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Chris Jarka edited this page Apr 19, 2016 · 8 revisions

This page will demonstrate how each USFM marker should be displayed across our software.

file identification name \id

(\id JOB Unlocked Literal Bible)

file encoding method \ide

(\ide UTF-8)

header text \h

(\h Job)

table of contents: long text \toc1

(\toc1 The Book of Job)

table of contents: short text \toc2

(\toc2 Job)

table of contents: abbreviation \toc3

(\toc3 Job)

major title \mt

(\mt The Book of Job)

chapter marker \c


verse marker \v


paragraph marker \p


blank line \b


section header \s

(\s Satan attacks Job)

section header: first level \s1

(\s1 Satan attacks Job)

section reference \sr


speaker \sp

(\sp Bildad the Shuhite speaks) Regular font - not italics - left align - 25% reduced in size

chunk divider \s5


quotation \q

(\q \v5 Then he arose …)

quotation: first level indent \q1

(\q1 \v5 Then he arose …)

quotation: second level indent \q2

(\q2 \v5 and before he sat down …)

inserted text or comments not in original \add … \add*

(\add his friend \add*)

footnote \f + \ft … \f*

(\f + \ft Some of the oldest versions do not include this. \f*)

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