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Evolution and simplification to bring the old RateBeer for Android app up to modern Android code and design standards, while being more reliable and less prone to server changes and instabilities.
Designed and developed by Eric Kok of 2312 development. Contributions by various others (see commit log).
The project should compile without any additional work, as all dependencies are managed through Gradle. The Android Jack toolchain is used to support Java 8 style labdas. Android devices with 4.0.3 (API level 15) and up are supported, without any tablet-specific interface for the moment. The project uses RxJava heavily to manage data streams (loading, caching), async processing and event notifications. The source data is defined by the RateBeer JSON API only, for which limited documentation exists. Most data shown in the app is temporarily cached in the database, with a fixed time limit to refresh data. Offline ratings of the signed in user are stored in the database after a manually-started sync (managed by a background Service).
Designed and developed by Eric Kok of 2312 development, with contributions by various others (see commit log). Published under the GNU GPL v3 (copyleft) license.
Copyright 2010-2016 Eric Kok et al.
RateBeer for Android is free software: you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
RateBeer for Android is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with RateBeer for Android. If not, see
See LICENSE.txt for the full license. Remember that, practically speaking, you can NOT use this code without publishing the derivative code under the GNU GPL v3 license as well. Thanks for sharing!
Some code/libraries/resources are used in the project:
- RxJava by Netflix, Inc
- RxAndroid by The RxAndroid authors
- RxBinding by Jake Wharton et al.
- RxLifecycle by Trello, Inc
- RxTuples by pakoito
- Retrofit by Square, Inc
- Gson by Google, Inc
- Cupboard by Hugo Visser et al.
- RxCupboard by Eric Kok et al.
- Picasso by Square, Inc
- HTMLEntities by Nicola Asuni, copied into project under GNU LGPL v2.1