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Lukas edited this page Jul 10, 2014 · 1 revision

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`questcache` wdb

This wdb contains some information of seen quests.

Version is : 3.3.5a


Name Type
Entry UInteger
Method UInteger
QuestLevel Integer
MinLevel UInteger
ZoneOrSort Integer
Type UInteger
SuggestedPlayers UInteger
RepObjectiveFaction1 UInteger
RepObjectiveValue1 Integer
RepObjectiveFaction2 UInteger
RepObjectiveValue2 Integer
NextQuestInChain UInteger
Unk1 Integer
RewOrReqMoney Integer
RewMoneyMaxLevel UInteger
RewSpell UInteger
RewSpellCast UInteger
RewHonorAddition UInteger
RewHonorMultiplier float
SrcItemId UInteger
QuestFlags UInteger
CharTitleId UInteger
PlayersSlain Integer
BonusTalents Integer
BonusArenaPoints Integer
Unk2 Integer
RewItemId1 UInteger
RewItemCount1 UInteger
RewItemId2 UInteger
RewItemCount2 UInteger
RewItemId3 UInteger
RewItemCount3 UInteger
RewItemId4 UInteger
RewItemCount4 UInteger
RewChoiceItemId1 UInteger
RewChoiceItemCount1 UInteger
RewChoiceItemId2 UInteger
RewChoiceItemCount2 UInteger
RewChoiceItemId3 UInteger
RewChoiceItemCount3 UInteger
RewChoiceItemId4 UInteger
RewChoiceItemCount4 UInteger
RewChoiceItemId5 UInteger
RewChoiceItemCount5 UInteger
RewChoiceItemId6 UInteger
RewChoiceItemCount6 UInteger
RawRepFaction1 UInteger
RawRepFaction2 UInteger
RawRepFaction3 UInteger
RawRepFaction4 UInteger
RawRepFaction5 UInteger
RawRepFactionValId1 Integer
RawRepFactionVal2 Integer
RawRepFactionVal3 Integer
RawRepFactionVal4 Integer
RawRepFactionVal5 Integer
RawRepValue1 UInteger
RawRepValue2 UInteger
RawRepValue3 UInteger
RawRepValue4 UInteger
RawRepValue5 UInteger
PointMapId UInteger
PointX float
PointY float
Unk3 Integer
Title String
Objectives String
Details String
ToDoText String
EndText String
ReqCreatureOrGOId1 Integer
ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 UInteger
ReqSourceId1 UInteger
ReqSourceIdMaxCount1 UInteger
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 Integer
ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 UInteger
ReqSourceId2 UInteger
ReqSourceIdMaxCount2 UInteger
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 Integer
ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 UInteger
ReqSourceId3 UInteger
ReqSourceIdMaxCount3 UInteger
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 Integer
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 UInteger
ReqSourceId4 UInteger
ReqSourceIdMaxCount4 UInteger
ReqItemId1 UInteger
ReqItemCount1 UInteger
ReqItemId2 UInteger
ReqItemCount2 UInteger
ReqItemId3 UInteger
ReqItemCount3 UInteger
ReqItemId4 UInteger
ReqItemCount4 UInteger
ReqItemId5 UInteger
ReqItemCount5 UInteger
ReqItemId6 UInteger
ReqItemCount6 UInteger
ObjectiveText1 String
ObjectiveText2 String
ObjectiveText3 String
ObjectiveText4 String
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