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BAS is a collection of perl modules that facilitate the development of perl scripts for bio-informatics applications. This document is a tutorial for BAS. In order to take advantage of BAS, all you have to do is change a few setup.
Let's take an example. (1) Open the configuration file[BAS.conf]
$ emacs BAS.conf
- Following is contents of BAS
# Bacteria Analysis System configuration file>#
#$Id: BAS.conf,v 1.6 2001/09/09 11:53:20 s98982km Exp $
#scripted by Koya Mori(mory@g-language.org)
#This is a configuration of Bacteria Analysis System
package G::System::BAS_conf;
use strict("var");
sub BAS{
my $methods;
$methods= <<'CONF';
# G instances #
gb1 < /pub/dnadb/ncbi/genbank/genomes/bacteria/Ecoli/ecoli.gbk
# CAI #
>cai N
G-instance $gb
-output #[f or stdout] default:"stdout"
-w_output #[f or stdout] default:"stdout"
We have 10 classes and 24 methods.
- cai
- Codon
- codon_counter
- amino_counter
- codon_usage
- Consensus
- base_counter
- base_information_content
- base_z_value
- base_entropy
- base_relative_entropy
- base_individual_information_matrix
- GCskew
- view_cds
- find_ori_ter
- gcskew
- genomicskew
- cum_gcskew
- gcwin
- Free Energy
- foreach_RNAfold
- Markov
- over_lapping_finder
- Over Lapping Gene
- over_lapping_finder
- Pat Search
- palindrome
- Tandem Repeat
- foreach_tandem
- graphical_LTR_search
- Util
- seq2gif
- genome_map
(2) choose an analysis data
Default data is Escherichia_coli_K12. If you want to use another data, you have to change [gb1]. Also you can add a variable (ex.[mgen]).
- Before
# G instances #
gb1 < /pub/dnadb/ncbi/genbank/genomes/bacteria/Ecoli/ecoli.gbk
- After
# G instances #
gb1 < /pub/dnadb/ncbi/genbank/genomes/bacteria/Ecoli/ecoli.gbk
mgen < /pub/dnadb/ncbi/genbank/genomes/bacteria/Mgen/mgen.gbk # add
(3) Choose a method
This time we use [codon_usage](codon class),for example.
・How to use [codon_usage]
1、First, turn [N] to [Y](this means switch on) and choose the analysis data at [G-instance]. If you want to put a output data into a file, change output option to [f]. You can find the file in [mgen]directory. And if you want to output a graph data, change output option to [g] (the graph is saved into [mgen/graph]). Default option [show] means show all results including graph and standard output results automatically.
-output | f | (put analysis data into a file) |
g | (output a graph analysis data) | |
show | (show all analysis data automatically) | |
-filename | free | (using[-output] option, you can named filename) |
- Before
>codon_usage N
G-instance $gb
-output show #[f or g or show] default:"show"
- After
>codon_usage Y # switch on
G-instance gb1 # choose data
-output g #[f or g or show] default:"show"
save the file.
run the BAS
Follwing is standard output results
__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/ G-language System Version: 1.0.0 gamma Copyright (C) 2001 G-language Project Institute of Advanced Biosciences, Keio University, JAPAN http://www.g-language.org/ __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/ Length of Sequence : 816394 A Content : 249211 (30.53%) T Content : 240560 (29.47%) G Content : 163703 (20.05%) C Content : 162920 (19.96%) Others : 0 (0.00%) AT Content : 59.99% GC Content : 40.01% . . (Abbreviation) . .
- output the graph
$ cd mgen/graph
$ gimp codon_table.gif
- If you want to put analysis data into a file.
- change output option to [f].
- save the file
- run the BAS.
- output the file
$ cd mgen
$ emacs codon_usage.csv
- Following is standard output results
There is difference between [Essential] and [option]. [option] has [-] before option name(ex. -CDSid ), but [Essential] hasn't. You must to put variable into [Essential], but [option] is not.
codon_usage Y
G-instance gb1 ## Essential ## -CDSid # option # -output f #[f or g or show] default:"show" # option # -filename # option #
Written 10 September 2001 - Ryo Hattori
G-language Maps
- Institute for Advanced Biosciences
- E-Cell Simulation Environment
- E.coli multi-omics database
- Database of bacterial replication terminus
Kazuharu Arakawa, Ph.D.
G-language Project Leader Associate Professor
Institute for Advanced Biosciences Keio University
997-0017 Japan Tel/Fax: +81-235-29-0800 gaou@sfc.keio.ac.jp