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As a beginning of this series of tutorial (‘GCskew Basics’), we analyzed GC skew by using only existing G-language GAE methods. In this tutorial as a next step, we are going to analyze actual GC skew by taking advantage of G-language GAE and Perl scripts.
Let’s start with writing Perl scripts. First create new G instance as shown in previous tutorial.
use G;
my $gb = load("ecoli");
There will be no need to suffer from loading genome files, parsing it, or searching for which functions to use when G-language GAE is selected. The above two-line script is it. Therefore users can focus on what they want not programming itself.
Here we are going to make script with GC skew subroutine to avoid re-build same program. The subroutine returns value of GC skew as output. Setting secondary argument as window size makes script much more resourcefull.
sub gcskew{
my $gb = shift;
my $window = shift;
my @gcskew = ();
return @gcskew;
Calculation of GC skew is very simple. Divide genome into the numbers of window and for each window calculate (C-G) / (C+G) then plot each value in the window. Let’s save the output by CSV so that graphs can be drawn with other applications.
All genome sequences are stored in $gb->{SEQ} in G instance. Other genomic information are stored in same way such as $gb->{LOCUS}, $gb->{BASE_COUNT}. Utilizing for statement is suitable for executing some processes in each window. length ($gb→{SEQ}) count up whole length of genome and $a = $sequence =~ tr/a/a/ count up a number of whole adenine in the genome.
The script should look like this:
my @location = (); # Store window position
my $i = 0; # initialize counter
for ($i = 0; $i * $window < length($gb->{SEQ}); $i ++){ # Execute while Window overflow genome size
my $sequence = substr($gb->{SEQ}, $i * $window, $window); # Cut out sequences within the window
my $c = $sequence =~ tr/c/c/; # count up Cs
my $g = $sequence =~ tr/g/g/; # count up Gs
my $skew = ($c-$g)/($c+$g); # Calculate GC skew
push (@location, $i * $window); # Store window position
push (@gcskew, $skew); # Store GC skew
Following script saves the output as 'gcskew.csv'.
my $j = 0;
open(OUT, '>gcskew.csv');
print OUT "location,GC skew¥n";
for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++){
print OUT $location[$j], ",", $gcskew[$j], "¥n";
Primary principle of G-langugae GAE is to make analysis more efficient. So G-language GAE provides a method grapher() to automatically draw a graph which save up user’s time.
grapher(¥@x-axis, ¥@value1, ¥@value2 ...)
option description
x x-axis label
y y-axis label
x1, x2, ... @value1, @value2, ...
filename Filename
title title
There are many more options available. For further options see reference. This is it for generating a graph.
Following script opens a graph with much more colorfully generated by gnuplot with attached gimv viewer.
use strict;
use warnings;
use G;
my $gb = load("ecoli");
my @gcskew = &gcskew($gb, 10000);
sub gcskew{
my $gb = shift;
my $window = shift;
my @gcskew = ();
my @location = ();
my $i = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i * $window < length($gb->{SEQ}); $i ++){
my $sequence = substr($gb->{SEQ}, $i * $window, $window);
my $c = $sequence =~ tr/c/c/;
my $g = $sequence =~ tr/g/g/;
my $skew = ($c-$g)/($c+$g);
push (@location, $i * $window);
push (@gcskew, $skew);
my $j = 0;
open(OUT, '>gcskew.csv');
print OUT "location,GC skew¥n";
for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++){
print OUT $location[$j], ",", $gcskew[$j], "¥n";
grapher(¥@location, ¥@gcskew, -x=>'bp', -y=>'GC skew',
-title=>'GC skew', -filename=>'gcskew.png');
return @gcskew;
G-language Maps
- Institute for Advanced Biosciences
- E-Cell Simulation Environment
- E.coli multi-omics database
- Database of bacterial replication terminus
Kazuharu Arakawa, Ph.D.
G-language Project Leader Associate Professor
Institute for Advanced Biosciences Keio University
997-0017 Japan Tel/Fax: +81-235-29-0800 gaou@sfc.keio.ac.jp