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APIv3 Draft
This page contains a draft of future versions of the translationStudio API.
TODO: the catalog needs to be updated to use json-ld.
###These drafts are proposals and should not be relied upon in development... Yet
All timestamps are numbers in the form
The project indicates in what format the source translation exists: markdown or USFM.
The old draft is at http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/?id=b6377dd0ce7f9a0fd7cffd1babb7deab. The current draft is at http://jsoneditoronline.org/?id=23c65f3e7f5150fe5d23171a0dc4f63c.
"languages": [
"slug": "en",
"name": "English",
"dir": "ltr",
"projects": [
"name": "Genesis",
"desc": "",
"slug": "gen",
"icon": "https://api.unfoldingword.org/ts/jpg/3/gen/icon.jpg",
"sort": 1,
"categories": [
"resources": [
"name": "Unlocked Literal Bible",
"slug": "ulb",
"type": "text",
"status": {
"translate_mode": "all",
"checking_entity": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"checking_level": "3",
"comments": "",
"contributors": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"pub_date": "2015-12-17",
"license": "CC BY-SA",
"checks_performed": [
"src_lang": "en",
"src_ver": "3",
"ver": "3"
"formats": {
"usfm": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "https://api.unfoldingword.org/ts/txt/3/gen/en/ulb/text.usfm"
"osis": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "some link"
"pdf": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "some link"
"etc...": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "some link"
"name": "Unlocked Dynamic Bible",
"slug": "udb",
"type": "text",
"status": {
"translate_mode": "gl",
"checking_entity": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"checking_level": "3",
"comments": "",
"contributors": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"pub_date": "2015-12-17",
"license": "CC BY-SA",
"checks_performed": [
"src_lang": "en",
"src_ver": "3",
"ver": "3"
"formats": {
"usfm": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "https://api.unfoldingword.org/ts/txt/3/gen/en/udb/text.usfm"
"osis": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "some link"
"pdf": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "some link"
"etc...": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "some link"
"name": "translationNotes",
"slug": "tn",
"type": "help",
"status": {
"translate_mode": "gl",
"checking_entity": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"checking_level": "3",
"comments": "",
"contributors": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"pub_date": "2015-12-17",
"license": "CC BY-SA",
"checks_performed": [
"src_lang": "en",
"src_ver": "3",
"ver": "3"
"formats": {
"json": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "https://api.unfoldingword.org/ts/txt/3/gen/en/notes.json"
"name": "translationQuestions",
"slug": "tq",
"type": "help",
"status": {
"translate_mode": "gl",
"checking_entity": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"checking_level": "3",
"comments": "",
"contributors": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"pub_date": "2015-12-17",
"license": "CC BY-SA",
"checks_performed": [
"src_lang": "en",
"src_ver": "3",
"ver": "3"
"formats": {
"json": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "https://api.unfoldingword.org/ts/txt/3/gen/en/questions.json"
"name": "translationWords",
"slug": "tw",
"type": "dict",
"status": {
"translate_mode": "gl",
"checking_entity": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"checking_level": "3",
"comments": "",
"contributors": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"pub_date": "2015-12-17",
"license": "CC BY-SA",
"checks_performed": [
"src_lang": "en",
"src_ver": "3",
"ver": "3"
"formats": {
"json": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "https://api.unfoldingword.org/ts/txt/3/bible/en/words.json"
"name": "translationWords Map",
"slug": "tw-map",
"type": "ref",
"status": {
"translate_mode": "gl",
"checking_entity": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"checking_level": "3",
"comments": "",
"contributors": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"pub_date": "2015-12-17",
"license": "CC BY-SA",
"checks_performed": [
"src_lang": "en",
"src_ver": "3",
"ver": "3"
"formats": {
"json": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "https://api.unfoldingword.org/ts/txt/3/gen/en/words_map.json"
"name": "translationAcademy",
"slug": "ta",
"type": "ta",
"status": {
"translate_mode": "none",
"checking_entity": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"checking_level": "3",
"comments": "",
"contributors": [
"Wycliffe Associates"
"pub_date": "2015-12-17",
"license": "CC BY-SA",
"checks_performed": [
"src_lang": "en",
"src_ver": "3",
"ver": "3"
"formats": {
"json": {
"mod": 20151222120130,
"url": "https://api.unfoldingword.org/ts/txt/3/gen/en/translation_academy.json"
"check_labels": {
"keyword": "Keyword",
"metaphor": "Metaphor"
"category_labels": {
"bible-ot": "Bible: OT",
"bible-nt": "Bible: NT"
Provides the chapter and frame source translations. The frame content should be formatted as indicated by the project in the catalog.
You can edit this draft at http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/?id=d463356a5d61f8c1058d1917fc832ed3
"chapters": [
"slug": "front",
"sort": 1,
"frames": [
"slug": "title",
"sort": 1,
"img": "",
"text": "Open Bible Stories"
"slug": "01",
"sort": 2,
"img": "",
"text": "unfoldingWord | OPEN BIBLE STOREIS\nan unrestricted visual mini-Bible in any language\nhttp://openbiblestories.com\nOpen Bible Stories, English, v. 3.1\nCreated by Distant Shores Media (http://distantshores.org) and the Door43 world missions community (http://door43.org)."
"slug": "02",
"sort": 3,
"img": "",
"text": "Checking level 3\nfind out more at https://unfoldingWord.org/quality"
"slug": "01",
"sort": 2,
"frames": [
"slug": "title",
"sort": 1,
"img": "",
"text": "1. The Creation"
"slug": "reference",
"sort": 2,
"img": "",
"text": "A Bible story from: Genesis 1-2"
"slug": "01",
"sort": 3,
"img": "https://api.unfoldingword.org/obs/jpg/1/en/360px/obs-en-01-01.jpg",
"text": "This is how the beginning of everything happened. God created the universe and everything in it in six days. After God created the earth it was dark and empty, and nothing had been formed in it. But God’s Spirit was there over the water."
"slug": "back",
"sort": 52,
"frames": [
"slug": "01",
"sort": 1,
"img": "",
"text": "Get Involved!\nWe want to make this visual mini-Bible available in every language of the world and you can help!..."
"slug": "02",
"sort": 2,
"img": "",
"text": "Share Freely\nGive as many copies of this book away as you want, without restricton...."
"images": [
"size":37620940, -- the file size in bytes
"height": 360, -- the image heights in pixels
"width": 640, -- the image widths in pixels
"url": "https://api.unfoldingword.org/obs/jpg/1/en/obs-images-360px.zip"
"height": 1500,
"width": 2667,
"url": "https://api.unfoldingword.org/obs/jpg/1/en/obs-images-2160px.zip"
NOTE: it would be helpful if the image archives did not hold the images within a root directory. Or at the very least this root directory needs to be standardized to something like
or at least the same name as the archive (sanszip
extension naturally).
##translationNotes (tN) Provides a frame level definition of translationNotes. The notes should be raw text (no markup).
You can edit this draft at http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/?id=c78c4900508f31df1f81076c2350c529
"chapters": [
"slug": "01",
"frames": [
"slug": "01",
"items": [
"ref": "the forth day", -- potentially optional for general notes about the frame
"text": "The next in the orderly series of days in which God created."
"ref": "God spoke",
"text": "God created the sun, mon, and stars by speaking a command."
##checkingQuestions (cQ) Profiles a frame level definition of checkingQuestions. The questions should be raw text (no markup).
You can edit this draft at http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/?id=82a0479ca6107b2946ad9ff56de4b5c4
"chapters": [
"slug": "01",
"frames": [
"slug": "01",
"items": [
"q": "the forth day",
"a": "The next in the orderly series of days in which God created.",
"ref": [
"q": "God spoke",
"a": "God created the sun, mon, and stars by speaking a command.",
"ref": [
##translationWords (tW) Provides a list translationWord definitions. The definitions should be formatted in markdown.
You can edit this draft at http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/?id=e67c4a2a672b0da9a33716974076eae4
"words": [
"id": "arkofthecovenant",
"term": "ark of the covenant, ark of the covenant decrees",
"def_title": "Definition",
"def": "These terms refer to a special wooden chest, overlaid with gold, that was constructed for the purpose of holding the two stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written.\n\n* The ark of the covenant also contained Aaron's staff and a jar of manna.\n* These objects were reminders of God's covenant with his people, the Israelites.\n* The ark of the covenant was located in the most holy place of the tabernacle, and later, of the temple.\n* When God desired to speak to Israel through Moses in the tabernacle, God's presence would appear over the ark of the covenant.\n* The high priest was the only one who could go near the ark of the covenant in the most holy place of the temple, once a year on the Day of Atonement.\n* The term \"ark of the covenant decrees\" is literally \"ark of the testimony.\" The \"testimony\" refers to the Ten Commandments, which bore witness to God's covenant with his people.",
"see_also": [
"target_project_slug": "bible", -- the slug used by the app for the project slug when starting a target translation
"title": "translationWords" -- the title of this tW catalog. This is primarily used when beginning a tW translation.
##translationWord Assignments (tWa) Provides the frame level assignment of translationWords.
You can edit this draft at http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/?id=ed98ac3a45b1b305764235815f8bf121
"chapters": [
"slug": "01",
"frames": [
"slug": "01",
"items": [
##Translation Academy (tA) Provides a list of all tA modules. The modules should be formatted in markdown.
You can edit this draft at http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/?id=ed98ac3a45b1b305764235815f9967df
"volumes": [
"slug": "vol1",
"target_project_slug": "vol1", -- the slug used by the app for the project slug when starting a target translation
"title": "Vol 1",
"manuals": [
"slug": "translate",
"title": "Translation Manual",
"modules": [
"slug": "translate-unknowns",
"title": "Translate Unknowns",
"url": "https://door43.org/en/ta/vol1/translate/translate_unknown",
"question": "How do I translate words that I do not know?",
"recommended": ["translate-names", "translate-transliterate"],
"dependencies": [],
"text": "### How to Translate Unknowns\n\nThere are times that the source language will use words and ideas that are not familiar."
"labels": {
"question": "This page answers the question:",
"recommend": "Next we recommend you learn about:",
"depends": "In order to understand this topic, it would be good to read:"
##Translation Academy TOC Provides a table of contents for Translation Academy. Text should be formatted in markdown.
NOTE: The toc may be a element in the ta catalog rather than placing it in it's own catalog.
The TOC is structured using simple building blocks called sections
as shown below:
"title": "",
"sub-title": "",
"link": "",
"sections": []
A section does not need to be completely filled out, but should provide a value for at least one attribute. In this manner the elements of the TOC can be organized in any way desired. Numbering of links and size of titles will be generated automatically according to occurrence and depth in tree.
See the actual toc on door43 for reference.
You can edit this draft at http://jsoneditoronline.org/?id=57b19cc2f8f8d5cfd862e18813263c36
"toc": {
"title": "translationAcademy Table of Contents",
"sub-title": "",
"link": "",
"sections": [
"title": "Introduction to translationAcademy",
"sub-title": "This page answers the question: What is in the Introduction?",
"link": "",
"sections": [
"title": "Introduction",
"sub-title": "",
"link": "",
"sections": [
"title": "",
"sub-title": "",
"link": "en:ta:vol1:intro:ta_intro",
"sections": []
"title": "",
"sub-title": "",
"link": "en:ta:vol1:intro:uw_intro",
"sections": []
"title": "Table Of Contents - Process Manual Vol 1",
"sub-title": "This page answers the question: What is in the process manual volume 1?",
"sections": [
"title": "Process Manual Volume 1",
"sub-title": "",
"link": "",
"sections": [
"title": "1. Getting Started",
"sub-title": "",
"link": "",
"sections": [
"title": "",
"sub-title": "",
"link": "en:ta:vol1:process:process_manual",
"sections": []
"title": "",
"sub-title": "",
"link": "en:ta:vol1:process:getting_started",
"sections": []
"title": "2. Setting Up a Translation Team",
"sub-title": "",
"link": "",
"sections": [
"title": "",
"sub-title": "",
"link": "en:ta:vol1:process:setup_team",
"sections": []
"title": "Table Of Contents - Translation Manual Volume 1",
"sub-title": "This page answers the question: What is in Volume 1 of the translation manual?",
"sections": [