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527 lines (448 loc) · 36.7 KB

File metadata and controls

527 lines (448 loc) · 36.7 KB



  • Replace JSF GUI in settings/application-info page with Angular #725
  • Replace JSF GUI in Settings -> Releases page with Angular #729
  • Replace JSF GUI in Settings -> Deployment Parameter page with Angular #737
  • Upgrade to Angular 17.1 and switch to new Vite build #734
  • Migrate to angular17 control-flow #727
  • Angular 18 Upgrade #755
  • Angular: create ToastContainer Component #744
  • Limit deployment log file size to 10MB #413
  • Node and js version update, GH action updates #741
  • Update Java Script dependencies


  • Angular Cleanup and Consolidation #723
  • fix nullpointer in notification service with preserved deployments #724


  • Settings -> Tags migrated from Angular to JSF: #719
  • Angular deployments: missing colors of deployment entries #718
  • Fix error when sending mail for archived deployment, fix sending mail on predeploy failure #721
  • chore(deps): bump axios and wait-on in /AMW_e2e #722


  • Update to Angular 17 and update JS deps #705 #715
  • Angular deployments page: Clipboard button doesn't work #699
  • Exception when deleting resources with functions #681
  • NullPointerException on editTemplateView.xhtml after remove of relation #704
  • Duplicate resource names via renaming #682


  • fix several permission related issues #701
    • runtime resource type is now an normal default resource type. Permissions for default resource types now apply to runtimes also.
    • fix a bug where resource create permission on one resource would allow the creation of other resources:
    • the jsf views apps and resource list now don't have an edit and remove column. As a replacement the release column is now also a link to the resource. Adjusted the with of the side bar.
    • fix several permissions bugs on the edit resource view and related screens:
      • toggling of property encryption
      • permissions on templates
      • permission on add application to app server
    • added missing permission RESOURCE_TEMPLATE to config_admin role in test database
    • added several test to the permissionService
  • Update Angular, js deps and wildfly #700
  • AMW_web: set secure and http-only flags for cookie, make sure cookie isn't sent via url param #694
  • Bump guava from 30.1.1-jre to 32.0.0-jre #693


  • editResourceView.xhtml: info popup of property doesn't work #689


  • Fixed security issues:
    • no restrictive csp #684
    • update bootstrap js in JSF UI #685
    • missing hsts header #686
    • download allows content sniffing #687
  • Update Java Script dependencies #688


  • BREAKING CHANGE Due to a new unique constraint for issue #622, TAMW_RESOURCE needs to be free of duplicate RELEASE_ID, RESOURCEGROUP_ID pairs before applying the change-set. Duplicates can be found using following sql statement:
    select count(*), RELEASE_ID, RESOURCEGROUP_ID from TAMW_RESOURCE group by RELEASE_ID, RESOURCEGROUP_ID having count(*) > 1;
    select * from TAMW_RESOURCEGROUP where id = <found id>
    You can delete the duplicate release via UI. The UI will only show one release and when you delete it the hidden release will surface. Copy the currently visible release to a backup resource and the delete the visible release.
  • Fixed security issues:
    • Fix HQL Injection via application name: #679
    • Fix possible XSS vulnerabilities in Tooltips and Notifications: #680
    • Fix server side template injection: #678
    • Remove stacktrace from jsf error.xhtml and embed jquery-ui.min.css: #671
    • Fix HQL injection via deployment filter: #663
  • Update to Angular 14 and Bootstrap 5: #661
  • Deployment filter Reason has no values: #594
  • resourceDependenciesView.xhtml sort: #607
  • Add audit tables for permissions entities: #653
  • Replace net.sf.json-lib with another JSON library: #566
  • Various JS and Java lib updates


  • BREAKING CHANGE New release of relation uses old prop descriptor for copied instance property #487
    • This fixes a long-standing bug in Liima and requires manual database cleanup before the updated can be deployed. Instructions can be found here
  • REST DELETE: /resources/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupId}/releases/{releaseId} deletes non matching releases #623
  • Update Angular and other JavaScript dependencies:
    • update angular #656
    • Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /AMW_angular/io #654
    • Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /AMW_angular/io #649
    • Bump karma from 6.3.14 to 6.3.16 in /AMW_angular/io #648
  • Update java dependencies:
    • Bump jackson-databind from 2.11.2 to #655
    • Bump junit from 4.11 to 4.13.1 in /AMW_shakedown/AMW_stp_archetype/src/main/resources/archetype-resources #645
    • Bump postgresql from 9.4-1200-jdbc41 to 42.2.25 in /AMW_db_scripts 643
    • Update liquibase 658


  • Update to angular 13 and wildfly 26 #634
  • Properties sometimes missing in test generation/deployment #550
    • This adds a unique constraint to avoid the problem and violations have to cleanup up manually before the update can be applied. Find violations:
      select res1.resource_id,, res1.context_id, from TAMW_RESOURCECONTEXT res1
      inner join
      (select context_id, resource_id from TAMW_RESOURCECONTEXT group by (context_id, resource_id) having count(*) > 1) res2
      on res1.context_id = res2.context_id and res1.resource_id = res2.resource_id
      join TAMW_RESOURCE res on res1.resource_id =;
    • To clean them up you have to delete the affected resources and recreate them manually via UI.
    • Sometimes I was able to fix it by creating a new release of the resource, deleting the old release and changing the release of the new release. You have to check that all properties were copied to the new release before deleting because they can be missing.
  • getResourceRelationListForRelease should always return same release of relation #626
  • Implement REST GET /resources/{resourceId} #627


  • Implement update (put) and delete for Resource templates via Rest #597
    • Breaking change: /resources/{resourceGroupName}/{releaseName}/templates/{templateName} no longer returns an array
    • Code cleanup and refactoring
    • Fix REST exception mapping
  • Rest copy cleanup, Dockerfile cleanup, remove REQUIRES_NEW transaction for boundaries #617
    • Don't log freemarker template exceptions in application server log
  • Java Script updates


  • Fix Rest DELETE of resource, update JS deps, update Wildfly Docker Image: #613
  • Fix NullPointer when resource to delete doesn't exit: #612


  • The Deployment log view was migrated to Angular. Log lines container errors or warnings are now highlited: #443 and #450
  • Implement Rest DELETE resource: #602
  • Add environmentNameAlias to the deployment excel export: #527
  • Angular deployment view: use ng-select for appserver and release :#606
  • Prevent that templates can be writen outside of generation directory: #434
  • editResourceView: UI doesn't update correctly after removing runtime: #479
  • Switch from TravisCI to GitHub Actions: #585
  • Replace Moment.js with data-fns: #589
  • Convert modals to Ngb: #587
  • JavaScript dependency updates: #593 and #610


  • Fix copyFrom in REST: #584


  • fix confirm modal not showing: #583


  • Deployment datetime picker fixes: #580
  • Rest copyFrom can now be used on all resources: #522
  • Properties set via REST are now visible in the audit view: #549


Same as v1.17.20


  • Fix deployment dateTime picker and fix layout: #570 and #510
  • Migrat to Bootstrap 4: #574
  • Update to Angular 11: #577


This release fixes a NullPointer and cleans up some java dependencies.

Bug fixes

  • Fix a bug in GET AMW_rest/resources/deployments/filter that leads to a NullPointer when a runtime was deleted: #572
  • Remove PowerMockito #568
  • Update to Commons Lang 3 #565


With this release Liima is built using JDK 11 and is required to run it. We now use the Angular cli to simplify updates and switched to Angular 10.

Bug fixes

  • Switch to angular cli #512
  • Update to Angular 10 #543, #562
  • Update to JDK 11 and require it to build #563
  • Update div Java and Angular libraries #561
  • Don't cache Angular index.html #551
  • Wildfly is now configured to use jsf 2.2 #547, which fixes two issues:
    • Warning "A newer release for this resource exist. Are you..." doesn't disappear #520
    • Warning "Changes you made may not be saved." with default properties #513
  • Update to Docker Image to Wildfly 20 #563
  • Fix amwFileDbIntegrationEmpty #526
  • Document build preconditions #534
  • Environment Strings in the REST API are case sensitive #418


Bug fixes

  • copyFrom TransientPropertyValueException #480


Bug fixes

  • Remove release list dropdown in resource list view #496
  • Update js modules and jackson-databind #494
  • Reload permission caches explicitly #492


Bug fixes

  • IllegalArgumentException after new release of relation #484
  • Add shakedown test works again but is still very slow #474
  • Speed up "only latest" deployment queries #488
  • Speed up deployment queries that are not paged #485


Bug fixes

  • Remove the maia SOAP webservice and web module #478
  • Cache isCallerInRole result in request #475
  • Update jquery to 3.4.1 #482


This release contains mainly performance enhancements and bug fixes.

Bug fixes

  • The editResourceView should be faster: opening the view, switching environments, saving. #462
  • The deployments view should now load faster #461
  • Confirming and changing the date of a deployment gives error #459
  • REST: delete relation properties call very slow #460
  • Update libs to prevent potential security issues #466

New features

  • Make liquibase data source jndi configurable #467


Revert "Cache roles a user hase to reduce calls to sessionContext.isCallerInRole" #458


Bug fixes and speed improvements in this release.

Bug fixes

  • Corrected padding of environments navigation #449
  • editResourceView: Test Generation button on App checks for permission on App instead of AppServer #448
  • After deleting an env the env filter no long finds any deployments #452
  • Update Maven dependencies #433
  • serverView: cache user permissions in view. Speeds up the view considrably #453
  • REST: put properties call very slow #446
  • Cache roles a user has to reduce calls to sessionContext.isCallerInRole #455


Bug fixes

  • Multiple releases of Runtime displayed wrong on Appserver #442

New features

  • REST: add 'Test Generation' endpoint #360
    • Returns the rendered templates of an AppServer and any errors.
    • Endpoint: AMW_Rest/resources/analyze/testGeneration/{resourceGroupName}/{releaseName}/{env}
  • Alias name for environment #441
    • The alias name is shown in the editResourceView and deployment view
    • In templates it can be accessed via ${env.nameAlias}, default value is empty.


Revert back to Wildfly 13 because of JSF issues, fix a JSF init bug, update RichFace #437


Fixes some JSF issues on Wildfly 14 #435


Only small fixes in this release.
Action Required: with #428 a user must now have to following permissions to copy form a resource:


The config_admin role has this permissions already, custom roles might need to be updated.

New features

  • Disable tip im Freemarker error #423
  • Update Docker image to WildFly 14.0.1 #426

Bug fixes

  • Fix a permission bug in copy from resource #428
  • After a deployment is confirmed it can only be canceled by the requestor #424
  • REST AMW_rest/resources/resources/{resource}/lte/{RL} returns http 500 instead of 404 #421
  • Update Lodash version #422


Fixes a deployment confirmation bug #420


This is mostly a bug fix and enhancement release of the REST interface.

New features

  • Show Runtime of AS in Apps overview #198
  • REST permission endpoints enhancements
    • Add method for deleting roles #416
    • Default exception mapper added that converts unexpected errors to json #416
    • Reloading of permissions is now optional #415
    • ADD_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS_ON_CREATED_RESOURCE permission: only add DEPLOYMENT permissions if resource is an appServer #414
  • REST API: accept unknown properties for forward compatibility #8
  • Update fronte libs #412

Bug fixes

  • Changes from copy from are not shown in audit view: #338
  • editResourceView: Node properties disappear after save bug #366


This is mostly a bug fix and enhancement release of the REST interface.

New features

  • Added /{resourceGroupName}/{releaseName}/dependencies/ REST endpoint to get dependencies of a resource #208
  • Added /configuration REST endpoint to get the application configuration #373
  • Added readiness and liveness endpoint #346
  • Added DELETE REST method to delete resource relations #361
  • Removed the /resources/deployments/{deploymentId}/detail endpoint, deployment details are now included deployment entity directly #392
  • Update docker image to Wildfly 13 #400

Bug fixes

  • Angular: confirm of multiple deployments doesn't work #386
  • Angular: auditview no longer works #383
  • The model now also contains all unrendered relation templates #231
  • Angular Logout tab points to applist.xhtml instead of logout url #237
  • REST GET /resources/{resourceGroupName}/{releaseName}/relations only returns consumed relations [#387]
  • REST error response body isn't JSON encoded #343
  • Get property REST endpoints don't return default values #347
  • REST restrictions endpoints returns 500 instead of 403 if user has no rights #348
  • Clean up Swagger definition of /resources/{resourceGroupName}/{releaseName}/relations #388
  • JSF applist doesn't work with h2 anymore #397 (#387)


This is mostly a bug fix release.

New features

  • Angular create deploy: loader for new deployment #357
  • REST create deployment now returns a 424 instead of 400 if no node is active #352
  • REST get releases endpoint add, release JSON got additional fields #354
  • Update swagger-ui #370

Bug fixes

  • applist.xhtml is now sorted case insensitive #334
  • editResourceView: selecting release of relation causes display error #335
  • Deployment CSV export: columns shifted to the left if "Deployment parameters" empty bug #344
  • Feedback multi permission GUI: shows loader and success message now, Global permissions are marked as such again, Applications without application server is hidden #333
  • Angular permission GUI: users and roles with spaces in name can be added #359
  • Dash in YAML editor difficult to see #358
  • editTemplateView.xhtml: "Compare with history" not updated after save #363
  • editTemplateView.xhtml: compare doesn't work on Wildfly 12.0 #362
  • Login prompt appears twice #349
  • Templates: accessing not rendered relation templates now mostly works: #378 and #231
  • Disable logging the run script output to the server log. Can be re-enabled via LOG_RUNSCRIPT_OUTPUT_TO_SERVER_LOG ConfigKey #380
  • REST: copyFromResource no longer needs the content-type header to be set #351
  • REST: get /deployments NullPointer with deleted AppServer/App #328
  • properties REST endpoint returns successfully for non-existing resources #325


This release contains two mayor features: the resource audit view and the multi permission GUI.

New features

  • Audit view: #332 image
    • Reachable via editResourceView -> Go to -> Audit view
    • Shows all changes made to a resource like Property Descriptors, Properties, Templates etc., the date and the user who made the change.
    • Current limitations of the implementation:
      • Only changes are shown that are made after v1.17 is deployed. Older changes can only be viewed in the Liima Database.
      • Changes to ResourceTypes and Functions are not shown.
      • Passwords can't be viewed and are always masked.
      • Relation of relation template isn't shown.
  • Multi permission GUI: #259 image
    • The new GUI allows to select multiple environments, permissions, resources and so on. This dramatically reduced the amount of clicks needed to create multiple permissions.
  • Applist search is now case insensitive: #307
  • Auto-Refresh on Deploy page: #293
  • Minor enhancements to the config overview from v1.16.1: #295

Bug fixes

  • Add test for force property descriptor deletion: #310
  • Update JQuery: #327
  • Update Moment.js: #337


This release contains bug fixes and one new feature.

New features

  • Rest: multiple permissions in one post #258
    • Preparation for the new create permission GUI: Permission GUI: make it simple to create multiple permissions #259

Bug fixes

  • Add relation REST endpoint throws NullPointer exception #320
  • Error: "Was not able to decrypt properties" after setting encrypted property over REST #322


This release adds some new features, fixes bugs and updates the used JavaScript libraries. Highlight is the new configuration overview that shows where on a resource properties have been overwritten.

New features

  • Configuration overview #77
    • The resource screen now shows where resource properties are overwritten in sub environments.
  • Force delete PropertyDescriptor #95
    • If deleting a PropertyDescriptor doesn't work it can now be force deleted, deleting all Property values.
  • Delegation of permission #74
    • Usage see doc

Bug fixes

  • Deployment Excel Export: remove newline at the end of Applications column #262
  • editResourceView does not refresh correctly after "Copy from resource" #222
  • Permission Page TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined #299
    • Sometimes no permission where shown.
  • Rename a resource with "-" to "_" doesn't work #223
  • deployments: reset Add filter after add bug #306
  • REST resource '/resources' returns duplicates of resources if query parameter 'type' is not set #213
  • AppServer can't be deleted #284
  • Permissions: prevent adding the same permission multiple times #260
  • Prevent potential XSS in success and error messages #286
  • Update NodeJS and dependencies #290, #292, #300
  • Update to Angular 4 #71
  • Replace NPM with Yarn #275


Fixes some bugs on the new Angular deployment view and csv export.

Bug fixes

  • Confirming and changing the date of a deployment doesn't work via edit #271
  • Deployment environment filter has wrong suggestions #257
  • Deployment csv export: sort order in csv is slightly different from view #268
  • editResourceView Properties not visible with window zoom #251
  • Deployment filters come back after removing them #245
  • Deployment filter are no longer written to the url #250
  • Angular resources are cached forever #255
  • Update swagger ui, the source is no longer checked into liima #256


Fixes some bugs on the new Angular deployment view.

Bug fixes

  • AMW_angular/#/deployments: filters come back #245
  • AMW_angular/#/deployments: progress animation should also be shown on state progress #244
  • AMW_angular/#/deployments: if filter is set, log view can not be shown and gives a http 500 #243


New features

  • Deployment screen was rewriten in angular: #89
    • Deployment Filters are now writen to the url automatically and can be bookmarked or copied to the clipboard: #35
    • The most common deployment failure reasons are now shown directly on the deployment: #75
    • To whole deployment row is now colored if deployment failed (red) or is successful (green).
    • More space for the deployment table.
  • To preserve the deployment histroy deployment entries are no longer deleted if an AppServer, Environment, Release or Runtime is deleted: #79

Bug fixes

  • Deployment filter: "Latest deployment job for ..." shows two deployments for one env: #23
    • Unfortunately this make the filter slower as paging happens now in code instead of SQL.
  • The deployment filters "Latest deployment job for App & State" and "State filter" didn't work correctly together: #42
  • Edit Resource View of AppServer: NODE not selectable: #207
  • AMW_angular/#/deployment/: redeploy sometimes doesn't set an environment: #122

API Changes

  • Added multiple new REST endpoints for the new deployment screen, see Swagger for details.
  • GET /deployments was replaced with GET /deployments/filter and is now depricated.


New features

  • Access parent resource from template, e.g. in a resource consumed by an app ${appServer.consumedResTypes.APPLICATION?values[0].Version} can now be written as ${$parent.Version}: #12
  • Liima is now compatible with Java EE 7 and is tested on Wildfy 10: #9
  • Docker image for Liima. The image can be found on Dockerhub: #82

API Changes

  • In this release the fields in the rest API that have been marked as depricated have been removed. Deteils see release v1.13.0 API Changes


This release contains mostly bug fixes and some small features.

New features

  • A new check was added to prevent that multiple resources can provide the same resource: #112
  • Permission can now be set on domains: #182
  • New rest methods: add resources, add resource release, copy resources, add resource relation: #57

Bug fixes

  • Date filter comparator gets reset when a new filter gets added: #132
  • Under certain circumstances the wrong version was select in a new deployment: #127, #113
  • Added a check to redeploy which makes sure the redeployed App/AppServer matches the current App names and release: #52
  • In the add related resource popup Apps were shown: #112
  • Under certain circumstances it was not possible to delete an AppServer: #165
  • Fixes on the permission GUI:
    • Sorting of permission: #164, #152
    • Only one permission was deleted: #161
  • Fix a bug in user permissions that would only check the first matching permission: #174
  • Fix wrong default method in copy from permission: #168
  • A user could not view encrypted properties if she/he had only permissions on a certain resources/resource types: #143
  • Properties were not encrypted correctly via rest interface: #131


This release contains a new and enhanced permission system and bugfixes.

New features

  • New permission system #25: the permission system has been rewriten to allow for permissions to be scoped by environement, resource and resource type. See documentation for more details. Important:
    • Migration to the new permission system happens automatically via Liquibase. Please check if the permissions of the roles are still correct after the migration.
    • The role app_developer can now also rename applications. This is because rename is part of the update action.
    • The role app_developer can no longer edit encrypted properties by default.
  • Resource relation names are now editable #78
  • New REST function to add relations to resources #51
  • New REST function GET /resources/{resourceGroupName}/lte/{releaseName} that fetches the lower or equal release to the given one #86

Bug fixes

  • The REST service did not encrypt property values before writing it to the DB #131
  • The Angular page Create new deployment showed the wrong apps and app versions for some releases #113 and #127
  • The log dropdown of the deployment log page is sorted again #128

API Changes

  • In the new property relationName will replace the property identifier. The property identifier will be removed by v1.14. The following REST URIs are concerned:
    • /resources
    • /resources/{resourceGroupName}/{releaseName}
    • /resources/{resourceGroupName}/lte/{releaseName}
    • /resources/{resourceGroupName}/{releaseName}/relations
    • /resources/{resourceGroupName}
    • /resources/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupId}/releases/mostRelevant/
    • /resources/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupId}/releases/
    • /resources/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupId}/releases/{releaseId}
  • appsWithMvnVersion in the is depricated and will be removed in v1.14. It was replaced with appsWithVersion in v1.12. This change concerns all /deployment REST URIs. New and old deployment JSON:
      "id": 281100,
      "trackingId": 259609,
      "state": "progress",
      "deploymentDate": 1501145413850,
      "appServerName": "liima",
      # new
      "appsWithVersion": [
          "applicationName": "org.liima.test",
          "version": "4.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
      # old, depricated
      "appsWithMvnVersion": [
          "applicationName": "org.liima.test",
          "mavenVersion": "4.1.0-SNAPSHOT"