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Joel Lonbeck edited this page Jul 31, 2015 · 18 revisions

The User contains information about the person that is using the application.

A user must be instantiated before it can be used e.g.

var user = new ts.User("/home/myuser/profiles", "myUserName", "my password");
echo user.getEmail();


  • constructor(String profilesDirectory, String username, String password = null) loads or creates a new profile instance on the disk
  • setEmail(String email)
  • setName(String name)
  • setPhone(String phone)
  • String getEmail()
  • String getName()
  • String getPhone()
  • Boolean commit()

NOTE: The email and name are required when publishing with the ts.Uploader. However, these constraints will be handled by that module.

##Mutli-User This module should be able to support multiple user profiles that can be loaded up by some key (possibly an email or name) with an optional password (for (de/en)cryption purposes). An instance of the user module can only represent a single user. However you can create multiple instances each with it's own profile loaded.

##Persistent The user information must be stored in a persistent manner so that it can be loaded again the next time the application loads.

The profile will be saved in a directory named with the md5 sum of the email address provided in the constructor. For example

var hash = md5("");
var filepath= hash + "/profile.json"
// filepath is "0C0E8336309D657D4C4F0450CF8F5B73/profile.json"

##Versioned Each user profile directory will be a git repository. When changes are made to the profile they should be committed in order to maintain a versioned history and to allow publishing to the server.

##Publishable Each profile repository should be able to be pushed to some remote repository.

NOTE: The details on the publishing requirement will be described later

##Recorded Information The information stored in the user profile includes:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone (optional)

Please note: Both a name and email must be provided before a profile can be successfully committed. On the disk these values will be stored in a simple json object for example:

  "name":"Jon Doe",


Note: it is unclear whether or not this will be implemented. The profile will need to be decrypted before sharing or sending to the server. So there may not be a benefit to encrypting it on the device.

If a password is provided the user profile should be encrypted when saved and decrypted with opened. When creating a new user instance the module should throw an appropriate exception if the decryption fails.