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The `quest_template` table

Contains all basic definitions of quests available.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
entry int(10) unsigned NO PRI 0
Method tinyint(3) NO 2
ZoneOrSort smallint(6) NO 0
MinLevel tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
QuestLevel tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
Type smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RequiredClasses smallint(5) NO 0
RequiredRaces smallint(5) NO 0
RequiredSkill smallint(5) NO 0
RequiredSkillValue smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RepObjectiveFaction smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RepObjectiveValue mediumint(9) NO 0
RequiredMinRepFaction mediumint(5) unsigned NO 0
RequiredMinRepValue mediumint(9) NO 0
RequiredMaxRepFaction mediumint(5) unsigned NO 0
RequiredMaxRepValue mediumint(9) NO 0
SuggestedPlayers mediumint(3) unsigned NO 0
LimitTime int(10) NO 0
QuestFlags smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
SpecialFlags tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
CharTitleId tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
PlayersSlain tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
BonusTalents tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
PrevQuestId mediumint(9) NO 0
NextQuestId mediumint(9) NO 0
ExclusiveGroup mediumint(9) NO 0
NextQuestInChain mediumint(8) NO 0
RewXPId tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
SrcItemId mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
SrcItemCount tinyint(3) NO 0
SrcSpell mediumint(8) NO 0
Title text YES
Details text YES
Objectives text YES
OfferRewardText text YES
RequestItemsText text YES
EndText text YES
ObjectiveText1 text YES
ObjectiveText2 text YES
ObjectiveText3 text YES
ObjectiveText4 text YES
ReqItemId1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
ReqItemId2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
ReqItemId3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
ReqItemId4 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
ReqItemCount1 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
ReqItemCount2 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
ReqItemCount3 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
ReqItemCount4 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
ReqSourceId1 mediumint(8) NO 0
ReqSourceId2 mediumint(8) NO 0
ReqSourceId3 mediumint(8) NO 0
ReqSourceId4 mediumint(8) NO 0
ReqSourceCount1 smallint(5) NO 0
ReqSourceCount2 smallint(5) NO 0
ReqSourceCount3 smallint(5) NO 0
ReqSourceCount4 smallint(5) NO 0
ReqCreatureOrGOId1 mediumint(9) NO 0
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 mediumint(9) NO 0
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 mediumint(9) NO 0
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 mediumint(9) NO 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 int(10) unsigned NO 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
ReqSpellCast1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
ReqSpellCast2 mediumint(8) NO 0
ReqSpellCast3 mediumint(8) NO 0
ReqSpellCast4 mediumint(8) NO 0
RewChoiceItemId1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewChoiceItemId2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewChoiceItemId3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewChoiceItemId4 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewChoiceItemId5 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewChoiceItemId6 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewChoiceItemCount1 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RewChoiceItemCount2 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RewChoiceItemCount3 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RewChoiceItemCount4 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RewChoiceItemCount5 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RewChoiceItemCount6 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RewItemId1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewItemId2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewItemId3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewItemId4 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewItemCount1 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RewItemCount2 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RewItemCount3 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RewItemCount4 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
RewRepFaction1 smallint(5) NO 0
RewRepFaction2 smallint(5) NO 0
RewRepFaction3 smallint(5) NO 0
RewRepFaction4 smallint(5) NO 0
RewRepFaction5 smallint(5) NO 0
RewRepValue1 mediumint(9) NO 0
RewRepValue2 mediumint(9) NO 0
RewRepValue3 mediumint(9) NO 0
RewRepValue4 mediumint(9) NO 0
RewRepValue5 mediumint(9) NO 0
RewHonorableKills int(11) NO 0
RewOrReqMoney int(11) NO 0
RewMoneyMaxLevel int(10) unsigned NO 0
RewSpell mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewSpellCast mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewMailTemplateId mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
RewMailDelaySecs int(11) unsigned NO 0
PointMapId smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
PointX float NO 0
PointY float NO 0
PointOpt mediumint(8) NO
DetailsEmote1 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
DetailsEmote2 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
DetailsEmote3 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
DetailsEmote4 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
IncompleteEmote smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
CompleteEmote smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
OfferRewardEmote1 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
OfferRewardEmote2 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
OfferRewardEmote3 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
OfferRewardEmote4 smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
StartScript mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
CompleteScript mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0


Quest Id. Quest ID is the Primary Key for the Table. Each Quest ID must be unique!


Accepted values: 0, 1 or 2. If value = 0 then Quest is autocompleted (skip objectives/details).


This field defines under what category the quest falls in the quest log.

If value > 0 then value is Zone IDs taken from AreaTable.dbc..

if value < 0 then (-value) is quest sort id: (in general profession or class quests. Also see RequiredSkillValue) Value is ID from QuestSort.dbc. QuestSort.dbc


This field defines any specific skill requirements for the quest to be available for a character.

If value > 0 then value is a skill ID (see SkillLine.dbc)


Minimum level required to get the quest.


Level of quest. Player receives full experience amount only if their level is less than or equal to QuestLevel+5.

If QuestLevel = -1, the quest uses current player level as its level.


These values are ID taken from QuestInfo.dbc


Class required to get the quest. 0 means available for all classes. Field’s value is a decimal value that must be transform to a 8 bits binary in order to be understandable. In binary form, each different bit represent a different class. They’re assigned as follow :


These values are 2^ID taken from CharClasses.dbc


Races required to get the quest. 0 means available for all races. Field’s value is a decimal value that must be transform to a 8 bits binary in order to be understandable. In binary form, each different bit represent a different race. They’re assigned as follow :


These values are 2^ID taken from CharRaces.dbc

NOTE: For Cataclysm Client Goblin=256 and Worgen=2097152


0,1791 = All Races

690 (2 + 16 + 32 + 128 + 512) = Horde Quest

1101 (1 + 4 + 8 + 64 + 1024) = Alliance Quest


Player skill value requirement for skill if in ZoneOrSort field < 0 and have some from skill related values.


Faction ID for an objective to achieve a certain reputation value with. See Faction.dbc


Reputation value that the player must achieve with the faction in RepObjectiveFaction as part of the quest objectives.


Faction ID for reputation requirement. See Faction.dbc


Players must have this reputation or higher in order to receive the quest.


The Faction ID for the faction that controls the maximum reputation value that the player can have and still get the quest. See Faction.dbc


The maximum reputation value that the player can have with a faction and still get the quest. If the player has more reputation than the value in this field, the quest will not be able to be taken anymore.


Info about how many players should do unite for the quest.


Time in seconds that the player has to complete this quest.


This flag field defines more specifically the type of quest it is. Aside from the daily flag and sharable flag, this field is used just for grouping purposes and NOT for any other quest requirements. The quest requirements are calculated from non-zero values in other quest template fields. Also, while some of these flags are known, others have yet an unknown purpose and the comments below is simply guesswork on them.

At the moment (rev 6055), the core does not actually handle these flags any differently (again, except for the daily flag and the sharable flag).

Bit Name Comments
0 QUEST_FLAGS_NONE No flags, so no groups assigned to this quest.
1 QUEST_FLAGS_STAY_ALIVE If the player dies, the quest is failed. (?)
2 QUEST_FLAGS_EVENT Escort quests or any other event-driven quests. If player in party, all players that can accept this quest will receive confirmation box to accept quest.
4 QUEST_FLAGS_EXPLORATION Involves the activation of an areatrigger.
8 QUEST_FLAGS_SHARABLE Allows the quest to be shared with other players.
16 QUEST_FLAGS_NONE2 Unknown at this time and not used.
32 QUEST_FLAGS_EPIC Epic class quests (hunter) (??)
64 QUEST_FLAGS_RAID Raid or similiar player group needed for quest.
128 QUEST_FLAGS_TBC Added with or after TBC.
256 QUEST_FLAGS_UNK2 Quest needs extra non-objective items dropped (eg. ReqSourceID fields) (?)
512 QUEST_FLAGS_HIDDEN_REWARDS Item and monetary rewards are hidden in the initial quest details page and in the quest log but will appear once ready to be rewarded.
1024 QUEST_FLAGS_AUTO_REWARDED These quests are automatically rewarded on quest complete.
2048 QUEST_FLAGS_TBC_RACES Blood elf/draenei starting zone quests.
4096 QUEST_FLAGS_DAILY Daily repeatable quests (only flag that the core applies specific behavior for)
8192 QUEST_FLAGS_UNK5 Grizzly Hills PvP daily? Puts PvP-tag on? No idea.)

Like all flag based fields, QuestFlags can be added for the different types of quest.


This field is a bitmask and controls only two extra requirements and has only 4 possible values.

  • 0: No extra requirements
  • 1: Makes the quest repeatable.
  • 2: Makes the quest only completable by some external event (an entry in areatrigger_involvedrelation,, spell effect quest complete or an entry in spell_scripts with command 7 as some examples)
  • 3: Both repeatable and completable only through an external event


The title the character will receive upon completion of the quest. See CharTitles.dbc




if value > 0: Contains the previous quest id, that must be completed before this quest can be started.

If value < 0: Contains the parent quest id, that must be active before this quest can be started.

See the examples section for examples.


If value > 0: Contains the next quest id, if PrevQuestId of that quest is not sufficient.

If value < 0: Contains the sub quest id, if PrevQuestId of that quest is not sufficient. If quest have many alternative next quests (class specific quests lead from single not class specific quest) field PrevQuestId in next quests can used for setting this dependence.

See the examples section for examples.


if ExclusiveGroup > 0

Allows to define a group of quests of which only one may be chosen and completed. E.g. if from quests 1200, 1201 and 1202 only one should be allowed to be chosen, insert 1200 into ExclusiveGroup of all 3 quests.

if ExclusiveGroup < 0

Allows to define a group of quests of which all must be completed and rewarded to start next quest. E.g. if quest 1000 dependent from one of quests 1200, 1201 and 1202 and all this quests have same negative exclusive group then all this quest must be completed and rewarded before quest 1000 can be started.

See the examples section for examples.


The quest entry from a creature or gameobject that ends a quest and starts a new one. The result is, that if you end the quest, the new quest instantly appears from the quest giver.

See the examples section for examples.


The reward XP index for QuestXP.dbc..

That DBC file lists 9 different XP amounts (from 0 to 8) for each QuestLevel. This field selects the correct amount among them. As of 3.3.5a, the RewXPId index 0 means no XP for all QuestLevels.


Item’s ID given by the quest giver at beginning of the quest. Items will be deleted when quest is abandoned.


Amount of items given.


Spell casted on player when quest is started. Can be a buff or a learning spell.


Title of the quest.


The quest text. You can use certain placeholders that will be filled in in-game: – line break, – name, – race, – class, :female; (male and female can be replace with any synonymn you want, but the order must stay the same. IE: boy:girl / man:woman / sir:madam / dude:chick)


Objectives of the quest. If empty, quest is an auto-complete quest that can be immediately finished without accepting it first.


First text send to the player by the NPC when completing the quest. You can use certain placeholders that will be filled in in-game: – line break, – name, – race, – class, :female; (male and female can be replace with any synonymn you want, but the order must stay the same. IE: boy:girl / man:woman / sir:madam / dude:chick)


Text sent to player when the player tries to talk to the NPC with the quest active but incomplete. (The text under the "Progress" title in Wowhead.) You can use certain placeholders that will be filled in in-game: – line break, – name, – race, – class, :female; (male and female can be replace with any synonymn you want, but the order must stay the same. IE: boy:girl / man:woman / sir:madam / dude:chick)


Used only when SpecialFlags 2 is active. This is the objective text sent to the player describing the external event that is required to complete the quest.


Used to define non-standard objective texts, that show up in the questlog. Example, "Heal fallen warrior" and the number gets added by Count values.


Item_template Id of required item to complete the quest.


Amount of required items


Item ID that is needed indirectly by the quest. For example, the quests asks for item X but the only way to get item X is by activating item Y; however, item Y is also a quest item. Therefore you set item Y’s ID in this field. This requirement will not appear in the quest text, it is just for the core to know when to drop a quest item that isn’t in the ReqItemID field but is still needed by the quest.


The maximum number of copies of the item in ReqSourceID that can be picked up (and dropped by the core).


Value > 0: required creature_template ID the player needs to kill/cast on in order to complete the quest.

Value < 0: required gameobject_template ID the player needs to cast on in order to complete the quest.

If ReqSpellCast is != 0, the objective is to cast on target, else kill.

NOTE: If ReqSpellCast is != 0 and the spell has effects Send Event or Quest Complete, this field may be left empty.


The number of times the creature or gameobject must be killed or casted upon.


Spell ID of Spell that needs to be cast in order to fulfill a quest objective. A spell normally needs a target which is ReqCreatureOrGOId

And for spells with "SpellEffect with ImpliciteTargetA-B == 38" check table Spell_script_target

NOTE: If the spell has spell effects Send Event or Quest Complete, it can be entered here WITHOUT the need for a target and count.

RewChoiceItemId, RewChoiceItemCount

Id of item available for reward choice.

Number of Charges in rewarded item available.

RewItemId, RewItemCount

Number of RewItem

item Id given for reward (no choice).

RewRepFaction, RewRepValue

Faction Id (from Faction.dbc) for which the quest give reputation points.

Number of gain or lost reputation points for Faction at quest completion. This is special reputation rewarding. Normal reputation reward to quest rewarding creature faction calculated and added automatically.


Number of honorable kill honor rewarded for completing this quest.

Example: An example value is 15 for quest 8388: At level 70 an honorable kill is 20.9 honor worth. Multiply this with 15 and you receive 313.5, after the multiplication the value is rounded up. So the honor rewarded at level 70 is 314 for this quest.


Money earned by completing the quest (if value > 0). Money quest requirement (if value < 0).


The money a character at level 80 would get when they complete this quest. This field also controls the XP given as the XP is calculated from the value in this field by the following formula. If the quest is repeatable, XP will be given only once. The total XP that a character will receive is also affected by the level difference between the character’s level and the quest’s level.

The formula for calculating XP from the value in this field:
QuestLevel >= 65: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 6.0
QuestLevel == 64: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 4.8
QuestLevel == 63: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 3.6
QuestLevel == 62: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 2.4
QuestLevel == 61: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 1.2
QuestLevel <= 60: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 0.6


Spell that is shown to be casted on quest completion in the quest log. Note that this spell will NOT be casted if RewSpellCast is non-zero. The spell in the other field will be casted instead, in which case the spell here only serves as the visual in the quest log.

NOTE: This field comes straight from the WDB and should not be changed.


Spell that will always be casted at player when completing the quest. This can be learn spell and player learned some spell in result, or buff spell, for example. If this field is non-zero then this spell will ALWAYS be casted and the spell in RewSpell will not.

NOTE: This field comes straight from the WDB and should not be changed.


If the quest gives as a reward an item from a possible list of items, the ID here corresponds to the proper loot template in quest_mail_loot_template.. According to the rules in that loot template, items "looted" will be sent by mail at the completion of the quest.


How many seconds to wait until the mail is sent to the character that turned in a quest rewarding items from a loot template defined in RewMailTemplateId


MapId of a quest point of interest (POI – Point Of Interest). POI will be shown on the map when quest is active.


X coordinate of quest POI.


Y coordinate of quest POI.




Emote played by the related NPC at the time all quest objects are completed.


Emote played by the NPC at the time the character is rewarded for the quest.


ID of the start script. See


ID of the end script. See


The "rules of engagement" dealing with quests

1. Always use PrevQuestId before using NextQuestId. NextQuestId is considered optional and to be used only when PrevQuestId is not sufficient

Basic quest

Single, stand-alone quest with no prerequisites

PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0        NextQuestInChain = 0        entry = questA

When this quest require another quest to be rewarded

PrevQuestId = questX   NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0        NextQuestInChain = 0        entry = questA

Chain of quests

Player get quests in a strict chain that must be completed in a specific order.

PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0        NextQuestInChain = questB    entry = questA
PrevQuestId = questA   NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0        NextQuestInChain = questC    entry = questB
PrevQuestId = questB   NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0        NextQuestInChain = questD    entry = questC
PrevQuestId = questC   NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0        NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questD

Chain of quests with multiple start quests.

Player should only be allowed to complete one of three possible

    *questA*     *questB*    *questC*
        \           |           /
          ------ *questD* -----
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = questD   ExclusiveGroup = questA   NextQuestInChain = questD    entry = questA
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = questD   ExclusiveGroup = questA   NextQuestInChain = questD    entry = questB
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = questD   ExclusiveGroup = questA   NextQuestInChain = questD    entry = questC
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0        NextQuestInChain = questE    entry = questD
PrevQuestId = questD   NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0        NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questE

Chain of quests with multiple start quests.

Player must complete all three initial quests before D becomes available

    *questA*    *questB*    *questC*
        \          |          /
         ------ *questD* -----
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = questD   ExclusiveGroup = -questA    NextQuestInChain = questD    entry = questA
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = questD   ExclusiveGroup = -questA    NextQuestInChain = questD    entry = questB
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = questD   ExclusiveGroup = -questA    NextQuestInChain = questD    entry = questC
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = questE    entry = questD
PrevQuestId = questD   NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questE

Quests with split and a child quest

Completing A unlocks B and C that can be done at the same time. They both need to be completed before D becomes available. X is needed to obtain item for C and this quest should only be available if C is active

                  /    \ 
          *questB*      *questC* <-> *questX*
                  \    /
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0         NextQuestInChain = 0        entry = questA
PrevQuestId = questA   NextQuestId = questD   ExclusiveGroup = -questB   NextQuestInChain = 0        entry = questB
PrevQuestId = questA   NextQuestId = questD   ExclusiveGroup = -questB   NextQuestInChain = 0        entry = questC
PrevQuestId = -questC  NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0         NextQuestInChain = 0        entry = questX
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0        ExclusiveGroup = 0         NextQuestInChain = 0        entry = questD

Multiple quest chains, leading to one final quest

Player may complete (not required to) X, but has to complete all three quest chains before final quest becomes available

    *questA*    *questC*    *questE*
       |           |            |
    *questB*    *questD*    *questF*
       \           |           /
         ------ *questG* -----
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = questC    entry = questX

PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = questB    entry = questA
PrevQuestId = questA   NextQuestId = questG    ExclusiveGroup = -questB    NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questB
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = questD    entry = questC
PrevQuestId = questC   NextQuestId = questG    ExclusiveGroup = -questB    NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questD
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = questF    entry = questE
PrevQuestId = questE   NextQuestId = questG    ExclusiveGroup = -questB    NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questF

PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questG


Player must first complete A, then B to unlock the chain from C to E. Three other quests in a group will also be unlocked, those can be done at the same time. The three grouped quests must all be completed before I becomes available. Completion of E and I is required to obtain the final quest.

              /          \
          *questC*     *questF*    
             |         *questG*
          *questD*     *questH*
             |            |
          *questE*     *questI*
              \          /
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = questB    entry = questA
PrevQuestId = questA   NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questB

PrevQuestId = questB   NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = questD    entry = questC
PrevQuestId = questC   NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = questE    entry = questD
PrevQuestId = questD   NextQuestId = questJ    ExclusiveGroup = -questE    NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questE

PrevQuestId = questB   NextQuestId = questI    ExclusiveGroup = -questF    NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questF
PrevQuestId = questB   NextQuestId = questI    ExclusiveGroup = -questF    NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questG
PrevQuestId = questB   NextQuestId = questI    ExclusiveGroup = -questF    NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questH

PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = questJ    ExclusiveGroup = -questE    NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questI

PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questJ

Impossible – many quests may unlock many

Player can choose between two alternative chains (Chain A or B, but not both chains). A2 or B2 should unlock C, D and E when complete. When all three complete, F should be unlocked. If player get A3 or B3 after complete F, depends on if chain A or B was chosen.

                *questA1*          *questB1*
                    |                  |
                *questA2*          *questB2*
                    \                 /
                      --- *questC* ---
                         /        \
                *questA3*          *questB3*
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = questA2   entry = questA1
PrevQuestId = questA1  NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questA2

PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = questB2   entry = questB1
PrevQuestId = questB1  NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questB2

PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = questF    ExclusiveGroup = -questC    NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questC
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = questF    ExclusiveGroup = -questC    NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questD
PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = questF    ExclusiveGroup = -questC    NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questE

PrevQuestId = 0        NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questF

PrevQuestId = questF   NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questA3
PrevQuestId = questF   NextQuestId = 0         ExclusiveGroup = 0          NextQuestInChain = 0         entry = questB3

Note: if player can choose between chain A or B may be determined by faction status (aldor or scryer), using ReqMinRepFaction = 1. Player should not be able to be neutral+1 with both at the same time. This may be the common threshold to obtain aldor or scryer quests (this is unsure). If that is the case, only the unlock of C, D and E after complete A2 _or_ B2 is the impossible part.

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