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Progress sync 2022 06 13

Heather Turner edited this page Sep 26, 2022 · 1 revision

Progress sync 1, w/b June 13


Next steps:

Working on the timeline.

Larger items:

  1. Describing a git workflow for testing proposed patches (Describe GitHub workflow: create a patch from pull request to r-devel/r-svn r-devel/rdevguide#23).

    • Some initial notes here:
    • Write new section in separate markdown file on alternative GitHub workflow for Bug BBQ. Clarify the two aspects: testing changes to the code and then creating a patch to contribute via Bugzilla. [in time for June 24]
    • Create new chapter on how to create a patch. Describe SVN workflow briefly (as now) and then add new section.
    • Update Lifecycle of a patch chapter to link out to new chapter [in time mid-phase meeting]
  2. Adding novice-friendly instructions on installing R from source (add instructions on installing R-devel from source r-devel/rdevguide#33)- as a companion to the official documentation. [aim for end of Phase 1]


Work done:

  • Started on the Translations chapter
  • Completed the Contributor's list on the repo

Next steps:

  • Finishing a first draft of the translations chapter & opening it for review
  • Address the reviews from earlier chapters (one by one)
  • Promote for a designer for R-devel logo and R dev guide front page (on Twitter & Slack), maybe a hex sticker too?
  • license and DOI

Needs for project management

Set up mid-phase meeting for when Nicolas gets back.