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europlus edited this page Sep 23, 2024 · 3 revisions

For this test, you will need

  • Atari
  • FujiNet
  • Working WiFi Connection
  • A computer that can initiate a TELNET connection (referred to Host 2)
  • in an available host slot.


  1. Power on FujiNet
  2. Power on Atari
  3. Wait for CONFIG to boot.
  4. Press C to get configuration. Make note of hostname.
  5. Ensure is in an available host slot.
  6. Select
  7. Select Comms folder
  8. Select modem-programs.atr
  9. Select D1:
  10. Select R/O
  11. Verify that modem-programs.atr is mounted as R in D1:
  12. Press OPTION to boot.
  13. Wait for Disk Directory
  14. Select BTERM.COM
  15. Wait for BOBTerm to load
  16. Once BOBTerm is loaded, press RETURN to enter Terminal Mode.
  17. Type AT RETURN to verify that FujiNet is working properly.
  18. FujiNet should reply "OK"
  19. TYPE ATPORT2000 RETURN to tell FujiNet to listen for connections on TCP port 2000.
  20. FujiNet should reply "OK"
  21. On Host 2, initiate a TELNET connection to the noted hostname.
  22. FujiNet should respond with repeated RING, every second.
  23. On Atari, type ATA RETURN to accept the connection.
  24. FujiNet should respond with CONNECT 2400
  25. Type Hello World. RETURN on Atari. Keypresses will not echo.
  26. Verify that Hello World. is visible on Host B telnet.
  27. Type Hello Back. on Host B. Keypresses will echo on Host B, but will not be sent until ENTER is pressed.
  28. Ensure Hello Back. printed on Atari.
  29. Close TELNET connection from Host B.
  30. Verify that NO CARRIER is shown from FujiNet.
  31. Verify that FujiNet is back in command mode by typing AT RETURN
  32. FujiNet should echo back, "OK"
  33. Test Done. Power off.

Expected Result

  • Another computer is able to connect to listening FujiNet on specified TCP port and communicate.
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