CriojoSC is an implementation of CRIOJO, a CHAM-based engine for running concurrent applications with guaranteed causal order.
CriojoSC uses Scala and is GPL licenced.
Some useful resources:
- The mainline implementation by Mayleen Lacouture: maylencita/CRIOJO
- The latest CRIOJO research paper:
- Install the following dependencies: Git, SBT. On Linux, get them from your distro repositories.
- Clone from GitHub:
$ git clone
. - Run the code generator then compile CriojoSC:
$ sbt generate/run compile
. The .class files will be located attarget/${scalaVersion}/classes/
. - If you want the JAR:
$ sbt package
. It will be located attarget/
If you get a lot of memory related exceptions when running SBT, run the following and retry (in the same console):
export SBT_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=384M"
Build the project then $ sbt doc
. The API will be located at target/${scalaVersion}/api/index.html
The Specs2 specification can be generated with $ sbt test
. It will be located at target/specs2-reports/index.html