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slack qa team 2020 03 18

akabeko edited this page Apr 19, 2020 · 1 revision


Time (UTC) Icon Name Message
01:43 shinyu 私も「ドキュメント」(Documents)のままが良いと思います。このページは <
01:43 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: I think that "Documents" is also good. Is this page consistent with the table of contents of <http: //
03:07 ogwata


03:07 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: & gt; I think the word "document" was a good idea for programmers, so it was better to use it.
Yes, that was exactly the case. However, I would like this site to be visited by non-programmers. When I discussed the above, I regret that this perspective was missing.
Would you reconsider from a broader perspective?

The problem with the current page structure is that H1 includes "future development plans" and "community invitations" that are not related to the documentation.

 I understand the policy to match the table of contents at <http: //
03:14 ogwata 補足します。


03:14 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: Supplement.

& gt; But I want this site to be visited by non-programmers. When I discussed the above, I regret that this perspective was missing.
Clearly, most of the current "document" is for programmers. However, a "user guide" near the top is necessary for non-developers and is very important information.

When he said, "The word" document "is familiar to programmers," he recalled that the "user guide" part was out of consciousness.
03:15 yamasy1549 感覚の問題かもしれませんが、ユーザーガイドをドキュメントと呼んでも差し支えないと思います。
03:15 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: Perhaps it's a matter of feeling, but it's safe to call the user guide a document.
03:17 ogwata @yamasy1549 ユーザーガイドをどう呼ぶかは少し置き、H1との不一致はどのようにお考えでしょう。
03:17 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧:  Let's put a little bit on how to call the user guide, and what do you think of inconsistencies with H1.
03:17 uetchy 内容の整理は必要だと思いますが、インフォメーションは耳馴染みが無いのでドキュメントの方が良いと思います
03:17 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: I think that it is necessary to organize the contents, but I think that information is not familiar to the ears, so documents are better
03:19 uetchy 所見は
03:19 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: Findings
Move community invitations because they are not the responsibility of the document
H2 is good because the reference is a dictionary and not a guide
03:19 ogwata
03:19 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: & gt; I think it is necessary to organize the contents, but the information is unfamiliar, so I think the document is better
Regardless of "information". Certainly it is better to be familiar with the ears. Wait for another plan.
I think the important issue is "How do you think of the inconsistency with H1?"
03:19 shinyu Vivliostyleを技術寄りでない人々(たとえば小説を書く人)でも使えるようにと、Vivliostyle Pubプロジェクトをスタートしました。しかしそのPubでさえ、最初の段階では技術同人誌がターゲットと位置付けれれています。今の段階で Vivliostyle のWebサイトが技術寄りの人々が主な対象であることは当然だと思います。「ドキュメント」という言葉で、ソフトウェアの説明などであることが理解できる人たちがターゲットになると思います。
03:19 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: We started the Vivliostyle Pub project to make Vivliostyle accessible to non-technical people (for example, novel writers). But even at the Pub, technical doujinshi is targeted at the beginning. At this stage, it's no surprise that the Vivliostyle website is primarily for technical people. I think the term "document" is targeted at those who can understand the description of the software.
03:22 uetchy 開発予定はロードマップと改題すると収まりが良いかもしれません(任意)
03:22 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: The development schedule may fit better if the title is changed to Roadmap (optional)
Another idea might be to include a "community invitation" in your development schedule, making the lead that encourages participation in the development more natural
03:23 yamasy1549 開発に関する情報として開発予定(ロードマップ)やコミュニティへの招待をこのページに含めるのは問題ないと思っています
03:23 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: I think it's okay to include development plans (roadmaps) and community invitations on this page for development information
03:24 uetchy ドキュメントはまとまりを持った文書を指しているので特に不一致は起きてないと思います
03:24 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: I don't think there is any inconsistency since the document points to a coherent document
03:34 ogwata
今の段階で Vivliostyle のWebサイトが技術寄りの人々が主な対象であることは当然だと思います。





03:34 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: & gt; At this stage, it's no surprise that the Vivliostyle website is primarily targeted at technical people.
I see. In the meantime I agree with this page being focused on developers.

But I don't know yet if this page is a "document".

& gt; The document points to a coherent document, so I don't think there's any inconsistency
I think that the content of "future development plan" is a point because it is a link to GitHub.

I agree that the document is a coherent "document". Nevertheless, the connection with GitHub can be understood only by clicking, and I think that there is still a problem at present.

Shouldn't we devise a way to understand the relationship with the "document" before clicking, for example, the content of the headline?
03:36 yamasy1549
いま「今後の開発予定」内のissueへのリンクはダミーテキストなのですが、実際は GitHub issue #12: fix ~~ みたいにするか、GitHubマークをつけようと思ってます。まだ手がつけられてなくてすみません
03:36 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: & gt; Nevertheless, the connection with GitHub is only available when you click
Now, the link to the issue in "future development" is a dummy text, but in fact, I'm trying to do something like GitHub issue # 12: fix ~~ or put a GitHub mark. I'm sorry that you haven't been touched yet
03:38 yamasy1549 こうすることでより、開発に関係する文書へのリンクだとわかるようになりませんか?
03:38 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: Does this help you identify links to documentation related to development?
03:40 ogwata

03:40 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: & gt; community invitations are not documentary responsibilities and should be moved
Indeed, the invitation to the community is already on the top page, so you may delete it.

& gt; Reference is lexicographic and not a guide, so h2 is fine
I see.
03:41 yamasy1549 すみません、かなりこんがらかってるくせに今ちょっと時間が取れないので、あとでまとめさせてください……
03:41 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: I'm sorry, I'm pretty annoyed, but I can't take a little time now, so let me summarize later ...
03:48 ogwata

03:48 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: & gt; The development plan may fit better if you change the title to Roadmap (optional)
Well, I can change it or not.

& gt; Another idea would be to include a "community invitation" in your development schedule to make the lead that encourages participation in the development more natural
Indeed, the "invitation to the community" was changed to H3. It's logically strange, but it's a good idea.
03:50 shinyu コミュニティのページですが、現行サイトでは独立したページでした:

Vivliostyle — open source, web browser based CSS typesetting engine project

Vivliostyle — open source, web browser based CSS typesetting engine project

Vivliostyle — open source, web browser based CSS typesetting engine project
03:50 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: It's a community page, but it was a separate page on the current site:

I don't think it's okay for the new site to have a page with the same URL, even if it's not listed on the global menu. This URL has been used to guide the community and some people may have bookmarked it. If you do not create a page with the same URL, just redirect to the page with that information.
Similarly, I think it is better for other pages to use the URL of the current site as much as possible.
The document is
03:52 ogwata
実際は GitHub issue #12: fix ~~ みたいにするか、GitHubマークをつけようと思ってます。
03:52 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: & gt; Actually, I want to do something like GitHub issue # 12: fix ~~, or put a GitHub mark.
Well, if the connection with GitHub is clearly indicated, I think that it is sufficient to leave it "planned".
03:55 ogwata
03:55 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: & gt; I think it's okay to have a page with the same URL, even if it's not on the global menu, even on the new site.
I have also shown the URL of this page several times. very convenient.
03:59 shinyu @yamasy1549 今後の開発予定の「Chrome拡張の作成」は、当面優先度低そうなので、のせなくてよいと思います
03:59 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧:  `` Chrome extension creation '' to be developed in the future seems to be low priority for the time being, so I think that it is not necessary to put it
04:07 ogwata 以上の議論をまとめると、

• H1は「ドキュメント」のまま
• 「ドキュメント」は開発者向けのページと位置づける
• 「今後の開発予定」で、GitHubとの関連を明示
• 「コミュニティへの招待」はH2ではなく、「今後の開発予定」の下でコミュニティページへのリンク(現行のURLを変えない)にする
04:07 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: To summarize the above discussion,

• H1 remains "Document"
• “Documents” are positioned as pages for developers
• In the "future development plan", the connection with GitHub is clarified
• "Community Invitation" is not H2 but a link to the community page (without changing the current URL) under "Future Development"
Is it like that? Please point out any leaks.
11:45 yamasy1549 新しいサイトには About Us のページがありますが、Community ページを作るとしたらどんなコンテンツが入りますか?
旧サイトの Community ページには、
• Slackへjoinする
• Slackのログ
• Facebookへのリンク(2つある??)
• Twitterへのリンク
• GitHubへのリンク
• 村上さんへのリンク

12:38 shinyu Community ページの内容は、旧サイトの Community ページから村上へのリンクを削除(About Usに連絡先があるので不要)でよいと思います。
12:38 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: For the contents of the Community page, I think that deleting the link to Murakami from the Community page of the old site (it is unnecessary because there is a contact in About Us).
12:41 shinyu Facebookについては、“Vivliostyle Forum” というFacebookグループと “Vivliostyle” Facebookページがあります。
「Facebookページ vs Facebookグループ」で検索するとそれらの違いの解説記事がいろいろ出ます。次のものなど:
Facebookは、すでにユーザー数がグローバルで2017年の夏に20億人を超える、超巨大SNSとなっています。 でも、日本でのユーザー数は、2800万人(2017年9月)と正直伸び悩んでいる印象です。 これは、まだまだFacebookをやったことがない人、これからやろうとする人が日本において多い?ということの裏返しと見ることもできます。
12:41 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: For Facebook, there is a Facebook group called “Vivliostyle Forum” and a “Vivliostyle” Facebook page.
If you search for "Facebook page vs Facebook group", various commentary articles about those differences will appear. Such as:
12:47 yamasy1549
Community ページの内容は、旧サイトの Community ページから村上へのリンクを削除(About Usに連絡先があるので不要)でよいと思います。

About Us にある「コントリビューター一覧」を Community ページに移していいかもしれませんね。
12:47 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: I think that the content of the & gt; Community page should delete the link to Murakami from the Community page of the old site (it is unnecessary because there is a contact in About Us).

You may want to move the “Contributor List” in About Us to the Community page.
13:04 shinyu このAbout Usページですが、「私たちについて」のページであり、私たちとはVivliostyle Foundationとコントリビューターたちであるということで、About UsページにVivliostyle Foundationと同じレベルの見出しでコントリビューター一覧があるのでよいと思います。

13:04 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: This About Us page is a "About Us" page, and we are a Vivliostyle Foundation and contributor, so the About Us page has a list of contributors with the same level heading as the Vivliostyle Foundation I think it's good.

By the way, "dependabot [bot]" is not a human, so I think you should delete it from the contributor list.
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