v0.8.3 (2021-10-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Helm chart produces empty lines in yamls #631
- GoKART integration #600
- Provide K8gb without IRSA Annotation capability #593
- Fix terrascan detected issues and make the associated GHA workflow blocking #585
- Use separate GH token for changelog_generator job #581
- Create Best Practices Badge and pass #479
- Align k8gb logging statements with zerolog best practices #469
- core dns load balancer does not get the correct targetPort #423
- Expose failover status in prometheus endpoint #221
- Detect and log NS servers A records propagation clash between two or more distinct k8gb pairs #165
- Opportunity to enhance edgeDNSServer from single instance to multiple #154
- Expose advanced metrics #124
- Make securityContext of the deployment fully configurable #633 (jkremser)
Fixed bugs:
- podinfo readiness timeout #595
Closed issues:
- Add Trivy gh action to our workflow #638
- k8gb-coredns Pod CrashLoopBack on OpenShift :: listen tcp :53: bind: permission denied #623
- GH actions should be run against the pull request coming from the outside of our bubble #607
- Update diagrams in a Concepts documentation section #598
- Remove zone cleanup code #547
- Add SECURITY.md and security disclosure process #478
- Developer contribution guide #100
Merged pull requests:
- Fix ldflags argument for goreleaser #663 (jkremser)
- Bump chart version to 0.8.3 - prepare for release #662 (jkremser)
- Remove non-used png #661 (ytsarev)
- Add #k8gb slack channel link #659 (ytsarev)
- Don't install extdns rbac by default #656 (k0da)
- Expose grafana as NodePort service and open it on k3d #655 (jkremser)
- Bump coredns with plugin to v0.0.7 #654 (somaritane)
- Add grafana including example dashboard for 'podinfoes' #653 (jkremser)
- Spice up README headers a bit #652 (ytsarev)
- Fix architecture diagram #650 (ytsarev)
- Add parameter denoting how long to wait for k8gbcurl.sh demo script #649 (jkremser)
- Minor: makefile help indentation #648 (jkremser)
- Fix terratest CVE-2020-10675 #647 (kuritka)
- Fix terratest CVE-2021-41103, CVE-2020-27813, CVE-2020-26160 #646 (kuritka)
- Extend README.md with RedHat link explaining Global Load Balancing #644 (kuritka)
- github.com/containerd/containerd v1.4.11 #640 (kuritka)
- dependabot github.com/containerd/containerd voulnerability #639 (kuritka)
- DNS package test coverage (3/3) #635 (kuritka)
- Remove FAKE_INFOBLOX (2/3) #634 (kuritka)
- Fix #631: helm - remove new lines from resulting yaml when using conditionals #632 (jkremser)
- Mock DNS package, extend testing (1/3) #630 (kuritka)
- Address issues found by terrascan and make it blocking #628 (k0da)
- Drop cleanup code #627 (k0da)
- Run coredns on unpriveleged port #626 (k0da)
- Extend metrics.md by metrics description #625 (kuritka)
- k8gb_gslb_reconciliation_loops_total per GSLB #624 (kuritka)
- k8gb_runtime_info #622 (kuritka)
- K8gbEndpointStatus #620 (kuritka)
- Link strategy doc on the index page #619 (ytsarev)
- Enable path filtering for terrascan #618 (ytsarev)
- Optimize kubelinter pipeline config #617 (ytsarev)
- Move IP's to constant #616 (kuritka)
- Fix helm linting error for coredns.serviceType #615 (somaritane)
- Ability to disable IRSA role association in route53 scenario #614 (ytsarev)
- Upload terrascan SARIF file #613 (ytsarev)
- Remove accidental newline in recordings table #612 (ytsarev)
- Add NS1 INS1GHTS recording #611 (ytsarev)
- Bump golangci-lint #610 (kuritka)
- Run all the static analysis tools, tests, etc. against the pull requests #608 (jkremser)
- s/edgeDNSServer/edgeDNSServers/g #605 (jkremser)
- Gokart action #604 (kuritka)
- Local GoKart #603 (kuritka)
- Update k8gb design diagrams with clear k8gb controller location #602 (ytsarev)
- Update ancient arch statement #601 (ytsarev)
- Fix api version for RBAC to not produce a warning #599 (jkremser)
- contextual logging #597 (kuritka)
- Fix typo in readme #596 (jkremser)
- Add @jkremser to CODEOWNERS #592 (kuritka)
- [docs] Fixing couple of typos #591 (jkremser)
- align go1.16 #590 (kuritka)
- Release build optimisations #589 (kuritka)
- Added standard vulnerability response time #584 (somaritane)
- Extend release process in CONTRIBUTING.md #583 (kuritka)
- Use CR_TOKEN secret for changelog generator job #582 (k0da)
- Update Offline Changelog #580 (github-actions[bot])
- Sign-off changelog PR #579 (k0da)
- Initial security policy #576 (somaritane)
- Add Terrascan GHA workflow #574 (ytsarev)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Docker images
docker pull absaoss/k8gb:v0.8.3