EasyTitles is a Ruby on Rails plugin that allows you to easily manage the titles of your pages. Instead of creating @title variables inside your controllers & views, EasyTitles gives you the possiblity to centralize your titles in YAML files. This plugin also supports internationalization (I18n) if you use a version of Rails >= 2.2.
The big advantage is that all titles are centralized in one place, making them easy to manage.
Let’s say that you have a REST “Articles” controller (with basic CRUD methods), the only one thing you have to do is to create a YAML file respecting the following format :
articles: index: "Listing articles" show: "Article details" new: "New article" edit: "Edit article"
You can then add a call to the easy_title helper method in the title tag of your layout :
<title><%= easy_title %></title>
This method will determine the title to display in function of the current controller name & action name. So if you are on the /articles/show page, the title “Article details” will be displayed.
EasyTitles also allows you to set default titles :
default: "This title will be displayed for any controller/action without a defined title" articles: default: "This title will be displayed for articles methods without a defined title" index: "Listing articles" show: "Article details" new: "New article" edit: "Edit article"
If you need a dynamic title for some actions, you can create a @page_title instance variable in your controller. The easy_title helper method will automatically return @page_title if it is defined.
-script/plugin install git://github.com/ahe/easytitles.git
-The installation created a titles folder in your config folder (RAILS_ROOT/config/titles).
-If you are not using I18n (internationalization) use config/titles/all.yml to store your titles.
-Otherwise, create a yml file for each locale (en.yml, fr.yml, …) in your titles folder.
-Add the easy_title call in your title tag : <title><%= easy_title %></title>
Anthony Heukmes