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Thomas Cherryhomes edited this page Jan 19, 2021 · 12 revisions

As of 2020-01-20, the #FujiNet firmware has support for CP/M, via the excellent RunCPM software emulation layer. This provides a Z80 CPU, and enough of an emulation core to run almost all CP/M programs, with the Atari acting as a terminal.

Setting up CP/M Support

Currently, CP/M support is limited to the local SD card slot. You'll need to create folders in this structure (starting from the root of the SD card!), and place your CP/M files into them.

/CPM/<capital drive letter>/<user number>/

So for example, two drives with some user areas would look like:

  • /CPM
    • A/
      • 0/
        • ED.COM
        • WS.COM
        • ...
      • 1/
        • WORK.DOC
        • TEST.BAS
        • ...
      • 2/
      • ...
      • F/ (hex 15)
    • B/
      • 0/
      • ...
      • F/ (hex 15)
      • ...

It really is that simple, copy the files you want, into the folder structure, and CP/M will see them in those drives at those user areas.


  • CP/M can handle drives A to P.
  • CP/M can handle user areas 0 to 15 (numbered in hex from 0 to F).

How large are the disks?

Since RunCPM itself provides an abstracted file oriented interface to the CP/M disks below, it reports a disk size of 8 Megabytes for each and every disk on the CP/M system. Since modern disk storage is much larger, this figure doesn't change and for all purposes remains static.

Additionally, because the BDOS and BIOS accesses are abstracted, and the file-system structures are dynamically created on the fly, there isn't a limit on the number of directory entries that can exist in a directory. You should, however, be careful, if a program decides to keep directory entries in memory, to not overflow available CP/M memory by having too many (more than say, 1000 directory entries).

Are there any archives of software?

RunCPM's developer, has provided a ZIP File containing 150 megabytes of CP/M programs and utilities, here:

Directory of The Big RunCPM ZIP

How to access CP/M?

You can access CP/M with a suitable terminal program, in one of two ways:

  • DT-80, an ADM-3A compatible terminal, which sends an SIO command to start CP/M (can be bought here: Vintage Computer Center
  • An Atari MODEM program working over R:, start CPM with the command ATCPM

How does DT-80 start CP/M?

Note For Terminal Programmers: DT-80 starts CP/M by issuing the following SIO command:

DDEVIC = $5A ('Z')
DUNIT  = 1
DCOMND = $47 ('G') (for GO)
DSTATS = $00 (No payload)
DBUF   = $00 (no buffer)
DTIMLO = $0F (default timeout)
DBYT   = $00 (no payload)
DAUX1  = $00
DAUX2  = $F0  ($F000 = Z80 address of boot ROM, not used by FujiNet.)

Then call SIOV ($E459)

Printer Support

The currently selected FujiNet Printer is passed to CP/M's LST: device. This means that any CP/M program configured to print to the standard list device will have the output sent to the FujiNet printer.

Best choices for printers

The best choices for printer support in CP/M are as follows

FujiNet Name CP/M Equivalent
Epson 80 Epson MX or FX-80 with Graftrax
Atari 820 Standard Printer
Atari 822 Standard Printer
Atari 825 Centronics 737 or 739
Atari 1025 Oki Microline 80
Atari 1027 Mannesmann-Tally Riteman LQ
Atari 1029 (not sure?, it's a Seikosha printer)
Atari XMM801 Epson MX or FX-80 or Centronics 737/739
Atari XDM121 (not sure. It's a Citizen printer)
Okimate 10 Oki Microline 82/84

More to come, if you have information to add here, let us know!

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