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Lukas edited this page Jul 10, 2014 · 1 revision

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`itemcache` wdb

This wdb contains some information of seen items.

Version is : 3.3.5a


Name Type
entry UInteger
class UInteger
subclass UInteger
unk0 Integer
name String
displayid UInteger
Quality UInteger
Flags UInteger
Flags2 UInteger
BuyPrice UInteger
SellPrice UInteger
InventoryType UInteger
AllowableClass Integer
AllowableRace Integer
ItemLevel UInteger
RequiredLevel UInteger
RequiredSkill UInteger
RequiredSkillRank UInteger
RequiredSpell UInteger
RequiredHonorRank UInteger
RequiredCityRank UInteger
RequiredReputationFaction UInteger
RequiredReputationRank UInteger
MaxCount UInteger
Stackable UInteger
ContainerSlots UInteger
StatsCount UInteger
stat_type1 UInteger
stat_value1 Integer
stat_type2 UInteger
stat_value2 Integer
stat_type3 UInteger
stat_value3 Integer
stat_type4 UInteger
stat_value4 Integer
stat_type5 UInteger
stat_value5 Integer
stat_type6 UInteger
stat_value6 Integer
stat_type7 UInteger
stat_value7 Integer
stat_type8 UInteger
stat_value8 Integer
stat_type9 UInteger
stat_value9 Integer
stat_type10 UInteger
stat_value10 Integer
ScalingStatDistribution UInteger
ScalingStatValue UInteger
DmgMin1 float
DmgMax1 float
DmgType1 UInteger
DmgMin2 float
DmgMax2 float
DmgType2 UInteger
Armor UInteger
HolyRes UInteger
FireRes UInteger
NatureRes UInteger
FrostRes UInteger
ShadowRes UInteger
ArcaneRes UInteger
Delay UInteger
AmmoType UInteger
RangedModRange float
SpellId_1 UInteger
SpellTrigger_1 UInteger
SpellCharges_1 Integer
SpellCooldown_1 Integer
SpellCategory_1 UInteger
SpellCategoryCooldown_1 Integer
SpellId_2 UInteger
SpellTrigger_2 UInteger
SpellCharges_2 Integer
SpellCooldown_2 Integer
SpellCategory_2 UInteger
SpellCategorycooldown_2 Integer
SpellId_3 UInteger
SpellTrigger_3 UInteger
SpellCharges_3 Integer
SpellCooldown_3 Integer
SpellCategory_3 UInteger
SpellCategoryCooldown_3 Integer
SpellId_4 UInteger
SpellTrigger_4 UInteger
SpellCharges_4 Integer
SpellCooldown_4 Integer
SpellCategory_4 UInteger
SpellCategoryCooldown_4 Integer
SpellId_5 UInteger
SpellTrigger_5 UInteger
SpellCharges_5 Integer
SpellCooldown_5 Integer
SpellCategory_5 UInteger
SpellCategoryCooldown_5 Integer
Bonding UInteger
Description String
PageText UInteger
LanguageID UInteger
PageMaterial UInteger
Startquest UInteger
LockId UInteger
Material Integer
Sheath UInteger
RandomProperty UInteger
RandomSuffix UInteger
Block UInteger
ItemSet UInteger
MaxDurability UInteger
Area UInteger
Map Integer
BagFamily Integer
TotemCategory Integer
SocketColor_1 Integer
SocketContent_1 Integer
SocketColor_2 Integer
SocketContent_2 Integer
SocketColor_3 Integer
SocketContent_3 Integer
SocketBonus Integer
GemProperties Integer
RequiredDisenchantSkill Integer
ArmorDamageModifier float
Duration Integer
ItemLimitCategory UInteger
HolidayID UInteger
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