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Installing a High Score Party Server

Thomas Cherryhomes edited this page Oct 27, 2022 · 1 revision


The following HOWTO shows how to install a complete FujiNet server for LAN party use.

The following components are included:

  • TNFS server with High Score Enabled Games
  • Web Server, with High Score boards

Installing TNFS server with High Score Enabled Games

Step 1: Install Ubuntu Server 22.04

Install Ubuntu Server 22.04 with default settings, for your system. Follow the instructions.

Once this is done, become root:

sudo -i

When prompted, enter the user password that you specified at install.

You should now be in root's home directory (/root)

Step 2: Install git, and the required build tools

apt -y install build-essential git 

Step 3: Create the tnfs user

''(the tnfs group will automatically be created)''

useradd tnfs

Step 4: Use git to retrieve the TNFS server

git clone

Step 5: Compile the TNFS server

cd spectranet/tnfs/tnfsd


Step 6: Install the TNFS server to /usr/local/bin

install -o tnfs -g tnfs bin/tnfsd /usr/local/sbin/tnfsd

Step 7: Make the /tnfs directory

This will be used to store the files served by TNFS.

mkdir /tnfs
chown tnfs:tnfs /tnfs

Step 8: Install and start the TNFS systemd service

install tnfsd.service /etc/systemd/system

systemctl enable tnfsd

systemctl start tnfsd

You can check the status of the service with:

systemctl status tnfsd

At this point, the TNFS service is now running.

Step 9: Fetch the high score enabled repository.

Now we need to fetch the High Score Enabled repository, with all of its games, and tools, using 'git'

cd ~
git clone

Step 10: Copy High Score Enabled Games to TNFS

cd fujinet-high-scores/atari-blank-games/
chmod ugo+rw *
chown tnfs:tnfs *
cp * /tnfs

Step 11: Allow connections to TNFS

Ubuntu Server ships with the 'ufw' firewall enabled, so TNFS connections must be allowed. TNFS uses UDP port 16384.

ufw allow 16384/udp

Step 12: Test TNFS server

With the nearest #FujiNet equipped Atari, boot into CONFIG, set the host slot to the network address or hostname of the new server, and try to load a game.

If this works, the TNFS server is ready. Now to set up the web server.

Setting up the Web Server

Step 1: Install nginx-full

Start, with installing the web server.

apt -y install nginx-full

Step 2: Allow HTTP traffic

Use 'ufw' to allow HTTP traffic.

ufw allow http

Step 3: Replace the index.html

cd fujinet-high-scores/atari
cp index.html /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html

Step 4: Build and install the score scrapers

Each score scraper needs to be built and installed into /usr/local/sbin.

B.C.'s Quest for Tires

cd bcsquestfortires
install bcsquestfortires /usr/local/sbin
install bcsquestfortires.css /var/www/html
install bcsquestfortires.png /var/www/html
install bcsquestfortires.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable bcsquestfortires
systemctl start bcsquestfortires

Crisis Mountain

cd crisismountain
install crisismountain /usr/local/sbin
install crisismountain.css /var/www/html
install crisismountain.png /var/www/html
install crisismountain.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable crisismountain
systemctl start crisismountain


cd flak
install flak /usr/local/sbin
install flak.css /var/www/html
install flak.png /var/www/html
install flak.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable flak
systemctl start flak


cd frogger
install frogger /usr/local/sbin
install frogger.css /var/www/html
install frogger.png /var/www/html
install frogger.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable frogger
systemctl start frogger


cd gorf
install gorf /usr/local/sbin
install gorf.css /var/www/html
install gorf.png /var/www/html
install gorf.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable gorf
systemctl start gorf

Jawbreaker II

cd jawbreakerii
install jawbreakerii /usr/local/sbin
install jawbreakerii.css /var/www/html
install jawbreakerii.png /var/www/html
install jawbreakerii.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable jawbreakerii
systemctl start jawbreakerii


cd jumpman
install jumpman /usr/local/sbin
install jumpman.css /var/www/html
install jumpman.png /var/www/html
install jumpman.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable jumpman
systemctl start jumpman


cd loderunner
install loderunner /usr/local/sbin
install loderunner.css /var/www/html
install loderunner.png /var/www/html
install loderunner.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable loderunner
systemctl start loderunner


cd pacman
install pacman /usr/local/sbin
install pacman.css /var/www/html
install pacman.png /var/www/html
install pacman.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable pacman
systemctl start pacman

Rear Guard

cd rearguard
install rearguard /usr/local/sbin
install rearguard.css /var/www/html
install rearguard.png /var/www/html
install rearguard.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable rearguard
systemctl start rearguard


cd serpentine
install serpentine /usr/local/sbin
install serpentine.css /var/www/html
install serpentine.png /var/www/html
install serpentine.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable serpentine
systemctl start serpentine


cd snokie
install snokie /usr/local/sbin
install snokie.css /var/www/html
install snokie.png /var/www/html
install snokie.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable snokie
systemctl start snokie


cd spelunker
install spelunker /usr/local/sbin
install spelunker.css /var/www/html
install spelunker.png /var/www/html
install spelunker.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable spelunker
systemctl start spelunker

Track Attack

cd trackattack
install trackattack /usr/local/sbin
install trackattack.css /var/www/html
install trackattack.png /var/www/html
install trackattack.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable trackattack
systemctl start trackattack

Tutti Frutti

cd tuttifrutti
install tuttifrutti /usr/local/sbin
install tuttifrutti.css /var/www/html
install tuttifrutti.png /var/www/html
install tuttifrutti.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable tuttifrutti
systemctl start tuttifrutti

Wizard of Wor

cd wizardofwor
install wizardofwor /usr/local/sbin
install wizardofwor.css /var/www/html
install wizardofwor.png /var/www/html
install wizardofwor.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable wizardofwor
systemctl start wizardofwor

Step 5: Test Web Server and scoreboards

At this point, you should be able to point a PC to the now set up web server, and see the scoreboard, e.g.

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