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ggodart edited this page Jan 30, 2021 · 5 revisions

Smart Homes only become truly smart when individual sub systems co-operate, for example when a burglar alarm is armed, it tells the heating system to lower the temperatures.

Key to this co-operation is the concept of modes. Here is a list of example modes;

Mode Values Meaning
$mode_occupied in, out Is there anyone in the house, typically triggered by arming/disarming a burglar alarm
$mode_day_night day, night Used to control lighting, typically triggered by a dawn/dusk sensor or $Time_Sunrise, $Time_Sunset, $Time_Sunrise_Twilight, $Time_Sunset_Twilight
$mode_sleeping awake,asleep Used to lower temperatures and turn off lights when asleep. Difficult to trigger automatically, so usually set by time, or other input e.g. remote control, Alexa voice
$Season spring, summer, autumn, winter Used to control heating, maintained by MisterHouse
$room->{mode_occupied} in, out Used in zoned heating systems to allow individual room heating to be reduced when it isn't being used e.g. guest bedrooms. See how to overload items
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