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Progress sync 2022 09 19

nbenn edited this page Sep 26, 2022 · 1 revision


  • Several open PRs, one (#72 WIP, will add links and stuff as we go; to include "quick start guide")
  • At least one more will be opened befoer mid phase 2 meeting: new chapter on testing
  • With that, new chapters are complete
  • After testing, move to #72, October onwards, loose ends updates
  • Maybe include case study type chapter; tbd whether we can manage this; lowest prio contribution (maybe discuss in mid phase 2 meeting)
  • Closing issues is also part of Oct wrap up


  • Linux installation guide almost finished
  • Windows will come by end of this week
  • macOS is missing, no hardware currently
  • TODO Github workflow, maybe this could go hand in hand w/ the case-study chapter?
  • All needed deps for building R devel (Q from Henrik Bengtsson): "how to install those third-party dependencies (or at least a list of them) might help R sysadmins. I'm not sure how to collect those besides looking to dependencies in r-base for Ubuntu or the list of the SUSE Linux instruction"