Flask wiki. | |
5 | @gotcha/robotentrypoints | Entry points for Robot Framework | |
5 | @abiggerhammer/bbtools | Tools and other possibly useful things for use with BioBricks and other aspects of synthetic biology. | |
5 | @ColinDuquesnoy/QCrash | A crash report framework for PyQt/PySide applications | |
4 | @mikekestemont/attic_orators | ||
4 | @gotcha/plone.act | Acts, not words : ACceptance Testing for Plone | |
4 | @KangOl/abitbol | George — Aah... Monde de merde. | |
4 | @fdb/projecthub | A web application for managing projects. | |
4 | @jonathanslenders/asyncio-amp | AMP client and server library for asyncio | |
3 | @Cairnarvon/world4search | Search engine for world4ch. | |
3 | @gvangool/gab | A collection of fabric tasks | |
3 | @ProgramFOX/SE-Chatbot-Builtins | Builtins for SE-Chatbot. https://github.com/ProgramFOX/SE-Chatbot | |
3 | @jeroendoggen/Arduino-ParallaxCont… | Arduino Library for the Parallax (Futaba) Continuous Rotation Servo | |
3 | @jeroendoggen/Arduino-ardumotor-li… | Arduino Ardumoto Library | |
3 | @mikekestemont/verification | ||
3 | @gotcha/collective.js.prefix… | Lea Verou prefixfree for Plone | |
3 | @jonathanslenders/pypager | ||
2 | @gotcha/collective.shuttle | Zope 2 : traversal to objects not stored in ZODB. | |
2 | @fdb/helloflask | Demo application for getting started with Flask. | |
2 | @Cairnarvon/phash-presentation | Slides, code, and images for my presentation on perceptual hashes. | |
2 | @Cairnarvon/goldbug | Classical cryptography toolkit for Python | |
2 | @ProgramFOX/GibberishClassifier-… | A Python module to classify whether text is gibberish or not. | |
2 | @tcoopman/bloated-clock-plasmo… | a plasmoid clock with many options written in python | |
2 | @tcoopman/musictagger | a basic python music tagger | |
2 | @ColinDuquesnoy/QRegexEditor | Regular expression editor | |
2 | @mikekestemont/wuerzb15 | Advanced Stylometry Course, Wuerzburg (December 2015) | |
2 | @mikekestemont/topicizer | Simple script to count words and topics in texts | |
2 | @ProgramFOX/HeavyStarrerDetector | Heavy Starrer Detector is a bot that lurks in Stack Exchange chat rooms and detects people who star many messages at a short time. | |
2 | @abiggerhammer/dxscraper | scrapy project for logging info about DX calls | |
2 | @ProgramFOX/Chatbot-ShadowsDenMo… | A module for Shadow's Den, for my SE-Chatbot | |
2 | @abiggerhammer/pydjangitwiki | git wiki in python/django | |
2 | @cvandeplas/inet_scripts | Various small internet / website related scripts | |
2 | @matrixise/clihub | ||
2 | @cvandeplas/plaso | ||
2 | @matrixise/pyactiviti | a SDK that helps with interacting with Activiti. | |
2 | @cvandeplas/suricata_stats | Statistics parsing for suricata | |
2 | @sprt/deltabot | ||
2 | @ProgramFOX/SO-EditMonitor | A bot that monitors recent suggested edits on Stack Overflow and posts an alert in a chatroom when it comes across a suspicious edit (detected as spam, or approved with 2 rejection votes with at least 1 spam vote) | |
2 | @sebastiandedeyne/BlankCSS | Sublime Text 2 plugin which converts an html page or snippet to a blank css style sheet with all class an id selectors used in the original code. | |
2 | @tcoopman/network-monitor-plas… | a plasmoid to monitor your available download and upload quota | |
2 | @jonathanslenders/pymux-test | ||
2 | @fdb/teamhub | A simple web application for collaboration in small teams. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
70 | @yrosseel/lavaan | an R package for structural equation modeling and more | |
25 | @jwijffels/RMOA | Connect R to MOA for massive online data stream mining | |
12 | @tomwenseleers/export | R package to easily export active graphs and statistical output to MS Office, Latex and HTML formats | |
8 | @jwijffels/ETLUtils | Utilities for easily loading big data from relational databases directly into ffdf objects in R. | |
8 | @jwijffels/Myrrix-R-interface | Let R talk to Myrrix. Myrrix is a complete, real-time, scalable clustering and recommender system, evolved from Apache Mahout. | |
4 | @rogiersbart/RGLUEANN | provides an R implementation of the coupling between general likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) and artificial neural networks (ANN) |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
671 | @jedi4ever/sahara | a plugin for vagrant that allows you manage a sandbox state | |
530 | @sr/git-wiki | A quick & dirty git-powered Sinatra wiki | |
262 | @jedi4ever/mccloud | Vagrant for the cloud | |
200 | @jedi4ever/markdown2confluence | Converting Markdown to Confluence Markup using Kramdown Gem | |
170 | @ahe/choco | A delicious Javascript web framework made in Belgium! | |
145 | @dv/redis-semaphore | A distributed semaphore and mutex built on Redis. | |
122 | @fd/json_select | CSS-like selectors for JSON (Ruby implementation). | |
93 | @tbalthazar/ubuntu-machine | - no longer maintained - These Capistrano recipes allow you to setup a machine running Ubuntu Server 8.0.4 or 8.1. They will install/setup : SSH, iptables, MySQL, Apache, PHP, Ruby (+ Ruby Enterprise Edition), Rails, Phusion Passenger, and Git. | |
81 | @blambeau/rack-robustness | Rack::Robustness, the rescue clause of your Rack stack. | |
81 | @jedi4ever/logstash-cli | Commandline interface for logstash | |
81 | @ys/moments | Heroku + Dropbox + pictures = ♥︎ | |
69 | @ahe/mongo_admin | Browse and manage your MongoMapper data using your browser | |
66 | @blambeau/finitio-rb | Finitio - In Ruby | |
59 | @blambeau/viiite | An alternative to ruby Benchmark | |
54 | @sr/mg | minimal gem | |
52 | @ahe/jqgrid_demo_app | Rails demo application showing how to use my 2dcJqgrid plugin | |
49 | @blambeau/quickl | Command-line Ruby Utilities Shipped as Classes | |
47 | @jedi4ever/vagrant-guard-demo | Demo on how cucumber-puppet, rspec-puppet and guard and vagrant can work together | |
41 | @jandot/ruby-ensembl-api | A ruby API to the Ensembl database | |
40 | @ahe/reverse_scaffold | This script generates a Rails scaffold based on an existing table | |
39 | @jedi4ever/gmond-zmq | Puts ganglia gmond information on a zeromq pub/sub | |
38 | @ys/chekku | That gem knows if your software dependencies are met! | |
38 | @fabien/minigems | Lighweight drop-in replacement for rubygems. | |
37 | @jomz/radiant-tags-extensi… | Extends Radiant CMS with tagging capabilities. Tagging as in "2.0" and tagclouds. | |
33 | @jedi4ever/puppet-homebrew | a puppet provider for the homebrew packaging system | |
31 | @sr/saloon | AtomPub server implemented using Sinatra and CouchDB | |
30 | @sr/shout-bot | Ridiculously simple library to quickly say something on IRC | |
27 | @fabien/im_magick | RMagick replacement which uses ImageMagick directly by constructing chainable commands | |
26 | @blambeau/nib.js | Node.js packaging for the Browser | |
25 | @sr/integrity-heroku | Deploy Integrity on Heroku's platform | |
25 | @blambeau/myrrha | The missing coercion framework for Ruby | |
24 | @cimm/snippets-gist-scripp… | A small plugin - aka scrippet - to export code snippets from Snippets as GitHub gists. NOTE: this plugin is now included in Snippets 1.2 (http://www.snippetsapp.com/release-note… | |
23 | @blambeau/noe | Noe is a simple, general-purpose and extensible skeleton generator from project templates | |
22 | @xavier/acts-as-tree-with-do… | A drop in replacement for acts_as_tree with super fast ancestors and subtree access | |
22 | @jedi4ever/collectd-zmq | Collectd Listener that pushes the metrics onto zeromq pub/sub mechanism | |
22 | @blambeau/wlang | WLang is a general-purpose (code generation / templating) engine. | |
21 | @jandot/bio-graphics | Bio::Graphics is a ruby library for visualizing annotations on chromosomes | |
20 | @tbalthazar/onesignal-ruby | OneSignal Ruby bindings | |
19 | @jedi4ever/puppet-cic | Puppet Changeset Impact Checker | |
18 | @vStone/vagrant-addons | Some modifications for a Vagrantfile adding some additional usefull actions. | |
18 | @vStone/puppet-testing-examp… | ||
18 | @jedi4ever/puppet-assert | Allows to excute assertion as part of your puppet code | |
17 | @dv/alfred-omnifocus-wor… | An Alfred 2 workflow to create tasks in OmniFocus featuring autocompletion of Project and Context | |
15 | @jandot/parp | Processing Abnormal Read-Pairs | |
14 | @blambeau/summaryse | Array#summaryse | |
14 | @ys/sinatra_skeleton | Sinatra skeleton with activerecord and rspec | |
14 | @jandot/ruby-ucsc-api | A ruby API to the UCSC database | |
14 | @blambeau/pdf-toolkit | A ruby interface to pdftk | |
14 | @tbalthazar/lighthouse-to-github | - no longer maintained - A ruby script that migrates Lighthouse tickets to Github issues | |
13 | @jandot/biorake | An extension to rake that can be used to build database-backed workflows | |
13 | @jedi4ever/hetzner-cli | CLI to do more complicated Hetnzer tasks like re-installing a server and putting the keys on it | |
12 | @jedi4ever/slowlane | We are the @fastlane cli - without the magic | |
12 | @pjaspers/shack | If you like it then you should have put a sha on it. | |
12 | @vStone/vagrant-centos7_fix | A vagrant plugin to use Fedora networking on Centos 7 (network device naming shizzle) | |
12 | @sr/ey-integrity | Deploy a continuous integration server onto http://cloud.engineyard.com | |
12 | @pjaspers/capfire | Send a notification to Campfire from Capistrano | |
10 | @sr/atom-tools | mirror of the darcs repository (ruby lib for atom/atompub) | |
9 | @gigamo/mongo_mapper_acts_as… | Basic MongoMapper port of technoweenie's acts_as_versioned | |
9 | @pjaspers/gasoline | Gasoline and Propane make Campfire better | |
9 | @ys/libraclips | They have good critical faculty and are able to stand back and look impartially at matters which call for an impartial judgment to be made on them. | |
9 | @sr/rumbster | Rumbster is a fake smtp server for email testing in Ruby. | |
9 | @jedi4ever/devopsdays-checklist | Example trello sync for a checklist for devopsdays events | |
8 | @ahe/choco_demo | Sample Rails 3 app using the Choco Javascript framework | |
8 | @ys/apperol | Heroku button CLI for private apps | |
8 | @jandot/locustree | Ruby library to search genomic loci | |
8 | @sr/github-calendar | Web service that converts GitHub's activity feeds into iCal. | |
8 | @sr/integrity-irc | IRC notifier for the Integrity continuous integration server | |
8 | @sr/ape | The Atom Protocol Exerciser | |
8 | @cmeiklejohn/wine_dot_com_api_req… | Provides a simple interface to cut down on code duplication when querying the wine.com API. | |
8 | @dv/Fuzzy-Git | Add fuzzy finder functionality to git commands. | |
8 | @jomz/gorilla-capistrano-r… | Common capistrano recipes for Gorilla sites | |
8 | @petervandenabeele/dbd | A data store that (almost) never forgets | |
7 | @jomz/spree-ogone | Extension for Spree that adds support for Ogone payments | |
7 | @jedi4ever/theseboots | Bootstrapping code for getting ruby, chef, puppet, ... on a brand new server | |
7 | @gigamo/aurb | An AUR (Arch User Repository) utility | |
7 | @sr/dumbapp | DumbApp is a simple AtomPub (RFC 5023) implementation based on Mongrel and ActiveRecord. | |
7 | @sr/dst | todo-list manager I wrote back in 2008 with the help of Gregory Brown in order to learn Ruby and TDD | |
7 | @sr/quarkquark | Easily creates an AtomPub server through a DSL. | |
6 | @lefred/vagrant-mha | Vagrant for MySQL MHA | |
6 | @blambeau/sbyc | Adding Specialization By Constraint to the Ruby type system | |
6 | @ys/confreaks-dl | Get 720p videos from confreaks to watch on your ipad | |
6 | @blambeau/stamina | Automaton and Induction Tools Written in Ruby | |
6 | @blambeau/dbagile | Agile SQL databases and tools for database administrators | |
6 | @lefred/puppet-cluster | pacemaker / corosync puppet recipe | |
5 | @xavier/live_tabs | Dynamic in-page tabbed navigation for Rails, supporting both inline and remote content | |
5 | @blambeau/plwords | http://plwords.herokuapp.com/ | |
5 | @jedi4ever/puppet-codeblock | Execute abritrary codeblocks in Puppet | |
5 | @jedi4ever/mccloud-demo | Demo showing of Mccloud project | |
5 | @ys/rubymotion-bars | first rubymotion app calling foursquare | |
5 | @jandot/sprolog | Simple Project Logger | |
5 | @sr/loved | Simple tag-based playlist manager for MPD | |
5 | @blambeau/yargi | Yet Another Ruby Graph Implementation | |
5 | @cimm/missioncontrol | Time tracker for freelancers | |
5 | @jomz/radiant-gorilla-blog… | ||
4 | @titouanc/rb-sudoku | Sudoku handler gem | |
4 | @dv/iCal2GCal | Takes iCal files (.ics) and adds the events to your Google Calendar. | |
4 | @pjaspers/stringer | Wraps genstrings with some brains. | |
4 | @jedi4ever/webshooter | Create webshots using rubyCocoa Webkit | |
4 | @jomz/radiant-future-publi… | A tiny Radiant extension that allows you to publish a page at a certain time in the future | |
4 | @ahe/easytitles | Ruby on Rails plugin to easily manage the titles of your pages using YAML files | |
4 | @sr/atom-test | Atom syndication format test suite for Ruby. | |
4 | @lefred/facter-mysql | mysql facter | |
4 | @jomz/spree-fixed_quantity | This extension changes the input field for line_item quantity into a select, with options that are multiples of a product's base_quantity | |
4 | @pjaspers/wasko | The quickest way to set your colorscheme | |
4 | @jomz/radiant-first-reorde… | This is a patched version of the original reorder extension (the one with drag&drop reordering on a seperate page) | |
3 | @xavier/actionmailer-localiz… | Extends ActionMailer::Preview to allow email previews in all available locales | |
3 | @ys/reverse-auth-rubymot… | ||
3 | @ys/heroku-rubymotion | Rubymotion Iphone app for heroku [WIP] | |
3 | @ys/wapero | ||
3 | @fabien/ultraminx | A port of Ultrasphinx for Merb | |
3 | @fabien/slices | All sliced and diced | |
3 | @pjaspers/Span | Tool for using SPIC | |
3 | @blambeau/agora | Agile Goal-Oriented Requirement Acquisition | |
3 | @blambeau/waw | A simple and different web framework for ruby | |
3 | @blambeau/anagram | Reusable grammars, parsers and rewriting tools | |
3 | @vStone/puppet-model | A try out for a puppet-module model with a twist. | |
3 | @sr/twitrc | a twitter client for IRC in ruby. | |
3 | @cmeiklejohn/consus | Lighweight prototype Dropbox clone written for Riak CS. | |
3 | @sr/bob-test | Test helpers for Bob's family | |
3 | @cmeiklejohn/shipitdudemouse | http://shipitdudemouse.heroku.com | |
3 | @sr/rack-red | RED (http://redbot.org) implemented as a Rack middleware | |
3 | @jomz/radiant-reorder_chil… | Adds the ability to reorder the children of a certain page with drag and drop. | |
3 | @fabien/memetic | Packaging couchdb, lighttpd etc, and library dependencies, as binary gems | |
3 | @jomz/radiant-index-page-e… | ||
3 | @xavier/active_sheet | An ActiveRecord-like library to process dubious data thrown at you in the form of spreadsheets | |
3 | @cmeiklejohn/guard-evergreen | Continuous testing for evergreen. | |
2 | @jedi4ever/openstack-box | ||
2 | @blambeau/wAw.js | web Another way, a web framework in javascript/coffeescript | |
2 | @blambeau/sqlize | Non-OO manipulation of SQL schemas... | |
2 | @blambeau/clipreasy | Clinical Processes Made Easy | |
2 | @blambeau/rqp2 | The Relational Query Puzzle Platform | |
2 | @blambeau/polygon | A sinatra-powered web framework for mostly static websites | |
2 | @pjaspers/ghrunit | Better output for GHUnit command line builds | |
2 | @pjaspers/typeit | MacRuby variant of Typespeed | |
2 | @xavier/streams | Streams, the little engine powering my personal website | |
2 | @xavier/active_token | A simple way to create cryptographic tokens for an Active Record model. | |
2 | @xavier/bouncer | Rack middleware for simple access filtering by IP address or User Agent | |
2 | @blambeau/cudd-rb | A ruby bridge to the CU Decision Diagram package (CUDD) | |
2 | @jandot/enfarmer | Extension of the Enumerable class to allow parallelization of jobs over a farm | |
2 | @blambeau/rubyrel | Ruby and the Relational Model | |
2 | @jandot/ruby-class-extension… | Commonly used class extensions | |
2 | @cmeiklejohn/guard-tddium | Run your specs with tddium through guard. | |
2 | @dv/taxes | Calculate your Belgian taxes. | |
2 | @cmeiklejohn/watchmaker | Extract test setup and factory instantiation into reusable objects. | |
2 | @dv/multiparty | A tiny gem to create multiparts. | |
2 | @cmeiklejohn/seedable | Allows for quick serialization/deserialization of objects for moving between environments. | |
2 | @dv/opera-chain | Ruby library to access Opera Link | |
2 | @cmeiklejohn/riaque | Process background jobs persisted in Riak. | |
2 | @vStone/puppet-accounts | Manage your (system) user accounts in hiera | |
2 | @cmeiklejohn/histomatic | Quick 'n dirty histograms for ActiveRecord. | |
2 | @vStone/vagrant-puppet | My vagrant setup for puppet development | |
2 | @cmeiklejohn/future-of-front-end | Lunch time tech talk for colleagues on new front-end development technologies. | |
2 | @lefred/pluk-devops | MySQL DBADEVOPS | |
2 | @cmeiklejohn/motorized-bootstrap | Twitter's bootstrap, as scss, in a rails engine. | |
2 | @lefred/puppet-fusioninvento… | fusion inventory agent recipe | |
2 | @cmeiklejohn/riik | Lightweight object mapper for Riak. | |
2 | @lefred/puppet-funambol | Funambol puppet recipe | |
2 | @cmeiklejohn/cereal_box | Serialization filters for active record. | |
2 | @fd/etaps | Super simple CLI for taps | |
2 | @fabien/spree_simple_invento… | Very basic inventory management for Spree | |
2 | @fd/be-data-api | API client for data.be | |
2 | @fabien/spree_admin_autocomp… | ||
2 | @gigamo/wmii-configs | My wmii configuration (uses Rumai) | |
2 | @fabien/spree_discount | A simple way to display percentage discounts on products. | |
2 | @sr/statig | Thor task to manage a static website tracked with git. Don't expect anything fancy. | |
2 | @fabien/spree_eu_vat | ||
2 | @sr/integrity-queue | ||
2 | @jedi4ever/eventbrite-invoicer | Simple Ruby script to generate invoices from Eventbrite Events | |
2 | @sr/bobette | Bob's sister | |
2 | @jomz/radiant-group_childr… | Adds a Radius tag to iterate over a page's children per n items. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
18 | @andypetrella/neo4j-rest-play-plug… | An attempt to have a plugin for Play 2.0 of Neo4J REST api | |
14 | @sdb/xsbt-filter | sbt plugin for filtering resources | |
9 | @sdb/play2-metrics | Metrics plugin for Play Framework 2 | |
9 | @pmandera/duometer | Near-duplicate detection tool | |
6 | @andypetrella/gatling-play2-plugin | This project aims to bring the Gatling-Tool as a Play 2.0 plugin for the framework Play 2.0 | |
6 | @andypetrella/Play20WithNeo4J | The intent of this project is to use Neo4J Back end service for storing graph data. Having a play! 2.0 environement incharge of serving and creating them | |
6 | @andypetrella/play2-neo4j | A dedicated Neo4J module for the Play Framework! 2. It'll mainly focus on Scala and ease the creation of web application using Neo4J as backend | |
5 | @sdb/xsbt-liquibase | A plugin for the Simple Build Tool (SBT) for running LiquiBase | |
4 | @AODtorusan/scala-glsl | A Scala DSL to generate GLSL sources | |
3 | @andypetrella/gatling-sbt-plugin | An SBT plugin that adds the gatling-tool as a new test framework, including some command to ease its usage | |
2 | @Geogi/CriojoSC | CriojoSC is an implementation of CRIOJO, a CHAM-based engine for running concurrent applications with guaranteed causal order. | |
2 | @andypetrella/play2-steal | Library that aims to provide interceptors for Play Actions (composable using Scalaz, type safed using Shapeless) | |
2 | @andypetrella/gatling-sbt-sample | A very lightweight sample for HTTP testing using SBT and its Gatling-Tool plugin | |
2 | @andypetrella/steal-play2 | A project defining a way to intercept/prepare stuffs before the definition of an action |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
25 | @erikdubois/Archi3 | Automated script to install i3 and all its programs on Arch Linux | |
19 | @srvg/sysadmintools | Miscelleanous Scripts | |
15 | @sjorge/asmd | Advanced SmartOS Node Management Daemon | |
13 | @Tuinslak/GFW-URL-checker | Chinese firewall blocked url tester | |
11 | @erikdubois/yltra-flat-icon-them… | Yltra Flat icon for Linux Operating Systems | |
8 | @BlackIkeEagle/bashrc | BlackEagle's bashrc | |
8 | @BlackIkeEagle/docker-php-samples | ||
7 | @Tuinslak/PAC-Generator | Generate Proxy Auto-Config files | |
7 | @NoctuaNivalis/minerva-syncer | A bash script to sync a local folder with Minerva documents using curl | |
6 | @srvg/dotfiles | My personal config files. This repository is managed with vcsh. | |
6 | @erikdubois/Super-Ultra-Flat-Num… | Icons for Linux - a mixture of different icons | |
6 | @BlackIkeEagle/docker-archlinux-ima… | DEPRECATED, I will move to best practice containers, see: https://github.com/BlackIkeEagle/docker-… | |
5 | @erikdubois/Sardi | ||
5 | @Tuinslak/URL-Extractor | Extract URLs from file, and check whether they exist using wget | |
3 | @kcalliauw/VPS | Shell scripts for Debian Squeeze VPS | |
3 | @BlackIkeEagle/docker-developer-dns | ||
2 | @erikdubois/Ultimate-Linux-Mint-… | Cinnamon - automated script installation of software | |
2 | @BlackIkeEagle/documents-sync | sync your documents | |
2 | @Tuinslak/Misc | Stuff, configs, docs, etc | |
2 | @BlackIkeEagle/black-backup | simple backup written in bash |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
4 | @icapps/ios-air-rivet | The goal is to make a small requestController that uses generics to make the request reusable. | |
2 | @Nexmind/Swiftizy |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
59 | @fmoralesc/vim-tutor-mode | interactive tutorials for vim | |
23 | @vhdirk/vim-cmake | Vim plugin to make working with CMake a little nicer | |
19 | @teranex/dotvim | my personal vim configuration | |
15 | @teranex/vimwiki-tasks | A Vim plugin to integrate Vimwiki tasks with taskwarrior. Sync tasks between vimwiki and taskwarrior in both directions | |
14 | @folke/dotfiles | All my bash / vim / ... stuff | |
9 | @fmoralesc/vim-pinpoint | Support for pinpoint syntax | |
7 | @fmoralesc/molokayo | molokai variations | |
7 | @Numkil/VimConf | .vimrc for vim. Quick install on new machines | |
5 | @teranex/jk-jumps.vim | Handle movements with j/k as if they were real jumps | |
3 | @fmoralesc/dotfiles | dotfiles | |
3 | @fmoralesc/acme.vim | acme-like mouse bindings for vim | |
3 | @fmoralesc/vim-autogit | autocommit changes to a file to an independent git repository | |
3 | @fmoralesc/vim-vitamins | ||
2 | @groggemans/dot-vim | My vim configuration - [ Ellipsis package ] | |
2 | @fmoralesc/vim-iolang | io programming language support for vim |
There are few ways to get help:
- Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
- For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. 🐛
- For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. 🚀
Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.
I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).
However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:
Starring and sharing the projects you like 🚀
—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. 😁 📖
—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a
coffeetea. 🍵 -
—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).
Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below):
Thanks! ❤️