Releases: CentOS-PaaS-SIG/linchpin
Linchpin 2.0: Enhancement Release
Linchpin 2.0.0
This release is a feature-rich release focusing mainly on the redesign of linchpin ci around Github actions, testing enhancements and bugfixes.
Thanks to all the contributors (Ryan, Junqi, Danny, Alex) to the project linchpin for making this happen.
- From linchpin 2.0 release we are dropping support for python 2.x environments. We encourage our customers to upgrade to Python3.x.
- Post 2.0 Release linchpin will be put on maintenance mode. All the existing features of linchpin are supported no new features will be developed. If any bugs persist in existing features in linchpin they will be fixed in regular maintenance releases.
- However, if there are any business-critical features required by customers they will be taken upon a case by case basis
- Linchpin’s project always welcomes and encourages contributions. if there is any feature anyone would like to develop feel free to contribute to the project. We will be happy to review and merge the contribution.
The official release notes are available at
This update is available via PyPI
If you discover any errors or regressions, please open a Github issue
CI/Test Enhancements
- Run molecule tests for gcloud in github actions #1708 by 14rcole
- Run beaker mock integration tests in github actions #1703 by 14rcole
- Improve unit test coverage within linchpin #1696 by 14rcole
- Add code coverage tests to github actions #1664 by 14rcole
- Add support for CentOS 8 #1596 by 14rcole
- CI refactor #1223 by abraverm
- Standardize Duffy role to OASIS #1659 by Dannyb48
- Standardize OpenShift role to OASIS #1657 by Dannyb48
- Standardize Docker role OASIS #1656 by Dannyb48
- Make Azure role to oasis standard #1634 by JunqiZhang0
- Standardize Google cloud role to OASIS. #1632 by samvarankashyap
- Disable fail fast behavior in linchpin GitHub actions #1628 by samvarankashyap
- RFE: Create POC to run all ci testing in github actions #1624 by samvarankashyap
- Add support for molecule tests to AWS #1619 by 14rcole
- linchpin mock tests fail on aws_s3 module #1617 by samvarankashyap
- Add mock integration tests for Libvirt provider #1542 by samvarankashyap
- Write a script/ansible playbook to gather mock data from multiple cloud providers #1541 by samvarankashyap
- Move azure integration test to mock provider #1531 by JunqiZhang0
- Add support for centos8 in integration testing #1487 by samvarankashyap
- Replace Deprecated module used for gcp_compute_network_facts #1536 by samvarankashyap
- Documentation 100% refactor proposal #1532 by JunqiZhang0
Bug fixes
- Provisioning Beaker machines w/count > 1 causes XML RPC errors #1693 by Dannyb48
- The leftover of Azure should be cleaned #1692 by JunqiZhang0
- bug: azure_rm_manageddisk missing mock data #1687 by samvarankashyap
- Bug: Molecule, linting tests run on both PR and push phases #1683 by samvarankashyap
- multicontainer Testing returns false positive results #1681 by abraverm
- AWS ec2 mock fails on fedora31 container #1665 by samvarankashyap
- 1.10.0 cloud-config doesn't work on libvirt host #1630 by johnbieren
- AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'cloud_config_used' is undefined #1616 by elenagerman
- ImportError: cannot import name 'string_types' #1613 by yprokule
- linchpin setup commands fail with a ValueError#1582 by Dannyb48
- Beaker gssapi dependency overlap causing provisioning failures #1581 by Dannyb48
- LinchpinAPI do_validation is always returning rc 0 even though validation fails on layout #1578 by Dannyb48
This release contains the following updates:
CI/Test Enhancements
- Avoid unnecessary creation of directories when not using cloud_config #1590 by samvarankashyap
- Azure storage account #1591 by abraverm
- AWS EC2 resource check #1599 by abraverm
- Optimize topology_outputs aggregation #1607 by 14rcole
- Add file permissions to keyfiles created #1610 samvarankashyap
Bug fixes
Bugfix and Enhancement release
This release contains the following updates:
Deprecation Notices:
- From 1.9.0 release we are deprecating the use of Python 2.x Please do upgrade your python versions on your machines.
- Make progress bar and multiprocessing configurable based on linchpin.conf 5 #1519 by samvarankashyap
- Move Dummy role to Ansible Galaxy 5 #1362 by 14rcole
- Make the 'add_res_data()' function use res_grp_name instead of lookup() #1453 by 14rcole
- The process bar shouldn't be always showing up #1530 by JunqiZhang0
- add readthedocs config yaml file to linchpin #1553 by samvarankashyap
- Nightly downstream job failing with LinchpinAPI import errors 1 api bug #1549 by Dannyb48
- Add
support to hooks via ansible API low priority #1351 by 14rcole - Carbon hangs when running concurrent linchpin API calls #1511 by Dannyb48
- Replace Deprecated module used for aws_ec2 network 2 #1545 by samvarankashyap
- Add support for providing dnsmasq options to libvirt network definition #1567 by mcornea
- Cannot run unit tests bug ci #1566 by 14rcole
- Fix error with beaker res data #1573 by 14rcole
- Beaker provision failing again due to 'Ansible Undefined' issue bug #1561 by Dannyb48
Azure log collection hook #1569 by abraverm
Manage Azure network security groups 3 azure low priority networking new provider playbooks q3_2019 rfe security groups #1215 by abraverm
Added AvailabilitySet #1555 by JunqiZhang0
Manage Azure Public IP Addresses 5 azure core provisioning low priority new provider playbooks q3_2019 rfe #1221 by abraverm
CI/Test Enhancements
Bug fix and Enhancement release
This release contains the following updates:
Deprecation Notices:
- From 1.9.0 release we are deprecating the use of Python 2.x Please do upgrade your python versions on your machines.
- Built-in hooks are not found 1 bug #1508
- missing module 'json' 2 bug #1504
- Linchpin clean installation with Python 3 requires pymongo 1 bug #1503
- Using the linchpin api in python 3 environment fails with AttributeError 1 bug #1499
- Nightly linchpin integration job is failing to provision Beaker with "missing required arguments: db_schema" bug #1496
- linchpin -v up exits with Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory bug #1477
- os_subnet does not work with latest versions of ansible, and linchpin 1 #1465
- Install of is failing on my tox py36 due to pulling an RC version of Ansible 1 bug code improvement installation setuptools #1454
- RFE: Cloud resources dependency check cloud resources dependency check hooks rfe tbd_solution_design #857
- RFE: Resource status during provisioning cli low priority rfe #869
- [RFE] Floating IP resource on Openstack provider 2 openstack playbooks #1390
- RFE: Add tests for ansible version compatibility 3 ansible ci ci improvement integration testing medium priority q3_2019 testing #1151
- Improve the deep clean function of Azure azure #1423
- RFE - Support concurrent transactions when saving data to RunDB 8 rundb #1406
- [RFE] Route53 resource on AWS provider 2 #1391
CI/Test Enhancements
- Move the CI to independent resource group azure ci improvement #1447
Enhancement release
This release contains the following updates
Deprecation Notices:
From 1.9.0 release we are deprecating the use of Python 2.x Please do upgrade your python versions on your machines.
galaxy runner bug when testing linchpin develop with carbon #1439
linchpin libvirt provisioning fails during 'define node template' task with UndefinedVariable: 'int object' has no attribute 'memory'" error #1425
Adjust indices in libvirt node template to match changes in Ansible #1429
Linchpin nightly build fails due to "cannot find role: 14rcole.ansible_role_lp_dummy" #1408
Make linchpin look in multiple locations for ansible galaxy roles #1409
Fix hook communication #1158
Fix error preventing linchpin destroy from working #1418
Linchpin destory fails with UnboundLocalError: local variable 'prev_id' referenced before assignment #1413
When use minimum parameter, can't ssh after provision[Azure] #1416
Linchpin does not work in python3 virtual environments due to libselinux issue bug #1403
Enable the key login for Azure #1381
Add a delete all option for the azure_vm #1377
Manage Azure network interfaces #1220
Can't destroy an AWS security group provisioned by linchpin #1265
Create an instruction of creating IAM user for Azure #1376
Openstack: Networking: Add support for os_recordset ansible module #822
RFE: Openstack: Networking: Add support for os_zone ansible module in linchpin topologies #823
RFE: Openstack: Networking: Add support for os_port module ansible #821
Add an example to resource group[Azure] #1375
Move inventory files into roles #1402
Improve hook communication #1230
CI/Test Enhancements
Drop support for ansible 2.6.x or below #1353
Move nightly build script inside of repo #1373
Enable integration test for Azure #1374
Linchpin 1.8.2
Bug fixes
- Fix syntax errors on linchpin setup.yml #1352
- Error executing Postup hook with vault-password-file #1254
- Linchpin libvirt requires network and image_src keys to be specified when the schema says is not required #1244
- Libvirt "minimal" provisioning does not work #1279
- Add minimal tests to libvirt and streamline defaults #1287
- Ignore credentials in workspaces #1348
- Delete broken urls #1345
- Can't run any libvirt test, kernel bug blocks all libvirt test #1268
- libvirt network provisioning test fails in fedora 29 test container #1190
- libvirt provisioning tests fail on centos 7 container #1186
- Can't successfully run linchpin(1.8.1) setup with python2 on Fedora 30 #1340
- Move python2-dnf dependency to pip #1343
- [libvirt] Can't acquire ip address after provisioning #1335
- Openstack tests do not fail even the destroy fails #1333
- linchpin libvirt provider leaves the VMs in 'shut off' state after linchpin up #1315
- Openstack instances teardown is not working from 1.8.1 #1324
- 'linchpin setup' does not support CentOS #1233
- libvirt died after 1.8, one commit should be reverted #1302
- Starting with version 1.8.0 linchpin destroy fails on libvirt target #1301
- Manage Azure subnets #1216
- Openshift provision returns empty inventory #1281
- Make install venv selinux support python 2 and 3 #1326
- libvirt VMs domain is hardcoded to #1322
- Install selinux venv script hardcoded for python2 #1309
- Make linchpin setup support CentOS and RHEL #1327
- Update aws ec2 examples to reflect changes in account #1347
CI/Test Enhancements
- Make container image changes necessary to run openstack cleanup nightly #1336
The official release notes are available at
This update is available via PyPI
If you discover any errors or regressions, please open a Github issue (
if you have any questions/concerns please reach out to us on
This release contains the following updates
- Append public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in libvirt provider #1291
- Bugfix: libvirt hangs when cloud-config is not provided in Pinfile #1283
- fix bug for libvirt destruction in Carbon calling linchpin #1259
- add "future" package to requirements #1282
- Fix missing system packages in RPM setup #1255
- Freeze GitPython version #1231
- Beaker log collector hook #1289
- Enable passing environment vars and run ansible_runner as subprocess #1283
- Libvirt differentiate IP #1280
- added static DHCP ip #1198
- Enabled AWS internet gateway feature
- Fix aws s3 module in linchpin to use latest ansible s3 module #1266
CI/Test Enhancements
Bug fix and stability release
- Fixes for OpenStack 'additional_volumes' bug #1160 by Dannyb48
- Attaching additional_volumes to an os_server fails not able to find the system bug community high priority openstack #1139 by Dannyb48
- Deploying os_server with additional_volumes fails during schema validator checks bug community high priority openstack
- Beaker job not canceled if up is killed beaker bug high priority #1153 by johnbieren
- Linchpin doesn't wait long enough for resources in OpenStack to get provisioned when _async = True community low priority #1148 by pvoborni
- Update linchpin to be compatible with the newer version of ansible bug high priority #1154 by 14rcole
- Linchpin execution fails with Error executing hook: 'can't set attribute ansible_runner bug high priority
#1134 by mcornea - Backward compatibility on previous versions of ansible bug high priority #1180 by samvarankashyap
- RFE: Remove context and other functions which are used while initiating linchpin API api high priority rfe
#1057 by samvarankashyap
- SSH command
- RFE: Add fedora30 to integration tests containers high priority rfe testing #1124 by samvarankashyap
- Enable openstack-cleanup in integration tests #1150 by 14rcole
- RFE: Linchpin AppImage (Preview) appimage ci low priority packaging
#1114 by abraverm
Code cleanup:
- Remove inventory_gen folder from roles cleanup #1155 by 14rcole
This release contains the following updates:
- Documentation: Add disk_cache parameter to topology schema #1075 by samvarankashyap
- Beaker Kickstart example #1128 by abraverm
- Beaker example kernel options #1131 by abraverm
CI, Test Enhancements
- Replace os_hot_stack module with os_stack upstream ansible module #671 by samvarankashyap
- Fix release #1127 by skatlapa
- Make integration tests use linchpin fetch #1133 by 14rcole
- Add script to cleanup old openstack instances #1135 by 14rcole
- Release version 1.7.5 #1136 by 14rcole